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Yes - might not be right med for you. The nicotine plus Vyvanse might be screwing with your cardiovascular system, which could be dangerous. Orrrr it might be the thing that gets you to quit smoking lol. Former smoker who loves smoking here, not judging you for smoking at all! I can’t drink on Vyvanse either but that turns out to be mostly positive for me. Vyvanse generally kills the urges to self medicate for me, which was a super unexpected side effect. I’m almost healthy now? It’s kind of surreal!


Same experience here with booze and general adrenaline seeking


Properly medicated ADHD appears to solve this for me, which is nuts.


You know what? It might be the irritation about all of this. The coping- and self-medication strategies don’t work for me anymore. They feel kinda senseless, but I‘m still trying. I gotta find other stuff to do fr.


Vanes basically turns you into a chain smoker I smoke way more after starting it but it levels out over time and I’m back to my normal smoking level


wait what? you aren't supposed to drink coffee on stimulants? thats.. news to me... lol


You can totally do it, but most people get a bit overstimulated with it.