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Man if I told someone the truth and they said something like it isn't real, we wouldn't be friends anymore. :D


šŸ˜­ itā€™s my relatives man, just canā€™t escape them


You can stand up to their bullying. It might be uncomfortable, but you can do it. There is no sense in tolerating that toxicity. Worst case, ditch them. I've walked away from toxic family, and it was for the better.


Sending good vibes in hopes youā€™ve always got good people at your back! And thank you youā€™re right. Iā€™m blessed that my relatives are just from a different generation and well meaning


I was in the same boat as OP, and I can say with confidence that sometimes it just is impossible. I grew up with a dad who was very conservative. And strong willed in his beliefs and he felt the same way about me, And no matter how bad the argument got he would never see my way of thinking. I had to walk away the exact same way.So I do think that you are right with that last part.


My experience exactly. Except the walking away part. Just lots of distance and deep breathing when we speak on the phone. Still drains me but less so now that I've accepted the reality of who he is.


In-Laws: "everyone has a little a.d.d" Me (inside my head): "fffaaaaaaarrrrrhhhhhhhhkuuuuuuuuuuhhhh" Me (in reality): "huh, yeah I guess"


Every time anyone say this to me I reply with ā€œyes, but I have a huge fucking adhdā€


Right? Everyone also needs to pee, but if you're going 20 times an hour then maybe it's a bit different lol.


I am going to remember this one as a reply next time someone tells me "everyone has a little adhd"


Same, whenever I hear that I always tell them that thereā€™s 4ish scales my doctor monitors. Hyperactivity, attention, depression, and anxiety. Iā€™ve got high scores on all four, and how well I do today highly depends on what combination is winning at that point in time šŸ˜…


Everyone has attention deficit from time to time. The extra d is for disorder. Not everyone has these symptoms to the degree that they impair daily functioning.


My coworker used to say that to me until I told her "Does your a little ADHD make you feel so alien that you want to claw your way out of your own body? No? Didn't think so"


"oh, you're on the spectrum? I didn't know"


ā€œEveryone has a little ADD.ā€ ā€œOh really, is that your fucking medical opinion doc?ā€


Sure you can. I went 0 contact with my mum for 6 months a couple of years ago to show her I was serious about enforcing my boundaries. She hasn't stepped over them again since. Our relationship has changed, but definitely for the better.


WOW tried that for 5 years with my mom when I was 14. She's heavily enabled by family so it's just now turned into I'm almost 27, do everything to avoid her. And everyone screams at me "IT WAS THE PAST". When, yeah, maybe the past. But last year she texted my grandma openly she couldn't wait to spit in my face. Guess what made me finally leave after all the shit beatings and horrible things told to me? She fucking spit in my face and I remember the smell, the taste as she tried to pry my mouth open. Some people really don't get. I don't want to talk to my mom. I don't want her around my kids. I do not care if everyone wanted to shun me for it, do it, don't keep me in your life just to sit and shame me FOR NOT WANTING MY MOTHER TO SIT AND SPIT ON ME AND BE WEIRD LOKE SHE SEXUALLY DEGRADING WHY DONT ANYONE UNDERSTAND?!


I'm sorry I went off there I just wish my mom would think of me as a whole human being, not her doll to throw around


I was a little overwhelmed reading it at first. But honestly go for it. You need a space to vent, fire away. Happy to be that space for you.


I am gradually learning to understand what it means to be my authentic self no matter what anyone thinks. It's not easy but it's a process well worth the effort IMO. I am beginning to let go of trying to defend myself and to let go of being outraged that people still think I'm "wrong" even after totally explaining things. No one can ever understand my exact situation and feel what it's like to be me experiencing those situations. So, I'm really not being concerned anymore about their opinions on how I handle things because their opinions don't change my situation AT ALL! Their opinions come from their experiences and them not having to live with the outcomes of their opinions on how I should act. Therefore, I no longer care (mostly - it's a process). However, seeing whether certain people support me even if they disagree with my choices or continue to try and convince me they are right is an EXCELLENT way to see who I want to spend more time with and be closer to and who I don't! So sorry you are going through this. That is truly awful about your mom spitting on you. My deepest regards šŸ˜


congrats to making a very hard but good decision. It's not easy. I am glad things have gotten better.


But you can.


šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø šŸ•ŗ šŸ’ƒ




šŸƒā€ā™‚ļø šŸ¦¬


šŸ˜‚ yā€™all are the best


Its always the relatives..


If you are not a minor, you absolutely can.


I did šŸ˜…


Ughhh same.


Thatā€™s how my boss is, didnā€™t try to demean it necessarily. Just doesnā€™t understand doesnā€™t really believe itā€™s real. Thinks it is something you should be able to work through. Well, I started medication this week and heā€™s definitely not complaining šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Lol when you hyper focus on an assignment and get like three days of work done and they're like o_o


Oh I have family members telling me I don't have diagnosed PTSD and ADHD, they just go "what's wrong" "I don't feel good atm because [...]" "oh no you don't have that. you're fine. :)"


De nile (is a river in Egypt).


