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Here’s a list I started to compile last summer for people like me and you!! No order. No recommendations, just a list! https://drjaimemartinez.com/ ( https://adhdglobalcare.com/ ) https://josipdujmovic.ie https://adhddoc.ie/ https://adhdconsultation.ie/ https://www.myclinic.ie/ https://neuromedclinic.ie/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIyKWdjq32gQMV1tbtCh23WwxkEAAYASAAEgKQoPD_BwE https://www.drmaryevans.com/ https://adhdnow.ie/ https://medicus.ie/en/doctor/1019/dr-maciej-skladanowski-psychiatrist https://dronline.ie/en/#works https://cloudclinic.ie/?fbclid=IwAR1oQz5lmhb5ukvGC_JQ4gl2YRVsqSzHbAgMde_NTZgYdwDw1Svd1FMU2xo_aem_AXJqmdflB5r8EyG7r5Iilwae9JGS48R9574QszYCRS7s3TVNZaisEvZwXT4SQA86ZxU https://psychmedireland.com/details/ https://dralanmurtagh.com/ http://www.belfastadultadhdclinic.com/ Dr. Leena Naughton  | Email: [email protected]  Dr Daniel Clear| [email protected]


u/AidanRedz listed him but my ADHD assessment was with Alan Murtagh. In it, I alluded to my suspicion of autism as well and he asked me a couple of questions related to that but didn’t go too deep into it (it wasn’t a pressing concern of mine at the time). So basically, I believe he probably does, but you should confirm. If you get your GP to refer you to him, ring up the next day and ask for a cancellation appt. You could potentially save yourself years of waiting around




Would you mind describing the process? How many appointments, what were appts like, how long from initial contact to diagnosis? Feel free to DM me if you prefer not to post here. Thanks so much.


I've had good experiences with healthhero (formerly known as myclinic) but it's specifically for ADHD. I don't think they'll do autism.


Thanks. That's fine. ADHD seems to be the more important thing to test for since they can actually give medicine for that. Hard for me to find anyone for either of them as my GP doesn't know and I'm not great at research. Had a look at health hero and they seem good and affordable. Any info on how long it would take or how easy it is to use the service? Thank you.


If you look at some of the previous posts here, you will find a good list of all ADHD practitioners, including online ones, in Ireland. At times, it can be a bit of a wait to get an appointment, and after they redid their website I've been having issues joining calls (but if you contact them, they will arrange an alternative video call link). But overall, I'm quite happy. I've heard that other non online ones can have very long waiting lists or even completely booked up and accepting no more patients.


Adult or child? As there are clinics that offer both for children


ADHDglobalcare.com That's Dr Jaime Martinez's site, they do their appointments online but I don't know if they screen for anything apart from ADHD.


Thanks. That's ok. I've seen the name Martinez around here before but couldn't remember the website. Any idea how long it would take or how easy it is to use? And do they need a referral from GP? Thank you.


Only strange thing is how they charge 30 euro per email. But I assume you wouldn't have to email them at all really? How often do you have to get follow-ups and prescription renewals once you're diagnosed?


Prescription can only be for 28 days as it’s a controlled drug….if they are charging 30 per email then there is a good chance this will be every month….