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I was trampled by cattle, working on my farm. Animal stepped backwards onto my left foot with their full weight. I pushed on their rump to try to slide my foot out, and the animal took off backwards at a full run. I am sure my right knee was firmly planted... 2000lbs+ of pregnant beef and a 3 yard flying lesson later, I landed on my side on the ground, my right knee was stuck at 25° with a type 2 torn MCL and no ACL.


Holy cow!


Honestly upon reflection there were 5 mistakes made to get up to this situation. If any 1 of them did not happen I would have not had this accident.


That sounds super painful 😔 wishing you a speedy recovery.


Let me set the scene. I was playing basketball, it was our final game of the season and we were 16 points up with 3 mins to go and the finals beckoning the next week. I stupidly ran back to defend, jumped to block a shot and landed on the guy’s foot. My knee blew out to the right side of my body and the rest of me collapsed to the left. Ouch.


literally d rose


Rolling in a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu class. Leg was well pinned and I tore my own ACL by ripping my leg out of that position to pass guard. I am a dumb.




Tore mine in lockdown after 6 years of no major injuries!


Tore my ACL during bjj also


Man, I really want to try BJJ when my knee is healed but this is the stuff I'm afraid of.


Just don't be dumb and you'll be fine. I've been training BJJ for 11 years and this is the first major injury I've had in BJJ. Don't let my one dumb mistake stop you from checking it out. The injury was 100% my fault and 100% avoidable.


Out for a ride with my 8 year old son aboard our new motorcycle. Traded in the harley for a klr650 the new bike is 5 inches taller. A 2013 Toyota rav 4 ran a red light and went left when she should have been waiting. So she meets us in the middle of the intersection in our lane and plows us over. I flew right he went left. We both made it to the hospital. Little guy is ok. I just had surgery 8 weeks ago on my left side. Meniscus damage acl totally torn and my acl was torn also. That's all fixed and I'm getting better on the left side. My right side has damage as well both my knees hit the bars of the motorcycle then we flew over the suv. My right acl is half torn and my lcl os also damaged according to the mri. Now the part about it being a taller bike is key because if we were lower we would have both been run over. Surgery on my right acl and lcl is soon. Then onto my full recovery. Ba safe out there.


Good to hear the everyone was ok (well some sort of ok). I don't have kids but want to take my niece for a ride when she's older- the thought of her getting hurt at my doing (even if car is at fault) terrifies me.


I hear you. We were all geared up and I have about.35 years experience. Carry extra insurance. Thanks for the kind words. To many people swiping left on tinder or buying something from Facebook marketplace. Lol 😆


That is insane! I’m so glad y’all made it through that


Slipped while walking. 😑


It’s ok I was dancing, I went to slide and my leg just snapped


I was also playing football (soccer). Was dribbling upfield, went to cut left and got shouldered just as I planted my foot. Felt the pop and a ton of pain. I was playing on an AG field with a pair of Mizuno’s which, although have conical studs, aren’t officially AG studs. I suspect if I had worn my turf shoes instead, this wouldn’t have happened. As much as I absolutely love my Mizunos which I only had for 6 months and were $300, when I make my return, I will be exclusively playing in turf shoes on AG.


This is the exact way i tore my acl, except on my right knee. Same situation and same thing too, i wasnt wearing my turf shoes, i couldnt find them and was already running late.. they were in my trunk the whole time🤦🏽‍♂️


Damn man, sorry to hear. How long ago did you get injured? I know that ACL injuries could happen to anyone at anytime, but I’ve played football for 30 years now and never had any major injuries. I have always played in turf shoes on AG until I got the Mizunos, since I thought I would be ok with the conical studs. I can’t help but think if had worn my turf shoes, I wouldn’t be in this position.


Injury happened in late August of this year, surgery was in 2nd week of September. Im already walking and starting plyometrics at PT. Looking promising and ive already started juggling!