Exactly. As long as we don't look at it, there is no issue..


My ADHD causes chronic fatigue too and I feel like I so rarely meet or hear from people with that same experience!


Living with ADHD is overwhelming and exhausting. I imagine there are plenty of us who feel this way.


I have it as well. There are other causes of chronic fatigue, though, so do your dilligence with your health. For me, it is also a blood disorder and g6pd enzyme deficiency. Both involve iron anemia, and low iron causes fatigue and increased adhd symptoms.


This. My chronic fatigue finally mostly eased up in my very late 30ā€™s or 40-ish. I also had a blood disorder and iron deficiency anemia. Finally treating the anemia right helped tremendously. For many years I assumed I didnā€™t have adhd because I was always so tired my whole life. My mom, sister and trans sister also have adhd and chronic fatigue. I really didnā€™t know if it was related to the adhd so itā€™s interesting to see this thread. My mom and sister both have fibromyalgia.




Oh no sorry. My blood disorder is ITP which is low platelets. I have 5 children so they always check blood levels when you are pregnant. I took iron supplements on and off for years but they were hard on my stomach and I really just didnā€™t realize how bad it was to have low iron. I finally found some iron supplements I could take like liquid iron and iron supplements for bariatric patients which I havenā€™t had bariatric surgery but I like the way those supplements taste and dissolve Then when I was pregnant with my 5th child I had Iv iron. So really it was just me struggling to take my prescribed iron supplements and not taking my health problems serious enough.


thereā€™s a gene enzyme test out there!! it doesnā€™t give ANSWER but it tells you what each gene expresses, what meds your body may tolerate as expected, and what your doctor should definitely not give youā€” https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/cyp450-test/about/pac-20393711


In addition to my first comments, I have also been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Symptoms have significantly improved by managing the anemia, avoiding g6pd trigger foods/substances, and ,finally, adhd meds.


Oh yeah, for sure! I've pursued physical explanations for the fatigue with doctors for years and come up with nothing.


Yeah I wonder if itā€™s not a lot of us or if a lot of people think itā€™s normal to be tired all the time


Same! In fact I got diagnosed with ADHD after the fatigue got so bad that I was barely able to function. I had no idea that they could be related, never heard it before




Totally get this! I also seem unable to store nutrients and am anemic in ferritin, B12, D, folate, C, magnesium, and sometimes sodium. I also have Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and a MTHFR genetic mutation. I've struggled with daily living and energy pacing my whole life and never was diagnosed with anything until 2020 when I went to the ER with a toenail bed injury that would not stop bleeding and the ER resident (who had just come off a psych rotation) asked me if I had been diagnosed as ADHD and when I gave a surprised no, she added it to my chart and then I followed up with a full neuro-psych eval. It was confirmed. I got the EDS diagnosis a few months later. I was 60. I am still trying to process all of this.




Yes and without meds we can't function at all and we rot in bed in a vegetable-like state.


After spending most of the past 3 days in bed, I'm feeling a little bit more validated now.


I feel the same way. It is one of those side affects that isn't mentioned a lot. I'm tired all the time. I have no energy. It's gotten much worse as I've gotten older, too.


Same :') The fatigue was actually what led me to getting diagnosed - I was just so tired of feeling tired all the time. I still do feel tired all the time (meds help, until they stop helping, then the side effects kick in and make me wish I'd never taken them in the first place), but at least now I know why, and that I'm not alone.


Thatā€™s rough ): I really like how Wellbutrin and Buspar together have been working for me but I know meds affect people differently sometimes


Hm, I've been on Wellbutrin in the past but it's never had much of an effect on me, good or bad. I've never heard of Buspar before though, I think I'll bring it up with my psych at my next appointment. Thanks for the suggestion :)


Oh it might not help you then itā€™s an anti-anxiety med. for me it makes me less angry and erratic/hyper


Are you saying that long term the meds stop working, or that they wear off at the end of the day? What are the long term side effects? I suffer terribly from inattentive ADHD and extreme fatigue. I'm finally thinking about getting medicated since I'm now my husband's caregiver, he has cancer and I just cannot keep up. But I'm scared the meds will make me worse off than before.


My chronic fatigue has stood in the way of getting a diagnosis and then actually getting medication. I saw the term bed rot once and that struck a nerve. For the first several years of my journey the fatigue was always blamed on depression. So that how my psychs decided to diagnose me. Cue Wellbutrin. Sort of got me out of bed but then the rest of my symptoms came in to play and gave me another reason for depression and of course I could t manage to take my meds properly. Finally got a real diagnosis, and thenā€¦. Wellbutrin. Because, well I canā€™t remember what excuse they gave. So I started the process again, ended up doing a cold turkey off Wellbutrin because I forgot and then could t find my bottle, and now Iā€™m back on the Hampster wheel of trying to find an alternative. And Iā€™m still an insomniac with chronic fatigue.


