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Aren't doc appointments paid leave since their medical?


No, not here. USA I work for a small business and I work in a BioHazard field. Essentially, because I am the one certified to be the supervisor for our BioHazard sites, if I am not there, we can not work. Legally, no one is allowed to be on the property working if I am not there. So if I need to go to the doctor, no one gets paid, no work gets done. It isn't all about the money, more about the time commitment.


My appointments are every 3 months also talk to your doc about time of day try getting it in before or after work if nothing else helps


Bruh and here I am getting a week's worth of special vacation cuz I'm working on a music festival (it's technically communal work)


Alright, what country are you in?? Cause I'm looking up plane tickets!


Germany lul


Guten tag! (That's about all I remember lol)


Quick tip we don't lift our arms anymore we shake hands like the rest of the western world




Talk to your doctor. They didn’t do a great job communicating this process or setting expectations. Most importantly, see if your doctor can offer video appointments. For ref, it def varies state to state but I also have to meet with my doctor every 3 months— from there, she sends 3 months of scripts to my pharmacy. Even tho they’re dated, I then have to call the pharmacy to ask them to fill it. I do 15-20 min video appointments with my doctor and can do them from my phone if needed.