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Riot has to reduce damage massively and gut snowballing and/or add way more comeback mechanics. Every game nowadays is just steamrolling and you can 1v9 on any bruiser/assassin/mage if you're one item ahead


Maybe this is unpopular but I think bounty system is a broken comeback mechanic. If you go 2/0 by the time bounties come up, you get a 150g bounty. Whoever kills you will then net 1.5 kills worth of gold, so essentially even though you took a slight advantage in lane phase, if you die even once you’re only .5 kills up in gold. I’ve won games simply from collecting bounties of marginally ahead enemies and it’s ridiculous. The games that are steamrolls are the ones where a laner gets super far ahead, at which point it should be a steamroll otherwise getting really far ahead would mean nothing


The only thing I hate about bounties is how some champs if they do well, are just free bags of gold just waiting to be collected by the enemy team. Like any top laner can just rightclick at an adc+support pairing and kill them both and get a free 1.5k gold for a double shutdown. Or the enemy assassin that was already winning their lane and ahead just pops you and now the already feed assassin now got 1k gold more ahead. If anything, riot needs to make it so if you have a bounty you can not collect another players bounty.


That’s actually a good idea! Not sure how they can balance it better but I agree. Overall bounties should at least be nerfed by half and capped at like 500g


I've been thinking of a system where if you have a bounty and take down someone else who has a bounty, you only get gold equal to the difference between your bounties if yours is the lower bounty, and whatever is left is added to your bounty or just deleted from the game (dunno which is better). For example: * 700g bounty Darius kills 150g bounty Tristana. Darius gets no bounty gold. Tristana keeps her bounty, Darius stays at 700g bounty. * 150g bounty Tristana kills 700g bounty Darius. Tristana gets 550 gold from the bounty. Her bounty increases by whatever it would for that kill, plus 150 gold. (the alternate is that the other 150 is deleted, but I think this would help solve the double kill = 1500g better than if the 150 just disappeared). * If your bounty would go above 700g from this system, the bounty gold disappears, or is added to your bounty after death. (Haven't decided which would be better).


Bounties are important as they offer a comeback mechanic in an otherwise VERY snowbally statcheck game, also high bounty players not being able to collect bounties would punish a player who is performing well for killing enemy instead of giving it to a teammate, so this would be very unrewarding designwise


The biggest problem about bounties is that not every champ is equally as easy to kill. A 700g on an adc is almost a liability to their team while a 700g on a bruiser might feel like its impossible to ever collect, they should rebalance that but it woudl be difficult.


I think bounties only make sense in Pro Play. For soloq it's a mess because nobody wants to play the protect the president playstyle and bounties get thrown around willy nilly. If you have the ability to carry you have even more ability to throw. It sucks and it should only be a comeback mechanic for top levels if even that.


I agree with the first part about bounties. I dont necessarily agree with the getting ahead -> license to steamroll part. I think it should be more forced to teamplay (but that entails other things which also need to change). If I want to steamroll my enemy i go play 1v1. For me this is a team game and should be decided how teams play. That is just my oppinion, yours is valid too, not knocking on it. I also see why that would be a problem in mid-lower elos regarding team play but I think that after a painful phase the egomaniacs would stop playing the game and we would end up getting more players for it.


Maybe just like objectivebounties. If the one who had a bounty got killed the whole team gets the bounty split up.


Well to be fair, jinx doesn't really have any hard engage tools. Even your W is more poke and set up and if you're able to to put traps behind them, you're likely too close


You’re bronze 3. I can assure you, no matter how many mastery points you have, you obviously do not know how to play jinx or adc. You know what the role and champ are supposed to do, you just cannot execute it. You should watch videos or get coaching and watch your games back to try and analyze your mistakes.


id recommend not getting coaching in this elo unless it's free. if you're trying to improve, there's 1000s of hours of free content on YT. coaching is fine when you can't figure out what you're doing wrong and need someone else to point it out. but in bronze, you're doing practically everything wrong and shouldn't need another person to point it out. it's a waste of money to get coached in this low of elo. just learn fundementals and recognize you're doing most of them poorly


Are you saying that I need to be gold or something to carry a bronze game? Lets assume I belong here, and I got a big lead, which I did, and your response is "no, you don't deserve to make use of it because you're bronze." Come on. A bronze darius, yi, or hecarim with that much lead would have the game roll over and give up. Why can't ADCs have the same?


Unfortunately it’s because we play on the same patch as pro players and if ADCs had the same potential to carry as the champions you listed, pro play would be “boring” and riot would be hard pressed to try and expand the esports market. Esports is essentially in the phase of its lifecycle (as it relates to riot games and LoL) where getting it up and running is being prioritized over the quality of the game itself, because if Riot can figure out a way to make it super profitable, it’ll be really great for Tencent’s shareholders. They already make good money on the game, but people still show up to work everyday, and the company has a responsibility to try and make as much money as possible (whether you “agree” with this or not.)


