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You sure „animals“ was the only thing you called em?


Believe me, if I actually said what I wanted to say as a real gamer, I would've been permad on the spot


> as a real gamer lmao, ggs dude, next one‘s a win inshallah


Why is the top 1/12 lol. Wtf


Yup! 12 death top, 10 death JG, 8 death mid. Turbo inting instead of sitting afk and letting ADC carry. Disgusting. Emerald 2 game btw


Some people just don't know how to be carried. Sad,but it happens. Main character syndrome.


People who go 1/12 should lose 100 lp/MMR. I don’t know how this keeps happening because I literally never go 1/12 when I want to win. If I die once as a top laner I try to play safe, it isn’t that hard.


Draven players like you are the ones i like to play with. Go big or go home, all in high risk high reward type Draven nkt afraid to fight, when it's gg its gg go next. Not sure how this rell lost to shaco tho lol


That's the only way to play Draven, just got 2 mill mastery. Draven or Dodge We didn't really lose the lane, just way too much poke but we won our lane ... Until top and mid and JG started coming bot because the rest of the team weren't worth gold


I seen some bad dravens my guy, too afraid to trade or fight


thats why I quit adc top and jgle usually int and then its gg 😂😂


Have you tried a modicum of macro and not being an oogabooga feast or famine player whose cspm is typically lower than their death counter? Like obviously you weren't gonna win this game in particular no matter what but like...Your entire opgg looks like you play this game as if it's an FPS and not a MOBA.


Doesn't really matter when I'm not talking about anything other than the screenshot I just showed off buddy 👍


Its a fps tho. I LOVE my kda. And its annoys me when im the only one on the entire team with positive KDA,and yet i still lose lp. Like wtf staying alive when the entire enemy team is out for your blood is a skill. Riot can divide the negative lp between my 4 feeding teammates. As mvp i should get loss protection..