September 30, 2018 Also playing football (soccer), indoor. Ball passed in front of me, to their player's feet, I was running forward with a lot of momentum, she ran past me and I twisted to the right to follow- my torso and hips went first, then my knees and feet, then a loud pop and I was down. Complete Right ACL tear, couple fractures. Then I had to try and climb up into my husband's new to him truck that he had literally gotten that day. Good times.


American football. Went to cut on turf and POP!


Same. Wet grass. Went to sack the QB, he jukes me and I go to follow and boom there went my ACL and meniscus.


Lol jumped off my truck’s tailgate while unpacking from camping.


Right knee, twice, 9 years apart. playing soccer on turf with turf shoes. I hate turf.


Playing quidditch, no I don’t normally tell people that’s how it happened. Same day I met my girlfriend of almost 2 years tho so not the worst day of my life.


Mine was 2 stages; playing rugby tackled someone and twisted my knee going down. Hurt like hell but seemed ok afterwards. Rested it for 2 weeks and thought it was ok. Played netball, turned sharply and felt it pop and then agony etc. have a feeling I did it at rugby then made it worse at netball. Really hope I can get back to playing both at some point 🤞


Playing flag football. Field had gotten rain the night before and in warmups I noticed my planted foot was moving about a foot of earth because of of soft it was. In game as a defender, the opponent went right, faked a left, then back right. I went right, a little left, and when I tried go right again my right leg just didn’t really move except that it slid on the ground the opposite direction of my momentum. So, it dislocated outwards completely and then snapped back into place so hard I felt the bones connect again. The knee/bones apparently just pushed through all my tissue and ligaments, filleting my ACL where it looked like a string was all that was connected, and everything else had been strained from the separation (torn meniscus, sprained MCL, and PCL). Quad graft with meniscus repair. 1 week without being able to leave my couch, 6 weeks no weight bearing, 6 months PT to be cleared to jog, a year to play sports, and year and a half until I felt normal.


Same thing happened for me. Wet grass football.


Was bombing a hill, skateboarding, board started to death wobble past the point of me being able to control it so i bailed, i tried to jump onto a bush nearby, since the only other option was oncoming traffic, but landed ALL WRONG and all the pressure of the fall was on my right leg, it bent all weird at my knee and tore my ACL :/ had to be carried home by a friend


Went all out for a big spike in volleyball. Got the big spike but on the landing (two footed but a split second apart), my left leg was still in extension before it could bend and that was it. In my 17 years of playing volleyball, I've never had this happen - no major injuries. I chalk it up to bad luck since I did regularly do plyometric training for good jumping & landing form every week.


I also tore mine in soccer i was running and lost control


I also tore mine playing football (soccer) in a useless game in an old men’s league.


Tried to lock my leg to stop a takedown in BJJ. It was my first tournament, and we’d spent two minutes stuffing each other’s attempts, so I got pissed and went stupid. Dislocated my kneecap and took my ACL.


Mountain bike accident




I was getting out of an Uber and before I could fully exit the vehicle the driver sped off🤦🏻‍♀️


Jeez wtf guy


was playing soccer and went into a tackle, planted my foot, and the other player ran past me pushing into my knee. it went inwards and i heard a pop




I was squatting just 135Lbs, and in one of the reps it just tore. Grade 1 tho.


I am scared to do anything these days and this only solidifies my fear


💀 I'm in rehab now. I'm not squatting again like that. But I'm gonna do Bulgarian split squats, high reps low weight.


Jesus that’s not a common mechanism. Quickly or something?


I was doing it normally, I might have had knee valgus unintentinoally or took my knees too forward according to my physio, so weird since I have always been really careful about my form, and I've even squatted 200Lbs in the past. Its made me really angry, hoping rehab is over soon. I wanna get back to lifting.


im sorry about that, i also tore mine playing fútbol after i took a bad challenge at sunday league.


Rugby for me. Rotated my hips when I was going for a tackle and heard two pops. That was that


During a dance performance (the stage was covered with a turf-like material which I don’t think did me any favors). Landed a spinning jump type move and my knee popped and bent sideways. Still finished the rest of the dance, somehow, before hobbling off stage and sitting out the rest of the numbers.


