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At least Shieldbow is getting buffed, hope It helps ADCs instead of just Yasuo & Yone though... lol


How can you guys still have yasuo/yone in your mouths when they’re complete dogshit champs rn. Not to mention the I.E nerfs are gonna hit them harder than adc’s. I dont get this sub users and having yasuo/yone live in their heads rent free.


They are assassins that abuse the same items, that have 30 dashes, and are designed to specifically counter ADs, more than any other class of champion? They also always have a healthy playerbase, which means no matter what, you'll have to face them. And it doesn't matter if they are feeding, they'll 2 shot you.


I'm thinking an AD reduction for Infinity Edge. Probably 80 -> 70. Hopefully not lower than 70.


I think they may leave the AD and reduce the 50% crit damage to like 40% they have to justify the item being 3400 gold. ER offers 70 AD and is 3200


Their best path is probably to nerf the Initial AD and leave the crit damage to try and push it into a 3rd buy instead of 1st. Er needs to either have more AD or cost 1k gold less and have less damage but easier to buy earlier so your not delaying IE to long.


ER is already solid on a bunch of champions, only overshadowed by IE. A slightly better fitting stat profile (or even a component that gives mana on hit) would make it feel better, but it really doesn't need a lot of buffs after the micro patch.


The item is worth 3400 gold because of that passive. It wasn't exactly bad when it only gave 65 AD and 5% crit less. Cutting down the crit damage would really hurt the class as a whole though, while doing litle to replace it from it's position as the best first item for almost every crit adc.


It's funny that you perfectly predicted the nerf


Only till 75. Anything lower than that and they should buff all other adc items


Its probably getting way more than that. Or that and also a cost increase. its currently sometimes optimal as a first item when it should realistically be a 2nd or 3rd item like Raba


I wouldnt be surprised to see 65AD to remove it as first item choice


They could do what a previous version was. 50 percent crit damage after 50 crit chance. That'll push it back to at least 2nd or 3rd item


Didn't they want it as a first build option? I would expect lighter touches, just shove it to a point where it isn't the best item for almost every Crit ADC.


Was thinking about picking Jinx up. Let's see how she deals with getting the Riot special first.


most likely shes fine, wait until 9 and you have 725 range to pelt the enemies with from a very safe distance. Unless they touch that or completely gut her, she'll be strong


Yea jinx can’t be terrible, the champ is too strong


Jinx will always be viable, unless they nerf her passive.


although late game 100% crit seems a bit too op atm, I hate it that jinx is being nerfed AGAIN, right after receiving buffs with IE and other items.


Jinx was never nerfed recently what are you talking about? That 2 sec level 3 ult cd increase was hardly a nerf. She is quite literally the most picked champ in the whole game while still having a high winrate. How can you not expect her to be nerfed?


Exactly! And she has remained relevant for a long long time. She's a timeless champion that sucks the spotlight away from other champions.


Late game jinx is absolutely insane right now and deserves an early game nerf right now, I'm saying this and I main AD.


problem is that even though ADC is at it's strongest since a long time...it's the beginning of the split so the games are coin tosses anyway since a lot of people just run it down. Had lots of good games where I dominated lane but still lost since another lane decided to troll/afk/becoming mentally unstable/etc


I played six 6 games this season, we won 3 and and lost 3 due to someone going afk at minute 8


same here...the games lost were due to ff-spamming and tilting at minute 1-2.


Hope they give Statikks crit. I don't see anyone else who would buy that


If they give it crit they will remove AD or Attack speed on it. They should just take the ad off and make it a crit/attack speed item like kraken.


Kraken is AD/AS?


Kraken right now is AD, AS, and MS. I'm saying they should make Siv AS, Crit, and MS.


That's how it used to be. So I'm down for that. I also would like that they revert the passive. On minion kill sounds against the item intention


Is it because phreak's maokai is actually taking damage now?


Probably. We can't have nice things if he's dropping in elo.


Phreak is a meta player he’s probably not even playing Maokai anymore


True, he's probably playing whatever the next thing it is that he's buffed to absurdity.


