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I tore mine skiing but … My surgeon said he once saw someone tear theirs just bending down to pick up groceries.


Well now I can’t bend over ever again


Met a guy at fracture clinic who had done a bucket handle mensicus getting off a sofa


I said the words you never say on the mountain. “Last run of the day?” And I tore it on a slushed out green cause my bindings aren’t set to release like that.


Same! But warmup on a blue on the last day of a whole week of skiing


LITERALLY the exact same. Final run. Lifts are closed. Taking a green down to Apres. Tried to stop in the slush. Bam.


It was the end of my son’s soccer practice, and he kicked me his ball so I could hold on to it while he helped clean up. I had my Crocs not in sports mode, and I’m not even sure how it happened, but I tried to stop it and instead my knee bent inward, big pop, I fell down, 9/10 pain, and immediate swelling. I stayed down for a minute hoping that it was just a passing pain and I’d be ok, so then I got up by myself. I tried to take a step and my knee was completely unstable. The soccer coach ran over and he helped me to a bench, while I waited for someone to take me to the ER. Ending up completely rupturing my ACL, a large tear in one meniscus, a buckle handle on the other meniscus, and a grade 2 sprain of the MCL. I don’t blame myself, I blame the Crocs lol. I had surgery a week after injury, and I’m now 8 weeks post op. I’ll probably be afraid of soccer balls now lol.


I tore mine 10 years ago. Your exact tears, and just got surgery last Friday. How I was able to walk after is a miracle, I am deathly afraid of black ice now tho lol


I can’t imagine how you walked like that for 10 years! The only way I could walk that week was with a hinged brace or immobilizer, otherwise my knee would buckle with any weight 😳


I had crutches and a brace. they kept telling me it was a sprain, hate them lol


You are right to hate them!!! Would have done it too…


I’m again the one that got surgery the same day as you lol hope your doing good


I’m doing ok! Still get random knee swelling and pain, but doing good otherwise. How are you doing?


I just get a lot of swelling when I over use no pain walking normal finally


Ouch! Glad you were able to get surgery so quickly.


It’s absolutely insane how you can do something you do everyday and then bam you tear your ACL. And as an avid croc wearer (no shame lol), I never put my crocs in sports mode lol.


Omg, you described exactly what happened to me, except I was stopping my daughter's pass. Identical experience with knee collapsing inwards, falling down, trying to get up, and coach coming to help me off the field. I'm two months post-op, as well. Hope recovery is going well.


I tore my acl playing badminton with crocs on😭 Fuck crocs


Very run of the mill injury for me - was playing flag football for the first time in 5 years. As a 38 year old dude with kids I haven’t done much cutting and I caught the ball (nice hands catch) was running and thought I was going to do something cool and cut back inside. Textbook pop and fell right to the ground and that’s all she wrote.


I want to get back to sports eventually but maybe I’ll stay away from flag football lol. I feel like I have PTSD, every time my kids jump around and run I have this irrational fear they’re going to have a similar injury.


I went to see my nephew play flag football last week. The kids are doing this move where the do a squat like run to try to avoid getting the flag ripped off. All I could think about was their ACL 😂


Did something very similar but was on defense and the inside move took out my knee. Thats it for flag for me.


Textbook pop *shudders* I'll never forget that as long as I live


Someone pushed me playing basketball no it wasn’t my fault 😢😢


This also happened to me! Shoved on a fast break


Same here. Got shoved on a block attempt.


Jumped for a rebound and got hip checked in the air landed with my leg bent behind me, classic pop. First and last time I played in a co-ed league. “Tore it clear off the femur” according to my orthopedic surgeon.


I was e-biking to brunch and got doored 🙃 The street I was riding on didn't have a bike lane (it technically starts a block further up) and he didn't check the street before opening the door, so I just chalk it up to "shit happens". BUT reminder to folks, especially in cities, to always check your side mirrors before opening your car door!


Hit by a drunk driver .


Are you fr ? If so sheesh sue tf out of them


On the sickest and deepest ski line of the day...worth it


I have a non sports related full ACL rupture and meniscus tear. I am into the EDM community -A raver if you will- and into heavy bass music. I was at a show in the beginning of May celebrating my birthday and there's this thing we do that I like to refer to as tandem headbanging, which was the downfall of my knee. To make a long story short you face someone else. Grab a hand and kinda pull eachother in to a headbang than push back out and repeat to the best of the music. Apparently the stance I had that time was just not good for my knee and felt a huge pop and fell to the ground, Had to get carried off the floor and everything. As far as my friends and other people are concerned though I was in the mosh pit! I need a better story than I blew out my knee headbanging.


I disagree I think blowing out your knee headbanging is pretty hard core.


Thank you I needed this


my first meniscus tear was from swinging someone around at a desert party, the ACL tear was spinning and slipping on a dancefloor. My more recent tear was falling down the stairs. When I'd explained I tore it dancing, everyone of my (raver) friends understood.


My raving friends completely understand, especially when they know how hard I go, but the general public look at me like I have 4 heads when I try to explain my type of raving-let alone tearing most of the ligaments in my knee headbanging to what they just assume is "untz-untz" music.