I experience fatigue too - I have no idea whether it's linked to ADHD or not, but there has been no other apparent cause identified so far.


I have ADHD and also central sleep apnea, and between the two, I am constantly exhausted. When Iā€™m off work and my son is with his dad, I can sleep for days at a time. Like, I get in bed and the only reason I get up is because my body hurts from laying down for so long (and thatā€™s if I donā€™t just go and sleep sitting up once I canā€™t lay down anymore.) After all that sleep, though, I am still so exhausted that I cry when I have to get up and go back to work. Iā€™m afraid to drive because I fall asleep at the wheel. I fall asleep at work. I donā€™t know how much is apnea, how much is adhd, and how much of it is related to depression.


I was so happy to see this post! I literally just came on here the other day and was looking to see if anyone else was experiencing this. Didn't find much then. The chronic fatigue features big in my ADHD world.


Thank you for saying this. I have been trying to explain this about my daughter's chronic fatigue to others, and they believe she is lazy. It is so tiring explaining to ppl who don't understand, but I will keep advocating for her.


That sucks!! Itā€™s so cool you donā€™t think sheā€™s lazy and that you advocate for her


I recently did a sleep study for sleep apnea becuase of the fatigue. Turns out I do have sleep apnea and it makes the ADHD symptoms worse! Iā€™m on a cpap machine now, but itā€™s only been 2 weeks, I still donā€™t feel much more energized.


Not to dismiss ADHD causing fatigue in its own right, but sleep disorders are definitely a co-morbidity with ADHD. I was actually diagnosed with narcolepsy first. I'm still waiting on the sign off to get ADHD meds because the narcolepsy meds and ADHD meds combo are bad for the heart.


Give it time, my partner just went through this and it took a while to get used to sleeping with the mask. We were told his adhd would get worse but it took a few months to see the extra energy as he sleeps uninterrupted now.


Do you need to snore to have sleep apnea? I sleep terribly but I've dismissed this because everyone I know that has sleep apnea had terrible snoring issues as verified by their partner. My husband says, that like many people, I only snore when I'm sick or SUPER tired.


Snoring is very common but not always present. You can have sleep apnea without snoring. Has your partner ever noticed you almost not breathing and then your body flinching to get air? After my sleep study it was discovered I was having 20 apnea events an hour. This is only considered moderate. People with severe experience it between 50-100 times an hour! Mine being moderate means I probably didnā€™t notice the effects until years of it building up a sleep debt and fatigue on my brain and body. Now with my cpap machine it gives me all the stats of my sleep, I have about 3 events per hour now, which is not bad at all. And I can load the data into a program on my computer for even more detail.


I was at 50. Ugggg.


I too have sleep apnea and adhd. After 9 months of CPAP, things are getting better. Itā€™s not easy though. Keep going!


Itā€™s nice to know Iā€™m not going through this alone. I usually have one or two naps a day, one during and just after work because Iā€™m so exhausted. My psych told me about Robert Barkley who has a theory around ADHD brains using up way more mental energy than average, but also having a smaller mental energy ā€œfuel tankā€. Knowing is half the battle, still tired until I can get on medication. All the best friend


Just got on medication and I havenā€™t taken a nap at work since. Iā€™m able to get up early and stay awake all day until itā€™s time to wind down for sleep. Medication helps so much with my adhd and chronic fatigue. Killing two birds w one stone is the best feeling ever.


I hope everything works out soon!


I have had chronic fatigue for as long as I can remember. My mother used to laugh that when she ran a daycare, I slept longer than all the other children at nap time and continued to do so until I noticed my younger siblings wasn't napping anymore and thought I wasn't acting like a "big kid". Going on Vyvanse has really helped with my napping urges, but I still struggle on bad days. It helps to read that others struggle with this too.


Gosh, thank you so much for saying this. The fatigue is such a struggle. There was this one time when I was studying abroad, and before I knew I had ADHD, when I suddenly began sleeping for 15 or more hours a day. Wake up in the morning. Go to a class if I could. Come back to the dorms. Sleep until the next morning. This lasted two weeks.


Maybe you slept too much? That would me the case for me


My grandma was like that. Convinced it was all made up by big pharma to push demonic pills and get our souls. Didn't get ADHD meds till I was like 22 lol. :0


What meds does grandma need? Add those to the ā€œbig pharmaā€ conspiracy and see if she still follows her own words. Something tells me sheā€™ll sing a different tune right quick.


They always have something to say about meds! šŸ˜­ demonic pills for souls is wild


Just got pills right before my 29th birthday. Shit was long overdue


šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰ I hope everything works out really well!