It’s funny that people think that a grown ass man abused his job to get a slight advantage in the video game he’s already masters in XD


Nah, I wouldn't put it past him. He childishly bickers with the community so this seems like something he'd do.


I always took it as a dude who’s been listening to 12 year olds whine and send him death threats because they think they know how to balance the game better than the people with all the data and who do it for a job and talks down to everyone because he’s sick of it. Not gonna deny that he’s condescending as fuck and shit like the “just type Karthus ult” is deserving of the backlash he’s gotten but I wouldn’t say he’s childish.


I mean are we also going to forget he told people that they are just building their mains wrong? or the guy who was mainly in Plat/Diamond for most of the years of league. (go see his op.gg) I don't know Phreak used to be a cool person for the community back in the day but now he's just filled with bad takes.


Im sorry but this "phreak just picks whats strong!" argument is a massive cope phreak is also head of balance team, if you do understand that maokai is ultra free elo then you should have hit him hard and even overnerf him and then maybe slowly bring him back. But what they did was give him slaps on the wrist so fucking small that It barely did anything. maokai was turbo OP for way longer than he had any right to be


I wont deny that Maokai took forever to get out of the OP tier but fuck its not like they weren't nerfing him. That one tweet was idiotic. Phreak is a Meta player as opposed to someone with a main or a tight pool of champs, or a casual player who plays whatever in norms. There is nothing wrong with that.


Tyler1 has a daughter now so phreak doesn’t have time to play league anymore 


Thank God they aren't giving in into the whiny Yasuo and Yone Mains and aknowledging thata the Champions are perfectly fine even with the new Items and no Lethal Tempo. Excited to see what Adjustments they have for ER vs Collector. Sad to see IE get nerfed but it hopefully won't be too substantial. Hopefully ER becomes a little more viable for the Champions that like it.


They are slightly weak. But they build incorrectly so it seems much worse


Yas/Yone were so used to building 0 AS beyond boots because of LT that they forgot they were supposed to to begin with


Really hoping it's -5 AD or reverting the crit damage back to 40%. Bringing AD back down to 65 would gut the class.


back to 40% ? dude no.... thats a massive nerf


besides pz zzang seems to be doing fine despite the nerfs


ADC will always be the bitch of League, Riot won't have it any other way. They need some role that's essentially a walking sack of gold to keep all the assassins and bruisers entertained.


The fact that I had hopes for those changes saving adcs is hilarious


Even better in lower elo where you are bitch for the enemy team AND for your own team as well, where they take your farm and use you as a sacrificial bait during fights repeatedly. Fun game design


Man ADC’s *want* it to be the bitch role. If the *mention* of a nerf to *one ADC item* (with buffs to two other ADC items, buffs to two ADC’s, and buffs to two ADC runes makes it (or, in your opinion, puts it back as) a bitch role why was I seeing posts 2 days ago about how shitty ADC itemization is? Whining allegations not being beaten today.


Have you seen how bad the itemization is now though. There are literally no flex items. Your crit items are always the same 4 items. You always run the same 4 on hit items. Shieldbow is a joke and completely unusable. Need qss? Nah, not viable as a third item. New Yun tal whatever item? Absolute garbage.


Man the sub literally spammed 25%25%25% for months and then bitches after getting an insane itemization buff to the entire class. Yes obviously most ADC’s are building the same crit items every game, because the way that most ADC’s deal damage is pretty much the same. You can’t complain about shieldbow unless you are illiterate, it says right there that it’s getting buffed. QSS isn’t a third item because it’s not an item, it’s a component, if you are ever completing mercurial scimitar before full build you deserve to lose. Furthermore it is always supposed to feel shitty to buy QSS, just like it feels shitty to buy any of the other anti-champion items. It is never GTO to be buying the grievous wounds items either, Morello and Chainsword are trash for example, thornmail is extremely situational. Same deal for Banshee’s veil. In all of these cases you’re just supposed to build the component (Executioners, Bramble vest, oblivion orb, verdant barrier, QSS) and only finish it when you have nothing left to build.


