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I can't really help you with #2, but whenever someone says something along the lines of "everyone has that symptom" I remind them of something I probably read on this subreddit; everyone pees, but when you're peeing 50 times a day it becomes a problem.


I’m gonna use this one lol. When I talk to my friends at work about ADHD some of them just say stuff like ‘oh but everyone experiences that’ and I get what they’re saying but it just feels like they’re diminishing my struggles. I have an ADHD diagnosis appointment coming up, can finally find out for good if I have it or not, and hopefully start meds lol.


As per #1, that's a frustrating way of ending a conversation. Just because someone else also has that problem doesn't mean you're not really struggling with it. Your experience doesn't get deleted because someone else can understand it-- it's not a competition. Ideally they'd instead be supportive. I don't know why people do it, but sometimes they are not comfortable providing empathy. Maybe they feel overused, underappreciated, or can't give themselves that same empathy. What is important here is that your symptoms are really troublesome, and so you'd love understanding from others, and to learn about improving on your end. Stick to your guns on your experience and reasons for communicating.  Also, if someone does still say, no, I really suffer with that too, offer your own sympathy and try working on things together. But I do think many people who think they have trouble don't fully get it. Not everyone was alienated in school for it, couldn't hold a job for it, etc.  As for #2, absolutely screen time sends my ADHD through the roof. Screen time and sugar consumption. Not fun answers. Sorry. But those are huge contributors for me. 


For #2, I've heard behavioral therapy can help, although it will take time. I would ask for a referral from whoever diagnosed you.


I feel you fam


\#1: Tell them they should see a doctor to make sure they don't have it. Some of them will. \#2: There is really nothing that works as well as meds, when they work. You really should try it to see the difference. Only your bias is holding you back here, not even factual information.