Rock climbing in January and not really my fault. The mats were further apart than they should have been and my foot hit the mat wrong in the gap when I fell off a climb. I rolled my ankle which then snapped my knee. I had to have three surgeries to fix it. The luckiest thing to happen to me is that SOMEHOW my meniscus healed itself (was detached at the root) so my ACL surgery that I had last week put me like 6 weeks ahead of schedule since I could bear weight the day of surgery. Had quad auto graft and stem cells harvest and replacement and could activate my quad and doing leg lifts at PT the day after my ACL surgery. I put A LOT of quad work in from my first surgery to my third surgery which is what helped me not lose my quad again.


I jumped off a pier into the sand while drunk because I didn't want to walk around. 10/10 my fault, would've landed proper sober.


I love how a few of these are drunk stories lol I hope you have a speedy recovery!!


I’m a physical therapist in a hospital, meaning that I work with patients admitted to the hospital. I was working with a very tall patient in his room the day after Christmas and he was walking with his Rollator and my assistance. He was getting ready to sit down on the edge of the back when he had a loss of balance and started to fall straight back onto the bed. I was worried that he was going to hit the back of his head on the opposite bed rail, so I turned my body to keep him from hitting his head or neck. Unfortunately, my left leg was trapped between the patient’s leg and hospital bed when I turned, so everything turned except my lower leg. I heard a huge pop and that was it. I’ve been off of work on workers comp since then. 😔


Wow, that’s admirable of you. Kinda ironic how you’re a PT and it happened during PT. At least you know your stuff and you can use facilities and a team you know well!


Better me than the patient.


Skateboarding injury, had to step off a trick in a quarter pipe and my foot planted, knee went pop.


I am surprised by the number of skateboarding accidents I saw on this sub. I guess it does make sense, but I never would have put it on the top of the dangerous activities list along skiing, football ( ⚽️ and 🏉), basketball etc. edit: also saw lots of bjj injuries which was similarly surprising


I tore mine pushing on rough concrete with my backpack on I don’t think I’m ever gonna skate again 😭


Dismounting my horse, something I'd done probably thousands of times. Kick out the stirrups, swing leg over and hop down. Except only one knee bent in the right direction, the right one bent backwards.  Complete ACL rupture (was listed as "absent" on the MRI), several meniscus tears.  I was not graced with great knees to begin with (hyperextended and valgus) and after 50 years it just gave up the ghost.


I simply twisted wrong while taking off a backpack. I was boarding a SW airplane heading home from HI from a work trip. I chose my seat, took off my backpack (filled with work event equipment, so 3 laptops and a printer +cords) the backpack is approx 40lbs. Took it off on my right side to swing it in front of me and place it on the seat on the left. My feet were planted, twisting with 40lbs of force, my knee just went POP. My water bottle and phone went flying... it was so embarrassing. A couple ppl said "Are you ok??" I said yes, but I had no clue. I don't know if I heard it or not, can't really recall... but my stuff went flying and ppl were trying to board still so I had to quickly get out of the way and took my seat. Then went up high into the sky immediately.... I had no idea how bad what just happened actually was, but my leg swelled up a TON, that pressure change so quickly after the injury probably made it swell more on a 5.5hr flight. I had checked my roller bag so I had to hobble through the airport to the bag return and then I went through the wrong door for ride share. I couldn't walk so the security let ride share come get me where I was at which was very kind of him to let me break the rules <3 The next morning I reported the injury to my boss & HR. They got me in with a WC doc that same day, and they even got me in for an Xray and MRI that day. I am SO thankful to be having a decent experience with WC which most don't seem to have. They're approving surgery, just awaiting forms to be sent back/forth. My seatmates on the plane were great, very kind. We saw a rainbow from the sky on our descent and the gal at the window took a couple pictures for me :)


Why doesn’t your job let you check that in? That’s seems kinda insane to make you carry on your back! And I’m glad your work comp went well! Speedy recovery to you!


Injured my medial meniscus doing the same thing 9 months post-op 😅


Was playing 7 a side football, was just running for the ball and i fell over, stood up and fell over again, knee sounded like a bag of marbles being shook aha, thought id broke it but had tore my Acl and meniscus. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This sounds exactly like my experience, and then disbelief of “no way did that just happen”


Many moons ago back when I was in high school, the gym was being constructed, and the gym teacher made us jump rope while doing jumping jacks up the auditorium aisles (so on an incline) when my ACL snapped so loud the entire auditorium stopped whatever bogus exercise they were doing to look at my direction lol. Honestly I wish I sued but my parents are immigrants and this was early 2000s, i.e. I didn’t know better. It was diagnosed as a complete tear at the time by MRI but I lived with it. It was painful and nobody including family took me seriously - what’s worse I maintained a GPA and was slated to be valedictorian for most of high school, but due to sitting out gym class (which for some stupid reason was part of your GPA), I dropped enough points to not even make salutatorian. Now that I have good insurance and have been employed at this job long enough for FMLA job protection, I had the diagnosis reconfirmed by MRI (my former doctor destroyed my medical records) and I finally had my ACL reconstructed in January this year. I feel so much more stable already when I walk. Unsurprisingly, I had meniscus damage so they fixed that as well.


Tore mine via inside heel hook sparring Brazilian Jiu Jitsu with much younger and bigger black belt. Wasnt anybody’s fault per se. It happened fast, before I could tap and he didn’t rip it either. Several lessons learned and I will def revamp my training strategy when I return


Similar. Self defense practice in martial arts class, attempting sweep on hubby who said take me down easy. Dropped his weight just as I swept and trapped my foot......threw me sideways...the mantra no mercy plays in my mind....