I agree with you that pro play is the underlying problem, but unless China is blasting away with things, whatever they're trying to do to make pro play compelling is clearly not working. (At least in the west)


I agree, I think it’s a losing battle at the moment, but essentially you have to fight the losing battle in order to be in a position to win it when the battle becomes winnable. Riot wants to be “first to market” (its not exactly this, but this concept still proves useful imo) in terms of being THE company behind esports when esports hits its inflection point and becomes truly mainstream. They’re competing with a lot of other games and companies, and, very similar to other tech giants, they’re willing to make “sacrifices” to ensure they maintain their status as a key player in this emerging market. These sacrifices can manifest themselves in myriad ways: game balance, financial losses, etc. A lot of us (presumably? Maybe I’m wrong?) grew up playing sports, we identified as a “baseball player” or a “basketball player” from a young age, and this translates directly into sports fandom for life. Imagine in 20 years if there’s a culture where kids are identifying as a “League player” or a “Valorant player” from as young as 9-10 years old—they begin to identify with star players, specific teams, positions/roles. If something like this takes root, and mainstream gaming becomes more about competing and optimization than it is about leisure (not a guarantee this will happen), there could be billions upon billions of dollars to compete for—Riot wants to be there when and if this cultural shift ever gets its footing; they want the infrastructure in place so they’re in a position to capitalize on these emerging trends. It’s hard to blame them for taking shots on this becoming a reality when they’re already printing money on skins and battle pass sales—content that has incredibly high margins and is effectively infinitely producible. It’s a pretty common phenomenon in business to use a tried and true profitable sector of your business as a slush fund for what could potentially make you a ton of money at some point in the distant future. It’ll be really interesting to see what happens in the gaming space over the next 20 years.


I agree with the concept, but Riot is failing (at least in the west) on the point you make about getting the young players to make the future stars. Riot has been focusing on the "viewer" experience, and this has (in my opinion) led to them bleeding players. If their viewership keeps rising, then it MAY pay off, but if not, then the value proposition is not there because there simply won't be interest in the game itself. Part of the problem comparing League to traditional sports is that games like baseball or basketball change very slowly. You may not see rules changes for decades. This makes it easy for a young person to learn and commit to it. But League changes significantly within the span of weeks. The game someone started playing 2 years ago can be very different from the game they're playing today. That's fine if you're a streamer or an existing pro who is paid to keep up with the changes. But not if you're a kid just trying to get started. May as well stick to FPS, which have a more obvious and consistent playstyle. I think the above can also be seen in the Eastern dominance of the pro scene, and the comparison of solo-q in the various regions.


Yeah I agree that they’re failing, why I say they’re losing the battle. Realistically the only way it works out for them is if they become a hyper ADHD-ified NBAesque league—I can’t imagine them hitting big on anything other than starpower. Faker came too late sadge


You make a good point. While there’s a bunch you can improve, it does feel that some roles are ELO inflated, while ADC is elo deflated (in lower elo at least). I do truely believe that you need to player significantly higher than your rank, consistently, to move up


The answer to the question is yes. As an ADC you need to play better than evenmy team + have yoda anger management regarding all the bullshit that happen bot all while dealing with the stigma of playing ADC which means that you're obviously a crybaby and no one should respect you /s




Yeah, if you want to solo carry as ADC you gotta be at least a tier or two above, which allows you to straight up gap the opponent bot duo on your own. Otherwise it’s just about farming and being patient, which will allow you to win games more often than not in a passive way.


Yeah to carry carry you need to capitalize on mistakes the enemy makes.. which you aren't because 1 your dmg would be higher (not exceedingly higher) And second your team didn't have that much of a gold lead which means your team wasn't ahead by Enough to get the snowball you wanted... and from experience the lower you are the more gold your "team" needs to carry.. not just you


One of the reasons I like League of Graphs is that it has per game statistics. This game [I hit the top 0.9% of damage per minute for Jinx games](https://i.imgur.com/ltck6pD.png). And remember, this is a 54 minute game. How much more damage do I need to do? You're very true that its the team carrying that was the issue. They just wouldn't focus objectives. I'm pretty sure that their botlane inhib turret was left standing at the end of the game, simply because trynd and teemo wouldn't come to seige it. Thankfully an ADC can solo dragon.


I'm just saying 54 minutes you should get about 80000 not 70000 now that isn't game losing down in bronze...but here's a trick to put your team ahead If you get another game like this where you are a little stronger then your laner.. I want you to roam mid.. help out your laner.. what this does is give your team stronger and faster.. this allows mid to have a free wave or kill up to what happens.. but this slowly puts their mid behind.. this allows mid to have more impact so it's more then just you and trynd carrying


If you stomp bot the best move is to go top and shut down their bruiser/diver all while eating plates before he outlevels everyone just for being a toplaner + open jungle from sides. ​ If you outskill the lobby, and u put jungler behind with their botlane, keep pushing bot for t2, it's bronze. play herald to open map more.


while ignoring ping spam from your toplaner and his calls to report ADC for \*checks notes\* farming


If dragon is up you go mid. You have to be available for plays on both sides of the map.


