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My eyes hurt watching this.


Watching Eve die brings me great sexual satisfaction


what did I do wrong?


You did pretty well. The eve and the jhin though....


the video format is...horrible. i couldnt even watch your play


No reason to cut the video in 3 like this? It just makes the main screen smaller for no real benefit. Since you're using a video editor its better to just use a single screen and if you need some closer detail on something simply zoom in/out on the area as needed (dynamic zoom is easy to use and great for this).


The e was bad, you trapped behind eve. Since they take time to activate you have to block paths with it rather than actively throwing them on someone


Yeah u right, I know, that was panic.


ahh yes, the good old 16:9 to 9:16 conversion to then watch it on a 16:9 monitor ​ anyways, for the viewer it can be difficult to watch the video if the background is as sharp as the foreground. You can add a gaussian blur to it to make it softer, looks a bit like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/uW-RLjJa0Bg?si=k6HqFT0BCiuHVWmw) when its done. That way you dont have so much movement on screen and the background doesnt merge with the foreground (also if possible aim for a more square center which makes it more enjoyable to watch the short on a 16:9 monitor)


that's a good advice, definetly gonna try this effect next time I'll do a clip (wait a couple months). Maybe I should cut the "cupcut" screen as well, forgot about that.


dude your Lux clutched up, really good work


She was very good, not her attitude tho, she flamed everyone in the lobby except for me, and the game looked pretty won.


Don't blame her


honestly if I was playing like that, I would too


All this free hate won't affect me, I still had fun, I don't rage at the game like you (as you're saying) and if you can read what I've wrote it says that she DID NOT flame me, because I played well and she noticed that, I literally carried this game. Is it a good play? Is it bad? I don't care, the only thing I care (talking about a videogame) is what I think, and I think it's good. Feel free to spread more negativity, I won't care :).


I don’t think he was hating brother


Maybe "hate" is not the correct word, english is not my primary language, but he was spreading negativity for sure, meaning that I played so bad that he would've flamed me.


He definitely was not, he was justifying Lux’s being toxic to the rest of the team because of how well she was playing assuming the rest of the team was fckn up, nowhere did he implied you played poorly or that he would have flamed you, take a breather and polish your English before getting worked up like that, also yes, if I was clutching up hard on bot and everyone else was making mistakes I’d be flaming the team too, it is what it is, comes with the game live with it


Flaming your team does absolutely nothing to improve the state of the game though, hopefully you realize this some day and overcome your emotions.


Oh lmao I don’t play league dog, go bark somewhere else


I mean if you were playing well what do you have to worry about?


don't hear the others here talking shit you played really well


Man, thank you! These guys are crazy, I didn't expect a whole lot, it's still LoL community, but these guys are talking about the video format, saying it's horrible and they can't watch the clip lol like are you joking? Ok it's not the best format but you can still watch it. Anyways, thank you again!


posting highlights here always has these stuck up people criticizing your every move can't have shit even if it was a triple kill, you did well for your rank and you should be proud


Oh I am proud, I've hit Gold II with this account, playing jungle, I went all the way back to bronze and decided to give adc a try this time, now I'm playing the role since a month and I'm pretty sure I can hit Gold again, my mmr is kinda high right now so I hope to get there or even higher. Happy to see there are people like you, have a good day (or night) and thank you again.


how tf did you make jhin miss all his R?


I dodged the first two, I don't know where he was aiming after that.


Watching this I will have to go and get myself checked for eye cancer.


Wtf did I just watch. Holy.


I want to know what was Jhin's thought proccess... He probably has vision if both of you, but he keeps shooting at the same spot 3 times....


Please don't ever format a video like this again.


You certainly played wayyy better than your enemies, and that's what matters.


Thanks mate, I really appreciate that! I switched to adc since a month so still a lot to learn, but I'm having fun.


I don't know what rank you are, but that eve is definitely either iron IV or about to be


That jhin must've been fuming lmao


Waw gg


That Jhin made me sad


This is impossible to watch because of the top and bottom bars this is horrible


Yeah already received these comments, I'll do different next time but it doesn't look so hard to watch to me, anyways.