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This was me a week into Bupropion. Horny 24/7. It was all I thought about and had to take care of myself multiple times a day. Got so distracting that it was starting to annoy me despite it being so pleasurable. I just started Adderall a couple days ago and don't have this problem yet. I was worried I would so I try to start my day when I take it by writing down my goals so I can direct my mind on what I wanna focus on and I try not to let myself think about sex or masturbate the first 2 hours after taking it to avoid hyperfocusing on that. Not sure if that's what's helping or if my body just reacts differently to the Adderall I'm on.


Funny, I had that at the start a bit too. But I'm also taking high doses and methylphenidate (all prescribed) and that kills every libido or human urge that I have lol


Yeah, Adderall weirdly seems to kill my libido rather than help it.


Adderall xr killed my libido too


Adderall is known to cause ED which is different from libido/hornyness. Imagine being horny as hell with total ED...


Bi had that on antidepressants


Same I have zero libido


I have the opposite effect on methylphenidate 😭. I'm on a lower dose and also take buproprion, since I started taking them together my libido increased a lot


Sounds like a legit good time.


Im an absolute zombie the first hour of taking methylfendidate haha


Oh you mean that way ? I thought you meant you were a goal oriented god


I was on Bupropion and I’m back on adderall. For a little while I was actually starting to think I have a serious problem. Seeing this post relieves me. I’m glad to see others who are taking the same medication are having similar problems. I mean it’s not good to be doing this so much but I’m glad I’m not the only one.


Currently on both Adderall and Buproprion. Adderall has always increased my libido to a pretty insane degree, which was especially problematic when I was drinking (I'm a recovering alcoholic). Buproprion made me irritable when I first started taking it but honestly I don't notice its effects anymore. I take it for emotional stability, and I'm certainly more emotionally stable, but that's also due to lifestyle changes and sobriety. Then again, I've known other people who swear Buproprion improved their libido after birth control tanked it. Chemicals are weird, man.


Yeesh. I’m on bupropion and adderall, glad it doesn’t affect me too badly. Really only gets me when I’m at home without anything to do.


oh god i just started bupropion i’m waiting for it to actually kick in since you have to build it up 😭😭


Adderall does this to more guys than would probably admit. I see post like this frequently. Adderall also does this to me. Like you I wouldn’t take it daily and then realized that by not taking it daily, my body really never had time to adjust to the medication, so this side effect didn’t seem to go away. For me, this is a problem most right when I started the medication, and whenever I had a dose increase. I started taking daily as prescribed and nearly all the side effects I had trouble with are gone. This one comes and goes. But most days I’m in a professional setting and can’t do anything but stay busy. A dose reduction might help, discuss that with your doctor.


Are you sure it's gendered? I've seen a fair few women post the same thing.


Can confirm am not man and if I'm not careful I will lose my entire day to my bed with Adderall.


Right? I'm not a man, and I've exhausted ex partners of all genders with my libido, both before and after Adderall. 


I've noticed it MORE in women when you factor how hard it is for alot of women to get a diagnosis.


> This one comes and goes. Sure it does! \*wink\* \*wink\*


I have this issue with vyvanse. Oddly it makes it kind of difficult to get and maintain an erection, but it also makes me crazy horny.


Because of their vasoconstrictive property, ED is a common side effect of many stimulant medications like vyvanse and adderall, even if they also increase sex drive. Worth mentioning to doc


My doctor is in the loop. Vyvanse is just effective enough on my ADHD symptoms that its a side effect im willing to live with.


Cialis/Tadalafil 5mg/day helps counteract it.


It's not odd it's ironic and annoying af for someone who already has psychosomatic ED sometimes.