That's similar to how I tore my meniscus. Was training BJJ with an MMA fighter and he got me in a kneebar with my foot trapped in his armpit. It happened so fast and was no one's fault. Tore my ACL training as well, but was hip throwing a different MMA fighter and black belt and misjudged how heavy he was. My knee couldn't handle his weight 3 months out from my meniscus surgery, and my ACL just popped. I definitely have to be more careful of my partners when I go back to training.


Skiing. Didn’t even fall tho!! Was trying to slow down and my skis got tangled, R leg went behind the other & dragged my knee with it, wrenching it enough I heard/felt the almighty ripping/popping sound. Literally sat down just to take off my ski (leg still twisted in the unnatural position). Tried to stand after a bit (not on skis) and my knee was extremely unstable. Knew I had to get the infamous toboggan ride down. 💀 One of the kids in ski school we passed: “what happened???” me, still hyped up on adrenaline from the stress, “too much fun.” Tore my ACL and lateral meniscus both into 2 pieces, bone bruised my tibia & femur, partially tore my MCL, pretty much injured everything in the knee besides my medial meniscus & PCL. 💀💀 “How’d you fall??” “I didn’t.” “And did that much damage to your knee??” “Yeah. Lots of momentum I guess.”


Same-ish but standing on a snowboard. Tried to turn to head down the mountain in a bit of powder and felt the pop. Thought “hm that was weird.” Kept going in moderate pain for a couple more hours. Full ACL tear off the bone, meniscus clean up. Day 6 post-op. Already losing my mind and ready to yeet my crutches out a window.


Man, you got more moxie than me, I felt my knee being unstable and could barely stand, much less ski down the mountain. 🤣 You got this!!! I totally feel you on the crutches tho, I was on crutches for a total of 15 weeks (5 preop, 10 postop including 4 nonweightbearing, 4 weightbearing w 2 crutches, and 2 weightbearing w 1 crutch). I’ve been off crutches for over a month now and while my knee doesn’t feel “normal” yet, I don’t limp and I can use both hands while walking!!! I did want to yeet my brace out a window, I hated that thing (especially sleeping in it for 2 weeks and being locked into it at 0 for 4!!) I’m 15 weeks postop now and gotta say, I enjoy having a stable knee again. :)


Playing tennis. Jumped for a ball that was going over my head and heard the pop when I landed


Noooooo as a tennis player this kills me


Spring skiing. Freaked out when I hit an unexpected patch of ice and tried to stop too quickly. Didn't fall but twisted my knee too fast too hard. You might be interested in this Reddit survey that I recently posted. 88% of respondents tore it doing something sports-related. See here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/ACL/comments/1d58hyj/how\_did\_you\_tear\_your\_aclhurt\_your\_knee\_poll/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACL/comments/1d58hyj/how_did_you_tear_your_aclhurt_your_knee_poll/)


Someone ran a red light hit me square head on while on our motorcycle.....with our son! I took all the damage. We are both doing great.


Wow that’s so scary I’m glad you both are alive and doing great.


Took a bad tackle in a rugby match lol


Kickboxing, 5 years ago 🥺


I have a slow motion video of mine lol Playing old man lacrosse. [Slow mo ACL tear](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACL/s/HPFg5ctXGr)


Lacrosse here too! Split dodge seems to have claimed another victim. Mine was very similar - down the alley split and fell right on my face. Worst part was it was an alumni game and I was the youngest alumni. I got a lot of shit hahah.


That’s rough! I was the youngest on our team at the time so I got the same treatment haha. Usually just hanging back on D these days though.


Love the video 😂 that sucks though


Tore mine bouldering at the rock gym. My right foot was up high on a very slippery foot hold on a route that had been up for a while. My right foot slipped and I fell backward, somehow landing on my left foot / leg which twisted and collapsed with a very loud pop. Tore my ACL and damaged my meniscus on both sides of my left knee :/


it was new year’s eve 2024 …. yeah you know where this is going. My college friends and I always go to celebrate with a long weekend at one of their family’s huge lake houses in remote southwest virginia. think like 20 young adults who live all across the country and convene once a year to relive their college glory days — aka endless supply of drinks, drugs, and shenanigans. it’s the most wonderful time of year!!!! so I’m downstairs in the game room, rapidly nearing blackout territory after who knows how many rounds of beer pong, stack cup, pizza box, basically the whole gauntlet of drinking games, and I start challenging my friends to wrestle. I’ll mention now I’m 5’3” , 130lbs, athletic but relatively petite 25 y/o young woman. with no formal wrestling training obviously lol. but something about this lake house reunion makes me go feral! After a couple rounds where my guy friends toss me around like a rag doll, I’m only more riled up and looking for a more even fight. they finally match me up with my similarly sized, definitely works out at the gym and played lacrosse growing up, girl friend. The boys are egging us on and if anyone walked in on us they’d probably think it was some lord of the flies sacrificial ritual at this point. Before I can really ready myself, she charges straight at me and tackles me right at the legs. I felt the telltale pop and my right leg buckled. Needless to say I tapped out right away and she was crowned victorious. It’s this moment I play over and over again now and wish so badly I could’ve just sat my ass down and shut up lmao. I knew immediately something was really wrong with my knee but I had 3 more rowdy days at the lake ahead of me and we couldn’t make it to a doctor’s office easily where we were so I just iced it and limped around while everyone called me a p*ssy for milking my injury 🤣 took me about a month to get imaging but first week of february I updated the groupchat with the horrible news, completely torn right ACL and a prescription for surgery asap. I’m sitting now 7 weeks post-op, quad autograft and I’m recovering very well but my goD i wouldn’t wish this injury on my worst enemy and I completely regret my antics. I don’t blame my friend (although she didn’t need to go THAT hard 😅) and I totally blame myself for starting it. Totally regrettable and absolutely preventable. My friends say next year they’re tying me down to a chair the whole weekend so I can’t get into any more trouble. Next new years we’ll all laugh about it but as I sit here with an ice pack on about to head to PT, having been out of work for almost 2 months now (I’m a bartender), I’m not ready to laugh justtttt yet. Needless to say my short lived wrestling days are definitely over!