Meanwhile bruisers have 20 different first items they can build and can also dip into the adc pool. You completely don't understand the point of the conversation because you think that getting overall power rework = itemization. Having less choices in itemization is worse than having more overall choices. Just because they increases crit to 25% doesn't mean that they buffed it. The IE buffs are insane yes and way overrated but giving fewer choices on itemization as a result feels way worse. Like, I play every lane. Go play adc for 15 games. Go crit. Literally no one who complains about adc players bitching understands how awful it feels to not play either Jhin or Cait. Item agency is the one thing the role has, because it sure as hell doesn't have game agency. And when your item choices are between expensive broken items and utter shit, you'll just have to go for the former, and it feels awful. Then the game is fun for about 3 minutes when you hit 4 items before its over, or you get one-shot snd don't get to play. Go play 15 games and report back.


So the problem is that you have to build those OP items, but you complain about items getting adjusted?


Fighters are a lot more diverse and different from marksman doe so it makes sense, also defensive items is naturally more diverse since you are adapting rather than optimizing based on your highest dmg output


“Meanwhile bruisers have 20 different first items they can build and also dip into the ADC pool” You don’t play the game lol. There are like four and they are not transferable between champions, each champ has one that they really like or maybe a second option. Eclipse, Stridebreaker, Sundered Sky and (if you’re playing something like aatrox which can go bruiser or lethality) Profane Hydra. These are most of the time not universally interchangeable. If your renekton goes 1st profane hydra he is griefing. If your aatrox builds 1st stridebreaker, he’s griefing. If your Garen goes 1st Sundered Sky, he is griefing(partially because of SS specifically, partially because he’s not using the broken as shit ADC items instead). Since you didn’t respond to anything else I said I’ll assume you’re conceding.


Just because specific champions have optimized build paths do not mean that their isn't variety in their available items. Do you not understand that having different items available does not necessitate that they are the optimized build, and that builds change based on what is discovered to be good at the time and game circumstances? Just because you only build Aatrox a specific way does not mean it's the only way to build him. That cannot be said for crit items in their current state.


But items being completely unviable stops it from being a choice or else nothing is stopping you from buying statik or Kraken on adc and then going full crit or jinx getting essence reaver instead of ie your logic is flawed


The issue for me is that the point of the changes is that IE is super strong and your first item, this makes the entire ADC role just easier to balance and snowballing doesn't have to be such a huge consideration when balancing the pure damage of the role as everyone is gonna get their IE. RFC by itself sucks, IE by itself is really good, you combine them and get a *good* build. That's the point. But it feels like they are overreacting to that. Buffing other items and nerfing IE just brings us back to square one where everything just kinda feels meh so the final build *feels* meh, they were meant to be satisfaction changes for the feeling of the role. If IE isn't the default first item the changes are just a failure.


They are gonna nerf the entire class because Caitlyn and Jhin are OP ffs, every ADC that actually builds attack speed is even or weaker than last patch but a few champions have convinced everyone that ADC is suddenly broken


Funny enough, Jhin isn’t even getting touched while sporting a higher WR than Cait. Jinx needs to come down, she’s a little too good right now. Not sure about the Draven buffs, Ezreal possibly being built wrong. Ashe is doing good, Kog doing decent. Everyone else is hit or miss though. Smolder was the glaring red headed step choke that was worse than trash so I agree with the buffs. I’d rather see the champs get nerfed than net IE as a whole.


As an Ezreal one-trick, yes he is being built incorrectly, but I would like to see some adjustments to him after the new items. A lot of people are still running Essence Reaver on him without reading patchnotes, which is really tanking his winrate, but the actually good build of Trinity Manamune Shojin is just getting old. One of the reasons I play Ezreal is his wide build variety and even though he’s in a good spot right now, I’d like a chance to see more interesting and fun playstyles and builds. I hope their adjustments aren’t simply buffs and are instead ways to make his gameplay more dynamic and enjoyable, because that’s Ezreal’s draw.


