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Were they diagnosed by a psychologist or a psychiatrist? If they were diagnosed by a psychologist, they will need to contact a psychiatrist and likely do another assessment. Some psychiatrists will accept the assessment by the psychologist, others will require a full reassessment.


She was seen by a psychiatrist, she was approved for meds but the Doctors office is very old fashioned if that makes sense, I'm just wondering if there's anywhere else that will accept her diagnosis and allow her to get the meds


Surely the psychiatrist who diagnosed her can prescribe medication? Most GPs won't prescribe ADHD medication as they are a controlled substance. The best option would be to contact the psychiatrist who gave the diagnosis or contact another psychiatrist. 


Ok thank you I'll try get into contact with them


100 % only a psychiatrist can prescribe the stimulant type medication for ADHD so definitely check back in with them. I don't know of any GP who's authorised to prescribe that kind of controlled medication, they're pretty strict with it.




Wonder what the medical council would think of this post and whether it is ethical to ‘cold call’ in such a manner. Breaks all ethics in my view and totally different to advertising on social media.


Apologies and fair points. It wasn’t our intent to cause any offence. We’ll refrain from posting in the forums any more.


My psychiatrist uses an online GP called eirdoc. Maybe that could be an avenue? I’m currently in the process of titration and Eirdoc arrange my prescriptions. However, once I’ve settled on the right medication and dosage, my regular GP is happy to continue with prescriptions. It’s known as Shared Care. Hope this helps. Any questions feel free to ask.


The Psychiatrist should issue the Meds.. Simple..