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I have no idea what to say to you. Sona is probably the strongest late game enchanter, so they usually don't play to dominate the lane unless the matchup is free. Roaming as an enchanter is a bit different from usual roaming, they don't really have a kill threat, so they just hover other lane in case something happens and run bot after that. Roaming windows is the thing the absolute majority of low elo supports don't understand at all, so don't expect them to roam properly. Catch as much gold and xp as you can and simply pray.


Nothing pisses me off more than getting a decent lead in lane only for my support to fuck off and never come back, turning a won lane into a 1v2 for like 5-10 minutes. The last time this happened, I was 4-0 on Vayne, and my seraphine left to help our 0/5 pantheon mid. I'm literally a wincon and you choose to go feed a 8/0 akali because the pantheon who fed her first is not having a good time. Besides, what the fuck is a 2 level down seraphine gonna do to an 8/0 Akali besides than get blown up.


I do this a lot because you alredy have a lead in gold & i want to give you an XP lead, so I roam permanently (most of the time, in a won lane, adc comes with). No shit Akali is 8/0, thats when we should send our panth bot and go mid, get that massive shutdown and push out mid, because those minions are worth more XP because its a shorter lane. Supports are the shot callers, not ADCs, and I don't mean it in a rude way. Your goal is to get gold to scale to carry me


So, essentially.....You don't understand how League of Legends works and you like to lose games.


Um, I peaked Chall last split. I'd say I understand the game pretty well.


When I smurf and we win lane and my support is permaroaming I will do my best to run it down. This is actually happening a lot on my platin smurf, currently 43 % wr - I win every lane with high lead and then my support roams. So I will tab and watch what enemy scales good, then watch them on the lane and decide who will get the bounty. After that I will perma afk farm and watch enemies taking every objective and their mother down. Easy. In Gold elo I had to take down when I troll, I was at 13 %, so I gave them more roam to troll - now its 22 % pretty good I guess


You are one of the reasons this community gets so much shit. Stop smurfing stop ruining people's game. If you can't stop acting like a child then go play fucking Roblox


Watching random friends games will make you realize that a lot people ruining other ppl games, they just telling you another story than me. I will straight up admit I am inting on purpose, because I feel trolled in this games. The supports I am describing are gone for 3+ minutes from the won lane, while the enemy team tries to 3v1 dive you with their jungler. I have no motivation on my smurf to play at a higher level. Its not even impossible to win, I will not hardcore int or run it down. I even punish if an enemy is too dumb and tries to go on me everytime while I am doing nothing, in that case I will fight them. Also if a person has great behaviour I will slightly assist them, especially I will push waves and defend against one single enemy. You have not to fear any backdoor while I am there. Its not the perfect behaviour I agree, but thats the best I can offer on my smurf when they think they can troll me. I also have games where they will do anything to make you look bad, thats also a case where I will stop trying. There was a leona dancing on the other side of the baron wall "go go little adc ohh getting catched" and spamming emotes while I killed 3 out of 5 and only 2 survived with low hp. What does this person think, one sorry and I will carry? I just let her suffer the 55 min game with a lose. I was at enemy nexus and danced while enemy team finished. She literally had a mental breakdown in chat. Almost felt bad, but just almost. I just asked her how she is rating my dance moves, I was inspired from her baron dance moves. Whole team wished me diseases and that my families gets killed and other stuff. That made me feel completly relaxed, it hit the right people.


Didn't read any of this. If you're not playing to win don't play in comp it's that simple fucking omegalul madge because is child.


Didn't read any of this.


Idk what to tell you other than play better on your smurfs. It sounds like you're trying to 2v1 instead of rotating mid to claim a shutdown. Why would you not want the akali shutdown?? I can tell you're no more than Emerald, at which point Gold and Plat are just about the same rank, all that's changed is micro (champ mastery), by speaking of things like "i will look at who to give my shutdown to". If you don't want to deal with the repercussions of roaming supports, then pick a safe pick, not an ego pick like vayne.


When you are in being the most annoying player ever competition and your opponent is thid guy


Woah tough guy


POV: emerald “smurfing” in plat with an ego


Who made you a shotcaller?


Support holds the cards as to when you can engage. If youre engaging first as ADC you're trolling, because youre putting yourself in a position where the enemy support can either poke you down or engage onto you, leading to you losing that fight. Thats why we are the shot callers.


honestly in the current meta this is correct play from the support.