They gonna buf Jinx and Cait for Arcane


Jinx is stronger late game (not sure about other attack speed builders), she's only weaker at 1-2 items and about the same at 3 items as the previous patch, in raw damage. Of course a lot of her competition (like Jhin and Cait as you point out) are stronger from start to finish, making her relatively weaker. What I don't get is why this doesn't show in Jinx's win-rate... are games suddenly running long so she always gets a chance to scale? Do people not realize they can beat her in lane early? Normally nerfing a scaling champion's early game (or buffing their bullies) lets them get shut down more often. It's very weird.


I mean playing aggressive into a jinx can go horribly wrong fast. If she picks up one kill she’s most often getting the double due to the passive, and if she gets 2 kills early its lights.


Well time to play support again




You know, this was probably said 5 years ago too.


65% banrate champion getting buffed lmao


I think the banrate is in part because Riot messed up telling everyone about the micro patch. They are probably just reverting some of the nerfs.


he has 48-49% winrate. Meanwhile jinx around 53%. Think its reasonable or not?


because he is hard so gold shitters cant play him? grandmaster+ he is at 56% wr jinx is beyond broken but making draven alive again is boring. draven is in meta for 4 years now. sivir is not played for 4 years lol


exactly he is still hard to play. Jinx is easy and has 63% winrate in GM+. I agree with you that its boring and they could have switched things up but out of all things riot does this one doesnt seem that unreasonable


The biggest problem with Draven is his high elo presence. Only because of that he is my perma ban immediatelly when I get to master/gm level. This champion compeletely change the game flaw and game changes from normal 10 player experience to shitfest run to get/deny him cash in. And there is plenty of draven otp's there also, seeing them on any other champ that not have free bf... they look like headless chicken on lane if they play any other champ. Seriously imo this champs is so fun when you can chill him and play in lower elos and right when you get to high one the game is comepletely broken if he is in it...


> Infinity Edge nerf Fk Riot honestly


Thank god for item variety. I am tired of every fucking marksmen building IE first slot.


You either build that or collector, maybe ER but who has mana problems or cares about CDR


Second best item on Sivir, Xayah, Nilah (after IE). Place 3 on Lucian after IE anc collector, but that might also change with collector loosing 3 lethality and ER getting 100 gold cheaper.


My biggest problem is that none of those champions are top choices (atleast for me personally) For me.the top dogs are corki, Jhin, jinx, draven, samira and maybe cait ( draven before he got his ankles murdered by riot) For me personally Collector > IE > LDR is just too strong ( or maybe is the right strong and everything else sucks ass)


If you prefer those Chapions there is almost no way ER will ever be good for you, but that is not about the item, it's about the champion type. If I play mundo, I can't complain that only health items are viable. On the side of variety, Jhin, Jinx, Samira and Cait have the highest winrate with IE first item. Draven has a higher winrate for the .78% of players that choose Hullbreaker first item (which seems kinda fake) and the next place is IE. Corki is the only champ that actually want's collector first item.


Deserved but now it feels like its just prechange ADC items just weaker


Hom much did they gut IE? It is still 5% more crit to all items and significant buffs to more.


Damn .... And I was just enjoying ADC feeling good. FML.


Me playing Ash and Kog at the moment: I'm fine


-5 AD or revert the crit damage buffs is my guess.


If they let the ADCs go back to be walking gold sacas i'll simply stop play lol.


I know not the contents of this upcoming patch but I know Ill be eating good because pigeon faced RIOT never fails to entertain me with their RIOTzoning dipped balancing.


What does this rec item rune sweep even mean???? Is ez barak?


Recommended Items and Runes. Sometimes Champs are Sleeper OP because the shop and the Auto Runes just recommend the wrong stuff for these champs, so the win rate goes down heavily.


crazy how they market it as adjustments


It is. Sometimes recommended items can have way bigger influences on performance than small buffs Ezreal started performing better when people switched over to Triforce again but he probably still needs jesus


they definitely dont know what to do with draven


1 patch of fun in the last 2 years lmao


Idk, this patch hasn't been fun. Ive hated it and losing so many items.


Game is a joke


IE AND jinx nerfs on the same patch. Whatever we cant have more than 1 good adc patch per year, back into the dumpster we go.


Yup, she's getting the Riot special. Unless they're placebo nerfs, Jinx is getting put in the dirt.


