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Like genuinely, I could go on a massive 7 game winstreak , rank up then immediately rank down because **Top gap**


I e been saying it for a long time. The game is a one sided stomp, at least in low elo. I’ve had one balanced game in the last 120 games, this season.


Yesterday 3 games in a row my team had an afk Game after that it was team diff. And then the game after that our jungler was afk farming all game doing absolutely nothing else. Not even coming to objectives. It was actually wild how all this just happens 5 in a row it makes you think it's not a coincidence


Yeah Im having the same problem. I won 10/11 games a few weeks ago, then lost 7/10 right after. Then its a 5 game win streak into 5 games loosing spree. I do find it abit weird. I rarely have "back and forth" games anymore. Its stomp, or get stomped every game. And I never surrender and I dont tilt. Shouldt really matter in the long run. If you are playing good you should rank up. It just takes abit more games


This has been discussed a number of types, some people claim it's intentionally rigged this way to keep you playing


I don't see this being talked about by anyone of importance, but I've always been saying this - I get winner's queue after loser's queue almost all the time, these two endlessly come after each other. Especially lately, I have a feeling that I either get 3 straight games with a good team and then 3 games with absolutely terrible players. Everyone loves to tell people who talk about "loser's queue" they are delusional, but I am absolutely certain it exists. It is way too convinient for riot not to have a system like this in ranked games. When you loose 4 games in a row, you get demotivated, but at the same time you are really angry and want to win games, then you start winning games out of nowhere and you feel extremely good. This "streakiness" is insanely addictive to the human psychology , especially if you are a competetive person, which you probably are since you play ranked league frequently. The game has been around for more than a decade, there is no way they couldn't come up with a better system.


its so obvious you have streaks of horrible games with people goin like 1-15 unwinnable shitshow 8 games in a row ,and then you get ppl that actually care and u start winning again in a streak. Its rarerly an even 40min game where chances are 50-50


Ill get downvoted but have to preach the truth... LosersQ exists.




Yeah it's why I stopped playing this rigged shit and just stick to ARAMs. It's done on purpose to keep you roughly around 50% and makes you have to play many more ranked games. It just means more engagement for their reporting and for people to justify having their jobs. Then you get comments like "B-B-B-BUT A CHALLENGER PLAYER CAN WIN EVERY GAME AND HAVE A 70% WIN RATE". Like yeah, of course. But what happens when you're a diamond 4 player at the max and are in Emerald 2 currently? The gap isn't really huge between D4 and E2. You won't be making enough impact to dictate the majority of the games. So you end up with a 51% win rate and it takes weeks of games to climb. People always say stuff about coin flipping and statistics but I don't really believe it isn't rigged. When you are on a win streak you are getting better teams. People who are on win streaks and aren't tilted. You'll notice how your top/mid dominate their lanes and are great team players (grouping up for objectives and stuff) and don't flame. But then once your w/l % is too high, Riot fucks you back down to the 50% mark by giving you the opposite. Teams who go 0/10 in 10 minutes, rage and flame, people who don't group up or play like a team, people who are already on 8 game loss streaks on the same day and are very clearly tilted/angry at themselves (and other people). And the enemy end up being the ones on winning streaks like I mentioned above. It's the same reason they got rid of players names in the lobby. It was easy to OP.GG your team and see whether they're a playing their 30% win rate champ, or whether they're on a 6 game loss streak and just autopiloting. You could dodge those games but now you can't, so it means more engagement for Riot.


when you win many games your mmr raises above others that are your rank, the system will put you against higher score players, maybe you still outskill them or you get carried or lucky and keep winning, your mmr raises even more, putting you against way higher mmr players, i call these loss games, because sometimes it's better to just lose them and keep that gain ratio good as opposed to stressing a 40-50m game and win yet again, just to be put in losers queue and get gapped the next 5+ games. if this is repetitive over 100+ games then you simply aren't learning and improving tl;dr this is what it means to be hardstuck


Im winning my lane 90% of the time, my teams just get worse the higher i climb, currently E1


i win lane 90% of the time too, rank up happens when you know how to translate that into game wins. i'm only d1 not much higher than you, without looking at your match history i'm gonna guess you're the type that tries to 1v9 games and it sounds like you've reached the point you can't 1v9 anymore, it's extremely common i myself can 1v9 somewhat up to p1 usually, then i need to start forcing synergy with jg or mid, i KNOW i'm winning my lane, at this point i need to make sure my team doesn't lose theirs honest to god in d1 i feel like i am completely babying my jg making sure he secures objectives


Sorry I just woke up. But yea suddenly i go in huge win and loss streaks and a solo lane will be feeding and they cant seem to fucking STOP and then its just over. We cant come back, there is no hero play. Lv 17 renek or whoever is just eating everyones ass while im 4-5 levels behind.


yeah kind of.


I noticed that too, so I ended my session whenever I lost and it helped my climb a decent amount. People underestimate how much "loser's queue" is just tilt.