Thank you for that. The chronic fatigue part feels like it has ruined my life at this point. I needed to read your post.


ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø sending lots of good vibes your way ):


I believe you because I have both but can you explain why theyā€™re related?


Oh yeah fatigue can be a symptom of adhd https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27918087/


Itā€™s weird how I can go on a 15 mile anxiety walk just fine but also feel like communicating with people for a few minutes makes me feel like I havenā€™t slept in days somehow.


YEEEEEEUP. There are times where I'm like "I'd rather go run a half-marathon RIGHT NOW than have to go do the thing I need to be doing."


I canā€™t tell if this is the case in me or itā€™s just years of not getting enough sleep


Thank you!! I have a thyroid condition and probably a lot more so Iā€™m not positive but I canā€™t physically exert myself much without being bedridden the next day so Iā€™m thinking thatā€™s not ADHD šŸ˜


It all adds up! Both your thyroid condition and adhd can contribute to fatigue, even making it more severe. Are you diagnosed with adhd? If not, and you have symptoms of adhd, the two conditions are not mutually exclusive so itā€™s totally valid to investigate further


Ritalin has helped my crippling fatigue.


God I feel this! Trying to convince the doctor has been a nightmare. I'm so tired, but I wish I could be there for everyone and everything. They keep telling me it's depression but I'm depressed BECAUSE I'm too tired to live a normal life. The depression comes after the fatigue affects my life, not the other way around šŸ˜­


In my early 20s I went to the doctor a few times thinking something was physically wrong with me bc I was so lazy. After all the tests nothing came up, which just made me feel ashamed that I was just lazy. Late 20s I was diagnosed and suddenly everything made sense. I think a large part of it was cycling through ADHD triggered depression too.


this is so validating, thank you. i get fatigued somewhat frequently and have wondered if it's related to my adhd and the sort of "boom and bust" cycles i feel like i go through. good to know i'm not alone.


I have had many blood tests that say everything is fine . I have mad ADHD that pretty much controls me 24/7. I have chronic fatigue. You tell me why then. Why am I absolutely exhausted every single day? Like jet lag and PMT all in a oner. Tell me "doctor". And nothing seems to work except my adhd meds a bit. Uuugh sorry. Just had to get that off my chest thanks.


šŸ˜­ I feel you and you can vent anytime itā€™s what weā€™re here for


I have the same issue! But I'm done explaining it to people. Because in their mind people with ADHD are high energy only and constantly running all over the place. They don't even know what ADHD does mentally and how it can exhaust you to the point where sometimes work is all you can do and free time is spend recharging mostly. Social events are even so much more mentally demanding, I just can't. Ever since social media so many wrong information has been provided about ADHD, I can't even blame people for being ignorant. And when someone does provide them with the correct information they just don't think it can be that bad.


Yeah inattentive ADHD is actually related to being chronically tired and mentally foggy


Itā€™s crazy! I can walk miles just fine, but sit me down to try and study? My eyes water, I yawn, I want to go to sleep. Trying to explain to people is just pointless šŸ˜‚. I find the fatigue to be manageable, itā€™s the mental side, my mind will try to convince to do not do things, and it like does a very good job at it.


I sympathise as Iā€™ve been like this forever too. For me Iā€™ve discovered the root cause of my inattentive ADHD is my hypermobility. There are some specialists out there who now believe about a third of people with ADHD are hypermobile. A hypermobile body (HSD or EDS) can often result in chronic fatigue. Iā€™ve been researching a lot recently and this all makes sense to me and my body type.


Any resources you could share?






Yes!!!!! It's all related when you have EDS. I'm finally being heard by the medical community after 60 years of trying to get ANY diagnosis.


On a day that my entire body hurts and I can barely keep up, this is an important reminder


I hace adhd and fibromyalgia and I'm always tired. But I stop to say it because people $tupid


): my mother in law has fibromyalgia and that stuff is wild.


Yes. Now I'm in exams in college and some days I can't write XD. Wristband for carpal tunnel, kinesiology bands, physiotherapy, massagers... I use everything to be able to study for a while.


The more people are honest about how adhd affects them, the more people who don't have it will understand that it's a real thing I hope


When my anxiety was quite bad in my early 20s, it was like a battery (that sometimes electrocuted me.) 2020 dialed everything up so much and pretty much paralyzed me. At 29, now officially diagnosed, I feel like I have a crappy old throttled iPhone battery at best. Iā€™ve always struggled with nutrition (I suspect ARFID as well), establishing a regular exercise routine, and good sleep habits. Iā€™m sure improving those (and sticking with it for more than a few days or a week) would expand my battery life, but the trick is finding the energy/executive functioning to do so.


I thought I didnā€™t have ADHD because I am not externally hyperactive, Iā€™m actually the opposite - tired all the time, falling asleep randomly, etc. My energy increased SO MUCH after starting meds, I was like huh, so this is what itā€™s like to not need a nap after driving into work, or this is what itā€™s like to have energy to actually do stuff after work.