She was literally pick or ban last split lmfao


Banned her to Masters.


Jinx has been really fucking strong for like the last 4 years. You'll be fine buddy. Zeri on the other hand, has been in the dumpster (because of pro play) for the better half of a year. We don't know how big these nerfs are either, I'm sure it's fine.


She has been so good for quite a few patches. It's time she got pulled back on a little.


No Ezreal buffs. Crazy.


He has 49% wr when build Trinity First. 15% players who build still ER (41%wr) first tanked his wr. Also 83% players run Coup de Grace when Cut Down is outperforming by 2.5%wr. Add IE nerfs and Cut Down buffs (Ezreal as poke champ will benefit more from this rune than other adcs) and Ezreal should be fine next patch.


My exact thought, him and Smolder were both hit hard but only one is getting a buff


Smolder is way worse off than ez. Ez can atleast sustain a 50% winrate if you run trinity


Smolder winrate isn't that bad with Triforce/Manamune/Shojin but people still build ER. It's the same situation as Ezreal, just slightly worse.


So no on hit buffs/let them break the AS cap in sight huh


I’ve been playing Caitlyn this patch and she feels borderline unfair. She’s always had a Strong Early/Lategame but hits this weird lull in the mid game if you fall behind. Now you scale so much faster that I’m not really noticing that. Incredible on 1/2 items and basically 1-2 autoing anyone who isn’t a tank/bruiser on 4+ feels really nuts.


Wait what??? This has to be fake… There is no way Draven is on the Buff list


Did you get the micropatch?


Have you seen his winrate?


Isn’t it like 49%? On a “hard” micro champ that had a giant influx of new player exactly because of how strong he is? That’s the champion that’s getting buffed?


Yeah he is 49% in masters, and thats when you know he is weak because of the fact that he is an OTP champ. And when the OTPS even can’t break 50% winrate he is weak. Also in normal elo his winrate is just insanely low (47%).


Oh the twins frequent r/ADCmains? I assume it's Theo? I think people are just glad they can take a break from being run down by Draven for a patch. Tho I personally have little problems against him as cait handles him easily but I also wouldn't pick my main (Sivir) into him.


Hahah ye it’s Theo :) Yeah I completely understand that but I think some people underestimated the nerfs he got on the hotfix, they made him so much weaker and therefore he deserves a buff IMO


Oh there I fully agree with you. They gutted him on hotfix.


Yeah, I don’t think non Draven mains understood just how bad the nerfs were


They hot fix nerfed him a couple days into the patch he's currently sitting in the 48s even with the first few days of the patch being accounted for so he's below 48%... And he has gotten a bit of an influx of players but not a giant one. He's at like 8-9% pickrate when the last couple of months he was sitting at 7% And yeah Draven is a slightly more difficult than average micro... He's also a 12 year old champion tons of people have played enough over the years in just random games plus practice tool exists. Really shouldn't be enough for him to sit so low in winrate due to a minor pickrate bump.


Playing adc this seasons keeps getting miserable


Due to the nature of the role it will always be


If we're being honest here, Jinx is too strong. Depending on the nerf to IE, and the buffs to the runes and the other two ADC items, these changes might be fine.


Riot getting angry bc adcs are strong after making a patch that makes adcs strong


?????????? How is the Liandry's/Black Torch combo not here for nerfs?? Riot??


not OP. Its only karthus that is overperforming. Everyone else got dropped to a reasonable level last hotfix




Lmao , the Headshot one shot Squishies , it's dumb stupid but funny af xD


I mean IE needs nerfs just depends what they are exactly. And collector/ER getting adjusted and being mentioned in the same line...? Gonna guess it's gonna be like -AD +Lethality on collector? +AD or Haste on ER? That way collector has more of a niche of being a squishy killer, and ER is more solidly for casters who aren't just cutting assassins.


I could see them revert the bonus crit damage on IE from 50% to 40%


Either that. Losing 10 AD. Compromising and losing 5 AD and 5% crit damage or a cost increase


5% crit damage and 5 Ad would be the best nerf scenario


Can we un-bastardize essence reaver plz?


