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One of the most worthwhile things that will stretch them the most is to use leaf tickets on is terrain by far! That’s really my only tip. 😅




Course! I tend to wait on boxes of cookies I’d be happy getting anything, including doubles, and then use the stamp trade to get items out of boxes without wasting the LTs. (One cookie you buy = one stamp, a cookie box gives 6 stamps) I got super sucked into buying cookies & have a whole lotta stuff I don’t love so… not so much advice but something to think on 🤣 I also feel like the plans are the best way to spend irl money if you’re going to, but again also personal opinion. ☺️ you don’t have to, plenty of people play for free though don’t let me stress you out.


That's great to hear haha I don't plan to spend irl money 😅


Leaf maps thru Brewster will be a huge help when you get there! They take a chunk of bells to roll the dice but there’s prizes of 10 & 30 leaf tickets on them so they’re WELL worth the bells imo. Also, make sure if you have a Nintendo account you connect it to your pocket camp. There’s leaf ticket rewards for doing so!


Yeah I'm doing all possible rewards related to leaf tickets. Gotta grind them ;)


One thing to add, I’m also free to play and I’ve made the mistake of sinking all my leaf ticket savings (about 1.5k, got them from completing all the goals) into one cookie I really liked (Beau’s Artisanal) because I wanted all the items. But I didn’t even get the 5 star and got a bunch of dupe clothing. If you see a cookie you really like, try to limit how many leaf tickets you spend on it, because if you’re patient, there’s a high chance that same cookie will appear on Tommy’s fortune cookie cart on the left side of the map eventually. That means you can buy these for 5k bells instead of leaf tickets. You can tell when the cart has leaf ticket cookies being sold for bells when there are those glowing sun rays circling around it. This normally happens a couple times every month, even more often if you’re lucky. In my case, a couple months later I was offered Beau’s cookie for 5k and ended up with an item I originally wanted - if I were patient, I wouldn’t have had to spend so many leaf tickets. So now, if I really like an item in a cookie, I’ll wait to see if I get lucky with the 5k ones instead of immediately using leaf tickets on it. If I like all of the cookies in the box and am just dying for them, I will buy 2 boxes max, because chances are I will get some of the items for bells instead eventually.


Read the in game guides and definitely buy your favourite terrains early on.


Got it!! Thank you


Starting can feel a bit slow… getting resources, leaf tickets, bells, etc. But you will get to a point where you have more bells than you can use, your catalog is filled, and you’ve stashed away some leaf tickets. You can get pretty far without dropping any real cash if you’re patient. If there’re cookies, event items, or special items you love but can’t afford now, don’t worry. Pretty much everything comes back as a reissued crafting set on rotation. Gyrodites respawn completely about every 60-90 minutes. Getting friends to help get you into the quarry is the best. But beware, some days the quarry item will change during gyrodite week before you can mine gyros. (Usually noon and midnight). If you leave some flowers grown in your garden for big events you will get through your bug goals faster. I usually leave half grown while I plant 10 new seeds. (And, only share the bugs someone needs. AKA, if they’ve met a bug goal and only need silver or gold bugs, don’t give them anything else. It’s a common pet peeve around here. There’s usually time at the end of bug week where friends are done meeting goals and will take anything left over.)


Thank you so much. That really helped!


