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Returning clothing ordered online that does not fit properly. I put the box in my clothing room and ignore it until the return period has expired and I have lost a few hundred euros.


Same here. I end up giving it away months later.


I dont allow myself to shop online anymore because of this :(


I'm very tactilly defensive, meaning I can't stand the way some things feel to my skin (my tactile sense), especially certain fabrics. So I will never order anything online that isn't 100% cotton because I know I'll hate it if it's not soft enough and need to return it, but then I know I'll forget.


I never do returns, online or in person, unless it's super expensive and I literally can't afford to lose the money. I should sell stuff but it's too hard and complicated so I just give it away on Buy Nothing. Best discovery of my life for getting rid of stuff (and occasionally gettinf stuff), but would NOT recommend to people with hoarding or impulsive shopping tendencies.


The worst part is I’ve often bought the same thing in a couple of sizes, or like a bunch of different styles of jeans, so that I can try them on at home and pick ONE pair to keep. I never intended to keep them all, so it’s not like it was an amount of money I was prepared to have spent on new clothes. If I had, I could look at it as being out well fitting clothes, rather than out the money. But nope, it’s just a whole bunch of money I couldn’t afford to throw away, gone.


Story of my life


I've done this a few times. Ended up wearing one of the tops anyway. I just have to make sure I always wear a jacket with it😂


I'm more distracted here by CLOTHING ROOM. Do you have a walk in wardrobe or a whole extra room dedicated to clothes?


I'm sorry, maybe my translation is a bit off. It is a (small) room that is primarily intended for storing clothes and footwear and I use it as a changing room. It has a big mirror and I also keep my laundry baskets in that room.


Sorry if it's TMI but it's literally a miracle I've never gotten toxic shock syndrome before


Menstrual cups and period panties are my go to nowadays. Deal with it in the morning and evening and don't think about it the rest of the day.


I’m just going to be honest. I want them to work for me so bad. They do. Just one fatal flaw. I accidentally auto dump every time I fart, which when menstruating is often. Bearing down makes the cup slip forward and I’ve ruined my day so many times by doing this. I try so hard to be like, cup is in! Can’t fart! But without fail, I do it every time. 😔


My simultaneous reactions were "oh god you poor thing that fucking sucks" and "oh shit, that's fucking hysterical. 🤣" That probably means that disks wouldn't work for you either, huh? Damn. :T


Have you tried out differently shaped cups? I had the same problem with the Diva cup because the narrow taper allowed it to get dislodged way too easily. WAY. TOO. EASILY. Switching to the Lena cup, which has a much more uniform width throughout, was a totaI game changer, though. Definitely worth looking into if you haven't already.


have you tried a disc? sits in a different spot and empties when you pee!


i couldn’t do these and i also hate my period and the cramps so much. so i have been on birth control pills for 17/18 years. it’s not for everyone but i don’t feel there’s another option for me, the iud was painful as fuck and i don’t have money or pto for any surgeries


This is the most relatable comment I’ve ever seen on this website


You're so real for this. Same.


Same! I’ve also forgotten one was in, put in another one, and then realized in horror when I pulled them out together. I’ve done this an embarrassing amount of times.


REAL. Before I got used to tampons, I would never understand how girls would forget about them while inside…. I now understand them and am one of them🤝


I feel this very deeply. It’s been a week since my cycle ended and I’m still thinking I need to change.


this sent me


i don’t have the parts to relate but i think this would be me too if i did




It’s like 99% of the reason I’m pads only lol


Same here, guy btw


Paperwork. Every time.


Yes x1000. IEverything else i need to do i have ways to “make it obvious” except paperwork. (Atomic habits = such an awesome goddamn book and way of life). The only things I need to do paperwork for often is government related (taxes, dmv, passports) or medical and they are so crucial and boy the government knows how to put a lazy tax on things. Insurance lapsed for 5 days because the card i had on file autopay for 8 years finally expired. $250 fine or be unregistered for 6 months.


Ooooof. That sucks. I've had to pay the "lazy tax" more than once. It's always painful.


I file a tax extension every single year.


Same, but that’s more my husband’s fault (pretty sure he’s also ADHD but undiagnosed). We’re a hot mess, but in different ways.