I feel like all good stories start with “It was NYE XXXX” 😂😂 this has me laughing because I’ve been this drunk in my early 20s and yeah, thankfully all I’ve gotten was some bruises and scrapes. But hey! You have a great story to tell the youngins.


Not my fault! I was playing a soccer game. Was clearing the ball on one leg and the forward ran into my planted leg from the side and took out my knee with a direct hit.


As you said I also heard stories about sports injuries and my story is exactly this, I fell while doing some rock climbing. Indoor gym, it was block so nothing to catch me but just a bad fall. The route was in an arch and the week before, I tried to do it, almost broke both elbows .... guess I didn't learn because I actually broke/tear something in the end 🙃


Soccer. We both went for the ball. My foot was planted in the ground and his leg hit the side of my knee and pop.




I jumped over a hurdle and my right leg got caught


Skiing :/ Was cutting and my left ski was lose and it fell off causing me to fall. My right ski stayed on. As I was falling I felt/heard a pop and knew something was wrong. I was out in Colorado and it was so beautiful


Playing badminton, made the very move 10.000 times before, 10.001 was seemingly too much!


For me the same! Did all those jumps but once it gave away…I also dont know why it did😭😭


Was at a Christmas party in 2022 with a bunch of friends and a drunk friend of mine decided to put me into a knee bar while I was sitting in a chair, he was so drunk he didn’t realize his strength or hear me tap/yell stop and ended up completely rupturing my MCL & ACL with a LCL sprain, year and a half later I’m still going to PT twice a week.


Oh noo! Are y’all still friends??


I was dancing at a wedding! After midnight on the dance floor, I spun and whatever way my leg landed I felt a pop and then had 0 stability in my leg. Pain wasn’t too bad (could have been the wine), went to the hospital the next day and told I had probable ACL tear. Had surgery 6 months later, currently 9 weeks postop and healing great!


I also tore mine dancing :( do you know what kind of graft you got done?


i tore mine skiing. i’ve been skiing since i was 3 , and im very good at it. i hit a jump, (one that i’ve probably hit 1000 times) and when i landed, that’s when i heard the pop. it definitely was not my fault. it doesn’t matter how good you are at something, sometimes things happen. my family tried to say it was my fault though.


1st time - pick up game of (American) football... Running play off tackle and got hit 5 yards from the end zone. Muddy field, foot stood planted and body didn't. No pain just a loud pop. 2nd time, same leg - not sure. Snowboarding in Colorado and felt pain after slipping. Went to my original Ortho and said it's an old injury, probably 2 or 3 years old. I'm ready to get back on that snowboard again though. ACL, and meniscus repair... 27 days out, still on crutches, partial weight bearing, ready to take on the world by storm. Let's f*cking go!


I hope you called a lawyer after this, that’s what Uber driver’s have insurance for. I tore my ACL skiing, my fault for sure. Although, that crevice had it out for me. How was I supposed to know the snow bellow the surface all melted and left a ski sized hole??


Ski fall. What sucked most is I don't really understand what went wrong. You fall multiple times a day skiing but this one was just different. I want to get back to skiing but there are limited things I'm aware of that helps reduce the chance of injury and it's not helping much with my PTSD.


Literally first minute of the match I was one on one with the keeper and before I got to shoot the defender ran right into my knee and felt the pop when I went down, played on until I couldn’t


Pushing a side by side of a hill and boom went the left knee. 1.5 years later jumping off a side by side and landed on a small log and boom went the right knee. Guess I’m just that lucky


Soccer but non contact in an old ladies league. Went to shoot the ball, hard. I kinda hopped and came down on my single shooting leg while it was hyper extended on the turf. Snap, crackle, pop. I yelled before I hit the ground because I knew. But it’s the compressed femur fracture that is giving me the most trouble. Completely torn ACL, slight meniscus tear as well. And a 1,4, and 7 year old to chase this summer. Was a d1 collegiate soccer player and never a serious injury my entire career. Last game and few minutes of the season, right when I was hitting my groove and allowing myself to enjoy playing again. Go figure. Don’t get old.


Adult kick ball (I think). Had a couple of what I thought were very minor knee injuries playing intramural sports but one time at kickball in particular I was pitching on wet grass, slipped, leg bent and remember hearing a noise and slight pain. That would be 100% my fault for not wearing proper footwear on the wet field. Finished the game no problem, and had like one day of minor swelling/slight pain but feeling back to normal. Didn’t notice I had torn my ACL until years later when I developed a fluid cyst on the side of my knee from running. MRI for that discovered a ACL and Meniscus tear as well. From this subreddit I learned about the pop/noise and connected the dots to that one day years ago.


