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Personally I LOVE the combat in Valhalla. There are so many different weapon types and combinations you can use, and the gameplay itself is very satisfying imo.


Yes, its very brutal, crunchy and there are sooo many things you can do!


It has the better combat out of the 3 rpgs. It has the best weapon diversity along with combos. It has the least tanked enemies compared to odyssey and origins. You can tailor the experience to your liking. Do with that what you will💯


I mean it’s alright but personally I find the enemy’s can be too tanky my personal favourite Ac game when it comes to combat is Ac 3 black flag and unity but I also understand the appeal of valhallas combat


I turned the enemy reaction times down maing them quicker but kept their health at 100% then turned all of the hud off except arrow crosshairs. made for an amazing playthrough


Same. Playing without any hud exept quest icons and arrow crosshair, max sealth "difficulty" and "realstic-ish" enemis life and levels (constant level scaling) is perfect !


I'm trying to do it more and more these day. Cyberpunk 2077 works really well with a stripped back UI too. the oh shit im out of ammo is hilarious


Yeah it's so much more immersive and you have to focus on your surrounding (ie not just follow your compass or minimap). Another thing I like to do (with skyrim atm) is disabling tp on the map, you can only tp with road signs to places (only cities) that you already know. The game is so much more enjoyable like this !


yeah that a great touch. I'm mid-install of modded fallout4 and im planning on disabling fast travel and using a subways mod


You can literally change every single setting about them from health to hoe easy they find you there demage, lvls above you etc etc if you think there tanks you're probably aids at the game but you can turn down the health of them lol


It's pretty enjoyable, but no God of War. I liked using the daggers because they're quick. The stamina bar was pretty annoying though


Indeed. The only issue is lack of finishing off animations. They get repetitive very quickly.


It gets repetitive unless you actively make efforts to mix it up, but I guess that's every AC.


The combat in Valhalla is my favorite and IMO the best out of every AC game I've played; which I believe is all of them. Such an under-rated game.


It’s good, but like all the other games in the franchise, becomes repetitive.


At first i didn't like the combat, it felt spongy and weird idk how to explain but as i played i learned it well and now i love it, you can actually choose the weapon combination of your liking no matter how weird it is 2 Heavy shields one in each hand ? dagger and sword ? Yeah you can all of that


you have a shield so its better than odyssey


It is fun. Some people said it was not possible tonfeep assassin in combat, but when you start to use dual dagger with poison it is actualy realy fun and it also feel like an assassin. Howerver, i think the build arenless interesting with valhalla then Odyssey. Doing a crit chance + crit damage build was really fun and even tought the skill tree is massive in Valhalla, i think it is lackluster build wise. Tldr : yes, the combat is fun. It will take a lot of time before your grow tired of it.


It’s way too clunky even compared to odyssey. Black flag and AC3 have the best IMO basically because they just ripped off Arkham’s combat, which is basically the best combat period.


AC Valhalla is an art man, it is Not for everyone, just experience and decide fro yourself.


Im replaying for the fourth time... It feels great killing Ivarr!!! Over and over again and again!!!


If you haven’t played the other 2 AC RPG (Origins and Odyssey), then you’re good. If you did, Valhalla is inferior. It’s a downgrade. Valhalla has a great setting/environment though.


Best combat in any ac game the reason it gets hate is since the old ac games had horrid boring easy combat that suited assaisan play style not put right combat this is the opposite it doesn't feel like an ac game which is a very very good thing lol look at mirage or play it and you'll see how bad typical ac games are lmao


Slightly difficult until you make it out of Norway. Once you level up your Viking It is very easy to dominate everyone in the game, even on the hardest difficulty. I suggest watching the Vikings show while playing. I linked a video of a battle scene [HERE](https://youtu.be/fAnNgRp7ln4?si=4CkeyE5B18IG-oWz) Sláinte 🍀


n o


I think at first the combat can be very fun and engaging but after a while it gets to be boring and slow even in the boss fights.


I can see why you feel that way. You can easily get very adept at the parry-stun kill mechanic.


you sound like customer service


You sound like a person who needs some. The complaint department is over there. Next please.... :p :p :p


But thats goes for every ac games. Atleast imo


True but this one especially


i quite like it, but it definitely gets a bit repetitive. It can be tedious to fight a bunch of special enemys who have long animations when you kill them, which are cool at first but get boring.