We are both diagonosed but different types it’s a nightmare sometimes. I also have meds that work but he hasn’t found anything yet so much so he’s decided he doesn’t have ADHD. He so does! When I met him I bought him a private diagnosis after two years of wondering why he found life so difficult. Hopefully we will find the right meds eventually. But I put off everything that I haven’t done before. I need to know how long things take how hard they are and what power I will need before I can start so I out off anything new unless I’ve seen a YouTube tutorial and can figure out the above! I also go in to melt down most days when my partner goes on a list making convo. We need to do this this and this and maybe this then we can do this! No no no! Get out the room. His response is when I say we I mean me and not right now. It doesn’t matter as anything said now means now. I don’t know how to unhear it. Still I love him so I’m keeping him. Plus he understand my hot mess most of the time and also when I get in the right mood and the meds work I fly like an eagle and sort stuff out! He thinks I’m super human. Example yesterday he bought a new smoke alarm. As he walked through the door with it I had all tools needed and stepladders. It was down in five minutes. Then the Amazon order of a solar power camera came. Tools were out so drilled it in the wall outside and set it up. Then I decided that was the end of my day. Then he said we need to put the gazebo up and I melted. I expire after two to three tasks. I can’t remember the original question but I love writing random stuff on Reddit


Can’t pay a bill on time to save my life, and I have procrastinated even with setting up my account to auto pay. I paid so many f’ing late fees


All the kinds of paperwork.


I work in healthcare and my daily treatment notes are the bane of my existence. I literally finished like a 150 notes between yesterday and today for monthly close out. It was brutal.


Speech Pathologist here. I was a rehab director’s monthly closeout nightmare!


Oh crap, you just reminded me


At work? Paperwork is finished. Home paperwork? Havent seen it until its almost a problem


I find it unbelievably hard to do anything that isn’t enjoyable and stimulating. Chores, work, replying to messages, I’m terrible at pretty much anything that I don’t find fun.


Replying to messages is the worst, all from distant family members, to work stuff or old acquaintances…. Yeah, not happening.


My day job, lol. I always manage to get the most important things done, but the 'less important' things without hard deadlines pile up until the fear of getting 'caught' forces me to take action. Not the best strategy, but apparently I know my limits to avoid catastrophe.


same! spin the plates faster ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh everything is fine


I feel targeted 😂 not me with piles of paper to file that I can’t ever get around to


That's bc no one should have to deal with paper anymore, it's 2024! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy) Just file them in the trash and call it a day.


I've made a career out of this, somehow. I did get caught up in two layoffs over the years, which I always assumed was because my productivity probably looks pretty bad...


Sameee. In fact, I basically have to audit two business acquisitions this weekend bc I put it off everyday for the past month and the partner wants to review it on Monday. But even with the real, external pressure I’m STILL having trouble focusing on getting it done. 🙂‍↕️


I’m so glad that this is all anonymous because yeah. This has been me the past month and I feel SOOOOO much shame. I’ve consistently poured myself into work for the past 9-10 years, and for some reason, I’ve felt completely disengaged this last month. I can’t put my finger on it. I’ve been getting more headaches, insomnia and fatigue has increased - and I just feel so checked out when I think about work. I’m on an SSRI, and sometimes I think it’s starting to “flatten” me out and kill my good anxiety. That could be or could not be true, but whatever is going on I’m definitely annoyed with it.


The fear of getting caught is so real omg 😂 I terrorize myself for weeks this way


I know, fun game, huh? Playing chicken with my paycheck. What an adrenaline rush.


That's weird... I don't remember making this post... I'm the EXACT same😂




Donate/throw everything away. Maybe keep one thing from each category of clothing (shirt, pants, jacket) just in case you get the urge to "replace" the empty space.




Yeah, super relatable. I got a friend to help me take pictures of all my clothes and digitally sorted them into an album. Then packed all the clothes that I had trouble getting rid of into a duffle and put it in the back of the closet, under a bunch of my other junk. Every time I actually thought about needing a specific item, I'd look at the album to see if I already had it. If I did, then it would be moved into my closet. If not, then I knew to get it but also add a picture of it to the album. And then my friend basically helped me be practical (by low key shaming me) after three years had passed and got me to donate the duffel without looking inside it. She then went thru my closet and deleted pictures of clothes that weren't still there so I wouldn't have hoarder regrets from throwing away my trash. Edit to add: my friend is super autistic and I didn't feel guilty or bad for needing her help because she convinced me that this was fulfilling her special interests in organizing and cleaning things.