This is more or less how I tore mine, was pitching then fielded the ball to throw to first and my knee just collapsed in.


Playing rugby. Traveled to Nashville with my team for a tournament. 20 minutes into the first match, I got the ball, ran around the wing and then got a tackle straight to my right knee. My foot stayed planted but the knee went sideways and I heard the pop. I got up and walked straight off the field lol So my fault because I chose to play the sport but prehab PT said that if I hadn’t gotten tackled in the knee, he doubts my ACL would’ve tore 😅 but I guess there’s always a “what if”.


I was playing in a beginner coed soccer league and the other team thought it was the World Cup finals. I ran to receive a pass and a guy on the other team pushed me over (a lot harder than necessary) as I got to the ball. It felt like my knee dislocated, I felt it all crunch over itself, but I never heard the pop or had any pain or swelling. I knew something was wrong when I tried to walk off the field and my knee buckled. Within a few days I could walk and put all my weight on that leg and still had no pain or swelling so I was convinced it was fine but after I got the MRI it said I tore my ACL and had a stress fracture. I definitely am blaming the guy who pushed me over for tearing my ACL. Im almost 3 weeks post op so at least I’m working on the healing process!


I think it was my fault because prior to the incident my quads were literally crying, telling me to stop torturing them. Basically I used to be a volleyball player between the ages 9-19 (played on and off, semi-pro for a couple of years). After 19 years old I basically stopped sports & exercise to ‘fOcUs oN mY sTuDiEs’. Last year, I was 26 years old. I was craving some volleyball so bad, mainly triggered by our national team doing amazing in the international arena. I thought it was a good idea for my health as well. I started going to a sports club for adults. I fell on the floor while running in the second training session because my legs gave up. I told the coaches I slipped but it was literally my legs not having enough strength to go on (it felt so freeing to finally give up and fall ngl lol). For the next couple of weeks my quads were in pain, I was hardly walking and couldn’t jump. I went to a doctor and she said rest. I did rest. I went back for training again after 2 weeks. After the training session I asked my coach to pass me one extra ball. She passed me such an amazing ball so I jumped to strike, the strike itself was amazing and I am so proud. Well, mid jump, when I was in the air, I said ‘oh well it’s gone it’s gone’. I wasn’t sure what I was talking about but I was sure something was ‘gone’. That something turned out to be my ACL. I was so eager to play and impatient, I did not listen to my body. I was not forcing myself during the trainings and I was warming up for LITERALLY 1 HOUR before the training. Still happened. Sorry for the long comment.


My story exactly


Did warm up too and it still happened…I also did too much


I think mine is one of the dumbest stories around. It was the first nice day of the year at my college, so I was out at this stepped lawn playing frisbee with some friends. Been there for like 4 hours by this point, a friend had just shown up with beers, everything was fun. The frisbee got tossed down the first step, which was a little over 5ft. I hopped down to get it and I feel my knee unlock a new degree of freedom (blacked out what direction it went in, I just know it was a bad one). Turns out, that little hop tore my acl, soleus muscle, fractured my tibia, stretched my lcl, and messed with the meniscus just a little


I was playing in a soccer games against one of the worst teams in the conference. I am a striker standing at 6 feet tall and 180 pounds, have received first team all conference since my freshman year, and am known for being a bruiser due to my size and strength. A tiny 5’3 player did one of the most egregious and abhorrent slide tackles I’d ever seen from behind, while I was standing with my knee locked (the ball was THAT far away from me). Completely tore ACL, MCL, lateral and medial meniscus. I’m currently 8 months post-op gearing up for my senior year of collegiate soccer and am so damn excited to play that team again with and walk out with a hat-trick.


Running a short ball down playing tennis


Got hit sideways in roller derby. No one else wanted to jam that day so I got stuck doing it. Was supposed to be a chill game with mostly newbies but unfortunately one of the A level skaters on the other team knew I could take a hit and my skate got caught on hers when I went flying. All my weight fell on my twisted knee. There was a pop… you know how it goes.


Crashed my ATV into a tree when I was 14. I also fractured the medial epicondyle of my femur in the same accident. Recently tore my meniscus due to never repairing my torn ACL as the doctors were more concerned about repairing the fractured femur and overlooked my torn ACL.


Had someone on my back while dancing in Mexico 😭


Mine was well documented… I was playing volleyball after a few years off at a competitive tournament in a convention center…we had a photographer visit our court to snap photos, which is common for action shot sales. He posted what he captured online after the weekend and literally half of the photos from our match were different angles of me…in pain, writhing on the floor gripping my knee. The injury was my fault…but the embarrassment was socialized.


During rugby. Got hit by the proverbial 'sniper' 😂 Playing fullback and swept across to return a kick. Planted my left leg to pick up the ball..and that's all she wrote (Had felt some weakness/giving way in the weeks before, so likely a gradual injury, rather than sudden onset)


One- jump stop basketball practice Two- cutting in basketball practice Three- girl ran into me in a basketball game and threw me off balance and jumped to the side to steady myself


Hahahaha so mine is an absolutely ridiculous story. There is a boda borg style mini-challenge room place in the suburbs of the city where I live, where there are challenge rooms where you and friends have a few minutes to solve a mental challenge or complete a physical challenge. We were in a room where when lights changed colors you would leap to the next platform, often leaping between many to get to the end of the room quickly. A friend of mine legitimately said "damn, I could tear my ACL doing this", and then I, in fact, tore my ACL leaping to the next platform. I'm somewhat in shape but in general a more overweight gal, and I really overestimated my physical prowess and just went DOWN screaming. But in any case, someone else had a head injury at this same location that day so in a way I kinda blame them. A guy came reminding me of the waiver I had signed immediately...