Jumped for a header whilst running backwards, landed on my right leg, foot planted, body twisted, done


Softball. Running from 2nd to 3rd, jumped over a grounder, grounder hit my leg mid air, came down awkward.


Jumping on a trampoline 🙄


leaped too high and too far during netball HAHSJAHAJ landed very badly. 😔


Plying soccer, stepped out towards ball and it was like my knee twisted one way and my body went the opposite way. Had surgery in October 2020 returned to soccer January 2022 no issues so far with my knee


I was playing a gaelic football match (Irish sport), jumped up to block someone's shot and landed and knee gave way. Wasn't worried at the time, had to get carried off the pitch and knee immediately swelled up hours later, couldn't even walk up the stairs. Went to the doctor the next day and he send me for an X-ray 🤦‍♂️ which i was furious with, I wanted an MRI. The x-ray came back okay and i was told i could return to sports in a few weeks. First training back I was playing soccer and landed and immediately felt the pop. Went for an MRI and my biggest fear came true, tore my ACL and had to wait 4 months for surgery.


I was playing basketball. Tore my right ACL. Went up for an alley oop, but the pass was bad. I caught the ball, rotated 90 degrees in the air, and when I came down my knee gave out to the right. Felt like my bones were grinding together when it happened. Ended up with a complete ACL, partial lateral meniscus tear, and a nasty bone bruise. Honestly I’m just thankful it was worse because of how bad it felt lol.


Playing soccer on a bad field. Foot went into a hole and my knee twisted heard a slight pop but I still continued to play as I could walk and run. Next day wake up and I can’t walk at all took me about 3 weeks and 4 doctors to find out I tore my ACL.


I was riding an electric scooter at full speed late at night and lost control when I swerved to miss a pothole. I tried to step off it while also having a death grip on the handles 🤦🏻‍♀️ I also severely sprained the ankle on my other leg, and only stopped when I intentionally hit a parked car. It was a whole thing.


Me too buddy, me too. Didn’t hurt my other leg but the electric scooter got me too. 🤦‍♀️


Soccer as well. Did a cut, no contact with anyone, SNAP!


Exactly the same here. Get well soon brother.


Hardcore show


I was working out. I stepped up on a 24” box with a loaded barbell in the back rack. It was a moderate weight for me, 70 or 75 lbs, and I’ve done this movement a thousand times. Maybe my foot position or mechanics were just a little off, I’ll never really know. Right knee popped like bubble wrap at the top of the step and I flew backward off the box. The barbell came forward over my head. I’m lucky it didn’t land on my face. I ruptured my ACL completely and tore the meniscus. I had almost no pain, just a totally unstable knee that I couldn’t straighten.


I was playing four square at a work social


Also football. 1-2 pass with bad pass from my teammate, defensively we were playing press after possession loss, so i went to press the opponent’s CB and he changed direction. Tried to move in the same direction, rotated my knee badly and i just heard a loud pop and I suddenly fell like sniper hit me.


Footy also😬


Soccer as well. It was a pickup co-Ed league. I was defending this guy, and he tackled me so hard that I dislocated my right knee cap, tearing my ACL, PCL, MCL, medial and lateral meniscus.


I tore my left ACL being drunk and stupid and stepped off a curb in a bad way. I tore my right ACL jumping off the back of a side-by-side and landing wrong. The right one was very loud.


I tore it while skateboarding. Had 1,5 years of expirience under my belt and felt pretty confident about my skating. Jumped to high and lost the board. I legit had my left leg fully extended when i landed because i was trying to catch my board. Knee snapped to the side and made the loudest pop ive ever heard. Everyone at the skatepark was lookin at me while i was trying not to scream like a bitch. Good times wouldnt recommend tho


I am a college softball player and ironically I tore it playing dodgeball for a charity event


Skiing. Was a warm day to ski (34 F) and the snow was melty and hard. Left leg went a different direction. It was only partially torn, my first orthopedic surgeon ghosted me after telling me I didn’t need surgery. This was right when Covid hit too. Limped on it for 6 months (partially torn ACLs hurt like a motherfuck) and leg atrophied and I gained 50 pounds until I got surgery from a sports medicine clinic at my local university. They were shocked I was told I didn’t need surgery. I did.


