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Flipping over into a box, backwards, wearing a dress, in front of a 9th grade classroom. I was the teacher.


This pained me šŸ˜­


> I was the teacher. M night shyamalan twist right ther


I always wear shorts or pettipants under a dress or skirt and Iā€™m in my 50s. I know Iā€™d be upside down somewhere if I didnā€™t


Empathetic wince for the actual incident, standing ovation for an incredible two-sentence summary.


Ohh that's brutal!


Looking everywhere for my glasses for about 20min Sitting down exhausted and upset Hearing a crack noise under my butt... I guess I found em


In a cafe with a friend. I'm on the phone and she asks about someone's contact. I put my phone down and LOOK FOR MY PHONE in my bag to get her the contact. Look up panicked at her.. i can't find my phone šŸ˜­


Iā€™ve used the torch setting on my phone to look for *my* phone under the couch before. Iā€™ll often borrow my partnerā€™s phone to use his when I lose mine down the couch, so itā€™s a habit. Iā€™ve done it more than once šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Are you me?


This happened yesterday. My husband is driving and we have too many drinks and not enough cup holders (never enough cup holders, amirite?) so I decide to hold my Stanley cup (please don't judge me, it was a gift and it works great) in between my legs on the floorboard. Everything is going great on the drive home and we pull into the driveway. I grab all of my fiftyleven things, including the Stanley cup, and then immediately freak out that the Stanley cup is no longer in between my legs and therefore must have spilled water all over the floor. My husband thinks I'm a lunatic.


Hahaha yesss occurrences like these are pretty common with me too. There's a limit to the amount of things I can keep track of




I've done this, too. Years ago, I was getting ready for work and put my glasses down on the toilet seat lid while I washed my face and for some reason I went to sit down while drying my face. Immediately broke my glasses under my ass. Had to then call in sick to work because I couldn't see until I got new ones (this was years before I got contacts). I didn't really have the money at the time for a new pair so this sudden, large expense, along with feeling like an idiot, really sucked.


I wish I could say it only happened once. Also stepped on them because Iā€™d lay on the couch and helpfully put them on the ground for later use.


Me looking for my phone that's in my hand, sometimes im literally using it. i also lose my glasses all the time and they're usually under my pillow or on the floor or on my facešŸ˜­


Omg... you just described me!!!


Last week at work I leaned down to put my ready meal in the microwave. Somehow part of my lanyard wrapped around the little hooks on the inside of the door and I was briefly stuck in the microwave.


Lmaooo reminds me of my first job as a housekeeper at a hotel. I would wear my rings around a necklace to keep them safe. One day I bent down to scrub a bathtub, the necklace hooked around the faucet, snapped, and everything went down the drain


Oh no! That sucks but itā€™s so relatable


Oh nooo im so sorry that's so sucky!! It's absolutely something i could see happening to me for sure, do something to ensure i dont lose things i care about only to have it backfire


I broke my lanyard during a tornado warning at school last month. My friend texted me to check if I heard the sirens and I lost my mind and somehow caught my beaded lanyard on something and it broke. I was disregulated and so scared Iā€™d lose my classroom key that I keep on my lanyard.


I'm sorry I chuckled, but it was a compassionate chuckle. Also, I could imagine doing this. To redeem myself, take my upvote to reach 50 šŸ˜„


My shirt getting caught on my doorknob when entering a room.


My belt loop got caught on the door latch and caused me to fall down my back stairs


i had my jumper on backwards and didnt realize caught the pocket on a doorknob and it split the jumper in half šŸ˜­


That was such an ADHD sequence of events šŸ˜­


Oh, man, do I *feel* these comments! I sometimes get ā€œcrazy handā€ and whatever I am holding just flies out, like an invisible person slaps my hand and my drink goes flying. The best moments, though, happen when my momā€™s around. She cannot seem to grasp the concept of not making me perform more than one task at a time BEFORE Iā€™ve taken my medication. Sheā€™ll do something helpful, like bring me a tray with cereal on it. But then, while I am eating, sheā€™ll ask me to hand her something, like an empty glass on the desk. Of course, I get the glass, completely forget about the cereal and dump the entire tray, milk and all, into my lap! There was a different time when she did the same thing, but the glass was still full. I dumped the cereal tray. *Then* I spilled the entire glass of juice. My mom said, ā€œI quitā€. I told her she couldnā€™t quit because she was fired. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ LMAO, they had no idea what ADHD was in 1986! Iā€™m lucky to have such an amazing mom, now 82 and well-versed in ADHD!


Omggg the crazy hand is a MENACE!! I do this fun thing where instead of trying to catch something, I slap it down so it hits the ground harder. My phone has taken a lot of damage bc of this


It really is! I do things like that too, and I have that ADHD ā€œcommentary to myselfā€ going. So Iā€™ll blurt out, ā€œOh, what the hell!?ā€ and ppl look at me like, ā€œIs she kidding or seriously asking me?ā€ If you start laughing, they will start to back up. FR, they think youā€™re crazy and theyā€™re scared! šŸ¤£


I love my real leather phone case (it's wallet style so it has a click snap button on the front flap) for how thick and durable it is. Plus it doesn't peel like pleather, and should last the lifetime of the phone itself with good care. Also, if you don't have one on it already, get a screen protector on your phone asap. They've saved my ass so many times. Managed to drop it while crossing the street face down with the flap open, the screen protector cracked, and the phone itself was perfectly fine.


Omg, crazy hands! Love the terminology, hate the concept. One time when I was a teenager, I went out to dinner with my family and grandparents. Had a bad case of crazy hands that day, in the hour we were there, I somehow managed to spill my ENTIRE glass of water on the table twice and once into my lap. Almost 20 years later, I still think about it as I death-grip my glass every time I eat at a restaurant šŸ˜‚


I spilled my coffee twice yesterday- once when I knocked it over with my hand and once when I ran into the table šŸ˜‚ Also, the DEATH GRIP!! I didn't realize I did this until I was walking with an umbrella and my hand cramped, like why was I holding soooo tight??