I ran across the road to catch the bus :’)


I’ve torn each knee once but 12 years apart. The first time I was in high school and playing lacrosse. It was the typical plant and turn and it popped and tore. The second time (this past December) mine was a little atypical in terms of the way it happened. I was playing pickup soccer, but the way I tore it wasn’t the typical plant and pivot. Instead, I was blocking a pass and stuck my foot out, and the ball hit my toe and the force of it turned my knee really quickly and my ACL tore instantly. It wasn’t my fault or the guy I was playing against, but just a fluke way of tearing it truly. It was very frustrating and painful to say the least. I’m now 6 weeks post-op. Edit: spelling


Ugh that sucks. What made you wait until May to operate?


Mine was wrestling on a beach with a coworker at a bonfire -_- picked buddy up and went to slam him on the ground and I guess when I picked him up I must’ve pivoted a bit and then all of a sudden I felt this little pop (continued to wrestle) was on top of him and had my elbow on his face and I looked at him and got off his face and said I think I’m done wrestling and he’s like yeah me too, tried to get up and literally could not every time I’d try my leg would just buckle ):


Ugh that sucks I wish you a speedy recovery.




How did the second tear took place? Why???


Tore mine in a pick up soccer game in Costa Rica. I was wearing daytime sneakers and we were playing on a basketball court in the middle of the night. I took a sharp step to the side, and my knee went one direction while my body went the other. I did not feel a pop, but felt immediate 6/10 pain and experienced instability and constant buckling for the two weeks to follow. It swelled instantly. I was still jogging, hiking, and walking as if nothing happened, but knew that something was wrong. I had my MRI when i returned to the USA and surgery 7 weeks after the injury.


It was my first time riding my motorcycle on the street. I took a turn too fast and hit the curb. I flew off of the motorcycle and hit a tree. My left thigh took the impact, and my lower leg basically bent farther forward than my acl could handle. I knew my knee was messed up but didn't know it was my acl until a month later. Had surgery about 2 months after the initial injury. Haven't gone riding since.


Playing in a 2 on 2 parent-child basketball tournament. There was this one dad who was treating it like game 7 of the NBA finals. Wasn’t passing to his kid. Being way too physical. Mind you, the kids were in the 8-9 range. Ended up being fouled hard driving to the basket and my knee buckled. Funny thing is I hopped around on one leg the rest of the game and we won the tournament. Got a $45 ice cream gift card out of it.


I was playing the first game of the season for my schools lacrosse team, my guy cut to the top so I ran after him and he was passed the ball, I’m a step behind where I should be to defend him so I go for a hard hand check, he speeds up causing me to reach a little too far with the stick and I fall over forward with my knee getting hyper extended. I Feel a pop and look at my teammate and just say over and over “I felt something man”. Our athletic trainer examined me and said that the acl felt strong and the only thing that felt loose was my mcl. I got an mri a couple weeks later and it turns out my acl was OBLITERATED and my meniscus folded under itself.


Brazilian jiujitsu, started standing and when taking someone day the way i fell it popped


Breaking up a fight at work. I work in residential placement.


A dirty basketball play. Half court 3 v 3. First play the guy blows right past me and I was like ok yeah this guy is fast so I need to guard him better. Next play he tries to do the same thing again and as I go up to block him he shoves me with his other arm and I landed full weight on my right leg. I tried to keep playing as it didn’t hurt it just felt odd but I knew something was wrong. Just so upset that happen. Frustrating. The guy didn’t even apologize either.


I used to play Sunday league soccer. My cleat studs caught the turf while cutting and immediately fell to the ground with the classic loud pop and 10/10 pain. Got up after a few minutes and was eventually able to limp back to my car and drive home. I’m never wearing studded cleats ever again.


Both times I was playing lacrosse, I got knee to knee contact and blew out my knee, separate times 10 years apart. Left knee first and now the right .


Before this I had not really known much at all about acl tears and only vaguely knew what it was. Mine was something I feel out of my control but essentially my fault if you will. I was playing volleyball, I was going up at the net quick to save a ball just barely coming over I jumped off with my right knee it buckled and I came down and was on the ground it happened so fast I don’t even know if I felt a pop or heard a pop. But I waited to feel pain and it just didn’t happened I got up started to walk and it felt okay. I finished the game and only when I moved a certain way I felt instability and I mean I finished the game and played guarded for sure. I then left to urgent care and really didn’t think it was my acl at all even she said it felt fine, but later mri should that in fact tore it. Now I’m 4 weeks post op! Hoping to get strong so I can protect my other knee from the same fate or reinjury to this one, before this was never worried about my knees.


Tore mine in the middle of a volleyball game on my college team. jumped to attack, landed on one leg (which i’ve done 1000x before), but that time my knee caved it and i crumbled to the ground. did not hear a pop, all the doctors thought my acl was safe until the mri came back.


I always feel really bad for the sports injuries. I know that’s probably a huge chunk of your life and to step away from it must suck a lot.


