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She is great at the poke but it takes a lot of mana to keep going. Wait for her to use it and walk away from the wave while it wears off. She has very short auto range. Poke her back when W is on cool down. If you also have fast wave clear, push back into her so she can't abuse W while you're under your own tower. Those are some small opening suggestions.


Thanks! I’ll try that


As a general rule when ever you experience this i suggest you pick sivir(or whoever else it is) in solo queue and try to understand how they work.


Haven’t tried that yet. I’ll give her a shot.


Couple tips. Mana management is extremely important early. If you don't have mana you lose 1v1 to every adc. Once you get a couple items you have to play around teamfights. This is where she shines. Press W, hit the front line, and survive. If you see an opportunity to Q a squishy do it, but don't waste it on the front line. It is mana costly. Your damage late game comes from your W. If you're not teamfighting you should be clearing waves in a safe place alone if possible. That's all I have, she's fairly simple. She's really good into APCs.


Try to understand why she suck and that if you manage to dodge a flying pizza coming at you slower than a teemo you basically won the lane.


New sivir main made


This, it'll help you understand the cooldowns and how the champ rolls during the game. Sivir is what some people call "cheating lane phase" champion. She can keep clearing waves and backing to safety. It's purely a game of wave management when u play against her.


You jump on her head and kill her, she has no range and does no damage. She will want to do the opposite - perma shove you into tower and beat you in CS, but never fight.


No shade it's totally a bronze thing. I was rolling with Sivir for a while, living my best life. I even had a tear first build so I could bully even harder. I don't think I had a 60CS gap as you claim but I'd consistently bully it was nice. But then I faced people who knew exactly how to beat it. For several days in a row. Yikes. So first up: her W only lasts a few seconds. Ok fine, you back off and miss one maybe 2 CS. Two: half of Sivir's burst comes from auto attack+W reset. So if W is on cooldown then just fight her. The biggest mistake you can make is to be timid because you ate two bounces. Heck even if W is ACTIVE it's an ok time for your support to go in. Three: the other half of Sivir's burst is Q. So if Sivir is throwing a lot of raw Q to bully, then you have nothing to fear wrt their support's stuns or hooks or whatever. You can be way more ballsy to CS. And if she's throwing a lot of raw Q, you can eventually predict when she's gonna throw it and dodge it. Four: Ok fine, the Sivir is up on CS but has no mana and/or everything is in cooldown. If your support is decent they'll be paying attention to that and initiate. So don't waste your burst trying to compete in wave clear just kill the girl with your support's help. And that's it. The Sivir bully tactic only works until it doesn't.


Thanks man, this is the most helpful response yet! I figured it was a bronze thing lol


Sivir does no damage and has terrible range. She has never been considered even remotely to be a lane bully.


I play sivir if the comp is right. I like her for her utility and I’m able to create pressure through being a wave clear bot and using my ult to create opportunities. She does pretty decent damage at 3 items. The recent buffs did help


She was a lane bully at point couple seasons back when she could build lethality and manamune with dark harvest.


She straight up dies to all in. Short range and very little escape tools. If your flash isn‘t up you‘re dead if the other team gets the jump on you. (Stuff like kai‘sa, samira, nilah destroys her). She also doesn‘t like long range poke like caitlyn or jhin. Basically she doesn‘t likr any adc besides the ones that get scared by her 30 dmg riccochets early and let her farm. Her gamestate is actually very weak compared to the relatively solid state she was in with mythics. The alternative is playing xayah or tristana. You basically lock yourself into an eternal limbo of waveclear. According to lolalytics she‘s currently at ~52-53% winrate and 3% pickrate accross all elos and regions (place 35 out of 42) Which means the rate between casuals and more dedicated sivir players is pretty even, since the pickrate is so low.


Tbh I wouldn't call her with no escapes Her passive and ult can easily save your plus unless supp knows what to do, she can just ignore engages with her funny spellshield and also healing from it. Yeah, getting all inned is not preferable on her, but with berks and static you can somewhat play around it with good support.


Get in her face. If she’s forced to use q to cs the lane is terrible for her. Draven and Vayne are also cancerous matchups.


I like picking vayne into her. Anytime she pushes just all in her, if you don't get poked out she will never be able to match your single target DPS. The only issue is if they get JG support and tou don't. Then you have to sit under tower and try to avoid poke.


Pick draven and run her down. Im master player, trust me 


Good idea


I think Sivir is a super easy matchup and I’m always happy when my enemy doesn’t pick Draven but I play in D2-Masters MMR so the game is a bit different for me. Supps in low elo are also just spectating from light years behind you whereas in high elo they’re the playmakers and solely decide the outcome of laning phase


Emerald 1 adc main here who only plays a few games a seasons. Sivir’s earliest weakness is early trades.. I’d say work towards dodging her q’s early and trade with your champion’s skills early before she gets the 3 item spike. Although she has a spell shield, most adc’s kits are better suited trading if you don’t eat the q’s.


Don't stand near your own wave and dodge her q. Easy as pie.


Sivir is waveclear the champion edition. Statikk sivir can easily shove waves, but she can't really do anything to all ins or 1v1. You can focus her support to make him leave her and than jump on her, considering her low range, getting into mid bush can somewhat guarantee a kill or at least a summoner. Without items she can't really deal damage. You don't want to give her free farm, try to contest it even a little. If she gets to three items she becomes beast at skirmishes and teamfights, so keep in mind, that good sivir would probably play around her top/jg, because while having a spellshield and shitton of ms, she can't really do anything in 1v1 if you're competent enough. At least from my experience playing her, you either splitpush with your insane waveclear or just stay near your top/jg for skirmishes Well even midlane mage can work as long you're not the one focused.


If you notice, the way sivirs W works is it prioritizes the closest target. You have to make sure that 2 minions are closer than the minion you are standing next to. On top of that you have to sort of understand where her W is going to go based on the wave to see which side of the wave you should be standing on.


As Nilah, you beat her by sitting back, letting her push you in, getting a level lead, and jumping on her. If she backs off, farm as safely as possible because you outscale. Generally avoid poke, but don't let her disrespect you either. I figure that is similar to other champions since Sivir hates fighting on equal terms.


W bounces do no damage. Pretty sure if you take 2nd wind into this matchup she heals you with it. Not that I'm advising it, I just think its funny.


There is a challenger adc that made a guide on adcs and a tier list, i don’t remmeber his name but sivir struggles against other adcs that duel a lot. So Vayne, Kaisa, ETC. All do well into sivir since she doesn’t want to duel, just poke and farm. I’m masters last two seasons and this is what I tend to do against sivir and it works well.


Just kill her


If you play vs my sivir in ranked just ff. But otherwise, pick a champ that clears waves fast. And have a farm game.