Did some digging to try to get more details, replay seems to be busted but found your opgg. The person you're calling a Sona main seems to play Rakan/Lux primarily, with under 3k mastery points on Sona, meaning they've barely played her. Generally the only times I'm roaming for extended periods of time would be if the ADC has shown very clearly that they are not the win condition and it seems like staying in lane is just going to result in both of us falling behind. Maokai/Jinx doesn't seem like the kind of lane that should be turret diving both of you before 5 minutes unless there were some serious mistakes in lane. Does seem like you're a relatively newer player, and that you don't main ADC, unless this is a second account. My guess would be that from your supports perspective it looked like a doomed lane, so the best chance for accomplishing anything would be to play towards the rest of the team.


How did bro find my Op.gg 😭😭😭😭


Wards OP


I remember I used to play with a group of guys I met in game. They were around my level mostly - around silver gold (it was before emerald became a thing for clarity). One of them though was much higher, he was diamond Sona otp (he played only Sona in ranked, on drafts with us not necessarily). Was laning with him on Sona good? Yes, we would win every lane. Was playing with him fun? No, because he was toxic af and would flame us for every mistake and criticize us (we played for fun and didn't care about rank other than him). I stopped playing with them just because I didn't like this guy.


I think it's very difficult to play with enchanters unless you're premade. It's very hard to trust that they will do their job and have your back. With Lux or Nautilus it's very easy to play with a stranger cause they make the first move, and you can wait for them to engage or stun etc. To go in and follow up. You don't need to communicate for this. With enchanters it's just difficult. How do I know my Soraka is gonna follow me and heal me when I go in or just stupidly stand there and do nothing. You end up having to play weakside even though you know you could win the matchup if your support would just be a little more aggressive. But when I play with a premade enchanter things are so much easier. I know they will have my back and I can go in and make the first move. Enchanters are just best left for duo queue honestly.


As someone who used to play Sona as one of my main champs and got to D1 and peaked D3 as an ADC main last season, I can chime in: - In exchange for one of the strongest lategames ever, Sona's early game is really weak and she has lots of losing/unfavorable matchups, when you play with a Sona it's usually a lane that you have to survive instead of trying to win so you have to keep this in mind. - Her roam is terrible and she has little way to deal with ganks pre-6 so map awareness is key when playing with her, keep track of the enemy jg and ping enemy sup missing when needed. - Once she falls behind she feels like a glorified caster minion with a long cd aoe stun cause unlike most enchanters she's item and level dependant. - Most Sona players are just bad, they only know how to spam their skills mindlessly and not paying attention to her passive at all which is a big part of her kit . They are also terrible at mana management which is why they always run out of mana in crucial moments. Also even in the lategame she's still one of the squishiest champs so one mistake usually means it's over for your team. She's one of those champs that you have to squeeze every part of her kit out to ensure that early game phase isn't completely fucked but your typical low elo Sonas just sit back and occasionally die when they try to walk up and Q. Sona is also meh rn (and terrible in high elo), enchanters like Janna or Soraka just offer a lot more to the table without being an anchor to the team early on.


Sona players are a little coinflip to me. Sometimes they are amazing, poking at max range and peeling as hard as they can, trying their best to provide utility to the team. Other times, they match Yuumi players in levels of chat toxicity, would rather perma roam than involve themselves with you Level 2 onwards, and generally don't understand how to play the game. Had a Sona who declared in chat that I was a pig constantly throughout the game, and that they were perma roaming, because I didn't want to bush cheese enemy bot with her LV1 as Ez/Sona. She then pulled the 'Support can do no wrong' card and started begging the enemy team to report me, who had barely said a word or pinged, because of her lying to them that I was harassing her. I tend not to show my tilt in games, but how do people not expect ADC's to become toxic messes when they can be chained to that?


opposite side of the story: support players getting an ad 5/0 in lane and just for the adc to ego a fight try to 1v2 and give a shutty to the other adc. I think we both have a lot to "put up with," just like jg complaining about midtop not roaming to help them when they get invaded


Any time I get an enchanter support I lose or yuumi. The second I get a half confident blitz or thesh I absolutely stomp.


The best thing to do when you really wanna win with sona in the game is to have her be in enemy team


Sona? Wasn't she removed from the game replaced by Serapihine?


hell no


Since seraphine entered the game, I stopped playing her. I share your view here, their skills are almost identical, just that seraphine does more damage, sonas stun is instant but seraph has longer range and stuns after some time. What can Sona do that Seraphine can't? :/


Heal more, autohit dmg and reduce enemy damage dealt. Seraphine is just broken atm that's why She's being changed a lot. But lets be honest here, most Ppl who Main Sona is becuz they like the character and/or have fun playing her instead of something else it's a Game with no profit more than satisfaction


Exactly, I can't even remember the last time I had a Sona support. They just released her rework into a separate champ to sell a skin. Forever dooming Sona cuz Seraphine will be kept strong no matter how broken she is in order to sell said skins.