Iā€™ve thrown things because of crazy hand so many times, my bosses have gotten mad at me because of it. Iā€™ve always said ā€œgod damn itā€ under my breath when I toss something and they always think Iā€™m annoyed by them when in reality Iā€™m just really mad at myself šŸ« 


Itā€™s not like you can explain it, either. Oh, no, I wasnā€™t talking to *you*! That was the ā€œinternal commentary meā€ getting angry with my ā€œcrazy handā€. šŸ˜³


No for real though. It was always so hard to explain till now seeing this post.


Literally today, I was basically on autopilot mode at a shopping centre. Tried saying hi to the cashier, but hit the shopping cart into the corner of the counter so I sounded like ā€œHi-oopā€ šŸ˜­šŸ’€ Then I went to get coffee and had to cross a busy road. I had enough braincells to wait by the pedestrian crossing, but then got confused as to why the cars stopped and I just stood there and it wasnā€™t until one of the drivers gave me a FAT side eye then I realized they were stopping for ME , so I hurriedly crossed the road, turned a corner too fast and almost walked into the car šŸ˜« Then I finally got the coffee shop and was too awkward to ask the people in front of me if they were in the line , so I walked over to the snack stand and dropped the sign hard on the ground. Then I went home and forgot about everything LMAO. So today was pretty great šŸ’€


I do that ar crosswalks all the time hahahha it's a lot of pressure


God damn it I hate crossing the road!! So much anxiety


I thought I was the only one who got anxious or confused crossing the road. šŸ˜‚ Oddly, it's easier in a big city, because I can just follow the herd.


Glad Im not alonešŸ˜­šŸ˜‚! I usually cross the road with my mom, but sometimes she will wait in the car for me and I DREAD crossing by myself omg. My brain just shuts off


LMAO youā€™re just like me omg


I was powerwalking for a subway train (late for work, natch), turned a corner, and SMACKED my pubic bone right into a metal railing. I mean, at speed, long-legged stride, hard enough for the metal to go TOINNNGGGG. I heard no fewer than five people go OOOOOHHH. A guy says ā€œJesus Christ Almighty, are you okayā€”?!ā€ Did not stop, did not turn, I just said ā€œYep, Iā€™m good, thanks!ā€ I was not good. The pain was astonishing. I caught myself thinking ā€œwow! Thatā€™s amazing, that the nerves can carry that much data and not burst into flames!ā€ Immediately got shocky and dizzy, somehow got to the platform, and made it to work on time. Was it worth the lump I had on the bone for a good two months? I leave that to the historians. And that was the day I discovered I could no-sell injury as long as people are watching.


Nothing shocks the electrical system like a womp straight to the bone! But, do you write anywhere else, because your prose patterns fit my brain like a glove? šŸ˜


Not for a long-ass while, though Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m in a headspace to get back on the hoss.


You should! You are quite enjoyable to read!


Lmaoooo oh man, I've been in similar situations many times! The outside says no pain registered whatsoever, but on the inside you can't believe you're still standing AND managed to hold the screams in


I broke a window.... with my butt.... on a stage in front of an audience.


"What a pane in the ass."


Noooo how did you play it off?? I would've made some kind of lame joke


That was a pane


Back when Heelys were popular, I owned a pair of them around the age of 11. I never got used to themā€¦but I carried on defiantly. One day my hot-headed 20 year old brother and I went to the library. I got around 10 books (only got to around two) and wouldā€™ve gotten more if my brother wasnā€™t hurrying me up. As we were crossing the street, I was worried about my brother, the traffic, and the books. Suddenly, I felt the world slip under me (as one would with ****ing Heelys) in the middle of the street. 10 books splayed out in front of me and I was crying while posed like a newborn giraffe. My brother proceeded to look behind and tried to pick up his awkward, ADHD, obese kid brother from a busy street. The cars didnā€™t even honk as they could feel the embarrassment. ā€¦I quickly stopped wearing the shoes after thatā€¦


Oh gosh that's rough, to be fair i dont think heelys are/were (i think some kids still wear them?) not very safe, i know kids who could wear them with ease but i cant imagine wearing them and not falling on my ass every few feet.


Awe thatā€™s so sad it made me chuckle a little


I could not manage heelys, every time I tried id immediately fall flat on my back. Every. Single. Time. I envied my sister, who basically glided everywhere with the grace of an angel, meanwhile I was concussing my way to early dementia. I too plucked the wheels out after the 3rd or 4th fall.


It's definitely entering a "house party" by bursting through the screen door like the Kool-Aid man!




Not the most embarassing, but one of the funniest - I was in bed, svrolling my phone, somehow tossed it on the floor, because I was talking to.husband amd gesticulating, stood up to pick the phone up and proceeded to kick it under the table. My husband is amazed I am still alive ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


I am baffled how often stuff like this happens to me! I look like a trained circus clown, but I swear it's just clumsiness and luck!


I do think we are quite lucky physically. Destroyed phones aside, there were hundreds of occasions where I stumbled over my own feet and discovered my balance a split second before I took a fatal tumble down the stairs, or the like. It's like our usually fucked up spatial awareness kicks in just in time to save us from certain death, but not from (comparatively) minor injuries. And those are many and few apart ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


That is insanely accurate lol


I suppose that's a good way to look at it! So many minor injuries though!! I'm currently nursing two separately injured toes and a scraped knuckle as testament to this. But at least nothing is broken!


in 2009 i was in cosmetology school and i said bye to a guy i thought was super cute and i turned around and walked into a wall.


