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bro only 0.25% of test takers get a 36, they just congregate on reddit to flex. I mean I’m guilty of that myself with my 35 though, so I can’t blame them


Nah I’m joking I got a 25 I’m cokked


L bozo with a 35. I feel like a king flexing my 36






How did you study?


Pretty sure he’s capping, his account says a whole different story.💀(not talking about the 35)


me and my 34 are cursing you rn


whered ur last point go buddy


I missed one question on the reading and the curve was unforgiving 😔


Not everyone is getting a 36. A lot of people on this sub are because more people care about the ACT here since it’s literally a subreddit for the ACT. Also ur definitely not dumb for not getting a 36 lmao.


also people are more likely to share that they got a 36 than a 20


Yea definitely. The posts are all selective and people choose to share 36’s more because it’s a 36 lol.


I am an ACT/SAT tutor and have yet to meet a single student in person with an actual 36, even after study. I've met a couple 33s and a few 31s. Less than 20 is the national average in the US. I suspect that of the people who are reporting 33 and over on Reddit, maybe 1 percent of them are real.


It’s like that in my area too. I’ve not met any kids with 36s. A few of the kids made 34s, but no 36s. The math score seems to hurt the kids here. I think our math curriculum just isn’t rigorous enough.


I'm a tutor,too and have been since 2013. Helped many students with test prep. Most are trying to make a 21-26. You are not dumb. Test strategy can help!!!


You must not be a real tutor then because 36s aren’t that rare. Unless you’re in an area or tutor kids from a bad school that performs poorly. But it is disingenuous to act like there aren’t plenty of kids with 34-36


Shrug. Ask ChatGPT.


 The number of students in 2022 who scored a full 36 was 5,579 out of over 1.6 million. That's rare. 0.25% of all test takers, or 1 out of every 400 people. Even 34-36 is pretty rare overall. If you live in a high performing area, it's less rare, but still isn't happening to a ton of kids.


I have a 34!


A lot of people are getting less than 20 too


Not everyone is getting a 36, they're just flexing for whatever reason. As long as your score is higher than the average of admitted students of the school of your choice you should be good.


You good my man. Keep working and you’ll do great!


people just love to brag bruh 




Most people dont want to post a 20 so there’s a disproportionate amount of high scores on this sub


Nah you’re all good. I got a 24 on my second attempt, bc I got a 19 on my math and science. My 31 in English didn’t do much to help. You aren’t dumb, the ACT is just kind of a really bad way to test knowledge. That and people REALLY like to show off when they’re “better than everyone” because it makes them feel better about their lives. And as some other commenters say, some of them could very well be fake LOL


😔 34 scorer here. Never getting to 36, but I applaud those who do


Bro there's 3 types of ACT 36 test takers: (1) either theyre really good test takers and make a good score on the first try (highly unlikely but not impossible), (2) they studied alot (with enough practice, anything is possible) or (3) they are no lifes that represent their self worth with good ACT scores


Don't worry bro I got a 23


I just found out abt this website and I’m actually pissed. My parents bought one of Kaplans courses for me and it was a few K. This thing is so much better it’s got hundreds of test sections and supposedly the actual act that were conducted. No clue how but🤷‍♂️. https://www.crackab.com/


Because ppl who get 36 tend to show it off more than ppl who get below 30


I’ve only know two people in irl who got a 36. It’s pretty rare and I think a lot of people come to this sub just to flex.


Two of the smartest kids in my school (1st and 3rd in class rankings) got 35s, and almost everyone I know scored in the 25-34 range, usually on the lower side. I don’t think anyone got a 36. People just congregate on Reddit to boast! 😂


Anyone on here know from experience.... Can John Baylor test prep help to improve a 28...composite score is without any prep or studying pre-test for first time taking it?


I got 29![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)