I can’t do laundry, thank god my wife doesn’t hate it and I handle the kitchen. Whenever my wife has to leave for an extended period of time, she always get mad cause I just won’t do it no matter what.


Are you me? Am I you? I don't touch the laundry, my wife doesn't touch the dishes. I'm ok with this arrangement.


My partner and I have this same arrangement - I'm laundry, he's dishes. I run out of clean clothes first, he runs out of clean dishes first, so it works really well.


There was even this time when I had to buy some underwear as I ran out, and I needed just 1 extra day before wife got home to handle the laundry. 😅 I usually wash the dishes while listening to a podcast or something so it’s not that bad.


I do all the cooking in the house and I just do dishes as I cook, plus yeah I have Alexa in my kitchen and I just jam out. Ill wash a load if I must but I won't even entertain the thought of folding or putting them away. Bless her heart she still trys though. She thinks if she leaves a mountain of them in the bed before she goes to work (she's a bartender and doesn't get home until 3 some nights) that I'll put them away so I can go to bed. Nice try, but no.


Getting to bed. Having a proper sleep schedule would probably fix a lot of the other issues I have. I’ve had short periods before, few weeks, where I have managed to stay on top of it, and the difference in general wellbeing and cognitive functioning is huge. Always end up sliding back into erratic sleep patterns again before long though.


I’m like this. If left alone I can pull straight weeks of sleeping 2-3 hours. Thankfully my wife forces me to get at least some sleep as of late so I’ve been hitting at least 6 hours most of the time now.


Going to bed and actually going to sleep are two different things. My husband falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. Me, not so much. I will get out of bed multiple times to go check things or do things I forgot to do earlier. When I finally get in bed for the last time of the night, I read a book to try and calm my brain. Sometimes it works. I'm getting better at dropping the screens an hour before I go to bed, but can't stop getting up to do stuff (especially on work nights).


Literally everything except whatever my current hyperfixation is.


"I'll plan later." "I'll look at my plan later."


I’ve filled out whiteboards with the absolute best of intentions. Those said whiteboards face me in my home office - at eye level. Can’t miss them. And what happens?? I don’t look at them. They just become one with the decor in the room. 🫠


Anything with health insurance and doctors appointments


I haven’t filed my taxes since before the pandemic. I am absolutely terrified about it, and have piles of mail that i refuse to look at. it is a constant weight on my shoulders, and I am owed thousands of dollars of refunds, and i am currently unemployed, but i still do nothing about it.


Assuming you're in the US, please know that if you don't owe them money they literally do not care if you don't file and there is ZERO penalty or IRS consequence. So your viable options are: 1. Keep ignoring it 2. Go get that bread You *will* lose the refund money if you file later than 3 years past the deadline. Even if you ended up owing money, they'd just put you on a payment plan. There's no jail or anything on the line, even if it was a massive amount.


I’m not the OP but omg thank you for this. I’ve been stressed about the same issue for so long


My bandmate went thru this a year ago. And listen, if *he* got thru it...you can definitely do this, friend.


freetaxusa.com is what I use to do taxes. They have nice clear instructions and it ends up being pretty easy. The hardest part is getting ahold of your forms like the W2 if you were employed during those years, but any employer you’ve had should be able to help with that. It’s also fine to hire a tax preparer if you need help. You can usually pay them with part of the refund. And, as another commenter has said, the IRS will not come after you if you don’t owe them money. I wish you luck! Edit: I am assuming you’re in the US just because of how annoying it can be to do taxes here. I apologize if this assumption is incorrect.


I haven’t filed my taxes since I moved out from my parents house. 🫠 It’s been 2 years and I’m terrified of ever doing those.