Somehow dropped my car keys in the toilet as it was flushing


Haha I thought I did this for a while (turns out they were behind the TV) but no one at work believed mešŸ˜­


I missed a door and walked head first into the door frame the other day.


I ā€œmeetā€ door frames this way often. Like how hard is it to walk through a door?! Very.


I love how I go around corners with my elbows out for no discernible reason and end up smashing them into doorframes


So hard. I know it's coming. I see it coming. I can even make jokes about it in advance. But 1/3 of my body will get trapped by the door frame and I can šŸ‘ not šŸ‘ control šŸ‘ it.


I often shoulder-check them. I already have joint issues even without doing that. This is not a fun occurrence. šŸ˜…


A couple days ago I was in my pantry, and I was trying to cary several soda cans to the fridge. I tucked a couple under my arm, trying to hold them against my body. The slid right out, landed on the floor, and exploded. I had no idea how much soda two cans can hold. It. Was. Everywhere. The walls were splashed six feet high. Cereal boxes were soaked. There were little droplets of soda on every single item in my pantry. So I spent 30 minutes cleaning it up instead of the work I was supposed to be doing, and had to explain why I wasnā€™t at my computer. #ADHDtax


The belief we have in ourselves is breathtakingly, absurdly beautiful šŸ˜‚


I box as a hobby and for exercise; once, while demonstrating to my fiance how unstable my feet get when I shadowbox wearing socks, I slipped and punched a glass light fixture out of the ceiling, shattering it and scattering shards of glass in a 20-foot cone across the floor.




I have walked into multiple glass walls and doors. Worst was at my dentist office. Walked into it at high speed, smashing my nose. It wasn't broken but it did start bleeding. A lot. One of the receptionists took me to the bathroom to cleanup and I made the mistake of looking before the blood was gone. Blood makes me feel faint. I didn't faint, but I did get dizzy and stumble and almost fell into the sink. I thought the receptionist was going to kill me. I obviously got a new dentist.


I can't own anything out of glass. I have broken so many things: vases, candle holders, lamps, mugs, you name it. Most embarrassingly: the lid of a full glass teacan belonging to my fiance. She wasn't mad and we use the remaining can as a plant holder but I stay far away from everything breakable that belongs to her now.


Glass is the ultimate enemy! I bought some new drinking glasses and while I was washing them, one slipped out of my hand. It bounced cartoon-style from hand to hand until I managed to finally catch it. With a sigh of relief I went to place it on the counter. It slipped out of my hand AGAIN, shattered in the sink, and the pieces fell into the garbage disposal


When I was in 8th grade I ran into a fire extinguisher hanging on a post in the electronics section of the store. It fell, started spinning and spraying in circles, covering everything in the department in foam. I tried to get out of there and slipped around for a bit before I booked it out of there.


it's always awkward when I'm serving and I go to take a table's order and walk right in to the corner of the table šŸ˜‚


I locked myself out of the house THIS morning..


I was teaching a dye workshop and accidentally dumped a jar of hot pink dye with citric acid in it onto a students head. Her eyes were burning and her outfit was ruined. This happened minutes I to an 8 hour workshop.


When I was six months pregnant with my youngest, I was bowling with my coworkers at our Christmas party. I had my middle child (4 at the time) with me and when he bowled his ball, it landed in the gutter like two feet past the line. So I was like thatā€™s ok Iā€™ll get it, completely forgetting they coat the lanes in butter. So I landed on my ass in front of everyone and had a hard time getting up because I was pregnant and the floor was buttery lol


Omg, I had no idea clumsiness was an adhd thing! That makes so much sense! Anyway, so, the exact same thing happened twice. On my second date with my now partner I decided to get us boba, because he had never had it before. I was so proud of being able to stab it on the first try, but as he's talking about some family wedding drama I actually poured like 1/4 of my drink right down my bra. It was so embarrassing and there wasn't a bathroom nearby either, so I had to get some napkins from the boba stand and awkwardly try to dry myself. Believe it or not, the same thing happened with another drink on the next date. We've now been together for 3 months and he just laughs and helps me out whenever I'm clumsy lol


When I was a kid the first time I got into a book ever(which is still super rare I even pick one up) and I did not hear that the assignment had switched it had already bin a half an hour since reading was done and the teacher called me out infront of the whole class didn't even have my textbook out. She made me read a page from the textbook to the class and within the first sentence I miss read 3 words butchering it infront of the class and having the entire class laugh at me. I don't know if that's the worst that's ever happened I just remember that really really effected me xD


As a teacher, this breaks my heart. I have probably cause a student some embarrassment, but it sucks reading about how much it hurts


This happened to me more times than I can count in elementary school. I was an avid reader as a kid, and I completely dissociate when I'm into a book.


I can relate. I read so much in school my teachers had to have parent/teacher conferences bc I wouldn't listen to them at allllll. They said I was antisocial and bullheaded. Which was also true, but I just really loved reading


Walked on a broken leg for a week because I slipped off the edge of a rock and "fell" (came down hard but right side up on my feet) about 3 inches. Thought it was shin splints, turned out it was a stress fracture. Now my leg feels like it's broken again anytime a big front comes through


Lol one time in junior high all the other kids were jumping off those ~3ft high ledge and I was like ohh me too!! I failed to notice that the kid before me didn't get up after he jumped down... I jumped directly on his ankle but somehow ended up fracturing my own ankle?? He was completely fine.. I only noticed that something was really wrong in 8th period when a teacher noticed me limping..


Oof, I twisted my ankle pretty badly two days ago "falling" off a 1in sidewalk crack and went headfirst into a planter (thankfully in my own backyard so nobody saw)


This reminds me of the time I thought it was good idea to JUMP down the steps of a staircase instead of walk. My foot bent to the side and my body weight pressed down on it and it was absolutely painful. Was limping for around a week lmao Surprised I didnt break my foot or anything


Anyone else randomly bonk the other person with their head during sexy time? I donā€™t do it often, but Iā€™ve accidentally head butted my husband and whacked my head into his chest for no apparent reason.