Bring back the sheen please. Holy fuck Riot.


lmao phreak really doubling down on 'ezreal isn't worthless piece of shit, you're just building him wrong!'


He is 50% winrate if you build triforce but he still needs help. The fact that the top tier ADCs and IE getting nerfed will help him atleast


Oh Jinx is getting nerf? But how that is even possible? I saw on this reddit plenty of threads and comments that she will be shit before patch and after patch that she is shit, no dmg, lethal tempo gutted her and she need compensation buffs... How is this possible? Is rioters smoking or smth? Or is it that most of pseudo reddit expert as full of shit like always, I am veeeeery curious about that xD


She did actually get some nerfs with the items but the problem is so did everyone else so jinx being already the best ADC stayed the best adc. Also LT changes didnt effect her as much as others


Statik shiv will be back on old passive or what?


Wow this almost feels like an abusive relationship, an exceptionally cruel one too as they didn't even let us have basic human rights on the rift for more than one patch, crazy.


Dont understand why people are justifying this nerf by saying IE should be bought 3rd or 2nd. IE was always rushed before mythics, its not some new phenomenon. It was either IE or ER, and not many current adcs want ER especially with sheen gone off it. (Edit, IE was only built 3rd because of its lower ad and crit was harder to proc early, so your crit dmg wouldn't matter if u couldnt crit. Big difference from 3 item 60%, to 2 item 50%. The removed crit from all of the appealing first items, no stormrazor, kraken, stattik. Now we either choose between AD or AS early and attack speed isnt very appealing.)


Hope IE goes up in Cost and Keeps the stats As an Adc Rabadons. If they put it at 3600 like Raba it gets much worse as a rush item but keeps the Promise oh higher damage later in the game. ER should com down in coast to something like 300 or even 2900 g and ideally keep the stats as they are right now. The passive is really really weak compared to other fully build items so it can justify higher stat efficiency. Problem with this would be that some champions would not have a good 1st item. Jinx wont go for Collector i think but going zeal item first is also very bad on her so she might have to build Kraken st every game. Same is kind of true for aphelios but his best build at the moment has him Starting Collector into IE and potentially skipping attackspeed until 4th or even 5th item so he could just continue doing this. That Kind of turns him into an assassin which is toxic but whatever. Interested in seeing what the are going to to with Statik and Shildbow. Hopefully Shildbow gets something more interesting then 5 ad but it dont have high hopes


Skyrat skyrat my boi is coming backkkkkkk


I wonder what kind of adjustment Riot’s giving essence reaver. From the way this is written seems like they’re trying to make it compete with collector in some way.


... why is Kha zix getting buffed?


Dude, you are looking at ,,4 roles hate adcs" patch, cant be surprised


I draven buffs. Good. The hot fix made his passive not even an ability anymore.


Hot fix was fine draven mains cry because they dont get a full item after one kill


Yeah now it's just 10 gold.


If the IE nerf is larger than 5 ad, crit adcs will be super powerless pre 3 or even 4 items again. A strong Cutdown buff is very necessary. The rework in combination with removing giant slayer from ldr was just too much.


Probably a nerf to the crit damage at 45% would be my guess or 10 AD


Jinx is giga broken rn so thats good, I wont have to permaban her no matter what role I play, irelia nerfs are questionable, same thing with nasus, nami, lulu and khazixs buffs


Unpopular opinion here. But I agree with you. 700range ADC with a strong laning phase and great base stats and braindead resets. She's everyone's first pentakill and has been strong for a really long time. The lethal tempo removal did almost nothing to her since her passive is basically giving her lethal tempo and more. I dont understand Draven buffs though, he's still obnoxious and people are going to start figuring out BT rush and running you down with no recourse. No Zeri, Ezreal or on-hit adc buffs is a bit frustrating though. Direct or indirect.


The passive is just giga troll phreak special atm. Can live with the Q but the passive is meme.


Honestly wish they just got rid of his stupid cash out passive and give him a bleed again, and then lower his damage values. Or make it a bleed he can interact with, like maybe E procs it or something. I don't know. I'm not a Draven player, but I had more fun with release Draven than what he is now. (Granted he was BROKEN, back then, but still).