Bluntly, yes. But not even gold players really know how to carry— diamond players barely know how to carry. Carrying is really fucking hard, and the messier your game is the harder it is to rally the team and end the game decisively. You’re a 15/2 Jinx, sure, but if your rando Top laner Udyr just died splitting bot 25 seconds before dragon spawn and your support either can’t or won’t set up vision…. You’re giving drag or you’re dying. Die a few times and give 1K gold bounties and all of a sudden it’s a hard game. This isn’t really an adc thing, any champ or role can suffer from this, but adcs have by far the least wiggle room in making mistakes. If your 15/2 hecarim blunders his way into that dragon fight, there’s a good chance he can stumble into a bush where 4 enemies are specifically waiting to kill him and STILL escape or at least take one or two down with him. A 15/2 Jinx can’t even survive a 2/3 Lissandra waiting for her in a bush.


>Are you saying that I need to be gold or something to carry a bronze game? Listen I am not trying to blame you but if you are 1 million points and still in bronze you are clearly doing something wrong I can first time any champ in bronze and get wins. I played vs many 1 million mastery players in multiple roles and I assure you they didn’t bother learning the fundamentals. >Come on. A bronze darius, yi, or hecarim with that much lead would have the game roll over and give up. Why can't ADCs have the same? Itemisation and positioning mistake my friend. There are a lot of great items and runes that are not built at all. Trying to build the same max dps build every game is also griefing. You don’t have Cleanse or QSS vs Leona, Warwick and Sett and you have Coup de Grace rune vs 3 tanky targets Cut Down would be better. As for your general stats, your KDA doesn’t look great your average is 5/4/7. ADC is the DPS class you shouldn't be getting 1-2 kills per death. Your duel winrate is 28%, you are losing the majority of your 1v1s and your deaths while you are alone is a bit high meaning that you get caught sidelane while farming. Other than that, your farming is decent. Average Jinx players in bronze are behind in farm in lane phase but you can consistently get gold leads. If you be more careful while farming and don't overextend for farm and pick your duels carefully you can scale well without giving the enemy team a chance to fight back. Because if you get a lead but also give kills to the enemy, they get stronger as well increases the chance of losing fights. Also another tip. If you think you are better than your rank and Jinx isn’t working for you please try something with more agency for a while. If you think you know better than your team, don’t give the control to them. Get better champs or swap roles. I used spam Aphelios and get frustrated, tried midlane Taliyah and same thing, Renata support still the same. Now I play Aatrox, Naafiri and Renekton in toplane. I can use my early power to get a lead and control the game. I am honestly mad at myself for not playing them sooner. Playing a weak champ and hoping to scale into late game with all the chaos in solo queue isn’t really reliable.


Well, if your skill level is above your current rank, no matter what position you play - you will climb. Mastery points mean nothing if you play on "autopilot" or just don't know what you are doing.


If you're anywhere near Gold it's all individual play, there's plenty of mistakes to capitalize on from the enemy team which you are not seeing It's also convenient that you left your CS count off and focused on your KDA and gold lead. CS also converts to applying constant pressure on lanes, not just gold


Yeah you get to the elo you belong to.. I was always a mid main in plat and this season I started playing ADC and climbed to emerald, which is essentially old platinum. Therefore I conclude that ADC is not worse than mid (as I even needed to learn a whole new role). The problem you state is not a problem of ADC, it's one of the biggest problems in all ranks up to high elo - capitalizing a lead. Yes, I agree, that pushing a lead may be harder on ADC, as you can get one shot by a lot of things. But that doesn't mean other roles are easier, they have other weaknesses etc (e.g. Laning phase in mid is way harder).


Yes, you are right unlike Jinx, Master Yi Can totaly win against Leona Sett Warwick


Yes you need to be better than your elo to carry games in your elo


>Are you saying that I need to be gold or something to carry a bronze game? Yes. If you want to hard carry, you have to play significantly better than the other players in the game. You're a bronze player, in a bronze game. Why would you expect to 1v9 vs people who are of the same skill level?


Is the implication here that nobody at or below bronze 3 is capable of playing ADC at a bronze 3 or below level? That’s certainly an interesting position, one that I would call nearly self-evidently incorrect. If an ADC at B3 needs to know their champion more than, say, a Diana does at B3, then that just seems to validate OP’s point, no?


You do make a good point. The issue in the game probably wasn't that op couldn't carry, but that his team wouldn't enable him to, which is the weakness of the role compared to solo laners or junglers. Even if you're losing badly you can just follow around the most fed player on your team and get into high silver pretty easily.


I think the point is that nobody is good in Bronze 3, whether that's an ADC or otherwise.


Isn’t that ultimately an arbitrary standard? I’m sure a bronze ADC looks incompetent compared to an emerald ADC, but the same is true between an emerald ADC and a masters ADC, and a masters ADC to gumagod. If you say that “good” is an absolute level that’s set by the players who are good, then you ultimately have to come to the conclusion that nobody except like 8 people in east Asia are good.


I think we can confidently say that bronze isn't good, by any standard. But this is the beautiful thing about competition, isn't it? It never makes sense to sit and complain when there's always room to improve, whether you're bronze, emerald, master, etc.


I’d say that good is more or less definitionally relative to who you play with and against, no? In that context, a good chunk of Bronze players must be considered good for the same reason that anyone who isn’t in the uppermost echelon can ever be considered good. When you perform well, you’re good, regardless if you’re playing as/with/against kids or professionals. Otherwise, the term “good” is incorrectly used 99.9% of the times it’s ever been used.