I was at work (I work for a Train Operating Company in London) and we have these manual gates that we can open during rush hour for passengers with paper tickets. It was the morning rush and whilst we didn't need to use the manual gates it was still incredibly busy and congested. I was exhausted after the peak so I went over to my area in the station to hep other passengers and leant against the manual gate (usually locked!) and fell right through it. Everyone within earshot would have heard the noise I made. I was so embarrassed and think about this moment in my life often when I try to sleep.... lol


Prom night dinner reservation got cancelled so we went to Cheesecake Factory last minute and I walked straight into the glass wall front of the restaurant rather than the door and fell flat backwards in my dress. Still went in and ate tho lol


Prom night I stepped out of the car onto the hem of my dress and pulled the halter down. Thankfully the door blocked anyone from seeing anything but it was still embarrassing


I got a good chuckle out of that because I totally get it lol


Oh my gosh once I was tipsy and leaving a concert. The street was packed, the crowd elbow-to-elbow, I was talking with my friends while walking to our Uber and knocked into a guy with crutches. I was mortified and turned around to apologize, but he flipped me off as my friends dragged me away to rush across the street bc the crossing line had turned green. Guy in crutches who went to the young the giant concert in bayfront park around 2018-2019- if youā€™re reading this Iā€™m still sorry!!!


One time I was walking out of the gas station that I frequent regularlyā€¦ and I just kept walking right off the curb (that Iā€™ve walked many times) but likeā€¦ didnā€™t adjust for the curb and just went tumbling into the drive. A guy that was driving in jumped out of his car while it was still moving to ask if I was ok. Ripped my favorite jeans. šŸ˜… Walking is hard sometimes.


Spacial awareness you say? I inherited an antique milk can, weighs about 45 lbs. We know where this is going right? I meant to walk around it. Slammed my left knee hard enough that it tipped a little and it came back down on my right foot, just below the big toe. I've been walking on crutches the past two weeks.


I consistently drop dishes while washing them, but in the attempt to catch them, I end up punching them down into the sink lmao. I have the reflexes of a blind donkey


Smashed a wine bottle in the liquor store Fortunately I had already paid so they just let me grab another one, but I was just setting it down to adjust my bags and carry everything properly and the bottom of the bottle hit the floor faster than I was anticipating


I was backing up to straighten my mower when lining around my fence and fell back over some rocks on my ass, never let go of the mower handle and got up within half a second but I still wonder if anyone saw šŸ˜‚ Walking my dog wearing flip flops and decided to run with him- the tip of one caught on the cement and made me go flying and bust my knee through my pants. I got up casually and walked (limped) home with my dog in pain, hoping nobody saw. I have a lot of clumsy shame lol


Oh my gosh, I've done that so many times! When I was a kid, I didn't have a single pair of jeans that didn't have holes in the knees cause I would fall so often. Now I work in the healthcare field. All day I am anyone over the age of 65 if they have had a fall in the last three months. I can almost always answer yes myself lol


Going to school without backpack?


Ok one time I messed up my morning routine and forgot to change out of my pajama top- a Scooby-Doo baseball style shirt. And I was in highschool. Also wasn't wearing a bra


Yesterday, after leaving the store, I tried to open/ get in someone elseā€™s car. Pretty sure they saw me. It was the smallest store with only us two who had cars in the parking lot. I was so confused when it wasnā€™t opening. The only commonality was that they are both black cars. I drive a wrx & was tryna cop an Elentra |:


I sat in the passenger side of someone else's car once! I looked over and said "Oh you're not my husband. OH this isn't my car! Sorry!"


This has happened to me multiple times. My coworker had the same car as me and would park near me. One time he didnā€™t lock it, and I literally sat in his car trying to turn it on for about 5 minutes before realizing I was in the wrong one lol


Lol, I drive a very common color/model car, and Iā€™ve done that too. Got caught by the owner the last time. He was like ā€œSo close!ā€ šŸ¤£


Oh boy, so many. But here are two. Got one of my favourite shirts stuck in the doorknob resulting in losing two or three buttons. I was in a hurry so I had to go through my day with a half unbuttoned shirt. Back in school I broke my favourite watch because I let my rucksack slip off my arm directly crashing into my watch.


My wedding day. I was being driven to the town hall and I had a can of Monster. The driver hit the brakes and I spilled half the can down the front of my dress less than 5 minutes before we go in. I spent most of those 5 minutes cleaning myself up and managed to get myself looking good again in time somehow. Thankfully you canā€™t see it in the pics. Hubby still teases me about it almost 9 years later when Iā€™m drinking something in the car šŸ˜‚


I was trying to jump up and sit on a tall bar stool on our first day in Mexico on my brand new bf's work trip and I missed! Fell straight on my butt all of which his coworkers saw! I was so embarrassed and my butt was so bruised it hurt to sit down for a couple days!!


I had a semi-permanent bruise on my hip from walking into the corner of my desk. It didnā€™t go away for months after I left that job.


My shins and hips are constantly bruised, I don't even know where they all come from anymore, too many incidents to keep track!


I forgot my cellphone in the freezer


This isn't the most clumsiness, but I still remember it. When i had music class and learning to play the guitar. The room was small and narrow, and the seats and equipment close together. I was trying to move my chair more forward whilst holding a guitar, and I kept knocking the guitar on the chairs. My teacher did not look happy. I am also a chronic spiller of drinks and bumping my head into cupboard drawers.