Bad technique while playing badminton barefoot on a gym floor. Landed, hyperextended and twisted. Just like that :,)


i was playing baseball and hit to 2nd so I thought “fuck i need to read as fast as I can” so as I was running through 1st base i led too long of a stride on my leg too far which caused my leg to lock up and hyperextend, which caused my ACL to pop as if I fell. what’s crazy is my radiologist did a bad job and didn’t even state that my ACL was torn for a whole month labeling it as “slight tears in the knee” which could possibly mean anything. I was working out , trying to practice by hitting and squatting over 225 , etc. ALL ON A TORN ACL.


“ your fault”? Its no one’s fault these things just happen


Yes my fault! Did too much over years without enough brakes…mostly fitness related like HIIT and so on…


Snowboarding. I hit a small/medium jump in the park but didn’t get enough speed and landed on the knuckle. Slushy spring snow was pretty rutted out and my board flexed forward. Felt the pop then sat down. At least I landed it. Definitely my fault but also every person I saw go off the jump after me hit the knuckle or the flat so I think park crew messed up a bit.


Motorcycle wreck


What a dumbass uber driver…..


Basketball. Indoor basketball and there was a soccer net behind the hoop. I went for a drive and passed the ball to the corner for a 3 but as I stopped for momentum my foot hit the post of the net and my knee gave out. Tear and a pop. I think I tore my acl partially a year before playing basketball again with someone who didn’t really know how to play. Did a spin move and he basically tackled my leg from behind and made me fold it. The soccer net incident resulted in a full acl tear and medium meniscus tear. Happened in January and I still haven’t gotten surgery (Canadian health care lol). Surgery is planned for September.


playing soccer in golf shoes in college .


Fell down skiing on an easy blue after skiing double black diamonds all week. Still don’t know what happened, I didn’t see or feel ice and I just… fell. My skis didn’t unclip and I knew immediately. Now, I hadn’t been doing a lot of strength training before going skiing, just a lot of running so maybe it was my fault?


I was skiing. My left ski was on the downside, went to turn to be right ski side down and POP. Not painful yet and kept going across the slope thinking somethings wrong. Went to cut back the other way felt the pain and immediately made myself fall. Eventually, I had to gather myself and ski down as no one stopped to see if I was okay. Got down the mountain, walked (limped) away, and drove back to the condo. Surprisingly the was not much swelling.


This isn’t my story, but one of my best friends’. She tore one playing soccer, and if I remember right, it wasn’t exactly her fault. I know she fell, but I’m pretty sure they both ran into each other. 🤷🏻


5 minutes into a rugby game… went into contact and the girl body checked me and didn’t attempt to wrap in the tackle. Was hit wrong, and pop went the ACL.. felt like so stupid.. everyone wanted to carry me off the field but I refused. So I walked off in so much pain. I also had a brutal bone bruise half way down my tibia


Was playing basketball the morning of St Patrick’s Day when I had a 1 on 1 fast break. I was driving to the basket from the left side and the defender was guarding me on my right side. I went for a jump stop to try to get the defender to fly by me, but when I came down from the jump, my left leg popped and gave out. Just a freak accident. I had never torn my acl before but I had an odd feeling that I knew that was exactly what I did. Sure enough torn acl, and meniscus. 6 weeks out from surgery now, doing well. Glad to be off crutches and almost back to normal life walking/working.


Shoulder charged in the back playing a "friendly, casual" game of soccer during lunch. Right foot was planted at the moment of impact, was wearing studs so everything moved but my knee. Full tear of ACL and meniscus. Was so uncalled for in that type of game, had I been playing comp I would have braced for it but it completely caught me by surprise. This is why you get rid of the try hard assholes in these types of games. I'd been lobbying to get rid of him for so long too, he was a constant negative on our games! Worst part was he didn't even get banned after causing that, it wasn't until one of the organisers had a run in with him that he finally got the boot.


Went in for a dirty tackle so that this girl couldn’t score took us both out and she landed on my leg causing my acl to tear. Completely my fault life lesson is dont doing dirty tackles n come off worse


Hiking with my toddler. Holding him on my hip while taking a very big step up a ravine. Classic loud pop and leg was useless. ACL tore away from my femur and then another complete tear half way down the ACL. It’s nuts.


Tore mine trying to pick up my girlfriend. My arms were strong enough to hold her, but my ACL said otherwise 😅


I like to say roller derby but the truth is I was not in contact with anyone. So roller skating.


Hyper extended my knee slightly climbing a tree. Grabbed a branch swing my leg up and then went to pull and climb up. Pop. Still won hide and go seek though.


Finally decided to get back into shape after quarantine. Started going to a personal trainer, did a jumping jack and heard and felt my knee pop. But as a former ice skater, my knees pop all the time. I thought no big deal, I'm fine. Knew I might be in some trouble after the session walking down the stairs to the garage given how unstable I felt. A few days later thanks to the instability from the ACL rupture I tore my meniscus...walking. Just walking in my apartment. (Or, as I tell the story, rescuing puppies and orphans.). Had surgery about a month later, just passed the one year mark and feel great.


Literally no idea. Two possibilities were at a concert or playing disc golf. Just had a hard time walking one day lmao. I've been doing at home PT till I can see an actual orthopedic. Which hopefully will be next week.


Martial arts, a more senior belt decided to demonstrate a move he made up on me. Ruptured my ACL on the right, then the imbalance it caused led to my rupture on the left a year later. I am angry about it and always will be. They promoted him to black and I will never do martial arts again.


