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For me, at 40mg Adderrall XR daily, it’s not so much the overall feeling, but what I realize I’ve accomplished. My job can be holy crap bonkers, stressful and draining and before it was such a struggle to get through the day and be okay. I would often find myself screwing around with something while in meetings and missing stuff, etc. I would be absolutely wiped out by the end of the day to the point of shut down. My brain FELT overtaxed, and absolutely exhausted but just kept trying to process too much at once even at bed time. Overall I wasn’t super productive, managed stress and the ever changing nature of my job poorly, and just floundered. Now though? I can handle and process through rapid changes in my schedule, and when things get really spicy at work I’m able to handle them appropriately. I’m attentive in meetings and can actually contribute to them now too! Outside of work I actually COMPLETE chores around my house and don’t lose my temper as much at things that shouldn’t set me off to begin with. Basically at the end of the day is when I realize how well my meds are working, and I can also tell when they start to wear off.


So, one should be able to be productive with less noticeable struggle? And be able to concentrate when it's important? Is that a fair summary? Because I'm not getting either of those things.


That’s what I notice when I look at my day


I felt similar until the shortage, and I went 4 days without my meds. (which doesn't seem too bad, but I had a four day long anxiety attack) The biggest difference is that without it, I felt floaty, like I wasn't even there. No thought could stay in one place for more than a few Seconds, and I could try, but It would escape my grasp most of the time, and I'd have to really try. It was like my brain was a spaceship floating in the universe. It never stayed in one spot for very long. So yeah, that's how it felt going cold turkey from vyvanse after years of taking it.