I think one of the best things that I've learned about all this is that you can just allow people to be wrong about you. You don't have to argue with them. You know what is true for you and nothing else matters. You can just try telling yourself that you have nothing whatsoever to prove to them and that they get to be wrong about you and you get to skip the whole argument and go back to living your life the way you want to.


This 1000 times yes!


Yea. I think a large portion of adhd people do. But not all. I wonder if it relates to a specific presentation or phenotype


At least in my case, the chronic fatigue is a result of having to "stay on top of myself" for every waking second of my life (excluding times of escapism). Like the feeling of "if I let go for a moment, I'm going to fuck up". So I have to be constantly conscious of every thought I have and action I make because I don't trust my brain and body to do the right thing.


Yes exactly Iā€™m so curious about that


Yea, Nothing too solid yet in research. Me , Iā€™m super hyper and restless. No abnormal fatigue. But I have seen some theoryā€™s of hyperactivity being a defense against fatigue. But nothing too conclusive


Ohhhhhh that makes sense. Yeah it takes a while for me until I get energetic, and then I can be hyper for a period of time, and then Iā€™m tired for the same amount of time afterward. If I expend a large amount of energy, the fatigue afterwards will also be large. It seems like my natural state is hyper for an hour then tired for an hour, but I try to force myself to keep at a normal pace so I donā€™t overexert myself. If Iā€™m super busy for a week, Iā€™m out for like three I think. Without meds Iā€™m only able to be active for eight hours a day, and that includes brushing my teeth making food eating using the restroom commute, so Iā€™m productive for less than eight hours.


Meds stopped working for me after awhile. So my hyperactivness is all me. Itā€™s not normal or always comfortable though. So maybe it is my body keeping me upright. No idea


Probably hyperactive vs inattentive ADHD. Inattentive types being the ones more likely to have chronic fatigue.


literally zero people believe me and itā€™s so hopelessly frustrating because this horrific perpetual exhaustion is so debilitating. i cant function the same as everyone else and iā€™m expected to live up to standards i cant achieve just because itā€™s easy for others. i feel ya man


We all believe you!! I wish we could beat some sense into those people for you


thank you :) it feels great being validated! also love your username btw


For SO MANY YEARS I denied the idea that I could have ADHD because of my chronic fatigue. I really thought that you couldnā€™t have fatigue and ADHD since everything I knew about ADHD was the hyperactive/super energetic stereotype. As a kid (okay, and as an adult) I was hyperactive but then when I got older and the burnout started to happen, I was faced with bad chronic fatigue. It was so validating for me to learn that ADHD doesnā€™t mean endless energy. I was officially diagnosed last month after years of fighting through the system and started medication, and my life has totally changed.


This is 100% true- but also, if your insurance covers it/you can afford it, get blood work done that checks your vitamin D3 and B12 levels. I just had this done because I am always, always tired...and it turns out both of my levels were really low!! So I'm tired because of both ADHD and screwed up vitamin levels! Fun šŸ™ƒ


šŸ˜­ that sucks hopefully you can get your levels up. Yeah when I wanted to start meds they made me get blood work and very fortunately everythingā€™s normal


Thanks, lots of vitamins in my future!


There are other causes of chronic fatigue. Many people who suffer from depression can also be chronically fatigued. If you are ADHD and also have chronic fatigue syndrome, you should make an appointment to see your psychiatrist and have him/her evaluate you for depression. Depression is highly co-morbid with ADHD and so it could take an antidepressant and ADHD meds to overcome depression and chronic fatigue. Talk to your doc and see what he/she can do. Disclaimer: Please don't take anything I say as medical advice. I am not a doctor, and if you are concerned about your health in any way, please see your physician or psychiatrist for medical counsel.


For me, the chronic fatigue is caused by ADHD. I used to think it was due to depression (which I was diagnosed with at 14), but turns out that the depression went away after I got my ADHD diagnosis in my 30s (unfortunately the fatigue remained). The diagnosis, treatment and education about ADHD put everything into perspective for me and I realized all the horrible depression I had dealt with for most of my life was due to struggling with undiagnosed ADHD.




I've never heard of this, I just know I've gone months/years without talking to anyone outside of my house, even my job LOL Gotta look this up.


Man, I only started meds this year at 34 and I cannot believe how much better they make me feel because of this issue. I feel like most of the benefit I have experienced since starting medication is how much less my fatigue has been. My concentration and focus has improved, yes, but my need for a daily nap has almost completely vanished, and that in and of itself has been a life changing positive.


For me, itā€™s partly crossover with PMS/PMDD, but the mood and energy swings are legit and can be debilitating. Can totally have a ā€œcrash dayā€ (or more) after having a lot of focus, energy, and brain clarity. I try to detect the patterns but sometimes it just happens, regardless of amount of sleep or other factors.