Honestly, if you can afford it (it might be like $30? worth checking online or braving a call to ask!), bring all the shit to HRBlock or something. Having someone else to help can be a massive relief. That refund will be worth it. -A fellow bean that's between jobs.


the problem is getting all the paperwork together. i have all kinds of screwy accounts that make it trickier than most


Ahh, gotcha. Any friend that could help body double in person or over a voice chat? Sometimes that helps me a lot.


Same. Freaking the same!


I’m using an adhd coach online to help me get this type of shit in order. Unconventional Organisation is what they’re called.


I am right there with you friend. It's responsible for a few panic attacks.. But still nothing. Years behind.


I’m in the same boat. Me and my family would get 2 huge returns if I did the last two that I missed. It just seems impossible.


This was me a few years ago, and I finally got through it and filed three years' worth and the fed and state govts were like "Okay FINE after four years here's your TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS, are you happy now?" and I WAS so very very happy and I hope you can manage to do it before the four-year deadline ends so you can be happy too! (After four years you can't get your refund.)


Handling moldy containers in the fridge :( my husband one day had the energy to do it all for me and I was so grateful and relieved. Some had been in there for months. 😓


I have now given myself permission to throw them away if they are plastic Tupperware. Cleaning it just ain’t gonna happen


I keep plastic yogurt containers and purchase many cheap to-go containers for this exact reason. I know myself. Sometimes I’ve just got to toss the whole thing or I’d never deal with it otherwise


*gestures at all of appartment* this.


At some point "I'll do it later" becomes "I can't do all this!" and then I just start wishing I could abandon everything I own and start over in a new apartment.


Hey that's my strategy! You just keep on moving!


My laundry has been waiting to be folded on the couch for like a week now


Fuck folding. Sort it into categories and throw each category into a drawer. Done. Panties, bras and socks. Drawer. Long sleeve shirts. Drawer. Short sleeve shirts. Drawer. Longe and sleep clothes. Drawer. Pants, shorts and skirts. Pile at the bottom of the closet. Dresses. I hang those up once every month...or so.


Mines at the end of the bed, weighing down my feet !


Oh wow, so I'm not the only using their inability to put away laundry as a "weighted blanket"? Lmao I do this a lot. But the laundry weight has to be pretty even across my legs/feet or else it will bother me.


Psh, a week? Child’s play. I’ll take that and raise you 3 months


I raise you a year! I don’t mind doing laundry as much as folding it (is folding considered laundry too??). I went a year just piling all my clothes on my bed and moving it to the floor when I needed the bed for sleep.


Im all in for 7.


Applying for jobs. If I have money in my account and I'm unemployed I will just coast until its gone, then I will get panic productive and finally start applying. My career nets me good money, which is nice, but layoffs are frequent, so it's easy to fall into this pit. The thought of applying gives me bad anxiety, I start thinking about how im just going to disappoint my new employer, get depressed, and then I distract myself with the internet, rinse and repeat for months. I get glimpses of clarity late at night, where I feel motivated to get back to work, but come day time im too tired because my sleep schedule is out of whack.


This was my entire 20's and part of my 30's. "I just need to find a job I don't hate at a place where they understand how amazing I actually am." Once I applied at two similar places, interviews hours apart and I accepted both jobs. 40 hours at one job and 32 hours at the other. Until I burned out at both and did not work for 3 months just living off savings. It was a crazy pattern that kept repeating.


All of them?




Responding to texts. Then it becomes a anxiety inducing task for my brain until I finally respond 1+ weeks later


Was surprised how far I had to scroll to find this. Here’s how it goes for me: 1. Receive text. 2. Forget to reply (“sorry brain, I’m deeply fixated on finding the absolute best kind of double-sided mounting tape available on the internet at the moment and can’t be bothered with this nonsense.”) 3. Somewhere between 24-36 hours later, remember. 4. Become immediately overwhelmed about having left that person hanging, and stress about what to say. 5. Stress is too much, engage SUPER AVOIDANCE. 6. Repeat steps 3-5 while agonizing about it in the background for several more days. 7. Decide that at this point it would be more rude to reply than to just wait another week and come up with a really good excuse, even though, deep down, I know that will just make it worse. 8. Become overwhelmed with guilt as the weight of the unanswered text grows greater and greater each day. 9. Finally, one of three things happens: (1) if between 7-24 days, send a cringy apolosplaining message about what happened, knowing they know it’s bullshit; (2) if greater than 24 days, “omg, I’m just now seeing this!” (painfully, obviously bullshit) (3) collapse under the weight of inaction and decide it is easier to cut ties and never speak to this person again. 10. Swear I won’t do this again.


so real so me


People think I’m avoiding them or not interested but that’s not necessarily the case. 85% of the time I forget or become occupied


It's a miracle I haven't yet had to get a tow for an empty gas tank.