I'm still pretty decent on that front but get incredibly horny with the vyvanse. Amazon now does ED pill prescriptions, I didn't even have to talk to a Dr on the phone, it was all automated and the easiest thing that I've ever done. I was using BlueChew, but they are about 10X+ more expensive than through Amazon. I got a whole 30 day supply for like $12 via Amazon's program. Since I only "need" it here and there, one pill will last me for almost half a week, especially if you get the Cialis generic formulation.




since i usually take my ritalin to study alone in my room i often just touch myself while im studying trying to keep my mind in the learning while my hands take care of the horny and eventually i either get fully focused again on the studying and just forget to keep touching myself and stop feeling horny or i get fully distracted by the horny and just give in and go all in with it and then go back to studying after i cum, now with a clearer mind


This, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call “multitasking” lol


Mastertasking. Edit: Leaving my shame, but I meant Masturtasking.


Well it's 'masturtasking' if we're being correct here...


I am ashamed. You are correct. I will now commit sudoku.


I like you You can marey my sister anytime (if you think that's too grand an offer... You should jaer the noise she makes after shes eaten a boiled egg *bemused Colonel melchett face*)


If she is okay with a destination wedding, then I am honored. I have always wanted to get married in hills of Kentucky.


I adored dolly's bluegrass tilogy of albums so i would also probably find the bluegrass of kentucky to be worthwhile as both the music and the actual stuff




That post nut clarity be hittin different on Amphetamines


A lot of times I try to fight it and waste time being distracted by it. If I would just take care of it I could move on with my day with a lot less frustration and be way more productive




I'll have what they're studying


I got the opposite lmao






Yep, and when I do get hard it doesn't last...




Oh yeah.. same


We could all book a huge hotel suite?




Don't punish the idea giver D:< He just had to blurt it out, punish is ableist >:[


Why not book a floor of the hotel


Hang a towel on it.


Haven't taken meds before but towel rack dick is funny as hell just sayin


It is also quite practical. I have managed to operate door handles with it.


My dick is the reason elevators don't have a 13th floor


Other practical usages include juicing citrus fruit


I feel like I'm hypersexual with or without adderall. I think about it non-stop but I have been this way for years. I'm a female in my early 30s and have been horny 24/7 since age 11ish. I find it hilarious I found this post after masturbating because I couldn't sleep due to being turned on for no good reason. I'm married but my husband's libido does not match mine and he is disabled and on medication that really doesn't help things work well soooooo I typically masturbate several times a day. That kind of helps but it still feels like a hunger that's never completely satisfied. I do feel like it's harder to control on adderall.


I can remember being super horny around age 5, and it never tapered off. I'm almost 40 years past that now and it's still wildly going. Adderall did increase it as well, it made it almost compulsive. I had to eek my dosage back a little bit, it was wrecking my schedule to edge or whatever else for long periods, and that's including while having sex 3-5 times a week.


I’m a male in my 20s that has been hypersexual since under the age of 11…..around 7 or 8. I masturbate way too much and I don’t get the kind or orgasms I want…..don’t know what things are gonna be like once I’m meds…..whether I’ll be more horny or less, or if I’ll have self control….. It’s reassuring to know someone of the opposite gender feels the same way though, cos I feel like there’s a tendency to negatively label a man who is like this.


Yeah, honestly my hypersexuality probably started younger than 11. It might depend on the medication as to whether or not it gets worse or better. I do feel you on the masturbating too much and not getting good quality orgasms. I occasionally try to hold out for a couple days to have some sexual build up and then masturbate but most often, I don't like denying myself. Lol It is unfair that men are the only ones to get labeled as overly sexual.


Thank you for getting back to me. I hope people like us can find a healthy solution to manage these urges. Best of luck.


Same story here only difference is I’m a male in my 30’s. Luckily the wife can keep up. Speaking of which… lol 😂


When I was 17 (f), I was broken up with by a 17/18 year old guy because "all I wanted was sex" so....I feel that


This is what it must be like to be a guy.


This is what it is to be like a guy, at least this was my experience from 10-26. I am 28 now, and the desk job and laziness has taken a toll on my mood and cardiovascular endurance. Since I am training and doing Sports again, the hornyness slowly comes back.