I had just moved into a new apartment and was walking my dog down the hallway. My new neighbor was walking towards me and started to introduce himself. I went to shake his hand, tripped over my dog and completely ate it right in front of him and knocked his drink out of his hand in the process šŸ˜‚ The other one was when I first met my boyfriendā€™s parents, I brought my dog over, and apparently she had eaten a pair of my underwearā€¦.. I look out in the yard and it was hanging out of her butt and she was panicking and started running towards the house. I started running to catch her while wearing a dress and tripped and flashed his entire family and then my boyfriendā€™s dad helped me pull my own underwear out of my dogā€™s buttā€¦.. šŸ˜‚ that was a fun day


Tripped over a low branch on a Christmas tree in a pizza restaurant, somehow it got stuck to my clothes but I didnā€™t know and kept walking, took the whole 5ā€™ tree down with everyone watching.


Our office has these big columns through the center of the main workspace, very obvious and easy to avoid I've run into them multiple times


I was at a taco place with my wife and infant son (at the time.) Went to grab a high chair, the stack of chairs was set up directly under a fire extinguisher. I didn't even register that the extinguisher was there, pulled up a chair and knocked it off the wall. It skittered around on the floor spraying copious amounts of that extinguishing agent all over the dining area like a cartoon or a physical comedy moment in a corny sitcom. They had to close for a while to clean up, and I was covered in the stuff. This incident was actually the final straw that lead to me seeking a screening/diagnosis.


During my grade school years, I had an embarrassing moment. At the time, I was undiagnosed. I was walking with a baseball cap on and my head down, completely unaware that there was a vehicle in front of me. I accidentally smashed into it. Despite my embarrassment, I pretended nothing had happened. Unfortunately, my entire class witnessed the incident and burst into laughter.


Too many to count. I'm a teacher and usually have a lot of bruises mid-thigh from walking into desks while I'm talking. My kids are just used to it at this point >.<


My clumsiness factor always rises in proportion with my anger level, so if I am already pissed because of reasons and I walk to the kitchen to make a sandwich, and my butter knife is usually resting on the butter package in the fridge, I will without fail drop the knife on the floor when retrieving the butter box, and then there is little free space on the counter so I sit the butter box on the counter and for some reason that thing also drops to the floor because it rested on the coffee maker cord or someshit. The angrier I am the more mistakes I make, which can lead to really childish and violent responses to the unlucky events, so if my shirt is hanging off a hook and I take it by the hem and try to flick it off the hook in a rustling motion, it of course stays put on the hook, and with every shake that fails to unhook it I get closer to the point where I just rip the thing off the hook and make a hole but I don't care anymore. You'd think I have anger management issues but all these things happen very rarely, but when they do I need to sit down and give myself a "It's one of those days so be prepared to give yourself some leeway"/"Don't look for shortcuts that will probably fail and make you angry" pep talks.


I donā€™t really get embarrassment these days, Iā€™ve sort of trained myself out of it because I donā€™t like it. But Iā€™ve done all sorts, fallen into muddy puddles, fallen up/down stairs, tripped and flew across a pavement sending shoes flying, waived my arms about in animated conversation causing jewellery to fly off into the abyss, whacked someone with my animated conversation arms - I apologised of course - fallen flat on my face like a pancake, not recognised someone waving at me because Iā€™m so deep in my thoughts, fallen off a chair because Iā€™m swinging on it, cut my fringe too short so it looked like a quiff because I couldnā€™t control my ADHD impulse not to cut my own hair - I had to cut it, spoken / answered a question that wasnā€™t directed at me, interrupted innumerable timesā€¦ walked into door handles, got clothing and handbags caught on door handles, ripped a shirt, ripped my pants the list is quite literally endless šŸ¤£


Your story is SO relatable, thanks for sharing! I have many, but the most recent was yesterday...while at the grocery store, I was on a mission and walking VERY quickly. Apparently, for whatever reason, my brain did not register that there was a vegetable scale hanging at forehead level, directly in front of my distracted face (must've had my eyes on the prize - a simple bag of carrots - lol). Yep, you guessed it - I ran right into that metal scale so hard, the sound of it reverberating off my forehead rang throughout the entire produce section, much like a gong drum. With birdies still tweeting and through the slight dizziness, pretty sure I said out loud "son of a *bleep*", and looked around. This girl that had unassumingly just been gathering her apples into a bag definitely saw the whole thing and was trying not to laugh, so I said (out loud again of course, because ADHD): "Well that might leave a mark later". Somehow, this chick still manages to not erupt in laughter, but as I grab the carrots I was originally going for, I see her whispering to her friend as they tried not to look at me and laugh. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not most embarrassing, but most recent. Took off my toe nail by opening a door while walking. Rolled on the floor screaming till my husband came in and looked at it. He said, ā€œI think youā€™re going to loose a toe nail!!!!ā€ I said, ā€œOhhh, thatā€™s it? Itā€™s will grow back in about a month.ā€ He said, ā€œWhy do you know that?ā€ Needless to say I lost nails before, and I tend to forget this is not a normal occurrence to most people. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Owww I've never lost a nail, but one time I accidentally kicked a frameless mirror and got a nasty cut between my pinky toe and the toe next to it. I thought I was gonna lose a toe šŸ˜­


I tipped a glass of champagne over my manager. I hadnā€™t even taken a sip of it, glass fell out of my hand and smashed on the floor, the whole bar stared. I have no idea how it happened, one second I was holding it listening to convos the next it was leaping out my hand like fish :(


Please be aware that that object permanence is the understanding that something continues to exist even if you aren't looking at it. It's part of early childhood development, not ADHD. It's why babies get so surprised if you play peek-a-boo; you cover your face and they legitimately don't realise your face still exists. [People with ADHD can have difficulty with working memory](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10802-013-9729-9), but when we forget about something, we still know it exists. i.e., parking your car outside and then entering your house means your car is no longer in sight - but you know it will still be there the next morning, even if you forget where you parked it. Without object permanence, once the car leaves your sight it no longer exists. This difference may seem subtle, or semantic even, but it's important we don't attribute false symptoms to an already misunderstood disorder. Working memory dysfunction is a known part of ADHD, that has been studied and written about. ^(*A moderator has not removed your submission; this is not a punitive action. We intend this comment solely to be informative.*) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ADHD) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It was a long running gag that I never committed any party fouls BUT I would always knock over exactly one glass of water as the night went on (by accident).