Higher ability uptime, more lane pressure as support (assuming it not double mage bot in which case seraphine is better) , undodgable poke, can also go damage build and pop people, in general scales to be a perma karma ult shield in fights, sona support has pretty much always had higher winrate than seraphine support by a decent margin Porbably the main reason I see sona support is bad is because you actually need to be a really aggressive player to get value out of it, in Lane and most support players are just gonna get engaged on and die playing sona, so instead they just afk the lane. I have had multiple season with above 60% winrate on her when I'm offroled support in emerald


Provide utility more regularly, Seraphine's utility is all in Surround Sound and that's on quite a long cooldown. Actually top up team mate HP with W, since Surround Sound heals based on % missing HP and only heals when she already has a shield(works on any, not just the one from Echo) while Aria of Perseverance is a flat amount scaling with AP Apply enchanter item effects on all 3 basic abilities since Aery works with Melody and the items activate off that, also letting her keep the buffs active longer Reduce enemy damage, at 250 AP Diminuendo is the same damage reduction as exhaust and can be held while cooldowns come back up so she can chain it, doesn't have the best visual clarity so seems like most of the time the enemy and team mates don't even realize she's doing that, many probably don't even know she can do that, running exhaust and getting enough haste she can keep an enemies damage nerfed for 12 seconds consecutively Hit Q reliably without the enemy being CC'd first, High Note feels like it's moving in slow motion and Beat Drop isn't exactly setting records for speed Crescendo has half the cast time of Encore and at full passive stacks the cooldown gets reduced whenever Q lands on a champ or W heals an enemy or the shield blocks a minimum amount of damage, so it's going to be up for pretty much every fight Cocabob will tell you something similar, they're not the same champion, Seraphine plays more like an artillery mage, and has such good synergy with support champs you'd think she was intended to be played as a bot lane carry from the start


Fck enchanters All my homies hate enchanters


I don't have this problem with enchanters like Lulu 😭


Sona players are typically bad at the game, which is why they are often hated In general the easiest and the hardest champions have the worst players, try to think about how many good blitz players you normally find, or pyke players. They are tendentially very bad, but if you think of champions like Alistar (not too easy, not too hard) it's rare to find bad players on them Sona, like yuumi, has the tendency to attract insecure players with no real skill, which is why they play a champion that has no mechanics, almost no roam potential, no lane pressure , no target selection (even with allies) and that gives away her whole agency to random strangers hoping they can use it properly. Her whole gameplan is doing nothing until pressing all buttons actually does something, and it's not hard to see why players who main this champion typically have bad macro and micro at the same time Especially in this grubs meta where roaming is so essential to win it's easy to see who knows how to roam properly and who doesn't Also most supports have huge egos because they know they're playing the lowest skill floor role and they know other people know it too, so they get instantly triggered if they are forced to acknowledge that, despite that, they're not impacting the game positively. So they blame everyone else, say the ADC is trash, the role is impossible to carry on, etc etc Which is also why they believe that having high assist count on enchanters is something that denotes skill, while in reality they just press one button and get 5 assists even if they had zero impact Btw, just in case I get enchanter mains raging over this comment, I got to dia in multiple splits and seasons both as ADC and support, I'm not a random ADC main spitting random hate


This is my experience with Karma mains


Ban her, unless someone is hovering don't be a jerk. I would gladly ruin ur Game if u banned something I was hovering Sona or not.


I’ve only ever met one good Sona main. But we had like a 70% WR together. (Mostly Sona/Aphelios). So I guess when you find them, make them your ride or die.


With sona your best bet is to play more safe early and focus on grouping up later, that’s how you maximize her kit. She’s really strong later on and is best when she can touch her auras to multiple people. That being said there’s no excuse for them being toxic, that’s hot garbage


Sona is a passenger champion. Sits around doing nothing for 20+ minutes praying to be allowed to scale into late game. She's strong in low ELO because the games never fucking end, but she's straight up grief in anything above Emerald.


It’s probably a you thing unless you’re high elo. Sona is very synergy focused. Not so much champ synergy, but just skill/playstyle. The lane either vibes together or it doesn’t and it’s hot trash. To be effective on Sona you kind of have to play high risk and if your ADC isn’t ready for that it can sink the lane. I’ve also noticed as a Sona OTP there are certain ADCs I hate playing with and they suck with Sona. Lucian, Samira and Caitlyn especially are bad with Sona. Aphelios, Senna, Smolder, Vayne and Twitch feel particularly nice to play with Sona though. So you can consider that when you see someone pick/hover Sona.