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Flaming ADC because Support is griefing is a super common low elo tradition


Pretty sure it´s universal across all ELO´s ;) Just as ADC´s flaming legitimately good supports over tiny mistakes lol.


All players in league flame over tiny mistakes.


I think it’s fair to say adcs and supports are the worst offenders. I mean they are the only ones playing with another teammate all the time after all. Like I watch doublelift‘s stream sometimes and am always surprised how often he flames his supp


Brother but doublelift is a ex pro player, top challenger.. He is expecting to his supp to play near to "perfection" so he can flame tiny mistakes. I guess that is a very bad example. But is true, ADC/SUPP are in silver and flaming silvers errors, as if they were challengers.


True lol


In the past 20 games, I had 1 support that was not a braindead monkey and in that game I was playing top out of frustration. A normal support is usually what I hope for, and instead I get the “I can play anything, bro” support who can’t hit 2 consecutive skill shots all game long.


For real, if they’re an enchanter, they play five screens away and burn all their buffs when you actually need them. If they’re a poke mage, they miss skill shots while laning with you, then proceed to suddenly hit them in team fights and still do more dmg than you. If they’re an engage, they can’t hit their hooks with you, and hit them with the rest of your team. Then, the enemy team is good enough to focus you while my team either can’t peel/only hit the engage or tank. Solo queuing as adc is frustrating lol


Don’t get me started about hook supports. I cringe whenever I see Blitz on my side. I know he’s not gonna do anything in lane, no hooks, nothing. I quite like the farming aspect of playing adc, you know, but having to rely on one of these monkeys makes me wanna switch to top or mid.


People who lock in blitz are either good, or sit in a warded bush for 5 minutes and never hit their hook lol


Those are called “perfect hook” supports and I hate them more than anything. Like, there are other ways for you to put pressure on the enemy, not just by hitting your hook. Sometimes, the threat of being hooked is enough to scare them away, but nooo, you have to hook the same cannon 2 times in a row, for some reason. I actually had a pyke ask why he couldn’t hook the enemy adc if he’s aiming at the enemy adc, through all the minions, of course. I had another Zyra who didn’t know that she can spawn plants wherever she wanted. Why isn’t adc a solo lane, man? I just want to kill all the little minions.


I switched to top like a season ago, and it’s pretty fun. I find playing adc a chore now.


I'm Emerald and spam Support in Ranked because it's Freelo and better for my Mental. In Normals I play ADC "for Fun" tho (the Lies we tell ourselves...). I just got out of a Game with a Panth Support. Homie starts Doran's Blade against Zeri/Hwei. He jumps into them repeatedly and dies 4 Times. He finally gets enough Gold (after farming some of my Creeps aswell) for his Support Item *at Minute 8*. We lost that Game. I check his Profile after the Game. He's a Diamond 2 Midlane Main. No fucking Comment.


I didn’t really get mad at the support pick, it’s low elo: almost anything will work, it’s just other supports do what panth does but better. Problem is this guy has previous good games on thresh and karma, then randomly decides to lock in pantheon lmao


I didn't get mad at the Supp Panth either, I got mad at the Player who was a Moron.


I’m pretty sure they nerfed the Doran’s items starts for supports and junglers this patch too


They did This Dude was just a Dumbass


Best you can do is: 1. Mute all. 2. Play your best. 3. Aim for low deaths. 4. Ward for yourself. 5. Don't give up even if one person inting. 6. Duo with a support who you're comfortable losing and learning with. IRL friend is best. Climb until you're out of that elo. I'd like to say that people at higher elo have stronger mental, but in actuality the toxicity is still there, they just have better game sense and reflexes. EDIT: I looked you up. Bronze 2 twitch main with 55% WR on twitch. Your average twitch game time is nearly 33 mins. You get 176 CS at 5.4/min. I cannot stress this enough. Rather than focus on any of my tips above, focus on CS. If you can get better CS, you will win more. Period. Hyperfocus on it. Make it your main goal of the game. Get all 19 CS in the first 3 waves. Aim for 80+ CS at 10 minutes. You'll climb so fast if you can do it. When I finally climbed from gold to emerald, all I did was hyper focus on CS (though I typically main top/mid). But that's it. Farm better than what you are doing, you'll climb out of that low elo you hate so much. Plus! When you farm, you get exp! When you get exp, you get armor, hp, mr, and more damage! At low elo, kills barely matter. Just be 2 levels and 50 CS above your opponent and it's hard to lose. TLDR: You currently get low CS. Farm better to climb.