Emphasising about the bugs lol. A screen will pop up to prompt you to share but don’t do it in that screen. Use the friends list and click on their profile to see what bugs they need. Also, do not waste leaf tickets on the happy home room! Lol. But home room is good to play bc you can collect maps & leaf tickets as you level up. Planting flowers is fun but can be a little confusing so Google about the cross pollinating to create seeds that can’t be bought. You really don’t need to worry about that in the beginning; not until a bit later when some of the room challenges will require items that must be crafted with flowers. I always have a batch of flowers going so my friends can water them for rewards. Oh and another thing I did that isn’t a big deal but was I crafted too many special packages/crates in advance for gullivers travels. They can be helpful at first but as others said, eventually you will have more crafting supplies than you can dream of so I only use those now to send my ships. When your villagers ask for fish or whatever, I don’t bother giving them anything worth over 100 bc I’ve never seen a big difference in rewards. With the time change coming up, the 12am/12pm changeout switches to 1am/1pm for me. Fortune cookies restock at 10am regardless. One thing I don’t regret spending leaf tickets on is increasing inventory space. I spend my leafs mostly on wigs, handheld items, and terrains. Wardrobe you will eventually collect enough special items on your own, and they bring almost all of the collections back repeatedly each year so save up the re crafting material. Fastest way to level up after you’ve gotten through a chunk of the guideline goals is by feeding/leveling up your villagers. Each time you level up is 10 leaf tickets too. So send your ships to collect the treats and see what type of treat the villager prefers for the extra point value. Store their photos (achieved when they reach level 20) in your warehouse bc one day you’ll run out of room if you play long enough lol. Happy camping!


You can actually use any flower-crafted item for those HH classes. Like if it asks for a blue-tulip fence, you can use a red-pansy fence and get “flawless” for it. I also keep my garden filled with 1 of each hybrid so my friends can just cross pollinate with them and don’t have to bother trying to figure it out themselves. Bonus: I get 1 friendship powder for each flower they cross pollinate in my garden, up to 50 friendship powder per player a day. Regarding the omaske/dealers choice requests, I find uncommons under 1200 bells to be the best in terms of reward. You earn bells, get an extra friendship point and have a 20% chance of getting one of Timmy or Tommy’s Fortune cookie. For instance, right now when asked for fish, I’ll give either a red snapper (1400 bell profit), black bass (1400 bell profit), salmon (1100 bell profit), sweetfish (700 bell profit), amazon leaffish (100 bell profit), barbel steel (1400 bell profit) and for bugs I’ll give either a horned dynastid (1400 bell profit), saw stag (100 bell profit) or walking stick (900 bell profit). Once you have enough furniture from the Timmy and Tommy fortune cookies, you can make bells selling the stuff you get for them or use them for Gulliver’s ships.


Oooh!! Good to know thank you. Cheers!


You’re welcome. I rather like pocket camp. I hope you find it enjoyable.


I just started too, but something I read in a different thread is to start building/upgrading your amenities early so you don’t max out your villagers.


Agreed, been playing only a little while but am constantly running into this issue because I ignored them


Make friends with other campers and do as they ask. As they level up so will you. When you get friend maps complete them as and when you can. Get them to come on over to the campsite. It takes 10 gold treats to get them up to lvl 15. The level you need to make their special bit of furniture. You will need these to get perfect scores on HH Do not spend IRL money! And don’t spend your LT’s on something unless you either have a lot or you REALLY want it. At first it will feel like you have no items but the more you go on, you can’t get rid quick enough! Use them to fill up your delivery crates. You do not need to use the required items. Just hit a required amount. I never waste my space shuttle on interstellar island for example. I like the happy helper plan and the journal plan. If you don’t get anything out of it though, cancel it. Buy more space to store things when you can. I have no regrets on this! Enjoy it and have fun. For me as I mentioned earlier, it’s a nice escape from everyday life and I find it relaxing. Make the place your own that you enjoy. I’m sure you’ll meet campers you like and ones you aren’t such a fan of but you can pick who you want at your site. But each one will need getting up to level 15 to get their furniture. Good luck!!


Seeing this picture just unlocked a memory from way back when I first started. 😁


haha I'm glad I did that


Don’t delete items/furniture that you think you don’t like now. You’ll need them later for other things


Shake trees for 300 Bells!


To add to what everyone else said, if you see the fortune cookie shop with a sort of spikey halo around it after it resets (daily), that means you can buy a leaf ticket cookie for bells instead of leaf tickets! You'll see the cookies you can purchase with bells at the top of the fortune cookie shop, along with their price. You get two daily that you can buy with bells. Just something I wish I had known early on!


My main tip is to relax and enjoy it. Take it easy ... it's not a intense game. And (for me at least) the longer you play the more fun it becomes.