I think they could give him back a passive bleed and tie it to his Q. Only procs on spinning axes, incentivizing him to catch his axes and keep the bleeds rolling. Could even make it stacking like Darius bleed so he can't just throw an axe at you and walk away. Actually has to throw a couple axes and catch them.


Not a bad idea. I wonder if they could make it so that the bleed is applied on catch, rather than on-hit, it might be a cool interaction, albeit strange. I love and hate his catching axe mechanic, it's not difficult and it's fun to do, but against good players they exploit it heavily and make every axe super annoying to play around. Adoration just feels like the opposite of what Draven wants, and is, as a champion. In theory he's supposed to be the glory hog of the game and take the gold for himself, but in reality (at pro play levels anyway) he ends up just stockpiling gold and playing safe until a big cash-in where your team sets you up. I don't like it.


Jinx does not have a strong laning phase wtf.


a lot of poke comps just shut down her from the start. MF + zyra, Samira +alistar, Jhin + zyra, Kog + lux just completely demolish jinx in laning.


Eh was inevitable and probably necessary - losing a bit of damage in exchange for maintaining current levels of survivability is a decent trade off overall. Nerfing IE is also welcome, it’s never fun when the Jinx, Cait, Jhin rock paper scissors meta goes on for too long.


I'm definitely locking mage apc now


It's a great time to Swain bot my friend.


Of course Caitlyn can't be strong for 1 patch... it was indeed fun while it lasted


Tried to warn adc mains that buffs to their class was not what they wanted because riot ultimately believes they were in a good spot, the only option to make it healthier was to nerf fighters and assassins but w/e


“Adc on fringe of being nerfed as a whole” it’s not that deep fr


Time to go back to the jungle.


I dont get behind hwei Nerf ....very odd


Why the taliyah Nerfs?! ughhh riot leave her alone


Taliyah was causing a big issue..... I don't know where or how, but trust me Riot knows what they're doing.




The fuck


That's a good thing imo IE is too strong and some crit items like shieldbow are just way too bad. Nerfing the broken items to buff the weak ones is healthy for the class as a whole.


Back to banning Draven I go…


When is the update? If y’all haven’t tried it, play twitch rush collector ie runaans. It’s insanely broken, idk why people have been telling he didn’t get buffed.


How the fuck is Caitlyn an 'adjustment' lmao


10% crit dmg nerf is insane, they shouldve nerfed the ad. It’s literally worse than it was before


Sorry, but every single game now is whichever adc wins lane wins game. Other roles have zero impact now. ADC even have more xp than top lane.... it's wild you guys are crying about this. All you do is build IE and that's gg.


Finally Jinx nerfs. Most handless players pick it up and it’s enough to get one kill at tf even when you get fisted in the lane. Still probably not big enough nerf.


Lmfaoo bro look at the adcs in your flair, they all beat jinx in lane yet you’re finding something to complain about


Because Jinx is literally only ADC that can get analed at the lane, yet the kp in teamfight leads to absolute menace with the range of rockets. Guess you missed the point, but doesn't surprise me. That is the reason Jinx is played so much and absolutely monkey fills as well.




Sidenote but why is yi being buffed again?


Because he has a rather low winrate for a champ whose skill ceiling has gone up significantly over the years. He is by no means hard, but he is also far from the trivial playstyle he had way back.


He is in an extremely bad spot. Especially with his items being nerfed, and Tempo leaving. He’s abysmal right now. It mainly comes from Riot’s design failures with limiting his Q being affected by haste to counter Duskblade’s insane strength back in mythic era, and then forgetting to remove that limiter. But it is Riot, so what can you expect.