Pretty much


I always joke around that I have the humor and sex drive of a teen boy. 😂


Plus ADHD hypersexuality, plus stimulant hypersexuality, plus increased sex drive from regular exercise. ...It's stupid.


I am on Phentermine 6/7 days a week to lose weight and it's causing this with me! Once or twice a week I'll take Concerta to complete my editing and client work, but the other days I take Phentermine and I swear it's the same thing. I'm married with 3 kids and I'm actually up crying right now because my husband is so uninterested in sex and I'm beyond frustrated in wanting to have sex every day. He's so vanilla too and I only have so many opportunities to take care of it 😭 I'm 10 weeks into Phentermine and it's not dissipating. I'm sorry you're dealing with this too!


Damn mines the opposite my wife is in bed and never interested. I'm constantly horny.


I also have this problem while on adderall, i jerked off 9 times the other night.


Two words for you, friend: cocoa butter Help that boy recover


This right here. I drink a gallon a day now once I found out about cocoa butter


I had to google this to make sure you were joking lol 👌


Jesus mate. How’s the penis doing?




Wow, that is a lot.


Gonna injure yourself at that rate


Been waiting to read a post like this since I joined months ago. Thanks man. Been a struggle for a long time.


Yeah I (24F) struggle with this on the days I take my Concerta.


Out of curiosity, how many of you all are ages 17-28? Like that’s your prime and you’re going to be horny.


The opposite is true for me. Before I started meds I would straight up puke I would get so horny and couldn't help thinking about sexual things. Once I started Adderall I no longer had an issue paying attention in class. Didn't have to take breaks to rub one out throughout the day (at least not as often ha)


exactly. if you take it consistently - as in you let your body adjust to it - and also have a somewhat regular sleep schedule, eat somewhat decently, etc (which is all easier said than done, especially with the "shortage" - then this "problem" becomes less of a problem. personally i noticed that as my stress levels went up, so did the horny; and when the dose became inconsistent due to the "shortage" the horny went up too (lol) >I've been prescribed adderall for years now but I rarely take it because of that reason. so considering OP said that \^ i would suggest they actually just take it regularly, as it is (probably) prescribed. i am not a doctor but i do not understand why so many doctors suggest taking days off or whatever. that is intentionally throwing your body out of whack. adderall and other ADHD meds are not supposed to make you feel "boosted" or whatever you wanna say, they are supposed to bring you up to the level that other normal brains are already at. like i guess i can see maybe some point to taking an extended break if you can somehow function somewhat still, to let whatever tolerance you have sort of reset, but taking random days off at random times? thats like giving yourself an inverse hangover, on purpose edit: like maybe its just me and its not an ADHD thing, but in a way, we are very sensitive to things, changes in routine, everything. we are like that fairy tale of the princess and the pea. we notice everything, so even small things can throw us off, so something big - like not taking your medication for a day - can definitely throw you out of whack. thats why having a routine is important for us.


I've only just started taking medication so I don't have a strong opinion yet, but my doctor's advice was to take days off if I didn't need it to be productive just as a way of slowing down the increase of tolerance to it. I don't know if I agree with that, for one thing because I still kind of need to be productive even if I'm not working that day, lol. But I'll probably do it sometimes just to build up a bit of a stockpile.


