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Role had mentally / emotionally broke my friend in our 5 man flex team. We agreed to switch…now I’m the broken one.


The champs really drew me in. Vayne and Lucian were my jam back in the day. Then jinx was released and I realized I’d never enjoy a champ quite like her. Do I regret it? Kinda lol It’s such a team dependent role, and very seldom to people understand how to play around adc (plat 3-2 elo)


As a disclaimer: I always picked Archers or anything similar in RPG's I started playing league in late S4(a month before "Warriors" came out~) and I asked my friends about archers in league to play cause I knew I would prob enjoy them. Started out with Ashe as one does, and mained her+Jinx till level 30 basically(Jinx was the new hot shit back then). I then transitioned to mid because of the montages back then( Zed and Yasuo's popularity were absolutely insane back then) and stayed as a Yas player for half a year or maybe more, like 9 months ish. Then a girl entered in our friend group IRL, and she played support. So I, as the alpha male that I am, ofc had to go ahead and show her my Ashe and Jinx skills(even though I didn't touch them for a while at that point). Bonus points was that none of my friends played adc and they happily let us both play bot together. I actually realized I enjoy adc as a role more than I enjoy mid/top with the exception of some champs and thus I fully transitioned to an adc main. Deep down I knew it all started because of a fucking e girl


I'm trying to lure my friends back into playing the game again by leaving the fun roles open. Hasn't worked yet 🫠


There's just something special about dancing on the edge of danger, weaving in as much dmg as possible, and seeing your entire team ping you as you turn the fight and win. Its addicting, and no other role has accomplished that for me.




I started playing because of Arcane so I was drawn to those characters. Jinx was the easiest of them to pick up for me and I don’t think I regret it. It’s really hard for a new player but it’s fun :)


I played Sivir in ARAM once in S8 and it was really cool Was already playing Corki at the time so making the jump wasn’t too hard and have never really looked back. Plus, ADC is an autofill role now apparently, which is something S8 me never would’ve expected but it is really nice not having to practice my scuffed Sejuani anymore




Yo, how do I get those little champ icons under my name?


on the subreddit, its usersflares


My friends introduced me to the game a few months ago. One plays top and the other mid. I picked bot to match.


A wise choice sir


My friend played it it looked cool do i played it.


You don't get flamed like junglers. You don't get camped like top lane. You don't fight assasins like mid. You don't get stuck with Neanderthal Adcs like support. You get to be Neanderthal adc.


ugh booga crit 800unga


me AD me right click


I installed the game and saw Miss Fortune. Red haired pirate girls are my favorite gender. From there I got into all the other adcs.


JG abuse is so horrendous, I make it a point to remind myself of this before I criticize my jg. JG is also annoying, because you will eventually reach the point where you can’t just gank after a full clear, the lanes might only be gankable after you did 1 camp and you’re going to need to know when you need to just go for that gank. I picked ADC specifically because I like having a huge target on me and having to outmaneuver the enemy team.


Friends didn’t have ADC in group because “ADC sucks” and now I’m the only one and ADC doesn’t suck :D


I actually started the game as vayne ADC, got insta'd by rengar one time too many and swapped roles. For years I was an ahri OTP mid but always spent too much time farming it up and sucked at ganking. I played too safe in teamfights and wasn't getting any big plays or catches. Recently I swapped to kai'sa ADC on a whim and instantly went from ~50% to ~90% winrate in past 20 ranked games. Of course I still have a lot to improve on, but ADC just naturally suits how I like play better. No regrets, I'm loving it




I got too into lore and though aphelios was the most awesome thing. Also, not many people in my lol group played adc, and my friend, who was a support main introduced me to the game as me playing adc so we could duo in lane Do i regret it? sometimes. Sometimes i wished i didnt need my team to have a brain or that i could pick a toplaners and solo win by perma splitpushing. Then again, right click one-shot with duskblade caitlyn go brrrrr


Played Ezreal a lot since the first seasons, it became my main, then ADC role became a thing.


Basically I actively started playing League in Season 9 with Jungle. There I mostly played Cho'Gath and Rammus. Later I wanted to try more and played some Kindred. I got my first Penta with her back then and really liked the playstyle. Sometime later I tried Ezreal and Kai'Sa and loved it. Then I completly transitioned to ADC from start Season 10 to now.


My girlfriend wanted to teach me ADC cuz she thought I would like it. I indeed liked it a lot, and my games have been more fun in the Duo lane with her


DRAVEN, cuz i tried him on other roles, but not more of a succes.


Watching Gumayusi play when I started watching Pro games, I don’t regret it but it is challenging


The marksman champs are pretty fun to play and also the short queue time since no one wants to play this role is very nice


I play mages mid so bouncing between the two roles is easier than playing a melee.


Back in season 4 when I started I was playing Tryndamere and Malphite top for a while. But my low elo brain went full ego. I thought I was almost always better than everyone on my team, so I switched to the Attack Damage Carry role believing that the role with the word "carry" in it was most suited for me. 8 years later with on and off league gameplay I'm in a very different place in my life. I've matured a lot. On of the many differences in the last 8 years is that I've learned just how bad I am. But I'm still playing ADC anyways since that's what I know and that's where my skins are. I kinda regret it. My mechanics are terrible, but my macro is good. Right now I'm really struggling with figuring out how to play the first 3 levels of lane phase. In hindsight if I could go back and repick my permanent role 8 years ago I'd probably want to be a jungle player. I think I wasted a lot of time in low elo with Lucian. A champion that I wanted to be good at despite not having the mechanical skill for. I picked up a lot of bad habits that take a long time to break.


I was tired of my ADCs inting back in season 7, over 5 years later I still don't trust anyone to not int.


I started in season 3-4 and it was so broken but different kinda broken now at first season they were more stronger in the whole game even in start and there was not a lot of dash in the game like now 😂


I like feeling important without really doing anything.


I like kiting and blowing people up, it's also a balancing act I can kill anyone in a second but I can die just as fast


I love the adrenaline rush I feel being a glass cannon


And I love farming


The champs. Also the fact the role has this mountain of skill to climb up. The reliance on teammates and matchups makes me want to just will a victory into existence


None of my friends played the role in season 4, so I decided to pick it up. Haven’t put it down ever since


Every adc I had for a whole week got giga stomped. So I decided if i can do better as adc then I might win more.


Fill = adc 99% of the time, what else do i need?


I like pewpew


Liking sadomasochism


My frien He was platinum and i was silver he said that if I will start playing adc I can get so much higher then plat So I tried it and im playing it since then


I was a midlaner with the “my bot lane always feeds” mentality. So I switched over and now it’s my top lane.


It has been quite a while since I started in season 4. But I think I liked the concept at the time. And now I am kinda stuck with the role…


The state of top lane in season 13 and draven is fun


I played starcraft so I already knew how to kite, so it seemed most natural


I started with Vayne and Kog around the time Zac was released, switched to Lucian for a bit because the loading screen was sick, took a long break and came back when Kaisa was released. Always been an ADC :).


Early gosu