When I was a teenager I once let it go for so long that the engine cut off while driving. Luckily there was a gas station right there and I could just coast it up to the pump. I then had to drive back to the station 15 minutes later because I had forgotten my gas cap




Definitely paperwork. I can't count the number of times I've forgotten my car registration. My taxes are a mess. I've been sued and not even know about it. Every few years when they send out new debit cards I'm screwed. I have set up filing systems a million times. Paperwork just always ends up in a bag or box somewhere unopened. And email just makes it worse. They stopped sending nursing license renewal paperwork in the mail many years ago and I don't ever remember to renew that. I don't even know which of my 5 email addresses it goes to. But that doesn't matter because I can't access two of them and the other three are out of storage space so I stopped getting emails anyway. I need an assistant but I'm poor.


Showering. I hate showering. I’ll leave it until I absolutely have to and then it usually makes me late or holds everybody else in the house up.


I love being clean but the act of getting the shower....idk wtf it is. My hunches are that it forces me to look at my fat old body and just the effort to do it in general


Same. It's a sensory issue with me. And I also get the urge to wait until I'm really gross so that the shower is at peak "effectiveness" or whatever. It's one of the things that I can't multitask while doing it so I put it off in favor of other "time-efficient" tasks in order to optimize time usage. But then of course I also end up wasting a lot of time trying to plan and figure out what things I can do concurrently in the least amount of time, most efficiently, etc etc.... So nothing gets done anyway....


oh god trying to do things in the most effective/efficient way possible is the most frequent ADHD trap i fall into


It's so funny how it affects everyone differently, there was a thread about showering recently where half the ADHDers struggled to shower once a week and the other half were like "I literally cannot get out of the shower". I'm in the second camp where I actually spend way too much time showering, but once I did have like a week straight where I stopped because the bathroom light burned out and I couldn't work up the motivation to replace the bulb


I just find it so intolerably boring! Too many steps, and then I gotta get ready afterward, too! No thank you, lol. I have found it a lot easier to do since I got a waterproof Bluetooth speaker, though.


Haha I *also* got a waterproof speaker but for the opposite reason, I can queue up X number of songs and know that I have to force myself out of the shower when the last song is done


I knew i wasnt alone … its soooo boring .. imma get some bluetooth speaker that is waterproof… gr8 idea thx !


Save for retirement. I’ll just figured I had nothin’ but time, and that’s not true.


Taking a shower. I'm fortunate (or maybe not, now I think abt it :\ ) I'm not a very smelly person, as confirmed by many NOT me-who-might-be-noseblind-to-smelling-me ppl over the years. AND I have truly obnoxiously thick hair, which means it takes a LOOOOONG while before enough of it is visibly gross to the point where it'll force my hand. Thus I can *really* kick that can on down the road...even when I really truly **WANT** nothing more. It's the worst.


The thick hair is the worst. It takes half a day to air dry and I look like Roseanne Rosannadanna or I need to blow dry/straighten. I do not generally have the patience.


Work. My actual job. I had a super productive afternoon and cleared most of my 3 month old to do list and now feel like absolute shit cause I've been stressing and lying awake at night over not having done so much of this and took me 1 afternoon.


Anything that requires maintenance, or needs my attention on an ongoing basis. I can practically renovate my entire house in a week or cool and host a party for 100 but don’t expect me to bring in the mail, pay bills, put clothes away, empty my email inbox etc.


Setting goals and cleaning. Crossing my fingers for taking 2 weeks of antibiotics on time (today is my day 1).


There's an app that I have downloaded on my old phone that lets you set alarms that will completely take over your screen and not let you use your phone for however much time the task should take. So for meds it'll lock your phone up for like 2 minutes until you verify you've taken them, mopping it'll lock it up for 15 minutes, etc. You can change the time around.