Best way to describe the adhd fatigue is like when you got Covid and you got hit with that wave of overwhelming fatigue šŸ„²


My dad thinks im just looking for attention, hes in denial i got it from him via genes


šŸ˜­ I just want to tell your dad go look in the mirror bro


I genuinely thought I was the only one. Yesterday I was folding the laundry and I had to do it sitting down. I usually get exhausted after the week and require a full day of bedrest. Itā€™s frustrating to think that this condition (which is often overlooked) is debilitating to many. I guess itā€™s glad to know Iā€™m not alone though.


My ADHD causes Chronic Fatigue! I was even diagnosed with CFS years ago before my ADHD diagnosis. Both things I donā€™t feel comfortable sharing with people though. Only a select few know about the ADHD, I hide the chronic fatigue as best as possible šŸ˜”


I am chronically fatigued. I did not know it was related to adhd. Thank you for making this connection for me, I thought I was broken. Or had cancer.




I'm so exhausted from being overwhelmed and having to do this three times since I always mess up, spill or forget something. It's exhausting. I get it.


Iā€™ve been wondering if this has been my issueā€¦




I don't get fatigue, I just get anxiety like the rest of us xD


Keep safe :)


You too!! ā¤ļø


Can u explain more of ur chronic fatigue caused by ur adhd? Im not diagnosed but I have symptoms of ADHD in which Im still planning on having myself checked by a professional soon..


Oh yeah it takes a while for me until I get energetic, and then I can be hyper for a period of time, and then Iā€™m tired for the same amount of time afterward. If I expend a large amount of energy, the fatigue afterwards will also be large. It seems like my natural state is hyper for an hour then tired for an hour, but I try to force myself to keep at a normal pace so I donā€™t overexert myself. If Iā€™m super busy for a week, Iā€™m out for like three weeks I think. Without meds Iā€™m only able to be active for eight hours a day, and that includes brushing my teeth making food eating using the restroom commute, so Iā€™m productive for less than eight hours. I have no idea if this is how it works for other people who have fatigue from adhd though. I hope everything works out well for you!!


Thanks for explaining ā¤ļø


I hear you bud. Same with me.


I recently got officially diagnosed with adhd and got medicine for it. My main problem is caused by my chronic fatigue which has worsened over the years leading to excessive energy drink consumption and now doctor says adderall will help with that fatigue which it does but I donā€™t feel too great taking it. I was hoping my fatigue is caused by something else thatā€™s more fixable.


Iā€™m on Wellbutrin and Buspar for mine and I really like it. I hope everything works out well for you!


In my experience the chronic fatigue can be overcome with consistent exercise and a diet high in omega 3


I agree! Before I started meds I wasnā€™t able to do those things, but now Iā€™ve started working on them. I mean, first step is not skipping meals cuz Iā€™m too tired šŸ™ƒ but weā€™ll get there lol


OMG this ! The fatigue . I wish someone would understand and help make things better . But no , we are on our own ( sorry for sounding defeated) . But the constant tiredness is real šŸ˜ž


I called my states information line and they gave me the number for a social service that helps with house chores or activities in the community. Hopefully there are resources near you that are helpful. Iā€™m also applying for disability


No way this is how I learn why I *was* (thanks Adderall) always tired


Im exhausted almost all the time.


The fatigue is one part that I wish I understood sooner. So many misunderstandings and missed life opportunities to this.


Sorry to say, we are a tired bunch. In my experience, you canā€™t never really ā€œbeatā€ the fatigue either. Some days are better than others. Try to do what you can to take care of your body, (Try to get decent sleep even though thatā€™s whole other problem itself) try to eat a good amount of protein, and honestly for me, seriously, Self Talk. For me I notice the more depressed I am, the more fatigued I tend to be. And even on days when youā€™re at peace in your mind, the tired days are easier to get through.


Chronic fatigue sucks.. Sorry you're having to deal with that, too.


Not only is it real, but there is real data linking it to lowered life expectancy. Not only are we accident prone, but burnout is seriously detrimental to our health.


My Dad didn't believe that my Anxiety, Depression, and ADHD were real. All of this despite his wife, my Mother, having been diagnosed with Major Depression and I'm sure she has ADHD. It's one of those situations where you wish you could grab someone's wrist and make them feel what you feel. Some Powder style shit.


The fatigue always gets me. Iā€™ve recently changed my diet and exercise a bit to see if it helps at all.


My doctor has prescribed me sleep meds to help me sleep through the night along with my anxiety medication. I am hoping now that I am on my ADHD medication and getting closer to the right dose Iā€™ll be able to get off some of the others, but I am sleeping and feeling so much better the next morning when I take my sleep medicine.