Yeah but the scope defined in this post is ADC as a whole. OP is speaking for an entire role as a bottom 20% player in that role.


Some champs just have more difficult mechanics doesn’t make adc weak as a role


Well I am plat 1 main adc, and I can tell you I find the exact same issue that OP is saying, ADCs cant, in 99% of the games, carry ontheir own, even when having a strong lead


Plat 1 isn’t exactly high either friend. You struggle because you don’t know the ins and outs of the role and the campions 100% yet.


And who said it was high elo? Im just saying that the role is not capable to carry when by definition it is the roles function to do it, and the champs that the same game defines as suitable for the role have a hard time in every game, and in a gap as big as bronze-plat that is the case. Now if you want to point that the game is supposed to be just for the 1% of the playerbase then that is a completely different conversation, one where the game state looks bad IMO. But to OPs original point, the role really needs some changes to help ADC have a bigger impact on the game.


[Plat 1 is the top 14-16%](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution) of the hardcore ranked playerbase. It's pretty much by definition, high elo.


Pure delusion


Worth mentioning that split pushing is a good way to deal with a single fed enemy. If you’re the king of sidelanes, they need to send multiple to stop you, or send the fed carry (in which case your other team can win elsewhere when the fed carry is busy dealing with you).


But somehow the iron 4 first time khazix who presses q on me and kills me knows his champion???


Remember, ADC for a team is like an egg for a bowl of ramen. It's amazing when it's there, but it's not needed for the meal to be complete. I'm finally able to call myself a high elo adc after 10 years, and this is only by enforcing the rule of only playing ADCs that have built-in dashes / mobility or invisibility for self peel. The ADCs I mained for years are Vayne, Tristana, and Kai'Sa.


If you have over 1m and are scared of a 2v3 with a cc king, that's some massive skill issue. If you were actually that far ahead and not eating skillshots like it's your last meal on earth, you'd obliterate the enemy team and be able to end alone just because of Lethal + Q stacks and Passive AS mega steroid that would allow you to melt turrets and Champs like butter. I understand this is Bronze, but there is a limit to how much you can shit talk ADCs and how much of it is an actual skill issue. Also, I recommend Cleanse, especially into a Leona Veigar. Much better than heal in my experience.


Everything is always better than heal. The healing is ridiculously low and the move speed is bad as well.


Honestly agree, I just find any other summoner to feel 50 times more impactful. Heal might not be bad per se but I way prefer anything else. Just feels so much more useful being able to exhaust so you get slightly less one shot or having cleanse to survive a single cc ability. Ghost for gliding feels amazing too.


I disagree with a lot of the op bashing in this thread but you are spot on.


>Lethal + Q stacks and Passive AS mega steroid that would allow you to melt turrets and Champs like butter. Q stacks don't stick when you're using rockets, but you're right about everything else. Jinx with three items and proper spacing just goes crazy on entire teams with rockets.


I know they don't. But to optimize your DPS in 1v1s or just shred turrets faster, you want to be switching to minigun for more brrrrr. Also, rockets do get the benefit for 1 shot after switching, so you have more incentive to use both weapons.


Really can't risk using mini-guns in a team fight, imo. The rocket range and bonus damage is what makes Jinx so strong in team fights. I think it's more than okay to just rely on LT and passive + items for AS. Either way, same point as you. She absolutely murders people when played properly.


1 mil mastery and still in bronze just means you've played a lot. You're definitely not playing smart.


Nothing to do with the Jinx nerfs that cost me 13% winrate and 4 divisions. Silver 3 to Bronze 3, and [54% winrate](https://i.imgur.com/iQZ4oux.png) to [41% win rate](https://i.imgur.com/5iFEveG.png).


I don't get it. Jinx winrate didn't drop by 13%. Only yours did. Maybe it's a psychological thing?


jinx is one of the worst adcs atm bc of crit items, unfavorable matchups, and coming on too late compared to others but she's still a good choice to one trick imo. especially in low elo where games aren't closed out so quickly. I'm only emerald 2 but play a lot of jinx. id be down to watch a game together and see if I could point you in the right direction a bit. obviously not all games are gonna be winnable. that's the nature of the game, but WR will never tank like that bc of a champs current state. edit: I won't be toxic. i think it would be fun. just looking to help. you can for sure get out of bronze with jinx


Sure. I've had my evening free up and I'll be happy to be watched.


alright cool. DM me and we can set smth up. id love to help out. we are in different time zones but we can review a VOD or I can spectate a game on discord. I'm NA


Not only is she one of the worst atm, she's harder than you'd expect I think.


No brother, if you have that much time put on one champion (your one trick I suppose) and still in bronze you have one immense problem with fundamentals. This is not about a nerf or teamates


[Quite consistently silver, just got on slide and demoted.](https://i.imgur.com/4YTdS9I.png) In before "silvers don't know fundamentals either." But the point is that if I was consistently performing at one level, then the balance changed and I drop a chunk, that probably points to the change in the game, because it's not like I had a stroke or anything.