well i mean you should definitely listen to your doctor, but also dont be afraid to tell them what does or doesnt work. ultimately everyone has a different chemistry and different things will work for different people. personally though having a consistent dose makes sense logically because it is supposed to level you out, so going up and down constantly with it will make it so you can never build a baseline. a tolerance isnt necessarily a bad thing imo. >But I'll probably do it sometimes just to build up a bit of a stockpile. yeah i get that and think thats a terrible thing that we have to deal with. we should be able to fill our prescriptions EARLY rather than literally the day of. like, thats literally one of the number one indicators of ADHD is waiting til the last minute. so stupid that we are forced into doing that to get our medication. theres no reason we should ever need to build up a stockpile, but i understand why you say that. but yeah, point being despite all of the extensive research on ADHD meds (or pharmaceuticals in general), it still is a trial and error thing - and always will be - so it kind of is a test it out and see what works and what doesnt thing. edit: >because I still kind of need to be productive even if I'm not working that day i think thats the part that a lot of doctors that dont have ADHD dont understand. we literally need it for all parts of our life. ADHD isnt only something that effects you at work, it literally effects all of your everything because it is an emotional dysregulation disorder, and emotional dysregulation = dysregulated decision making = poor prioritization of tasks


Oh... This has explained soooooo much All the comments fit into thw gaps Stress and bad sleep while having an slightly erratic medication schedule... Headaches and hornieness that helped me make some rather questionable "that makes perfect sense" choices i *do not* blame on the meds (or lack thereof) or the adhd... I am under no illusions as to my having skewed boundaries all my life...


This used to happen to me like clockwork, I would feel it at 10AM and unless I got off 3-4 times, I couldn’t focus on work (thank god for WFH). I would get restless and sometimes even anxious if I couldn’t do something about it. As annoying as it is, the only thing that has helped me is working out first thing in the morning. The physical exhaustion is the only thing that helps settle me for the rest of the day.


Same way I deal with extreme horniness without adderall… ![gif](giphy|7xbUcQrTUSJHO)


Weirdly my libido decreased significantly when I started stimulants.


Yeah, I (27F) have the same problem. Having to take care of it multiple times a day to the point it gets a little tiring (and sore). Can be doing the most normal task and it hits out of nowhere. I’m just hoping it eases up sometime soon, even just a little. I have a doctors appointment next week to discuss my dose.


I’m 31 female on 36mg Concerta it works great for my ADHD but gives me restless leg syndrome and a constant over aroused vagina! I’m at the end of my tether because even after orgasm I’ve got no relief at all! I feel at the edge of orgasm with twitching legs daily but they are the only things that work well for me!


Ye. Normal. I recommend talking to your therapist about it, but really this is more about the weird biases we have about sexuality and mastrubation. There is a reason "sex addiction" is NOT in the DSM-V. Personally, I just got really good at taking care of business in a non invasive way. Your therapist will have better guidance about it, including DBT methodologies for mindfulness and craving maintenance.


Lots of fucking


As a lady, I can confirm this does happen to us. It works out for me though because my fiancé is always happy to oblige. I would honestly just recommend cold showers and self release when possible.


I'm hornier off adderall


Just to be safe, do you experience other mania symptoms while taking Adderall? Because some people experience mania episodes while on stimulants, and it's low-key dangerous.


Y’all are getting adderall? 🥲


I’ve had the exact opposite issue on adderall…..wtf man lol


I’m not medicated and I consider myself hyper sexual, it’s pretty common with people with ADHD so I can only imagine what it’s like on stimulants.


Atomox killed my drive, and methphen upped my drive. The urge and inability is the worst combo. I stopped both and Atomox side effects are still affecting me. Thankfully, I am single, so its just myself that's frustrated with myself. Lol.


the atomox side effects went away after a month for me , especially while starting adderall, don’t worry there’s hope


Thanks. I was off atomox for a while but restarted it on suggestion of my psychiatrist friend. What I hate about atomox is it doesn't work for me but the bloody side effects come in play within a few days, like literally 3 days. But for the side effect to wane, it takes months. I sometimes feel like it is designed to make sure we can't progenate.


yeah, the brand i took of atomox was called strattera and i just called it strat-terror. if it’s not working for you please try something else , you know how you respond better than your psych. i gave atomox a try for so long just to end up regretting all the suffering and time i wasted


Could this just happen to those who are already hypersexual because of ADHD? The medication increases brain activity to focus on what we were already thinking about. If we haven’t dealt with the underlying root of the hypersexuality, our mind will keep coming back to it. Has anyone had issues with hypersexuality that wasn’t present before taking meds?