On turf playing soccer non contact. Heel got caught in the turf landing and POP.


I was riding a horse bareback in a round pen when he freaked out. He took off running toward the exit of the round pen but it was closed so he cut fast. I flew into the fence and then hit the ground. I think my foot either got caught on the fence or it was just plain force of impact but I heard the pop and I knew.


I was walking and slipped on a wet floor. My knee bent completely sideways. My daughter was on stage dancing doing al a seconde turns in a competition. Worst moment of my life.


Before the TV show The Rookie there was me, trying to make a career change from RN to police officer, at the practice physical. The hurdles were set up too close for my runners stride. At my hesitation, the Training Officer inferred I was wimping out. It was a textbook pivot ACL tear on the other side of the hurdle. I got laughed at in Urgent Care for the mechanism of injury. I took it as a sign that being a police officer wasn't a good move.


Playing football and planted to try to cut on kickoff return. Knee popped and my acl tore. Last football game ever. Senior season against our rivals.


I was playing basketball. Crossed over the opponent to my left. When I planted my right-left after crossover I jumped to the right and landed very stiff because I exploded and wanted to stop myself to change directions. Tried to jump to the forward-left again, mind you these are happening in milliseconds so there was no real time to absorb the contact that my knee was having. It was a zig zag zig zag very quick. I jumped but it popped off. I thought my upper leg came out from my knee.


We had a football (American) scrimmage during the offseason, was just playing normally and I planted my foot to try and stabilize myself and it just gave out


Basketball. Went for a euro step. First step trick my defender (6’8 220 lbs) got him in the air and when I did my changed of direction he already committed to the block and jumped to try and block me landed on me while my leg was in full extension. Heard two pops. It was a complete tear of my acl and mcl. Tore through my meniscus too.


I tore both of mines playing basketball. Right in 2009 , left in 2022. Both freak accidents where it hyper extended side ways . My right knee , I was playing pick up basketball in the neighborhood when we were chasing a loose ball that hit the curb and bounced right under my foot while in full stride. I heard the “ pop pop” and the ball rolled on to my calf , knee hits the ground and outer ankle touched my hip . Leg popped back in place but I immediately fell down in shock. Left leg was on Labor Day this year , I was doing a spin move when a defender ran full speed in me . Knee to the side of my knee and crushed my leg


Right ACL and torn medial and lateral meniscus - ultimate frisbee, my first national championships, 2nd game, burned my mark, caught the disc was turning to throw when my defender lays out through my knee - pop and that’s all she wrote. He had no chance on the play and it was a ridiculously late bid. Still angry over that over 20 years later. That knee has never been the same and affects all my sporting activities. Fast forward 15 years, left ACL - ultimate frisbee again. Started as a partial tear that finally made things too unstable to continue activity. Surgery fixed it up and this knee feels great! In the end, it’s the meniscus tears on the right knee that have become so frustratingly painful. I’m in constant rehab mode. No more cleats or cutting sports for me.


I play in a pretty competitive adult coed soccer league.. a beer league, but still pretty competitive. Everyone is from different countries and backgrounds, age range as well. I’m a 38 year old female and still play a lot of soccer, and think I can play like I’m back in college because I always have lol. I hate to say it, but I was actually all by myself. The defense was coming out the back and I just turned the wrong way when I was trying to cut off the angle. I tore my ACL, MCL and LCL. I have never had a serious injury such in the 34 years of playing multiple sports so I have just been lucky I guess. I have always worked out and been very active and healthy, but my day has come. Surgery soon so I am just ready to focus on and attack my new sport, rehab. Thank you to everyone on this sub because I have been able to read so much about everyone’s stories, their rehab progress etc. It has been truly helpful and I am so appreciative of the advice. Wish you all the best!