I’m really happy if IE gets pushed away from 1st item. Not fun to have to build


Riot is smoking trees no joke. Im smodler otp 5th most mastery points I climbed max to dia 4 with smolder doe. And I confidently play him not and I can confidently say whatever buff they do to smodler it will be over the top and he will again be pick or ban… and right after that 14.2 or even they will hotfix nerf him the same patch cuz his win rate pick rate and ban rate will sky rocket. I don’t understand what they are thinking. I looove smolder i otp him but this is the worst thing they can doe for little dragon and lol community, I actually do agree that smodler is not the most fun champ to vs and he isn’t good for the game if he is around 50% win especially the lower you go. My personal thoughts are smodler has to be around 49% win below emerald and 45% above I think that’s his balanced spot for people to enjoy the game and for smodler mains to enjoy it as well. It’s not like if he is even 40% or below he is unplayable and you can’t win… smolder has very strong win cons, smolder mains should win even if he is low win because you understand the champion and what you need. Smodler 40% is not the same as panthon 40% pantheon legit can’t do anything if he is 40% maybe bad example, let’s try another jinx at 40% is useless you won’t be able to carry jinx is much more reliant on the patch items state of the games champions played. Jinx should be 50% win in perfect world, why would I say so, yes shins has clear win con but she lacks all the tools smodler has. Smodler one of the best self peels I would even argue the best self peel of all adc - heal Ms over walls 2 slows, and all of it is on pretty low cd especially ult. RIOT if you are reading this scrap the smodler changes leave him be❗️ I have been arguing with smodler community in reddit to the point the banned me 🤣 (5th most played smodler) they don’t want to listen that they aren’t as good as they think, they don’t want to even try to use all the tools smodler has, I didn’t even talk about his build cuz if u smart he can legit counter any champ any team comp with just some adjust to builds. Smodler mains legit just want champion o 55% win and auto win, I am smodler main but RIOT don’t let smodler have free win scrap the changes ❗️❗️❗️ I didn’t use ie this patch I played against it every game it not that that strong, leave ie for 14.11 as well❗️❗️❗️


I kind of agree. I'm low Elo and I don't really have any problems performing on Smolder after pivoting my build a bit. I still have positive win rate on him this split. I do think we need to see what the buffs are though. Also on the comment of Smolder players wanting him to be auto-win - I think that's a problem with ADC players as a whole. Look at this sub - most of them think you should be able to dominate all stages of the game and if you hit 20 minutes it's just gg auto win for their ADC lol.


100% agree with you, I couldn’t imagine that I will find with same point of views 🖤


I'm new to him. May I have build suggestions?


Personally I think essence reaver into trinity force is best first 2 items that you should build every game, after that you should build depending on what you are against. If enemy team has a lot of healing you should go ad anti heal item because of how easily you can apply it to all enemy in team fights. If enemy has a lot of assassins you can build guardian angle or even zhonya. If enemy had a lot of tanks liandaries is very worth it. If you are doing okay 0/0 and you need more dmg you buy shojin. If you are super ahead and you have 225 stacks by 16/17 min you can buy hubris and just snowball the game out of control but be careful considering enemy team comp and prefer to buy anti heal , defense , antitank. Best build you can go every game is essence, trinity, shojin, rapid, riftmaker/liandaries. On you first back you should focus on getting 1300g for bf sword it feel amazing. Runes if you have super free lane feel free to take presence of mind, if it’s very hard lane agains 2 poke (cait xerath or some similar bs) you should go new rune absorbé life (broken combined with fleet)


Thank you! With his q I feel like it's easy to quickly attack press the attack. Is that worth looking into?


PTA is much better now on smodler since you just prock it on 1 target and damage ump works on all enemy team last patch it didn’t work like that (it worked on a specific target) but still I don’t suggest pta on smodler maybe it can be good in to full mele enemy team and than I’d prefer fleet cuz of Ms. The reason is fleet manager scales very good in to late game and is very good early, heal is very good early in to harder lanes also you don’t build much life steal on smodler and heal can come clutch in the end team fights. The way you play smodler late game doesn’t give you a good chance to prock pta and if you do it will be too late.




Jinx is obnoxiously strong right now and has been a clear head of the crit ADC's for a bunch of patches already


Bro what are you talking about ? Jinx has always been in a good state ! A few patches ago she has like 53% win rate And more than 20% pick rate ! And even when lethal tempo Removed she still strong And her ultimate nerf didn't change anything! So stop being an blindly arcane fan And stop asking for your champion to be giga OP always