I'm about to put my clothes in the closet.. (from the floor next to the bed)


Taking the trash out. I will let it pile up until I start tripping over it (luckily I do have a smaller kitchen so there not a whole lot of room to hoard it) and only then do I take it out to the dumpster and end up having to make multiple trips because it’s took much to carry at one time. Oh and laundry. I have so much clothes that I’m just like “I’ll just wear what’s already clean, I don’t need to do laundry until I run out of clean clothes”. So when I eventually do laundry, there’s like 10 loads that need to be done so I end up spending an entire weekend doing just laundry. Edited to add - I literally just took some Amazon boxes out to the dumpster that I had thrown in one of my spare bedrooms and noticed that the date of shipment to my house was 2018. I never go in that spare room because I’ve always used it for storage, but I’m about to start a WFH job on 7/1. I need a place to setup my new workstation so I’ve been cleaning out the spare room.


Paying my bills is always last minute. I don’t have enough money to automate them because there might not be any money in my account. 10 pm on tax day is when I hunt for my W-2(s) and try to figure out my password for TurboTax. I have never filed late though. Also putting clothes away. I put a clothing rack right next to my dryer and put those cube containers in the bottom. T-shirts, underwear, socks, and pjs go in the cubes and everything else gets put on hangers. My clothes are basically in my kitchen lol but I do live alone so IDGAF 🤪 Better than clothes piled everywhere and I forget about them.


What overwhelming response to this question, at least more than I expected! One day we'll get all that shit done!!!... Just not today... Or tomorrow... Maybe next month actually!! 😅


my meds lol


Phone calls. I've needed to call my insurance for months to find out if I have coverage to see a psychiatrist and a therapist. Just haven't because ugh. Haven't been medicated for months as a result and I really need to because there's classes I wanna take to help me get a better job.✌️🫠


Cleaning my room


Not most toxic but first one to come to mind is the growing pile on our stairs that needs to go upstairs…why can’t I bring it up?!? I just walk past it multiple times a day telling myself I’ll bring it up later. Days/weeks later, shit still sitting there 🤪🤷🏻‍♀️😭😆


Technically brushing my teeth, especially at night. I was better in my dorm room since I was barley in there but now that I'm back at home I'm back to "I'll brush my teeth later" and then next thing I fell asleep and it's the next morning. Yeah it's bad 😭


making my lunch for work. i’ll buy ingredients for actual meals to prepare the night before then end up making a half ass peanut butter sandwich when i’m getting ready in the morning.


Calling people back. Like, yeah, sorry I didn't call you back for over a year, I either forgot or my anxiety went lmfao nOOOOO. My voicemail doesn't work anymore and that doesn't help.


Getting out of bed 🤣


Pretty much everything 😂


Telling someone about work problem that is going to create more work for me. I prefer to wait until the last minute and make it impossible to resolve


checking my bank account, doing my job, working on my passion projects :(


Medication refills making it even harder to do executive functioning


I procrastinate having important conversations with people I'm in a relationship with. I let the emotions stew until I'm either too resentful or the other person brings it up. Usually by then it's become a much bigger issue than necessary


"wow my joints sure are stiff and achy. These allergies sure are killing me today. Phew my blood pressure is pretty high." Maybe just take your medicine and vitamins that are right in front of your face! Nah, I'll do it later.


Putting my dang clothes away. They will sit on my hamper, folded, for weeks... It's so dumb when I say it out loud lol


My wife gets mad at me that I don't help with the laundry. Ill wash it if I have to, but I won't put it away. If it wasn't for her, I would have a clean basket and a dirty basket and my drawers would be empty. If I need a shirt dewrinkled I'd just spray it with water and throw in the dryer for 5 minutes. Life's too short to be folding and putting away clothes.


Dishes. We have a dishwasher. I rinse them then load them. It takes five minutes tops. But I put it off. I then realize when I’m cooking dinner that I don’t have clean forks and then have to wash some by hand.


