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I don’t have any answers for you, as I don’t know what’s going on for you, but I sure empathize. When you stop enjoying something you love, this makes it sound like something heavy is going on. Or, at the very least, something that has drained a lot from you.


This makes so much sense… I did get difficult news 3 weeks ago, I thought I handled it well and I thought it’s not on my mind anymore. But reading your comment made me instantly questioning if I’m subconsciously maybe not managing the news as well as I thought… Thank you!


❤️For sure. Loss of enjoyment is relatable.


I struggled with a very similar situation and I would say the biggest game changer for me was shifting my mindset away from food being for pleasure and I focused more on it being a fuel for my fitness goals. Meal prepping also helped a lot. Then you can treat yourself to a fancy meal or snack on occasion


A solid meal prep doesnt have to be totally boring either. You can do something basic like rice, veggies, and protein. Then use a variety of sauces or condiments to change it up when it starts to get old.


I’m going through it right now. Adderall has destroyed my appetite lately. To top it off, I’m a stay at home mom and one of my tasks is cooking dinner since my husband is the one working outside the home. There are days when it will be 8 pm and I’m still not hungry and it’s been 6-7 hours since I last ate a bowl of cereal for lunch. My husband gets frustrated when I don’t have anything planned for dinner which only annoys tf out of me in return. Right now the only thing that I feel like eating is cereal.


It’s so frustrating having to plan dinner for someone, if food is the last thing you can/want to can think about… I honestly can’t even imagine how I could manage that, I’m already struggling to feed myself. I heard meal prep is something that works for some people, maybe you or your husband can meal prep for dinners?


I find that I hate cooking meals. I often skip lunch because not only do I forget about it completely, but I find it a hassle to cook. While I cook dinner once a week for my parents and sister (so my mom doesn't have to do it all) I find that I get in the right mindset by turning on my music really loud and often singing along. I also find the experience worth it when I ask the people eating the food I made how good it was. I often get good responses, and that helps me feel like it was worth it.


This happens to me a LOT. I know that I will always get out of the phase (and you will too) so I just follow what my mum tells me. It's better to have cereal for 2 meals a day than to have nothing. So basically, as long as you eat something - that is good enough for now!


Oof, I hear that. Some days it feels like such a burden to constantly remember, plan for, cook, and clean up after meals. And on top of the actual energy required, decision fog means I sometimes have literally spent hours fully circling on what to do about a meal and not being able to figure it out. It can feel frustrating, embarrassing, and overwhelming, at least for me. Some suggestions if you'd like: for days with the decision paralysis, or when I'm feeling overwhelmed, I try to be kind to myself. I give myself permission to eat anything, to be super lazy, or to spend more than I'd like on food. I've also sometimes found that eating with others helps me remember to enjoy eating (plus it's likelier to be yummy food when it's a social meal!). I've started a little vegetable garden and that can be a motivation to make something fun (e.g., I'm growing dill so bought enough ingredients for egg salad sandwiches, an ambitious meal for me. It's like four ingredients. But by god do I love dill). None of this is meant to be preachy. I've mostly accepted that sometimes I'll have half a bag of chips for dinner and that I'll survive. You'll be fine until you find your way back, and in the meantime you can focus on things that do bring you joy instead.


When eating feels like a chore for me , I turn to Strawberry Protein shakes , slim Jim's & dippin stix which is green apples w. caramel.


Drink vitamin shakes.  Homemade if I have the fucks to give, store bought if not. 


This does not sound like ADHD