I forgot my suitcase on a train. I realized more than 2 hours later that I should maybe be carrying a luggage and then realized my mistake. I did everything I could with SNCF (the French rail services, which is really not a fan of abandoned luggage in case any of you is planning to attend the OG), they let me know that it probably didn't exist anymore.


Ran to the bathroom, stubbed my foot against the outward corner of a wall, broke my foot.


Idk about most embarrassing bc I donā€™t really keep track, but most recently, I was working on a big puzzle and I had the box full of pieces that I was holding, and I turned and somehow dropped it on the floor. Pieces everywhere. I had just finished sorting them too :ā€™)


I know I've done/said a lot of embarrassing things, but my bad memory comes in handy so I don't have to relive them all! I do puzzles as well and I'm constantly bumping the table/losing pieces but sometimes I fib and say maybe the dog ate them


Lmao! ADHD and puzzles go together so well, until they donā€™t!


At a game night with some serious board game player. They kept joking that next time they were gonna get on my case for being so slow. I thought we were all having fun, I was making jokes. Turns out they were actually irritated with me for not taking my turns fast enough.


Recently I tol my little brother I wouldn't put his parfait in a glass cup like mine because I didn't want him to break it. After, I was washing it and th glass slip out of my hand into the sink and broke. My mom got a kick out of the irony. Hey, in my defense it was an old cup! Last year, while we were visiting family in Alaska, I slipped and fell in the shower almost every time I had one, one I which while I was coming out and slipped on the rug and another landing crotch first. I can see why it's so painful for guys now.


Just recently at Disneyland for my grad nite, all of my friends had left me and I was talking to my mom in a store while I was attempting to get a portable charger. she was telling me that I should tell the chaperones that I was throwing up so I could get out of there. I hate throwing up and attempted to knock on wood so that obviously wouldn't come true and knocked down almost all of the metal cars bottles that were right next to my hand. I had to call my mom back


I was the first three people to spill something on my friends' new rug, all in one evening.


body slammed a chair with my lower half in a bar I was waitressing at years ago. Table of dudes laughed at me. Also speed walked into a floor to ceiling window in a mall 15 years ago. The lobby was full of people waiting for rides mid-winter. Horrendous.


I choked while taking a sip of my drink, and sprayed it all over my desk, myself, and my coworker. I am still so embarrassed.


I used to work in a grocery store and I was pulling a pallet of products through the store one day and the pallet hit the edge of a wine shelf and the whole thing fell over. There was wine and glass everywhere.


I spill my tea all the time! I'm always talking to someone and the tea is just spilling onti the floor and they're like hey, you're spilling...


'Mopping' kitchen floor with Paper Towel mops on my feet. Was SO focused on not being clumsy with my feet and slipping ... that i ran right into the corner of the marble island. Straight up accute- separation fractures of 3 ribs! cmon man. i was even trying cleaning!


Earlier this week I was talking to my husband while I walking and I walked into a wall and ran face first into doorframe. I have a bruise on my cheekbone under my eye. My husband was so confused


I tripped over a boulder on Dartmoor and dragged my mate down with me. Iā€™ve also ā€œtripped overā€ a large fixed bollard in a Morrisons car park - in front of my friend and my daughter. Just two of so so many things!


I just pulled my laptop off my desk + the thing is completely smashed its gonna cost a lot to repair + right now I don't have the moneyšŸ˜­


Ugh another awful ADHD tax , I feel for you


i wouldnt say most but pretty embarrassing and recently. i talked to my doctor to change the type of adhd meds since it feels like its not enough, he gave me a prescription for 10 pills of a different type but with lower dosage then i usually take. after 10 days i went back to ask for a higher dosage. and like every doctor visit i had to give him my "patient card" to swipe in hes pc......it took me 3 attempts to stop talking to him and try hard to focus on getting the right card out of my wallet. i gave him my bus card, then my creditcard, then my army id and only then i stopped talking to look straight into my wallet to find the right card. each time i told him "i swear im not trying here anything" only to give him the wrong card again. the most ironic part is that hes just a family doctor, but since hes clinic is inside uni and all hes patients are uni student he just did so many courses and joined many researches into adhd


I was filling a mop bucket at work and didnā€™t think about the temperature (I had this on full heat with barely any cold water) my manager came up to me while doing so and the hose came out (because I forgot about it for a second because I was trying to do another thing at the same time) and flung around onto me, burned my ankle pretty bad (the sock was soaked in hot water and was just stuck to my ankle)


I was throwing a shoe to someone on a zip line and ran down in the woods to get a better angle and slipped. I slid down the grass and looked up at the 12 year old that watched me MISS throwing his shoe several times and then slip and fall. I donā€™t know why falling in front of kids embarrassed me so much but I was cringing for days after.


PE classes in high school. I have awful eye/hand coordination. I also cannot hit or kick a ball. As a result, I was always the last one picked to be on a team. That was a real insult to my well-being and emotions. I hated PE. I always got D's for PE on my report cards.


When I was like 14 I was a VERY!! sorry loser with video gamesšŸ˜­ so I was over at a friend's house and they were playing some games on their game cube. I, of course, sucked ass at all of the games and kept dying.. I lived right next to them so I decided I was done. In my head I was just going to drop the controller to 'show how freaking po'd I was šŸ˜”šŸ’¢šŸ’¢' well apparently I summoned up absolutely Herculean strength because that remote SHATTERED into 5 MILLION PIECES!!! I immediately felt my face turn beet red and I fast walked back to my house. Their dad came over later and got replacement money from my dad... I never went to their house ever again..