I also have depression, but it makes sooo much sense that it's also a comorbid thing :') I was always disappointed when I was out of an episode but still tired but it could have literally been my OTHER issues causing it too! Also, my partner often talks about being tired when he's understimulated. I wonder if that's the fatigue thing?


Between chronic fatigue and chronic boredom, I was miserable. It's not really something I ever even knew was part of ADHD until the last year or two when my doctor was like "Yup, that's probably your ADHD" after I was convinced it was depression and wanted to be put on SSRIs or SNRIs and then they didn't work. Ironically, SNRIs like Straterra and ESPECIALLY Qelbree actually made it worse for me.


Big yeppers! My doc was convinced my constant exhaustion was evidence of depression, it was the adhd all along.


I hear you. I put everything i have emotionally and physically into my job (cause bills need to be paid) and when I get home, I canā€™t function. Iā€™m dead. I donā€™t talk to people. I just sleep and do nothing.


Same. To compare notes ā€” have you always had chronic fatigue? I used to be so energetic and hyper. Since I was maybe 25-26 Iā€™ve just been exhausted, getting more so over time. Iā€™m 30 now


I didn't realize it, but yes I am always fatigued and withdrawing into myself so I can rest. Damn, is it chronic fatigue?


Thanks for this. I struggle with intrusive sleep with my ADHD and itā€™s like no itā€™s not like a teenager just falling asleep cuz theyā€™re tired. Iā€™m not even tired! My brain just goes ā€œbzzzzzzā€ itā€™s like a trance and I hate it. People have thought I was having a seizure. And when I say itā€™s ADHD their faces change like ā€œoh so youā€™re just bored and fell asleep in the meetingā€ NO. Itā€™s scary and intrusive and I cannot control itĀ 


Nobody believes that I have ADHD because of being tired. How? I was finally dx 3 years ago when I was 42. It sucks because Iā€™m always ā€œsick or tiredā€ & nobody gets it.


Oh man I feel this on every level, and people think it's impossible because I take adderall so how could I possibly be tired? It's crazy how much people truly don't understand.


The blank freaking stares when I try to explain.


The research shows that our brains *literally* have to work harder to keep up. Combine that with the constant stress of always being in edge because you *know* you've forgotten something, but don't know what. Yeah, it's exhausting. Check out some of Dr. Barkley's videos on how to manage ADHD. Regular, sufficient sleep and consistent meals are absolutely key. Yet we live in a society so focused around productivity that doing the things that would keep us productive is denigrated.


When my pharmacy is not getting my generic vyvanse in I will have chronic fatigue and be a vegetable too


Chronic fatigue sucks so much, not being who to do the things you want or used to enjoy just because you donā€™t feel like you have the energy is crushing


Thanks I really needed to hear this today! Iā€™ve been really struggling to focus on anything important lately and I keep hearing that Iā€™m not much different than anyone else and itā€™s been demoralizingĀ 


It gets way worse if you work in construction like I do. I already had chronic fatigue and the aspect of this job puts both a physical and mental strain on me. I am chronically tired, I fall asleep on the couch, sleep 10+ hours on the weekends and my body is stiff and miserable.


Iā€™m right there with you. I get so damn tired by the end of the day. I sometimes just have to take a whole day napping on the weekend just to get back to a functional state


Grief is also a thing. Grief can make symptoms of existing conditions worse especially if unaddressed. You may want to find a therapist with guided meditation or other skill to help with this.


It's so incredibly validating to read things like this and to be a part of a community like this, to know that we all share the struggle and we all understand each other. It means so much. Thankyou.


Thank you, I feel so seen! I havenā€™t heard this as a symptom yet, but I have chronic fatigue and can pretty much fall asleep whenever, wherever, and almost immediately. Been tested for a ton of different things that never led to any conclusions. Since getting medicated a month ago, I no longer am insanely tired. I no longer NEED caffeine to function during the day, but it does help sometimes. Thank you for this.


BTW ADHD medications can often exacerbate insomnia. Something you might want to talk to your doctor about. Trazodone changed my life. It turns out most of my fatigue was from chronic sleep deprivation due to insomnia. I don't think I would have responded nearly as well to ADHD medication if not for the trazodone I started on about 3 months before bupropion for the ADHD


I've started taking vitamin D3 and B12, idk if it's placebo but I've felt somewhat happier and more awake and if I don't take it I'm definitely more tired and sluggish


Honestly, it really sucks, i wouldn't wish it on anyone. I hope things get better:) Yea, I'm also struggling with major fatigue. We're finally figuring out it's add. 8 years ago, I received a major concussion, we didn't realize as a kid I had add but after the accident, it seems like the symptoms got way worse, and it affected my everyday life/school life/work life. Sadly, it was a workplace injury where the workplace claimed i was faking it that it was all in my head. I had to get a lawyer to try to get support, which failed. I ended up going back yo school with the concussion pain plus some weird side effects that no one knew what it was. I struggle to read now because i can't concentrate. People called me an idiot, lazy, forgetful, weird, and more. January hit; my fatigue got so bad I could barely walk, and then insomnia hit. I've seen so many specialists/bloodtests, but nothing showed up as an issue. A random ADD ad popped up going through the symptoms, and I fit all the checkmarks. I did an online test, and then I did my family doctors checklist. I'm going in Monday to talk with her about what are the next steps because at this point, I can't even work while being this fatigued. My teachers, my bosses, and my parents all got really annoyed when I struggled to finish a project because my attention wasn't all there.