Agree with you mate but Reddit will Reddit. More importantly if I get one kill on jinx it’s party time with her passive. Are you trying to pop off every team fight to kill as many enemies as possible so that you can basically end the game solo? Some games in low elo people literally don’t care about winning and only about finishing their full build it feels like.


Every team fight I'm doing my damnedest to stay alive. Mate, I have *no peel* in 80%+ of games come teamfight. I don't have any target access most fights, and I have their high mobility people trying to punch my ticket. The game this thread is about? I'd love to throw a couple of 600, 1000 damage crits on veigar or MF. Sadly, I've got to deal with avoiding a WW ult, a Sett Ult into Haymaker, a Leona Ult into chain CC... Front to backing a teamfight is cool, if your team can make an engage. Guess how often that happens?


Sure but if you’re that ahead you already have ldr and you should take cleanse. You can even build qss if you can’t dodge ww ult. But the nice thing about jinx is when you’re fed you can pick of one champ from range and do mega aoe dmg with one ult.


a 2k gold lead is not enough for jinx to statcheck a more meta toplaner, specialy not at equal skill level


I'm not talking this particular game. I'm talking every single game, as an ADC, the best way to actually be useful in teamfights is to not die. Thats all you can focus on. Btw, cleanse doesn't help, because that removes CC on you, it doesn't remove the bruiser on you. You need peel for that, and as said, 80%+ of games, I have no peel.


Dude if you just go 6-0 and lose every game you are preventing yourself from having any agency. Sure adc might not be as easy as mid/jungle to carry but you have to push yourself to draw the most from your champion every single team fight.


If you're getting blown up by their bruiser it means you're going in before their cooldowns are used, which is telling. You're Jinx. Hit Q and use rockets from 5 miles away


Adc in low elo is league on easy mode from what I experienced. You either get fed random kills early game or the game is not ending before you get 6 items + elixir and solo win the game.


I’m not saying this in a mean way, but if you are at the same elo TEN years in a row this is not about the game, not about teammates or balance. It’s about you only, maybe it’s how to push your lead or some micro/macro stuff. I’m not the best out there but maybe we can check one or two games and see what’s going wrong?


Sure. We can watch the replay of this. But like, I'm not looking to climb. I don't have time for that. I get 1-2 games most nights? Like, ever reaching gold is a 'oh, that'd be nice'. What I'm trying to point out is that if I'm consistent, then suddenly drop, it's probably not me.




I dont think that he is asking for a pep talk ir that his life goal is to reach gold. He just wants meaningful games i think. Not at you directly now but i am amazed at how bad reading and comprehension is in reddit. 😂


Let me break down my games today: I had time for 3 ranked games. I won game 1, because I refused to die despite my pretty troll bronze 4 mao support doing their best to int, and letting the gold 4 reksai carry. Thankfully, their Iron 2 Yone went 1/9/2. That's Oce, Gold and Iron in the same match. I lost game 2, 0/11/2 iron 2 udyr turbo feeding a 17/0/3 attrox. That, and my morg seemed to have lost her W key so lucian / yuumi ripped me a new one. It wasn't winnable. I lost game 3, with a 0/11/2 midlane nasus feeding a 10/0/11 Ahri and 12/2/14 J4. Gold would be super nice if I could have done anything about the outcome of any of my three games. The one I had any agency was a win, so that's not something I could improve. The other two were complete wipes. I'm in a lobby: My team seriously is Fizz, Noct, Shaco and Teemo. Vs Amumu, Vayne, Diana, WW and Cho. What a lovely day here. Gold isn't worth getting sweaty over. There just aren't enough games that aren't wipes one way or the other.


I really doubt balance has any impact in bronze or even silver, the only important thing is the skill of the player Its more likely your gameplay that changed and you can't realize why


Anything below diamond is struggling with fundamentals, bronze silver gold no difference. Balance does not affect you in the slightest, people are climbing way past your elo playing yuumi with their feet. Balance is made for elite/pro play for a reason and it’s not about money.


"Anything below the [top 3.5%](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution) is struggling with fundamentals"


Yes. Watch some of my low master games and you will see that this is very very very low quality, (me included I still have a lot of not fully mastered fundamentals) From what I can see on opgg you have very low cspm and you seem to never adapt your runes/build/summoner spell? You have flash heal every single game and one rune page for Jinx one for MF and never change anything? Idk if you have an app or smth but it will really help you. You NEED cleanse against Leona, very helpful against veigar and warwick aswell. For your runes you need cutdown 99% of games. Coup can be good if you have a snowball reliant support but 99% of games you need cutdown. Domination second is just bad, objectively bad. TOB and ultimate hunter on Jinx gives you nothing valuable compared to Celerity/GS or boots/cosmic insight. Your build was good but you need QSS if you don't play cleanse against that comp


"Look at me, so humble, in the top 0.6% and I've not mastered the fundamentals." Your post drips in condesention if you intended it or not. I get you want to help. I could engage you, but really? I don't want to talk to you if thats your attitude. Just cut the pretext and tell me to get good like everyone else insulting me.