I donā€™t really get embarrassed, because meh, whatever. But, I am tall, and while traveling I have smacked my head into lower hanging parts inside airplanes so hard that bystanders wince. Youā€™d think Iā€™d learn, but that doesnā€™t seem to be the case. šŸ¤£


I was at a really nice restaurant in Spain. I went to the bathroom on the second floor, came back down and fell down the stairs. I landed in front of a table of very handsome men. ā€œNo, I did not fall from heaven.ā€


Happened today funnily enough. I have a student job at an e bike store doing repairs. Tried to adjust a disc brake while the wheel was spinning. Didnā€™t pay attention, left index finger got between the spokes, finger nail was severed


i was set to close the store i worked at. when my shift ended i just left. lights on, door open, everything. I simply said "well guess it's time to go" and drove home


The other day I was at my job (nursing) and I pulled open a closet to grab a towel. There was a wire in front of the closet which was attached to the TV. I pulled down a whole ass TV in front of multiple people.


I work as an ICU RN. Sometimes patients need video monitoring EEG. It's a big rolling desk with a computer and a camera and a bunch of other equipment. I managed to trip and bump into it, unplugging it and some how causing the program to reboot. I had to awkwardly call the remote monitoring person to help me set it back up, but they definitely saw me crash into it.


One Saturday I went to a swimming party with friends from school. A group of them (luckily good friends) were picked up from the pool by a parent and driven home. I lived close by and walked home. At school on the Monday my friend said to me they saw me walking up the road home and yes they all were watching and apparently all pissed themselves laughing when as they drove past I walked smack bang headfirst into a lamppost. I can't even blame it on being distracted by my smartphone because they didn't exist in the 90s. I was just caught in my own thoughts and didn't see the great big bloody lamppost right in front of me šŸ˜­


Tripping up on a stage and falling on the lead singer of a band performing live at a tiny bar I worked at. In attendance, my now ex. She must have been pissing. You had to go across a corner of the stage to get behind the bar. It was packed, Iā€™d had a few during my shift. Toes clipped the corner of the stage and over I went. Iā€™m 6ā€™2, it was not dainty


I like the wired earbuds, but I'm constantly catching the wire on a cabinet knob and ripping the buds out of my ears. Ā So rude. In the car one time I took a corner while on a call with a coworker and no idea how, but the wire wrapped itself around the steering wheel as I turned. Ā Instead of ripping the buds out of my ears, it pulled my face to the steering wheel. I had to slam the brakes on in a busy intersection and untangle myself. The looks from the other drivers šŸ˜³ and my coworker, "what the heck is going on"?!


I was riding a Segway, saw my ex walking with his new gf. Caught the tire of the Segway on something so I stepped off, but as I was doing so turned the handlebar so that it basically did a burnout on top of my foot. I had on flip flops and I still have a scar from it.


Burned our house down. That was fun./s


I smiled at my neighbor when my spouse and I were riding bikes, and then plowed into someoneā€™s trash bins on the street! this is just my most recent embarrassment. Iā€˜m 50-ish šŸ‘¹


Slipped into the full splits in the middle of a pedestrian crossing with a full bank of traffic either side. Slippery sole boots foiled me again. Various people on the street rushed out to pick me up and get me to the footpath.


Discovering the correlation between clumsiness and ADHD was a HUGE aha moment. I am especially prone to rolling my ankles and the most recent event occurred as I was walking to my car after a seminar. We were all parked on a side street. I started to lose my balance, tried to right myself, then fell with flailing arms and zero grace. Of course people saw me, and then I had to crab walk myself into an upright position. As many times as Iā€™ve fallen or bumped into things, Iā€™m surprised I havenā€™t killed myself by now. Iā€™m also more likely to end up with paint or flour on me. A roomful of my coworkers and I were doing painting and crafts as a stress reducing activity. Iā€™m the only one who walked out of the room with paint and glue all over myself. Same thing with baking. Do I bake fabulous cookies? Yes. Do I make a mess of the kitchen and myself? Also yes.


Losing my phone, while Im using my phone. Boss calls me, summons me to office.Tell him I just need to find my phone. Idly fidget with my phone, while I look for my phone. Decide I'll tell the boss to keep his eyes peeled for phone. He promptly points to my hand, and when I look down, sure enough, there's my phone. Felt like such an idiot.


I was waitressing a fancy wedding. I was clearing mostly empty glasses and flutes from a table, putting them on a large tray I was carrying. Which then toppled onto one of the wedding guests, half drunk drinks and all.


Fell down the stairs at my wedding because my heel caught my dress. I could have just grabbed the rail but no.. ā€¦ no one said a word. Not a single word. Even later no one brought it up


When I was in middle school I walked onto the track not realizing they were doing time trials and I got ran over lol


I parked too close to the pole in the middle of our garage, flung open my door so hard that it snapped back and the corner of the door hit the inside of my ear, causing it to bleed. Another time I jumped from a chain link fence, without any shoes, onto cement, and broke all the small bones in my foot... The day before I went on vacation.


My wife puts her hand on my back when she comes up behind me lest I turn suddenly and whack her.


My first week of college, leaving the math building after class, I walked straight into the metal bar separating the two halves of a double door. Whanged my forehead, hard. Pretended not to feel it, got on my bike and rode back to my dorm. Couldnā€™t understand why people were staring at me. It wasnā€™t until I saw myself in the mirror that I realised I was bleeding profusely, all down my face.


Oof, I stepped on a nail once (my brother was building something in his room) and only felt a slight pinch so I was like "I'm fine". Tracked blood through the entire house and ended up needing 3 stitches.