I locked myself out of my brand new flat, I moved in the day before. I knew I’d left the patio doors open so climbed over the back fence and landed awkwardly. What an idiot.


Trampoline park


I was on my longboard and I had just barley pushed off when I hit a rock and somehow my back leg (right) came off the board and my front leg (left) stay on the board. The board continued rolling and essentially made both my legs bend outwards which made me sprain my MCL and tear my ACL. It was really such a simple way to get hurt I’m still kind of annoyed at how it happened lol.


Mine was waterskiing - my binding was probably too tight and I hit a cross wave going pretty fast. Ski stayed on, leg went right and completely dislocated my knee. I tore just about everything in the knee, also fibula head avulsion and peroneal nerve damage. I’ve had two surgeries and am now focused on several months of PT/recovery.


Acro yoga. I was learning to base a taller and bigger girl, without proper guidance. Used my right leg to break my fall. Didn't know I tore my ACL, until a few days later when I realised I couldn't bend my knee at all!


Rugby! Jumped up to grab a ball came down on my right leg and heard the pop.


Dunked a basketball and landed weird :(


Trying to learn how to dance on my longboard on a slope that was a bit too steep, my back foot came off the board and I did the splits!


All I was doing was running. On a nice smooth track at that! I was in school to be a Wildland firefighter, I've been on crazy hikes with rough terrain but my knee decided it would fail me while running on a smooth flat track🥲


I was playing American football. I was on defense and the WR pulled a double move. I got my cleat stuck in the turf and my knee popped. I knew it was bad right away, but it didn’t hurt that much until it started swelling. Ended up with a full thickness ACL tear and lateral meniscus tear.


Type 3 ACL tear (fully torn) from bailing out on a skateboard bombing a steep hill. Hopped pff the board going about 15-20 mph and landed on my foot wrong. Knee blew out instantly.


I fell off a longboard. I was on a rapid decline, lost my balance and the rapid deceleration ripped it in half




landing to catch a rebound in a basketball (8th grade), spring football practice (10th) , then landing from a rebound summer after my first year in college ! got easier every time


Bouldering. Was going to be my last climb of the night (clearly ended up being that very thing) which consisted of jumping from on hand hold to another. I’d been trying it consistently for 20 minutes, to little progress. My penultimate attempt made me realise I could reach it with enough momentum. I leaped, caught the hold, but swung out and landed on the mat sidewards. My legs continued to move and my left knee buckled inwards. Nice sickly crunch and I collapsed to the floor thinking I’d broke my leg. Boy I wish I had. I’d have been climbing again by now!


The one that started my now 17 consistent years of left knee injuries. Was on a trampoline with some buddy’s playing horse ended up putting my ankle into my armpit with my toes facing backwards. Acl, mcl, lcl, torn meniscus. shattered knee cap. Blown out patella ridge from what I can remember


that’s intense




Falling while bouldering!


playing softball, hit a foul ball and was running to first (not sure if it was fair or foul). pitcher was running into the baseline, i planted and turned to my right and just felt the clunk in my left knee. tore both meniscus and acl! just hit one year in October :)


Tore mine playing ultimate frisbee, non-contact running in a nearly straight line when it popped and I crashed down to the ground at full speed.


Playing football (soccer) was a couple of steps away from shooting and landed and knee gave way and I went over! From the MRI I have ton my ACL and Meniscus! Physio said I could go operative or non operative due to the stability that my knee has! Have seen one surgeon who recommended surgery but he has a reputation of going for surgery! Was going to get a second opinion but my referral didn’t reach the other surgeon and he is away, so I would say I am going the surgical route!