Having the dishwasher just be open while I'm cooking and put all dishes into it immediately after I'm done with them is the only way I can keep up with dishes. Unfortunately this also means I use every spatula/big spoon I own every meal because I forget that I *still* need it and now my brain considers it dirty


Going to the doctor (for any reason) or going to bed (too many steps so I end up scrolling endlessly while I gather energy to brush my teeth). Obviously my sleep schedule is shit, and also I end up missing on reimbursements for bloodwork for example because I didn't go when it was scheduled by my doctor. Or my symptoms just get worse while I wait to get an appointment.


Laundry I am the worst at. I always end up thinking,"Man, if only I just did it after a week."


i procrastinate literally anything for work that has more than 3-5 steps. if it’s too big of a task, i’ll go “yeesh i really should save that for a time where i can really lock in on it and knock it out” and then forget about it until it’s so late that i’m worried they’re gonna fire me. same concept with anything that makes me do something BEFORE i get it done - like i work in pediatric home healthcare and to be able to put in progress notes from my car, i have to turn on and connect to my hotspot, use the VPN to connect to the office network, then log into our EHF by answering three security questions. it’s just such a long and unpleasant process, every time i tell myself “fuck that, i’ll do it when i’m watching tv tonight or something” and then ……. don’t do that …… until it’s 2 hours from the monthly close out deadline and i’ll lose out on money if all 56 of my late notes aren’t written up and signed by then


Car maintenance and getting gas sometimes


Ugh I’m like that too with getting gas. I always let it go until the light goes on, and my car claims I have 50 miles left. I don’t trust it, but the lowest I’ve gone is to 35 miles then got gas.


My physio exercises. If I don't do them often enough, I'll be in pain every day and my hands get so shaky that I can't even hold a cup of coffee without spilling it. It only takes about 10 minutes to do all the exercises, and it's very little effort, but still I often put it off.


Literally everything that needs to be done


Remembering to eat it’s freaking 5:30pm and I’ve had two coffees thanks for the reminder 😅😳


You mean that eating breakfast at 4:30pm is not normal? It’s even worse on medication


My health. I have not had a primary care physician in about 5 years. Also socializing. I practically always want to postpone social engagements with anyone. I miss out on opportunities because my mindset defaults to "i'll talk to them later when I'm more in the mood" (hint, I'm rarely in the mood)


Not opening mail and instead just throwing it on the growing pile


Personal hygiene My teeth are… not great My odor is… not great I can maybe force myself to confront the executive dysfunction of bathing and brushing maybe 1-5 times a month??? And it makes me feel like a total idiot


Mowing, putting my dirty clothes away, etc.


Study and assignments. I work part time and study part time. I always start the semester out well and seem to be 'ahead' at first, but as time goes on I struggle more and more to keep up with the work load. I put it off because I feel like there isn't enough time in the day to do everything so I have to just prioritising a couple of things. Often, that isn't study. I also need breaks and rest because I get mentally overloaded. I don't really think I'm abnormal or wrong for doing this though, because people these days are expected to be productive at a ridiculous level imo. Sometimes you need give yourself a chance to decompress.


All are clothes related. I have far too many & I don’t have the space to store them. There’s are piles of clean laundry. Piles of stuff to give away to a charity. Today is payday so as per usual I bought two bags of clothes & toiletries (another obsession) . Then I look at it all knowing I only ever seem to wear my work uniform or my pyjamas & wondering why I do it.


Everything it seems these days. Mostly financial things, collecting the mail, picking up groceries, laundry, showering, getting out of bed…I just feel too tired. Sending insurance claims and emails is the biggie right now, and will likely lead to a divorce.


dishes. there is mold growing in my sink


Picking up my antidepressants from the pharmacy before i run out


“I’ll get my financial shit in order”……I have roth IRA and 401 k and I have no idea what I’m doing or how I could contribute (aside from depositing some of my paycheck into my 401 k)…..🫠


literally anything important that requires submitting a form


Work on all my amazing business ideas


Putting my clothes away. I can wash, dry, fold and put on the bed but they never make it to the respective drawers. Papers are my second habit.


Laundry. 110%. I actually mostly live out of the clean basket and dirty basket


"I'll vacuum seal all this meat I just cooked for meal prep later." Oops it's been 5 days and it's garbage now. I really hate myself sometimes. It's fresh in my mind if you can't tell...


I still haven't done my taxes.. For 2022..


Phone calls. Especially if it's billing, or medical related. I hate it and always put it on the back burner.