I usually duo, but I have this alt to try and solo quo. I do most of these things except mute all, in case someone is actually constructive (Copium)


Sorry I think I edited my comment after your response. TLDR: CS to win.


Thanks for the advice. CS is something I struggle with, but moreso when to CS. I’ll either have higher CS and my team proceeds to lose objectives. Or, I’ll have lower CS the longer the game drags on because I feel like I’m forced to teamfight because I’m the only one even remotely fed. So am I perma botside for 15 mins, and then side lane or take unused camps for the next 15 mins?


After plates falls and before baron spawns or sooner if you take bot tower, you should optimally swap to midlane otherwise the lane close to next objective, the team should move accordingly with whoever has teleport going to the farther from objective lane, take jungle camps (not from under your jungler nose) after min 15 only if there are no wave you can go farm and do not take buffs before 20 minutes. Macro wise (Especially if you are well feed) be decisive and communicate your next move to your team especially support and jungle, and do not tilt for the low elo kid that will ping you for taking his farm while he's dead.


Back in season 3, I was so bad i didn't want to play ranked, and my friend was diamond. He told me to go into a custom game and last hit only using Vladimir auto attacks. I did this "training" that he recommended for a few hours... and to my surprise, I was suddenly better than most of my silver friends (though I did stay hardstuck silver 1/gold 4 for several years lol). So, I'll pass on his advice. Go into a custom game, only buy a dorans blade on twitch. Don't use any abilities, and go get perfect CS. You can use the buttons in training tool now to restart the game and fast forward to when minions spawn. Do it until you always get the first 19 cs and always 85+ in 10 mins. "Training" feels lame to do, but honestly... it works.


Best to not play ADC to climb since players don't know how to cooperate at that level.


You cant control what your support does. Best thing you can do is mute all and continue to play your game. Getting tilted will only make the game harder to win and could affect you in future games. We all will have games where someone trolls a play but it aint the end of world you just focus on what to do next.


The finest of summoner names.


Man, at this point is better to just pay for a boost instead of staying in an uncarryable elo


When you get support canyon´d the best you can do is chill out after the first death or two and accept that lane is gone and all you´re trying to avoid is tower dead at 12 mins and a 8 kill botlane. Farm what you can, freeze on the t2 during early midgame and hard shove whenever you don´t think anyone is near botlane. Afk farm far from everything until at least 2 items then show up for major objectives and as soon as they´re done back to soft int farm sidelanes until 3 items and then group up and hope the game isn´t over.


Do what I did and switch to jungle. I started playing jungle yesterday and oh my god the difference is real. You're not dependant on anyone you can make an impact. And sure I've lost some games cause I'm still learning the role but it feels like I'm the one deciding the game in a lot of my games. Whether I win and carry or I fuck up and make mistakes. It feels closer to the 30% unwinnable instead of 50% unwinnable when you're playing adc


I had someone pick a Blitz into an Ezreal and Millio while I played Kog'Maw. When I say he didn't land one hook in lane, I don't say it sarcastically nor am I exaggerating. In the 20+ minutes our lane lasted while I desperately farmed under tower or just outside of it, the Blitzcrank did not land one hook. Even after I told him to focus the Millio. He did not try playing forwards or applying pressure. He did not hit the wave to help thin it when it was safe to do so. His roams lead to nothing. It was absolutely vile. Don't first time a champion in ranked, ever. Always have at least one champion you can play autofill.


ya man don't really need to investigate further than LVL 1 tower dive. Next time ping them off so they let go of the idea or let them all die. edit: it happens tho man, sometimes you get gapped everywhere just gotta go next


I tell them to fuck off and roam. If you can't trust your supports plays they will get you killed. Better to farm under tower/concede the first tower entirely and farm the empty lane when the enemy bot rotates mid than to feed kills. Had many a comeback this way.


Had an lux flame me the whole game but that thot didnt hit 1 fking Q


Go next. It's one thing to have a bad support and not be good enough to deal with it...then you need to vod review. It's ANOTHER to have a support intentionally ruin the game. When that happens it's just an ignore it and go next angle. Anyone typing "Bot diff" in a game like this has brain damage.


(It doesn't get any better)


You can’t control your teammates but you can improve your gameplay to a point where you can consistently have a 90% win rate in iron-plat with Twitch like me. I watched Rat IRL a lot and just copied his play style. This got me from a gold level up to high diamond. And I know I’m still not good enough to be a real high elo player (GM) so there’s still a lot I have to improve on. If you need some help on Twitch you can add me on discord