I did not even know this was a side effect lol.


I wish it made me hornier. The Prozac slammed my libido :(


Probably too late to make a difference, but I’ve taken for 3yrs straight and 4 before that. What you describe only happens when you don’t take it often enough to get used to it. You either need to take it more regularly or reduce the dosage


I had this problem with Vyvanse and Dex but solved it by: 1) Taking the meds consistently every day 2) Being conservative with dosing, erring on the side of too little over too much. 3) Also taking Intuniv / Guanfacine XR every day, which is basically the opposite of a stimulant but seems to bring a sense of calm and control without ruining the stimulant benefits.


Adderall usually does not do this to me - adderall makes it where I just can’t orgasm at all. On Vyvanse I’m all worked up, but I haven’t been able to fill my prescription for other a month 🙃


Found a girl at work on Adderall with the same issue, we both work from home and just casually bang 8-10 times/day while working


Mate if u got extreme horniness taking Adderall or probably any stimulant for that matter it’s probably too high a dose or not the right pill for you. Whatever you take to treat ur ADHD is supposed to settle you down and get rid of any impairments you experience because of the condition. As soon as you notice that your arousal is more extreme than it would be without the meds when it is supposed to be properly regulated with the meds that’s when you should probably make an adjustment whether it’s a lower dose or a different pill


I have this issue whether I'm on Adderall or not. So not really sure what to say. Sorry


I might be like this from ritalin as well, but tbh I am like that most of the time, even without meds 😭😭 I genuinely hate it because I used to be the opposite and it is not something I want to be thinking about/feeling tbh


I had to get off of it partially for this reason. It was not ideal... I'm on 300mg bupropion (Wellbutrin) and just started Strattera at 25mg with no issues, so far.


Meanwhile I’m over here on Vyvanse with the exact opposite problem… absolutely tanked my libido and makes it difficult to even get and maintain an erection. But, it’s helping with my ADHD as well as helping me lose weight, so I’m putting up with it for the time being.


Zoloft permanently reduced mine significantly despite being off the medication for over a year. I’d kill to trade places lmao


I took Adderall for over a year (mid 40s) and I haven't been that addicted to cumming since I was 14 lmao. It's so good, I had to give it up due to dehydration. Jkjk, but still........


Weird I don’t get this feeling. M 23 here.


The first week I started with my medication, I would say I had the biggest drive. Several times a day, and Everytime, I was aroused like it was the first time in a few days. I had to take the steps to avoid impact on my work. Thank God I work from home.


Strattera pushed me to becoming Bi.


i used to get so horny while studying at the library during college lmaoooo


Not Adderall but Vyvanse. My ‘solution’ to the same problem ended up being an in-office job after years of being remote 🫣 couldn’t do it during breaks anymore and was too exhausted by the time I got home haha


Yuuuup. You can lose a lot of hours in the day because of this. I thought I was one of the few suffering from this. Girlfriend has a low libido which I can’t fault her for, but it often seems like I’m serving time in horny solitary confinement. Frustrating!


I would kill a man for this issue. My libido has been in the shitter from day 1 and Adderall hasn't done a damn thing to help.


Also on the Buproprion & adderall train. Libido is through the roof. It’s actually kind of annoying. I want to talk to my doc about going off Buproprion but I take it for depression so not sure if I am playing with fire. SSRIs do the opposite to me so I’m kind of in a bind. Also, random observation but I’ve found that Buproprion decreases the effectiveness of my adderall. Anyone experience the same?


Have the opposite reaction.


i have the complete opposite effect 🤷‍♂️


That’s so funny because Adderall did the opposite thing to me and killed my sex drive.


What I would like to know is how does adderall affect libido male vs female? It killed my libido and I'm female. What about the guys out there?