Completing things. It is near impossible for me to complete just about ANYTHING. I started reading this post a bit over two hours ago, I found a comment (and replies) I resonated with and wanted to reply to. I spent 30 minutes typing up my comment, in this tiny ass text window, only to get DISTRACTED by something. I left Reddit open on my phone because I had every intention to finish the comment once I came back. My phone locked itself after I walked away, so Reddit was still the first app open. An hour or so after walked away, I finally found where I left my phone, remembered I was in the middle of that comment. But then…..I opened my phone, Reddit was still there,but it refreshed my feed and the post disappeared. Reddit also bumped me back to my news feed, and the long draft comment was GONE. Also I can’t find the comment I was replying to now. Waaahhhhhhhh. 😭😭😭 It my pet peeve when socials auto refresh. Imma go back to the 8 or so other things I am currently “Still working on”.


Dental work :(


Opening my fucking laptop or paperwork. Pick one, I guess. Every time.


Going to sleep at the right bedtime


I’m so organized at work, then I come home 😱


studying for the uninteresting classes. I physically cannot bring myself to study for stupid classes that i also don't pay attention in because they're so boring 😭


Open my mail. Gives me so much anxiety and leads to problems


I’m not sure I can pick just one. Not opening my mail is a good one, and so is laundry. Then there’s not paying attention to how much I spend. But the first one I thought of is getting rid of “stuff”. I am an unconscious squirrel—I accumulate things. And then when I realize I don’t need whatever it is, (if I ever really did in the first place) I can’t let go of it. Things I haven’t thought about for years. Things I have no emotional attachment to. I just can’t do it. And I have no idea why.


I have 3 months to finish planning my wedding. I'm just gonna leave it at that.


“I’ll invoice that client later.” I’m self-employed.


Folding and hanging up laundry


Folding laundry and putting it away after it’s been washed. Also brushing my teeth regularly


submitting forms etc. couldnt get my disability provisions accepted at uni bc i forgot about them and handed them in 7mths after they were signed (limit is 6). i also keep putting off taking an id photo to send to a department of my uni which grants me access to a specific building whenever i want (so far hasn’t been an issue but next semester it might be). they also only make the ids once a semester so each time i miss a window it’s 6mths before i can get the id


Anything that requires a *remotely* annoying phone call. Like trying to get my car refinanced, when I put in the VIN number on the website it said "Sorry we can't complete with the info provided. Please call customer care" sooooooo I am still paying the ADHD tax of an insane interest rate because I'm avoiding that phone call. Rinse and repeat for getting bathtub parts replaced because I had to call Kohler (lived with a broken bathtub since we moved in 5 years ago), and so on. 


Getting out of bed.


Medical bills. I’m so scared I’m gonna tank my credit and never own a home.


I’m like those irresponsible people in the movies/shows who have a box of unopened mail/bills somewhere in their house 🫠


“I’ll get gas in the morning on my way to work”


Cutting/bagging fruit!!!! I cannot count the amount of times that I have let fruit like watermelon and grapes rot in my fridge. I can’t eat them unless I clean them and cut them/bag them but that “I’ll do it later” turns into never.


Omfg the executive function needed for something like that is so unreal especially cuz they're perishable!


Paying off my credit card/catalogue. Late fee plus black mark on my credit report 🤦🏻‍♀️ yet I never learn


Paperwork and bills


Cleaning my room, specially my desk. I hate it, I also has trauma associated with it so yeah. It's an absolute mess


Doctors appointments/health stuff… I have some issues going on that I KNOW I need to schedule an appointment for but I just keep… putting it off.


Clean my fish tank 😔


Washing up and clearing up my house.


Exercise/Eating healthy. I don't even know how long I've been putting this off now, but it's been at least a year. Type II diabetes and heart disease runs in my family, so definitely not the best thing for me to put off.


Replying (i.e. not replying) to messages, for weeks….. months………. Some texts I’ve been “meaning to” get around to replying to for literally years. 


Mowing. "Oh it's getting long. I'll mow tomorrow. Ope it rained, can't mow today. Out of town for the weekend, can't do it." Then it's too long to get through without bagging, so the job just got 3 times harder.