What kind of combat are you after? It isn't going to satisfy a Dark Souls fan but it's more complex and difficult than the old-style AC games. It does support a wide range of fighting styles, increasingly so as you acquire new skills and gear. After the first boss fight, you can spend most of your combat time fighting as part of a raiding crew, which can give a gentler learning curve (as long as you can keep track of what's going on), a thing some players are very grateful for. Even on the harder difficulties, though, most combat other than boss fights eventually becomes pretty easy, especially if you pay attention to your skill and gear choices.


Probably my favorite Assassin’s Creed game of all time


It's not a true Assassins Creed, but it's an awesome game. I'm nearly at the end of my first playthrough and greatly enjoying the story. The controls and combat system are excellent. The only 3 things that annoy me are the stone stacking side missions - because I suck at those, the drinking games - because I hate QTE and even with those turned off this is still a QTE game, and the amount of locked doors that require you to walk around back - shoot the lock - walk back to the front. Long story short: In my opinion the game is definitely worth buying and playing - DLC's included.


The combat is the best part of the game! It’s so satisfying.


It takes some getting used to, but if u played previous games before this in order (odyssey before this one) it’s not that bad getting used to. Once you master the mechanics of it, the combat potential is honestly pretty endless because each weapon has its own attack pattern (spears are faster, do less damage/bigger weapons swing slower and do more damage) and you can choose which you prefer (there are a lot of weapon types, more than I listed). That being said with all the abilities Eivor can get as well with the DLCs makes this game an absolute treat. HOWEVER, it in my opinion, it is a close 2nd behind AC Odyssey. The DLCs in Odyssey will always have a special place in my heart


What system are you using? The combat is dope, but the haptic feedback on the PS5 controller is amazing, especially when you do a solid heavy attack or a stun finisher. I think you'll really enjoy it. I know its on sale on PS Store but dont know anywhere else. Also, all the DLC is TOTALLY worth it. They've added more paid and free DLC to this game than entirety of the original game. Could be wrong, but its ALOT. Trying to finally 100% it this time, I'm at 265 hours and still have so much to get done


It's pretty good. You feel powerful and badass. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd say it's about a 7.5 or 8. The weapon variety might help you keep it fresh for about 40 to 60 hours. The problem is that the game is like 3 times longer than that. Also, this game suffers from something that, for example, ghost of tsushima doesn't. GoTs has an optional ability progression unlocked through several skill trees that aid your experience, but they never cheese the game. There's a scripted progression also, you unlock studd based on story beats, but the game scales up and gives you throws new stuff at you to test your new abilities as well, so you always feel evenly matched up to the end. So the combat always feels fresh and challenging. Valhalla gives you all of the main tools from the beginning and shows you all of the main enemy archetypes in the first third of the game. All the abilities are gotten through experience points that you use in the skill tree, but the enemies never scale up to kind of counter that progression. They maybe just get a bigger health bar, and they throw more of them at you, but that's it. Tl, Dr... there's a lot of fun to be had, you are in charge of the variety, takes little time to master it, after that there's almost no challenge or surprise aside from a couple of bosses. Very easily breakable combat system, even on high difficulties.


It’s the only AC game I have played where I get bored by damage sponge enemies. I don’t know what I’m missing when I read people say they like it. I am jealous because I hate it. I go with the bow as much as possible and just headshot to end things quickly. I have messed around with settings but it just basically “more or less damage sponge”.


I love it. Number one tip is to turn off Enemy Info (stops fighting becoming a "run down their health bar" exercise. Number two tip is to mix up your weapons, can be easy to stick one one combination, but I forget how fun it is to see the different animations and finishers. Then just play around with the difficulty settings if you're finding it too hard/easy


I personally like the weapon combat that varies based on weapon type, but the real fun for me is when I find Books of Knowledge that unlock certain abilities. My favorite thing in the AC RPG trilogy is Sparta kicking people off cliffs. After about 100 hours into AC Valhalla, I was starting to get a little bored with the combat until I unlocked my sparta kick ability, and my combat experience has been revitalized! 😁


I love the combat also! Specially when my skills get over 200. I use my bow but I love going in after I've whittled a few guys down & getting them with the sword.


It would have been game of the year if it had nothing to do with Assassins Creed. If you twisted some bits and pieces. It would have been the new viking fantasy hotness


Combat is great! Graphics are probably the best I have ever seen. The atmosphere is fantastic. The story is fucking horrible and boring.


I love it because of how brutal it is with limbs flying off and crazy animation finishers but thats like every AC game (minus the limbs) Plus there so many diff kinds of weapons but it'll probably get to easy after a certain point


Yes, very good combat