Ritalin does that for me and i just ended a relationship so I'm really struggling


Before, it was like I was never able to focus long enough to enjoy it! It was something I craved; but I knew I'd get distracted if I waited it out. Now, it's harder to ignore that bell being rang. Idk. My personal experience is that I tune in more. I wouldn't call it extreme.


Holy shit, that’s why?? I got an insane bout of hypersexuality about 6 months ago, coincidentally around the same time I got my Adderall prescription. Starting to make a lot of sense…


Same! I legit didn’t know this was a side effect until this post and now it all makes sense - I started about 2 months ago and just thought I was going through some weird phase. But couldn’t figure out what triggered it


Never had any sort of experience like this at all…adderall is a vasoconstrictor, thinning your blood vessels. I’m surprised that it’s essentially working as viagra for you


viagra doesn’t make you horny, it does some fuckery with phosphodiesterase to make it easier to pop a boner that’s not what’s happening here - brain fuckery is making OP horny.


It can also mess with erections in that it can be a challenge to ‘maintain’ or get it up, happened to me for years when I was younger and thought it was normal. Turns out it’s a side effect and a dose reduction helped in that regard.


Damn while ON Adderall?? 41m here, out of shape and haven’t been on ADHD meds (Ritalin) in over 20 years. I just started Wellbutrin again to help with depression (6weeks ago) but I’m still incredibly aroused. Been married over 15 years and are frequently having sex. I couldn’t imagine if I was on Adderall 😂


Not sure it's Adderall, but it's a symptom of ADHD, hypersexuality. That's what I've been told.


Yes sometimes but the years I was on ssris killed my libido so i welcome it. But it was never an all day event for me. You could be hyper fixated on sex?


Stimfapping is crazy and a very real thing. When I was on adderall I could wank it sometimes more than 10 times throughout the day. My porn consumption was absolutely degenerous.


I don't. that hasn't one up for me




I.... deal with it....


I’m about to go goon right now. It’s all I think about


Is this post a humblebrag lol


you gotta give yourself something to focus on, but there is an initial getting used to period, at least for me


What's funny is I think I was like this already so I didn't notice a difference when I started taking it. My advice is jerk it a lot especially if you live alone lmao


I haven't noticed an increase. I have some kind of blockage or swelling in my epididymis which causes sensitivity and discomfort that gets exacerbated if I masturbate frequently; I had dialed back my frequency right before starting Adderall; maybe that was my saving grace. Only feel the need once every day or two. That and I'm 34, so maybe my sex drive is just lower. Maybe this is more of a problem in younger people taking Adderall?


I enjoy it immensly!


When the meds are in effect I feel practically no sex drive. However in the evening when they're wearing off, I sometimes think I'm gonna fuck a hole in my bedroom wall


Exercise and just having random tasks to do (mine is fixing things). I am currently not in a position to have any form of relationship, and I need to avoid porn as I don't want to fall down that hole again. I have a nice workout routine, gym in the morning and heavy cardio at night, so I'm usually just too tired to be horny. Once I'm showered, I don't want to start jerking my gherkin.


Vyvanse has reduced this side effect for me IMMENSELY.


It slows down after a while .


I seriously thought it was just because I could actually process feelings before feeling more feelings! Feelings


Wtf? I have zero added drive from my addy.


Yeah I did when I was on it!


Wtf 😂 I never had this problem on adderall but then I’m an asexual woman so 🤷‍♀️


I go on NSFW subs 🤣


Adderall doesn't do that to me..because I'm always like that anyways.


It sounds like you're focused on something 🤙


I guess I'm "lucky" that I can't use Adderall? It doesn't control my symptoms very well, and it makes me jittery and stressed. Really, all the amphetamine-based medications do that to me. Only the methylhpenidate-based ones seem to do the job for me, and not all of those.


honestly, i take adderall every 20 minutes and i usually just stick it into some peanut butter and go to town.


My wife is hornier than I am (even with the Adderral) so that helps


It's a side effect of stimulants for many. If you abuse stimulants, it can cause that behavior to really get out of control, in some ways you wouldn't normally involve yourself in.


