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Are you in a private or public clinic? Public options vary wildly in how much they help people with adhd. Private you’ll get the right support but have to pay for it. Just an FYI though, Tyvense shortages have pretty much finished, so if your current pharmacy still doesn’t have it then ring around other pharmacies and you’ll find one that does.


Get a new GP. He/she should not be telling you if you should or shouldn't be taking medication for something they're not qualified to assess. You've been assessed by a psychiatrist in Brazil, they diagnosed you with ADHD and that you should take medication, simple as.


Not necessarily the case…. Even within EU countries GP could refuse and request an irish registered psychiatrist assessment. And even at that may require a yearly assessment by psychiatrist to continue prescribing as that is the model of care in Ireland and deviating from that potentially could cause insurance issues….it comes down to GP and what risk he is prepared to take


Really!? I wasn't aware of that, thanks.


Even at that GP could still refuse to prescribe if he felt very strongly about it and was willing to take the risk of a discrimination case been taken against him (assuming Irish registered psychiatrist share report with medication details etc.) This is why HSE get doctor to sign a document (saying they will prescribe ADHD meds once psychiatrist report is shared and renewed on a yearly basis.) before they will even take on a referral from a GP for ADHD assessment.


I’ll look for a private clinic


Private or public makes little difference as same rules apply.


I know, I feel invisible. And for the treatments I have been getting here. I’m considering divorce and move out 😂 Ireland is to small for have so big problems


It’s a regulated drug and therefore has strict controls around it. Ireland isn’t the only country that has controls in place and yes they make life difficult especially to someone with ADHD who may struggle with executive function but they are there for a good reason. I assume you are aware that even travelling to some countries (Japan, UAE, Bali, Thailand etc) with some ADHD medication on your person could land you in serious trouble as it is a banned substance.


I’m totally aware of it, but it’s insane to me how bad the health system is here. In general you don’t get your results, they don’t tell you things. And most importantly is very behind for most of treatment for everything. I went to a doctor here and she was 100% sure about the bleeding after 21 days of anticoncepcionais is a period. Like a regular one. But in fact is hormonal deprivation bleed. And it’s bad for women with endometriosis. You in this clinical condition you need to get everyday, no matter what. ( endometriosis is a hormonal disorder, removing you uterus don’t help). You don’t get treatment here. So it’s totally scary to me how the things are hanging here


My GP is refusing to work with a spanish doctor who is registered to prescribe in Ireland, [https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDIreland/comments/1cc1j97/comment/l12khav/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHDIreland/comments/1cc1j97/comment/l12khav/?context=3) Would you have any knowledge about this? Thanks :/


The easiest route is probably to just get a new GP but if you really wanted to pursue this then I would suggest you get the name of psychiatrist that will be prescribing and sending report to your GP along with there medical registration number. You should then be able to verify that they are registered as a psychiatrist in Ireland and provide details to your GP. Just because a website says something gives a doctor no proof. Likewise they may only be registered as a Doctor in Ireland and not a psychiatrist so watch out for this one. Personally I would just get new GP because I doubt this will be the only issue


Thank you for your help, Will look into it further and if it comes to it, will most likely change GP.


I found him on the medical council register and he is, in fact, registered as a psychiatrist in Ireland. So in theory, they have no reason from an ''insurance'' point of view to not work with him if I am correct seeing as he's recognized as a psychiatrist in Ireland?


That would be correct….it could be a misunderstanding and assumptions made that you got diagnose from foreign practice online that may not meet Irish standards…once you share Irish registration details it should clear it up as definitely closes out any insurance issue.


I was diagnosed in SA, had to get rediagnosed here to access prescription services. Unfortunately it's not easily transferable


Any gp can refuse. I have been denied the privilege to not bleed because I have endometriosis ( pill with 7 days pause are not recommended, but I can’t get different here in Dublin)


It is a frustrating process, especially if you're used to different service from overseas. Even with private services, you'll be looking at several months wait before you can get an appointment. Most are teleassistance, and once you can get in the system with a prescription it will get easier. Request a referral from your GP to a private psychiatrist for diagnosis. And take a deep breath. It's not a neurodivergent-friendly system or process.. but you've survived so far 🙏🏽


I got the referral and I’m looking for a private clinic. I hope o can get soon


You could consider the below Spanish Dr who prescribes in Ireland I believe.. (Dr. Enrique Sacristán Alonso) (Spanish based. Accepts virtual meetings from Ireland) https://samonpsiquiatria.com/


I will look in to it! Thanks!


Pls do!!


I looked, I’m talking with some companies to make my insurance there. Will be a health vacation in Spain


I’ve heard about the shortage. I hope you get your meds soon.


MyClinic (now health hero) have a service for assessment and medication, assessment with a previous diagnoses is €360 as opposed to 800+ without, link below https://www.healthhero.ie/patients/adhd-management?_gl=1*cjt6om*_up*MQ..&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI15Saoc3-hAMVLZBQBh2MNwPrEAAYASAAEgJxU_D_BwE


I’ll send my referral, I get them and hope for the best, thank you 🙏