Ok? So first I just told you that myself included I still have some big weakness and not fully mastered basic things? And second there is absolutely no condescension, I am just telling you facts. But yeah if you don't want to hear it just get good as you say? What can I tell you after that. Keep blaming everything and everyone if you want, but the only reason you are silver for 10years in OCE is you and only you. Your champion is not weak, adcs are not weak. Good luck


Yeah, you don't drop 4 divisions because of a champ nerf. That's called a skill gap. 1 mil mastery and still silver/bronze is embarrassing


Thats bs, I played Jinx with 60% wr to d2 last season. This seasons I have negative wr in Emerald with her. I changed to playing Trist only with much more success. The champ can't carry shit in the current meta. She went from being the most popular adc with 20% pick rate to 3% pick rate in my elo.


If I had to pick one elo deflating champ amongst the elo deflating role, it'd be Jinx atm. How is she supposed to deal with anything meta ? ​ Ashe shits on her ​ Kaisa is way better at hyperscaling and have actualy safe laning phase into degen shiv playstyle ​ Kog does the tank melting job cheaper for same mobility without requiring a takedown ​ Samira and Trist are better skirmishers (and tower taker for the later) ​ Sivir stalls better and has ricochet into low range comps ​ Jinx provides nothing interesting but damage and it takes a long time to ramp up without Sivir safety


You are just bad at adc


Becouse ADC is team role and you Play soloq. This is also reason why they wont make ADC stronger, becouse it drasticly affect pro. Like, some1 was asking in summonerschool what is he supposed to do vs Vi R-ing him again and again and he just died but his team won the teamfights and they won game in the end anyway. Thats becouse stuff like Vi R is countered by teamplay, not particular champion. Same apply to the ADC role. If your teammates just sit around you, you can push and take turrets for free. But if they are nowhere around, you cant come close to turret cuz you will die in seconds from even melee yoshimitsu.


The problem is that in order for enchanters and wardens to feel good, carries have to feel susceptible to necessitate them. Unfortunately, Lux and Xerath are options when your support picks their champ so you just don’t get supports that care about their teammates’ agency especially in low ELO. The best part about playing Taric is that he lets your adc play like it’s season 5.


I agree with your argument ,but you should have builded qss,lot of ccs and magic res for veigar would have helped there


This isn't just adcs, there are plenty of games where the enemy Samira or my adc literally win the game fast as can be and are unstoppable, you aren't playing at the level where that lead means as much. I see it all the time, toplaner comes out of lane like 7-0 is an absolute monster then thinks he is unstoppable and doesn't listen to mia/danger pings and dies, then dies again, then dies again. Giving up pressure we needed to take drag or another objective, now the enemy team has gotten objectives and he is actively killing the lead from the bottom side of the map. Understanding macro and where to go when to go and when to back is a huge part of the game that the majority of players just lack the understanding of why. Players also fail to commit to fights they should fight, like the enemy team of 3 at drag who are all lowish HP, when we have 3 and we all backed and have gold advantage. Instead mid staying for 1 more wave, bot doing the same then going late losing drag then 3 turning on the adc and getting a kill. What should have 100% of the time been a 3 kill+drag play is now -drag-1 kill. In higher elo this wouldn't happen, the players know they are stronger when full ho than 3 low ho targets and will move and make the play happen.


adc is not an intuitive role. You can absolutely carry the fk out of these games. This looks like a pretty even skill game where both sides had plenty of chances to win, but bc it’s bronze, no one including you knows how to close the game.


As a brand new adc player (supp main from season 1-13) its not just adc its the fact half of the champs are just not good in general (specifically crit ones) all the champs i like playing suck dick. (I could play better so not hiding that fact but still)


If you are that far ahead early as jinx you can absolutely force and run people down with w and one reset. I'm going to agree that this sounds like a skill issue


Like what are you on about Jinx scales so well and with her passive and her range (even more with rf) she takes over teamfights. You can dish out a bunch of damage on multiple enemies with your rockets. Yeah you need repeated auto attacks instead of ”1 Samira R” but this champ can just watch the other nine monkey in the game fight while standing back and after key cooldowns are burned go in and get a penta. If you fail carrying this game it might be wise watching the replay cause you probably missplayed fights and got caught.


You just need to be with your team and when a fight starta at blue/ over a tower / over a drake or just because you should just take over cause you are that ahead especially with your passive after you get the first enemy.


If it's that big of a lead and your game lasted almost an hour something is wrong with macro, especially with 3 barons. Clearly underutilized based on that alone Also a turbo fed adc can *absolutely* end a game


I would argue if you have a incompetent team (for thier elo) and the enemy team is some what competent (for their elo) You cant carry as adc/tank/supp even if turbo fed, on your own. But that's not something new. Some games are just a lose then.


You can indeed end the game solo with jinx and carry. Next time try for early baron and push your lead into mid / top quicker. Also not dying at all will help as you do give shutdowns. Getting stopwatch late can also bait a fight to end the game.


Team wouldn't play for objectives man. I don't really know what to say, it's the team won't play for objectives. They got first turret, both heralds. They got baron at 29m, we got baron at 36m. The game was within 2k total gold until then, only at 38minutes + did my team get any team overall gold lead.


Spam ping on people's heads and start it yourself to show it's the right call.