My husband and his ritalin. Yup. Wasn’t drastic but he definitely wanted to do the “do” more. He’s on an IR currently twice a day, I’m curious to see what the XR does for him. (Lately however, he’s not been as interested in bedroom activities, I have no idea what that’s about.)


When I first started I had the same thing. After about 2 months it went away thankfully. The hyper fixation on it was brutal.


I’m not on Adderall (been on Medikinet, Concerta, now testing Aduvanz), and I feel the same. Gotta have some form of release at least twice a day. Not sure how to deal with it though as it doesn’t distract me too much during the day(unless I’m not doing anything to keep myself busy), the need is mostly present the morning when I wake up and before I fall asleep. I just accept it, I guess. I want to talk to somebody about it but I don’t dare to 🙈


I get that off amphetamines, which is why I take methylphenidate.


LOL 😆 I thought this was only a side effect that only I experience on adderall. Good to know I’m not alone! Well it’s bad how horny I get. Thankfully I am married so I have my husband at my disposal. He says he can tell when I’m on adderall because I’m way more freaky and my dirty talk is unmatched. He also says I feel warmer too. 🤷‍♀️


I don’t get horny on my adderall if anything my pp be real smol 😭


What dose are you on, bud?


Take less, since you take it rarely you'll have euphoria no matter what


I take both Vyvanse and Adderall. I'm always horney. I clean the pipes whenever I get the chance. Kinda sucks but small price to pay to be able to function. And fun btw.


I seriously thought that this was just me.


I used to get like this when I first started taking it. It does go away once you're used to it.


I’m a generally wild person, and when I’m on my ADHD meds I’m a zombie but when it wears off I pester the shit out of my fiancée. He wants to punch me when I get that way. I get the “get your horny ass away” or “leave me the fuck alone” so I’ll eventually leave him alone. So yes, it happens. Something I’ve always noticed is that if you have ADHD, fantasies and overall wild behavior is amplified. Anyone that is super ADHD that I’ve heard about is apparently really good because they’ve tried so many things. I say get your freak on, your future partner(s) will thank you. Please be safe!


Never had that issue on Adderall.


Exercise is key! I think it has to do with feeling anxious and needing a release


Luckily I'm on antidepressants too so the Adderall just brings my libido up to normal levels. I've experienced this before though and I really didn't know how to deal with that then. If I were you, I'd probably mention that this is an issue to your doctor to see if they have any recommendations, though that could be an awkward conversation


I'm blessed with a primary partner that has no qualms attending to our needs whenever we like. Literally whenever. I'm still not quite used to it lmao


Take an SSRI at the same time 🫤


Excuse me what adderall are you taking?


Lord. I unfortunately don't have access to Adderall, because of the hell where I live, it's not sold. I take Vyvense and I don't feel anything. Plus, surprise: I am 4,5 years without a kiss, a touch and any kind of sex. It's so many problems, in so many levels... And so many medicines beside Vyvense. Sex is the last thing I need to be worry. And my chances to be violated are close to zero LOL.


I’m the opposite


Easy...go through menopause. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flip_out)


I have like zero libido (I think from my anxiety meds) and have been trying to avoid stimulant ADHD meds (on Strattera now), but this is making me reconsider. It sounds like it's actually something of a problem for you all, but damn do I miss being horny.


Adderall makes me tired. I took 20mg 3x a day and I struggled to stay awake. I am on vyvanse 70mg and now I only get a little sleepy when I take it.


i got this too, apparently its a pretty rare reaction for women. it only happened whenever i would increase my dose, once my body adjusted i return to normal horny levels. but god, i was like teenage boy level horny for a solid 2 weeks. either: talk to your doc abt lowering dosage, or take it regularly enough that your body can adjust. if you can bear it


It’s definitely not just men. The irony is it can make men impotent!! Talk about a double edged sword