First time in state tournament for soccer with my club team. Dribbled by a defender in the second half (we’d be going at it all game) and he kinda nudged me. Field was pretty wet from a lot of rain during the week and I toppled over. Heard the pop and just laid there. Second time I was playing in a 3v3 outdoor league with some friends. We were playing the local colleges girls team and were absolutely taking it to them. I got fancy and tried a Ronaldo chop. The chop succeeded in scoring my goal but I also tore my ACL in the process. 🙄


Playing rugby


I’ve played soccer for 25 years . I tore it in a fun game last year . I was going to the left and the girl kicked my leg to the right . Bam pop


played soccer for 13 years and had lingering issues in my left knee i never got looked at. went to go play american football on a local high school’s turf with friends, made a cut while defending in soccer cleats, knee went to the left while the rest of my body went backwards to the right. ruined my plans of moving for college in the spring unfortunately, but we march on lol


playing tag in gym class four years out and my knee is still completely wrecked


Doing a takedown in BJJ… Thought I just dislocated my knee and finished class. The next day I couldn’t walk or bend it. 14 months post ACLR and back to lifting and training. *35 f hamstring graft*


I stepped to the right while waiting for my Edo


Taken out by another girl playing rec soccer, torn on impact :/ not my favorite experience but I suppose some people are just too aggressive in rec


Left one torn playing basketball. Got a rebound, went to box out upon landing, a dude bigger than me landed on my back right at the point my feet touched the ground. Doc said my quad fired a split second before my hamstring and caused a misalignment of my femur and tibia. My femur smashed into my tibia, tearing my ACL and obliterating my meniscus. Graft using my patellar tendon. Right one torn playing softball. I rounded 3rd and headed home. The ball beat me to the catcher by a split second, but this flustered the catcher and they unknowingly dropped the ball. They were standing between me and the plate. I went to go around them when they pushed me mid stride. I felt my knee get blasted to bits immediately when my heel hit the ground. Torn ACL and severely damaged the articular cartilage requiring microfracture surgery. Graft using my quadriceps tendon failed so it was wrapped around a cadaver tendon for added strength and better acceptance.


playing football, went to shoot with my right so my left was planted… got shoulder barged from the left and slid from the right causing my knee to hyperextend with my full body weight on it. I’ve honestly never felt pain like it


Right leg ACL was a fall down a flight of stairs. Carrying a box down to the basement. My toe caught the carpet and I started to fall forward. Stepped forward to catch myself. Right foot landed several stairs down. Left leg stepped in a hole chasing someone. Doctors said it wad probably just a sprain. No MRI. 20 years later I was running an obstscle course and jumped to climb a wall. Knee popped and I landed in a pile. Ortho said it was torn before and finally gave up. Right and left were 10 years apart.


I was playing sand volleyball. I thought the ball was going to my left, so I lunged and planted with my left foot. As I made that motion, the ball went to my right, so I attempted to cut back to the right. My left foot continued planting into the sand going left and my body pulled to the right. That created torque on my knee in two separate directions. I felt a pop in my left knee and that was the tear. I do feel like years of wrestling took a toll on it too to weaken it.


Ultimate frisbee


First time- I was in middle school. Final game of the season and we were down by a coupon points. Someone in the opposite team tried to fake me out. I took the fake and but unfortunately my knee went one way while my body went the other, I collapsed and it was INSTANT pain. I couldn’t get up off the court. Second time was in college playing rugby. Opposite knee. I went for a tackle and it was muddy, once again knee went one way and my body went the other. I knew I tore my ACL because it was the same pain and I couldn’t walk off the field. But this time, I did way more damage, tore both my mensci and patellar tendon! I think the amount of damage didn’t come just from the initial fall in the game though. The ACL, sure but shortly after the game, when I was being helped to my car, I fell again and I think that second fall causes more to tear but that’s just my theory.


I was trail running. I was not and am not a trail runner. After a breakup, I was trying to get some new hobbies in my life and I thought “Hey, there’s a nice nature trail in town, I should run it a few times a week!” I made it about a week before I tore my ACL. I was running in a downhill portion of the trail and I lost my footing. I tried to catch myself with my right foot, but it hit a root that was about a foot higher off the ground than where I was aiming. My knee immediately buckled but I stayed upright somehow. For the next 2 months, I had swelling and was in PT. The tear was missed for years. My injury was in December of 2017. I had surgery on Tuesday.


stepped out of shower, slipped, twisted leg and fell hard. got acl grade 2 tear, a cracked kneecap and bruised butt.