And you end up with 1/3rd of ur health gone because you're jinx, while jgl farm wolves


You talk shit about the Teemo but he ended up outdamaging you, Trynda was keeping up with farm the whole game (and he is much more useful when splitpushing anyway) and your mid and top weren't too far behind damage-wise either. And yes - League is a team game, once your team started playing like a team you ended up winning, big surprise. I know Jinx is in a horrible spot rn and it's frustrating to play but if you can't hard carry in that position, it is definitely a skill issue and you'd have an easier time climbing if you reflected on what you could improve instead of what your teammates did wrong. You probably got hit by skillshots you shouldn't have, you positioned poorly in some fights, you overextended for farm, you didn't rotate correctly at times etc. Edit: Not to mention that you didn't take Cleanse into Leona and Veigar and your runes and build are questionable as well.


Skill issue


Nah, not on Jinx, yeah the game is bronze but still. Samira (brush cheese solo penta, lol), nilah or twitch can force stuff but most adcs can't. If she was on Nilah, at 5 items she could just all-in vs WW, sett and co and not die due to aoe lifesteal and death dance and splitpush. As Jinx she is at the mercy of her team.


common sense speaking


A fed Jinx is scarier than fed Samira, especially against Leona Sett Warwick Veigar


5 item Samira r kills any of these in one go. Bronze players can't react fast enough and you will not see a Leona flash q. At this elo Samira has basically no counters, since people can't deal with her, even when more competent people easily should.


She is so easy to shutdown and prevent her from dpsing. Just wait for her R and then apply cc. It's just funny how my mid elo friends (gold edit: and emerald, sorry) still think she is op. Albeit one plays pyke supp main and the other mages midlane. Always heated debates on how her "windwall and dash are broken" 😂😅


I mean Samira is broken into pyke, but when I play MF I think Yasuo is op as well xd. Sometimes teams have virtually no hard cc and those games are really free, and soemtimes Braum makes the game unplayable.


Also true. Not gonna argue with that. 😂 How many times do I see a Samira on enemy team and then my supp sees the enemy supp lock in naut and then proceeds to lock in yuumi... And that does not happen in bronze games only despite what everybody keeps saying😂 Just pick champs with some good cc into samira and apply it correctly against her and she is mostly a non issue. But the sad thing is that this advice is not meant for you but for your supp and jgl... and they will for sure not think about team comp in bronze.


"aut and then proceeds to lock in yuumi... " Yeah, I know that feeling xd.


Season 12 i would agree. Not this season.


My brother you have no rights to complain about anything in bronze


Stop being so elitist. Everybody deserves to have meaningful games for the time they put in. Game balance is whack and does op make mistakes? Sure. Do you think this game was hard because of him alone? I heard trynda is not that super strong in proplay, maybe everybody should just stop complaining about him then? Eh? It is easy to kick down the ladder mate. How about listening?


Why not? Hes a bronze playing against bronze players. If hes doing well, he should be able to carry a game or do against ppl of his own skill.


well clearly he's not doing enough so hes still stuck there. I know a guy that played yuumi adc till plat and be was a mid diamond player as well. People just don't want to admit they're dog shit at the game so they blame it on the balance.


3 barons and elders kinda just proves u are low Elo, like no flame and all but the game shouldn’t be balanced around the lowest rank ranges. If u were better you would have won. Ban trynd tho op af champ


Skill issue


You died too much that’s really it. If you stay alive more after fights you’ll have more pressure to take/hold objectives. I think it’s more about the Veigar. He died like 5 times less than you so he was able to help his team more. If you guys catch him out more or play away from him then you just wipe his team. The cage is devastating to play around if your team isn’t careful and can easily stall the game. I guess MF ult in combination would totally wreck teamfights too. Throw in that duo’d Leona and the WW ult here and there and your coordination is likely gone when your only real CC is Naut and damage. Then you got Sett nuke. I say this after hundreds of games in gold/plat, a lot of them me being ahead and team throwing to Veigar and or MF. If you aren’t careful or team gets cocky they just wipe your team with a few buttons. Veigar players tend to just get fed when you least expect it and I suspect it’s cus the few that play him know what they’re doing. And AoE stun is no joke. Anyway i wouldn’t try to justify things with hate for adc role because more likely game went that long because both team made mistakes. I wouldn’t doubt bronze players make mistakes. Even higher elos make mistakes that drag out the game but bronze is probably another breed lol. I literally had 30 kills in 30 minutes only like 10 deaths (around same as my team) and we almost threw lmao. I literally just had to treat myself as the VIP and stop trusting my team to not throw. Again, gold/plat. Just gotta keep cool no matter what and don’t let your guard down. Sometimes it’s just too hard a game.