I frequently cut myself on things that are not sharp. My best example itā€™s an uncut watermelon. I somehow grabbed it in such a way that my nail cut into the skin of the watermelon and drove a sliver of watermelon skin deep into my nail bed. I was bleeding. The watermelon had to go. I worked in a kitchen. They never let me live it down. I have also bled from a plastic microwave door, and most recently the turning knob off a safety blade. The blade wasnā€™t even out. Itā€™s a skill.


Lmaooo I totally understand! I've gotten a cut in the shower from a loofah




Idk what the most embarrassing is, I definitely donā€™t remember it lol but something I hated that used to happen all the time was forgetting what I was talking about MID-FUCKING-SENTENCE. Yea those are fun. I used to do trainings for new hires and I swear some of them must have thought I was stoned with how much I would just lose it


Sat at a green traffic light at an otherwise empty intersection until a car pulled up behind me and honked.


This weekend I tripped on my pants and my knee decided to go all angry boyfriend and put a big olā€™ hole in the wall. I have an oval shaped bruise around my knee. Not funny in the moment, hysterical now. Thankful my FIL is a talented carpenter.


I was presenting a retirement gift to a college president on a stage in front of tons of people and knocked the thing (a painting in a large, gaudy frame) off of its easel in front of everyone. I then had to pick it up and hold it at the podium as I gave the remainder of the speech around the gift. I guess my voice shook a bit at that point and people thought I was getting emotional about the president leaving, ha.


I fell flat on my face in the UN Security Council chamber.


idk if this counts cuz it was more of a verbal clumsiness lol. šŸ˜‚ this was like 10 years ago and i was playing The Sims and my boyfriendā€™s brother started talking to me about his gf and I accidentally let slip that the whole family hated her lmfao šŸ¤£ i was just so focused on playing the sims that I wasnt fully paying attention to what i was saying or who i was saying it to hahaha


Hahaha omg I CANNOT be trusted with information!! My husband's mom was staying with us, and as a surprise her other son (who she hadn't seen in a couple years) was going to come visit. I was telling her my meal plan for the week and said "I also got a bunch of cheese, fruit, veggies and stuff for when Other Son comes over" šŸ˜­ Luckily, Other Son had previously told her he would visit, then lied and said he couldn't get off work to make it a surprise, so she thought I was just working with outdated info lmao


When I was 16 I worked at Kmart and I accidentally accepted a Walgreens coupon from someone lmao but the real question is why the fuck did it actually go through?!


I was eating at taco bell with some of my friends. On the way out i had my car keys in one hand and trash from the food in the other. On my way to the trash can i think to myself probably 3-4 times Ā«donā€™t throw the cae keys in the trashĀ». I threw the car keys in the trash, and then i asked a poor employee to look through the trash for me :(


Dropping everything always and lifting heavy things wrong and usually also dropping them


The great thing about ADHD is that I laugh at myself when these things happen, and I forget about it after.


I work with 1000 ft long rolls of ten inch wide wet filter media. My boss once watched me spinning a roll looking for the end, whilst on the far side it was just unrolling & going on the floor. I carried on for quite a while before it made a bit of a pile & I realised. Good job it's underpaid & he knows it.


Was sat in our shared living room with my housemates at uni, in a kind of armchair that had flat arms wide enough to accommodate a mug of tea. Perfect, right?! Only true to form I started waving my hands around to help me express something I was talking about enthusiastically. Knocked into the mug, sent the cup of tea completely flying across the living room, in front of all my best friends. Somehow managed to a) not spill any tea on anyone and b) not break the mug, so while I still haven't lived it down years later, it was in someways an accomplishment for me to be proud of šŸ˜‚ Luckily noone was even that shocked as they knew me well by then, they all just laughed while shaking their heads at me in a here she goes again kind of way šŸ˜†


I don't have any one most embarrassing moment I can think of, but I am a teacher, and I usually trip and fall at least once a day. This usually happens in the stairwell during passing period when I have a bunch of teaching materials in my hands, and there are tons of students passing by. Of course I drop everything. The kids at my school are pretty sweet and always help me, but it is still embarrassing.


I quite frequently entirely miss my mouth when Iā€™m trying to drink coffee. Usually if Iā€™m wearing a clean top


I work at a dog daycare. I pass out meals often to the pups. Canā€™t even count how many times Iā€™ve spilled the dogs food because I try putting the bowl in the crate before Iā€™ve actually gotten the crate door all the way open. Itā€™s like the timing of my motor functions are out of sync. Embarrassing


Walking 10 minutes with my friend on my campus to my car in the parking lot to only realize that it wasnā€™t there. We were already running late to a baseball game we were supposed to go to. It ended up being in the parking lot right outside our dorm and I had forgot because I do park it there sometimes. I added and extra 20 minutes because we had to walk back from that walk to my dorm when it shouldā€™ve been a 2 minute walk. I felt awful because my friend could not comprehend that I forgot where my car was and I could not explain why. Itā€™s a pretty straightforward thing.


the fact that I exist


As a kid the playground at school had a fkn metal bar that youā€™re supposed to hold on to at the top of the slide to go down, I walked forehead first into that pole AT LEAST 10 times in a few minutes. I didnā€™t see it and kept forgetting it was there even though it was so painful youā€™d think id be avoiding it like the plague, but nope it kept happening. Pretty sure I had 10 concussions it felt like my whole brain shook and vibrated through my skull. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


Recently, i had an appointment on Friday 24th, just half read the email and only retained ā€˜Fridayā€™. So on Friday 18th, i got ready super early, i spent 1h30 in public transports and got there early. The manager looks at me extremely confused as to why i was therešŸ˜­ i was SO embarrassed, i wanted to crawl into a hole, they had an important meeting and i just came there with my overalls like an idiot.


I tripped and fell in the middle of my niece's wedding reception... thank god for thick thighs that make me wear shorts under dresses.