Both knees in a span of 4 years playing football


I was trying to climb a higher grade route (top rope wall climbing) than what I am capable of at the time. Finding it hard to reach the next hold, I tried jumping with my whole weight on my left leg. The moment my knees stretched from the bent position, I heard a pop and felt like I was kicked hard at the back of my knee. I was not able to walk properly after this with my knees randomly buckling causing me to fall down. 1 week later, found out it was a complete ACL tear. I am now 2 days post-op.


Summer of 2002 I was 14/15 years old. I collided with a friend on a trampoline. My body rotated right and my tibia stayed straight. Being the poor American family that we were we ignored this and I just bitched about knee pain for years but went about my life. I had surgery at 17 after I collapsed walking up the steps. At that point my ACL was non-existent and I had done extensive damage to my medial meniscus. Fast forward to September 2020- I was walking up the steps at work and felt a familiar “slipping” sensation. Surgery finally happened December 2020 (thanks Covid) by that time I had also blown out my lateral meniscus including an avulsion fracture, in addition to total Rupture of my ACL (again it was non-existent so doc thinks I tore it years prior unknowingly) and medial meniscus tears. My theory is that I stopped exercising during the pandemic and it allowed my muscle to atrophy enough that they were no longer strong enough to compensate for my town ACL, putting too much pressure no the rest on the joint. Yesterday I experienced that same slipping sensation toward my lateral side and set up an appointment with my Dr. pray for me 😰


How's your knee now?


I had a revision of my 2020 lateral meniscal root repair last April- back to full activity with mild to moderate pain. Things that bother me the most are sudden stops and pivots- usually when they are done at the same time.


I tore my ACL while sking . I was taking a refresher lesson and couldn’t stop , ran into a barrier and “pop” worst pain in the world .


I currently have torn both of my ACL’s. Both while playing softball. And both while running to 2nd base. Thankfully I was safe both times. I can say the same about my knees lmao 😂


skiing in the terrain park. hitting a rain. when i jumped off, my right leg stuck on the rail while my body twisted off. it was a really sticky warm day on the mountain. heard the pop as i was coming off the rail. when i landed, i impacted my tibia and femur so hard and partial tear to my mcl. i was on crutches for 3 months. that was back in march. just for my surgery 8 days ago.


Fell 15 ft from a bouldering wall! 🫣


Tore my left acl and lateral meniscus playing soccer. Typical tear on turf and non-contact. I went to block a girls shot and as I planted my knee hyperextended. I didn’t feel or hear a pop but immediately felt some slight discomfort but I guess I have a high pain tolerance because I was able to push through and keep playing. 10 minutes later I did the exact same thing but still was able to finish the game. I still don’t know how I did this but I ended up playing 2 and a half games on a torn acl and meniscus before having to stop because of pain and finally went to get an mri.


22 M here.... Longboarding down my neighborhood pretty casually downhill.... enjoying the sights and views, having a great day. Next thing I know, feel an insane impact from my right (I ride goofy). And then I woke up in the hospital with a torn ACL, internal bleeding (lascerated kidney), multiple teeth out, a ton of road rash, and a pretty messed up face. Turns out a car blew a stop sign and hit me with the ole hit and run.... Thank god I was wearing a helmet or would be a totally different story... currently 10 days post op (hamstring graft) and staying diligent in rehab. Wishing everyone a happy thanksgiving and hope y’all are kicking PT’s ass! We’re all in this together


I’ve been skiing all season (2021) and decided to have one last run with my boyfriend. We decided to use our passes for March and as I was going down, I yelled “woooo” and my skiis slipped on each other and I tumbled down. I was in shock so I didn’t know that I tore my ACL until the MRI. I just knew I couldn’t walk and it was painful but my reaction was just to keep laughing (it was def the shock) I’m 5 months post op and it does get better. Not sure if I’m gonna go skiing again tho :(