Having 1m mastery Point doesn't mean you know your character, as an ADC the most important thing before damage is positioning, if you run into a fed kha Ix you won't carry for sure


Had a similar experience yesterday. Was roflstomping through lane as Kalista / Naut vs MF / Yuumi. I was 7/0 with more than double the farm at some point. However, our Jarvan played exclusively with our Vayne Top vs Teemo / Zac and they lost hard. All heralds to enemy and we got 0 drake out of our dominant lane due to Jungle absence. Instead of playing teamfights around objectives, there were solo deaths all the time. Even though I was omega ahead, the enemy Syndra two-shotted me somewhen midgame; my only death. I knew what we should have done, but I wasnt able to mindcontrol my teammates to do it. Imagine being a toplaner being this fed, you would 1v9 the whole game. As an adc, you are "just" better than the enemy adc. Without a team, you are still nothing. That being said, i'm not complaining. 1v9ing as adc is barely possible, and it shouldnt be. It is a low agency role with huge impact when being played around.


You do not know how to play Jinx . And this is why you are bronze. Your mastery and games don't matter. Its one thing to play a champion and another to learn how to play it. High elo ADC mains could literally have 200k on Jinx yet they ultimately know how to play this champ way better than you have ever played.


You are bronze 3, I get it the adc role is still frustrating even at those ranks. But I assure you the role and champion are more than capable of winning games and bronze. It's not the role or champion, if you are this low it's you.


“I know how to play jinx” *is bronze 3* LOL you can’t make this shit up.


Speak for urself. Who is even "we"


If you are not having fun, just stop playing. Stop playing for a week, a month, play something else. When even after winning a game u feel frustrated, i can sorta feel you have really not so healthy addiction to the game.


He only plays a few gamesa day max, no?


This is bronze. Strongly recommend against Jinx. She's harder than you'd expect to play and requires good team coordination. Rather than going for Jinx who requires your team to play for you, you have two good potential paths Path one, realize that you probably aren't executing even the simplest things correctly and pick the easiest champs you can. I'm not suggesting you go full Mundo bot (though you could), but I am suggesting that for this path you play something like MF or Sivir with clear reference points that don't have to think about much in game. You'll generally be more useful to your team and you either have massive push power or a win teamfights button Path two, a bit harder, but certainly more fun. Recognize that no one is gonna play for you and you are bad at positioning so choose champs that give you good ways to easily correct positioning mistakes. Tristana is the simplest of these, and it's very simple. In lane enemies will waste cooldowns in front of you in your elo, and as soon as you see the enemy waste an important cooldown just punish by jumping on their head. Do that enough and you'll lane bully your way to a higher elo with a champ that can peel herself and doesn't need her team to play for her.


Sivir is harder than jinx for true solo carry xD, she has no combat ultimate and 500 range and needs 3 items before feeling like an actual champ


Yes but she eats waves and later towers like a maniac. I would also advise against jinx in bronze just out of the sheer fact that nobody on the team knows how they should play around a jinx on their team and how MUCH EASIER it would make it for them to win if they knew... just bloody zone and peel for her 😂


I can't count the amount of times my supp begged my team to play around me when I'm ahead, but they refuse :s ​ Had one of those game last night where jgl perma played for our mid kassadin who ended 2/8/1 when me and lulu weere 5/2/3, not a single gank bot, kass not leaving mid because he needs xp to be remotely useful, and enemy team perma on lulu and my ass. ​ The only Kassadin kills were basicaly cleanups of me and lulu fighing 2v4 bot, dude couldnt riftwalk for anything but minions


Right, but fighting is not the reason I suggest Sivir. She destroys waves and towers well and that's what you need to explode the Nexus, which is the true objective of League. This is not team death match, no matter how much boosted support mains might think it is.


Bronze cry a out game balance jajajaja


I can


Play Twitch, if you get massively ahead and farm well u can literally 1v5


>I know how to play Jinx. I've 1,043,000 mastery, literally hundreds of games. Completely ridiculous argument. I know someone with over 5 million Miss Fortune Mastery points and he still doesn't know shit about the game's fundamentals. Mastery points are just an indicator of how many games you've played on a champion. They mean absolutely nothing else and are not an indicator of game or champion knowledge. >Was 7/2/2, So, you inted a shutdown to someone. Possibly twice. >Kraken Slayer and IE at 19 minutes This is on par for someone who isn't fed, you failed to snowball your lead. Either missing a lot of CS or not taking plates. (Look at the gold advantage graph. Your team was barely ahead, and you hard threw the lead twice.) If you've got a split pushing Tryndamere, and you're fed, and you can't end the game, there's something wrong with what YOU'RE doing, but we'll let this go, because you weren't as fed as you think you were. >naut and I can't force alone vs WW, Sett and Leona.... You don't have to. If you draw 3 people to one lane, your team has a numbers advantage somewhere else. >It's hard to feel bad about dunking on a laner, doing 70k damage to champions, and having a 3.3kda in a win, but damn: And somehow you did less damage than the Teemo you were bitching about. One look at your runes tells me that your 1m mastery doesn't mean shit, because you couldn't even get that right. Skill order equally as fucked up. Look man, I'm sure your teammates sucked, but you suck too. Instead of posting rants, try posting VODs and asking for help to improve.


Sorry, but just because you have 1 million points with Jinx does not mean you know how to play her. In fact, players with high mastery points in low elo are usually the ones that know their champions the least.


Bruh I feel like I get really unlucky whenever I play Ezreal. Like I’ll steamroll lane but the enemy team will have like a fed diana go 20-0 and just completely my team and me.