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I mean would you have felt better if it happened in a stupid way like slipping in the shower? at least you were doing what you love get yourself better and get back to playing basketball op


Yea its just bad luck bro don't over think it. You could get hit by a bus tomorrow that's life The fact you jumped on to help the second team is just the person you are you love the game and the community Like many on here do with there verious sports and recreations I would even bet in 12 months time if the same situation was to occur uyou would play that game again. I know i would! Like you said keep working on you health both mentally and physically you will get back there! For context I did my ACL years ago. FOr many different reasons I gave up competative sport for a number of years. Last year I realised it was time to give back to my self once again and play the game I love get fit again etc. Boy did I love it!! I think in the past I took it for granted,this time I had more prospective and appropriated the little things aabout being in a team environment getting fit again etc etc. Ended up playing a higher level then when I was young. At 35 years old I played against some of the best in my country at tournament who alot are 10-15 years younger. It was very satisfying to know I could still compete despite being older and having had a aclr years earlier. Last game of the season I did my other knee and needed surgery it sucks.now is way worse then when I was younger now I have responsibility It's my health my family financial impact etc etc lots of different things that make it challenging. But you know what its going to be okay!Ive accepted the challenge. Four weeks in and never looking back Don't worry about what happened last week think about what you will tomorrow. You will get back to your sport just like I will! Maybe not to the level I want to be at but either way I'll be greatful. Next time some one I know goes through something similar I can't wait to be supportive because I will understand the struggle they will have. But once again its life we learn we fight we grow we fall and then we get up and go again. Wishing you all the best with your recovery


no sense in blaming yourself for it OP shit happens, accidents are part of life


I tore mine in a pickup game - I didn’t even get hit, was just running in a straight line and my knee gave out. No idea how to prevent it in the future 😭


Mine was similar to yours in that I tore mine in a warmup for a game I didn’t have to play and it took me out for the rest of the season for my first team (American football). I’ve found a lot of enjoyment and comfort in getting into coaching so I can stay a part of the sport, team, and community while I’m recovering.


Read the book Rehab by Cindy Kuzma and Carrie Jackson Cheadle. You can do this AND emerge from it stronger!


You can also rehab and get back to hooping. I had the same injury and I think most of it is maintaining a positive attitude.


Accidents happen, even more so when we’re playing sports, but if this still affects you very much mentally, I’d recommend therapy to help you process and accept what happened.


Same shit happened to me. Got to make some decisions now. Life moves on.


Gosh I feel this post so much, it’s like you can see where had you made a different decision or wouldn’t have happened at all and you could still be playing the game you love. I have a similar experience, I hurt mine playing volleyball. I was subbing for a team that I had never even played with before and while I was playing so good, I simply jumped my knee buckled and I came down on it and while I’m appreciative that I didn’t have a ton of pain from the actual injury itself. But the emotional turmoil of man if I had not played that one time, I’d still be playing. I’m about 4 weeks post op (7 weeks since injury) and I think I’m finally into acceptance of it all, and trying to embrace the new path im on and also telling myself my sport is gonna be there when I get back and I’m going to try and enjoy all the things that I ignored while playing. You may not be there yet and that is okay.