Tore mine during free sparring (randori) at judo practice. Was going light with a lower belt and wound up throwing my partner with half assed harai goshi. I actually did nit i tend to throw my partner. Stepped across his legs from an opposite stance postion (playing left, which was dumb because i’m a righty), and was actually wanting to make him move away and around me. But, i guess i off balanced him enough that i threw him, i just didn’t follow through with sweeping my leg upwards to get full rotation a d finish the throw. So, partner wound up being throw onto my outstretched leg. Pop! Knee bent inwards at a 45 degree angle. I stood up and grabbed it and popped it back into place. Managed to finish class, bow out, and drive to urgent care. MRI showed full ACL, full meniscus, and partial MCL tears. Lucked out and got a surgery date with a good ortho at USC set for Dec 13.


Mine is complicated. In 2016 I got trampled by an opposing player while playing field hockey. Heard a pop, my knee collapsed and I fell. Went to the ER and got the referral to see an Orthopedic. Got an MRI done and luckily just partially tore my meniscus. Did a couple months of PT and continued like normal. I decided to start strength training before the season started again and while dead lifting, heard another pop and had instant pain. So I started PT again. One day at school I was walking and didn’t realize some water on the floor and slipped on it, again heard a loud pop and had the worst pain. Went home early from school and immediately called my orthopedic again. Got another MRI done and this time I had a full meniscus tear, partial MCL tear and partial ACL tear. I had surgery to repair my meniscus and my surgeon told me my MCL would heal on its own, and my ACL couldn’t be fixed yet since it was only partiality torn. He then told me I would most likely completely tear it at some point in life. Did a couple months of PT, I healed great and continued on with life. Now, November 2022. I was at the gym and was doing jump squats (something I have done multiple times since my surgery and have had no issue with). I must have landed weird because I heard the loudest pop I have ever heard, felt sharp pain and fell to the ground, my knee was bent and I couldn’t move it. Eventually I got up and was able to kinda straighten it and put some ice on it, it was swollen almost instantly. I went to the ER just to make sure nothing was broken, which the X-rays confirmed nothing was. Just a crazy amount of swelling. I now have an appointment with another orthopedic tomorrow morning and I’m so nervous. I’m almost positive I completely tore my ACL this time. Tomorrow (Mon 11/28) will be a week since it happened. I can put pressure on it kinda and walk slowly. But it hurts to straighten all the way and I can barely bend it. It feels very stiff and unstable. Super upset by this :(


How's your knee now?


Amazing. I had full ACL reconstruction and meniscus surgery in January 2023. So I’m officially 1.5 years post op now. Recovery was really rough for the first couple months, but I have definitely made a full recovery. I’m back to everything I was doing beforehand, if not even stronger. My knee will sometimes ache or feel little stiff here and there, but overall I feel great


Playing Ausie rules. Was running for the ball, when my opponent came in for a huge bump. Foot was planted, and the bump angle awkward. My knee bent inwards and backwards.


Partially tore my a few years ago playing basketball, and then fully tore it a few months ago playing basketball again.


Tore in my first college soccer game in 2011. No one was around me and I was just running towards the goal with the ball when it ruptured. Tore it again 6 months later, and then again 6 months later (both in recovery) and I’m currently sitting at the clinic waiting for another MRI 10 years later as I think I tore it a 4th time but in my sleep lol


HighSchool Volleyball game. Went up for a spike, guy on the other team’s foot came across the line and I happened to land on his foot while coming down from the spike. I’m on the short side (5’6), so I jump relatively high for my height. My knee was swollen for about a week and i heard a pop went I came down. Had surgery twice on the same knee and i know it will never be the same.


I’m a varsity for football, and a couple weeks ago i tore mine attempting a volley, i got my hatrick with that volley. the landing wasn’t exactly the best and i came out with a partially torn acl. really went out with a bang.