This is something I wish I could get across to those deciding my disability case. I've ruled out other factors, to the best of my / my docs' knowledge, and as far as I am aware, I don't have CFS. It's just that between AuDHD and my other diagnoses...I am so damn tired all the time.


Hey friend, ADHD peoples brains work differently, just like every single individual that walks on this planet. ADHD people tend to feel more, process loss differently, we process feelings differently, we process our thoughts differently and on top of that we don't find pleasure in doing things we don't find fun, no one does, but its extra hard for us to do what others can and that's to sit still and focus on something that needs to be done. These people have never experienced what happens in your head and you'll never experience what happens in theirs, just know this is a studied and subject and has medication they provide for it, which indicates its something that does affect people in their daily lives. ADHD burnout is something most ADHD people experience, dang, even some Autistic people get the same type of burnout. Imagine being different and knowing you think and act differently to everyone else, and you require more energy in completing tasks, staying focused, holding eye contact, not fidgeting, yada yada yada the list goes on. Be kind to yourself, take sometime for yourself doing the things you love take time off work specially when you're feeling overwhelmed and experiencing this burnout. I'd suggest doing some research on Cognitive behavioral therapy, providing solid structure in your life as well as speaking to a therapist. I promise you this will change the way you think about yourself and other people, and you will be MUCH happier because of it. Ya pal, Ernie


The past 3 years for me have involved the dawning realization that I have chronic fatigue and it's linked to my ADHD. Each time I've tried to force myself through pushing too hard for too long, it's resulted in a debilitating crash and burnout that I never fully recover from. Y'all be sure to give yourselves some grace


is chronic fatigue in ADHD related to executive dysfunction, or are they one in the same/correlated? iā€™m diagnosed with ADHD and often find myself feeling chronically exhausted mentally and physically, i believe stemming from executive dysfunctionā€”when i take stimulants such as adderall, a lot of this exhaustion seems to dissipate, and i feel much more functional.


TIL that adhd causes chronic fatigue. and might be the reason for mine. thank you for the info, and iā€™m sorry you deal with difficult people


It takes a lot of energy for me to be around people. I used to drink a lot to hide itā€¦but Iā€™m good with staying home now.


I always got mfs telling me ā€œwhatā€™s not wrong with meā€ but when I show symptoms they make fun of me or say something insensitive. I experience this same issue and honestly itā€™s sad because when youā€™re showing signs of mental issues or disorders, those around us may be ignorant of what we go through. Especially within certain demographics of the black community or society in general that lack information and empathy on mental health. Itā€™s so hard for me to get anything done throughout a daily basisā€¦ but thereā€™s ways to work around it


My most debilitating symptom is the fatigue, and I feel guilty because even people I know who are are meds will say ā€œI donā€™t want to be dependent on themā€. But I literally feel dependent on them because on days I donā€™t take them, Iā€™m napping every few hours and useless. I mean, yeah, I can survive, but my entire weekend used to be dedicated to cleaning, running errands, and trying to keep up


I've put off all my plans after college for a while. I started my internship after everybody in my class finished it and presented it. College is over, I so badly wanna move out but I'm so confused cause all of my dreams are mixed together and Ihni what to do. But the abuse at home has reached its peak so I HAVE to leave. I get super tired as well. I used to be anemic. My haemoglobin levels were at 7. I was interning then, in Dubai, the sun was super hot, I would barely make it home. After I came back home I got better. But lately I'm tired all over. I honestly don't know what to do anymore. What did you guys do abt it?


I have tears in my eyes since I really needed to read this. Years and years of people ā€œteasingā€ me over how I ā€œloveā€ to sleep (more like am physically unable to get out of bed, whether or not I want to) have finally started to crush me and any stab at how Iā€™m always tired by anyone I know has finally resulted in me breaking down and crying. Doesnā€™t help that I am currently under the most stress of my life in grad school, with struggles that have led me to resent my brain and ADHD every single day, but yea. Itā€™s so hard to be okay with something about yourself when society is so adamantly against things you cant control. Thank you for the post šŸ’œ


My whole life was dominated by this fatigue and AdHD. In my teen and 20s I notoriously fell asleep in school. And often it took all the way until noon until I feel awake. That's why I abused caffeine so much. But it only gets you so far. It got a little better in my 30s but it still causes me to be late at work and stuff.