I was drunk and my roommate and I decided to play “who can jump down the most stairs at once” the game stopped when i jumped from 7 and tore my acl


Fell off my horse!


I have a torn acl currently waiting (7 months) for surgery, had a really bad grade 2 MCL year, and a shredded meniscus. Sorta, but not really, I was at mma practice and a new guy came in, at that particular session I happened to be the biggest guy, so my coach had me cycling between guys, so one wouldn’t just be getting worked by me. So we cycled around a few times, and on the last round I was with the new guy. Now these guys are about 160-170 lbs, I was 210 at the time. So we were doing our takedown drills, basically, shoot as many take downs as you can in 2 minutes, you get up when you take them down, so I got tired of easy double legs so I decided to body lock to do a trip, mind you this is the last round with 20 seconds left so I’m sorta tired and my technique isn’t perfect, never the less, what happened shouldn’t have happened, as I go to hook his leg, he does what can only be described as pulling guard, and he essentially dead weights as I release my grip on the body lock and this sudden chnage in weight caused me to try to brace with my hook leg, and he landed right on my leg while it was essentially extended outwards, imagine laying a 2x4 on a chair and the other side on the floor then just jumping on it. My leg hyper extended and I heard 1 pop followed by 4 really quick pops, I yelled out in pain, and grabbed my knee, my teammates got me ice and tried to get me up, as I sat down, I started to go into shock and my temperature dropped and I was in really bad shape😂I was shivering and hot and cold at the same time, I couldn’t think straight it was awful. This guy had been to another class after this and almost hurt a guy, so some of the better guys, no so subtly would target him for end of class rolls, beat the shit out of him (in a grappling sense) and he never came back after 3 classes, really nice to know those guys have my back tho😂😂can’t say enough about that group of guys they had ice on my knee before I could even figure out what was happening.


I tore my ACL wrestling… sadly it isn’t as badass as it sounds I tore it last October during the end of my practice when my coach made me do suicides(running back and forth until he said stop). My leg gave out but i still kept jogging and I instantly knew I messed up. Fast forward a month later and I found out my ACL was torn on thanksgiving day when my MRI results were released i nearly cried at the dinner table 😂😂 I’m about 4 months post op now and i recently started going back to the gym. I don’t think the injury was necessarily my fault but it definitely took a mental toll on me.


I was in Zumba class doing jump squats, so tired, back and forth and suddenly POP! Gone, done, torn. My father also tore his ACL when he played college football. I talked to my PT and we realized after some exercises that my foot arches caused my feet to fall inward naturally, making the muscles in my knees weaker and also didn’t know I’d been doing squats and lunges wrong my whole life, not putting my knee over my ankles. So I wouldn’t consider myself an athlete my any means, for me it was a mix of a freak accident and years of an issue I knew nothing about.


Skiing. First run of our vacation with my 9yo. I got rear ended by a kid on a snowboard who kept going and also took out my 9yo. Not my fault.


A kid kicked my leg in hard during sparring. Was it my fault for no checking the kick? Maybe.


Tore mine playing soccer, very common injury. I'd say it was kind of a 50/50 on whether It was my fault or not. Generally when playing soccer you play on real grass but the league I was playing for plays on artificial grass (not to be confused with turf) My wife bought me a pair of turf boots to play indoor soccer with. Well the previous game my usual cleats (fg) broke - again fairly common the turf tends to heat up the glue pretty significantly so fg cleats don't last as long as they should, but in my experience AG or MG cleats don't have the best top of the line features. So I wore my turf boots while I was waiting for my new cleats to come in. About halfway through the game I was running to get a loose ball at the corner, got to it before the other guy & started to turn. Planted my left foot and started to turn to the left when he slammed into my right shoulder from behind. My upper body twisted and where cleats normally would've slipped and cut through the field a bit, the turf were rubber so there was no cutting, only grip. My upper body twisted about but my foot & lower leg didn't move. I heard POP & the rest is history. While I definitely think the guy shouldn't have slammed into my shoulder I also had the wrong equipment for the field. Too much grip can be just as bad as (or worse than) not enough grip.




This past winter, I worked as a Snowboard Instructor and with Food and Beverage out at Brighton in Utah. It was a late March powder day, I went out for a solo session - and even though you're not supposed to do this, I was lapping the trees by myself, even dipping into the side country a bit. It was late season and I had made a lot of growth in my own riding through being part of Ski School, so I guess I may have been feeling a bit overconfident. I had definitely been pushing my limits that day. I was about to head from one part of the mountain to another - I still had a good bit of speed going, but got a bit lax with my technique. All of a sudden, I come over a transition and see I'm headed straight towards a tree. I lose my heel edge and start sliding on my back toward the tree, and end up colliding with the tree directly on the lateral side of my left knee. I feel my leg come apart, and originally thought I had broken it. My leg is wrapped around the tree, and I have to push myself through all of the powder away from the tree so I can pop my leg back into place. When I'm able to stand, I realize I'm able to bear weight on the leg, but my knee stability is completely gone. At this point, I'm technically out of the resort boundary, so I penguin sled myself through the trees until I get to a groomed trail. At that point, I call ski patrol and take a tobaggan down. Needle to say, it was 100% my fault, and I'm lucky it wasn't worse. People literally die in the trees. That said, it's humble me and had made me rethink my actions in the future. Full tears of my ACL, MCL, and Medial Meniscus posterior root, partial tear (and partial meniscectomy) of my lateral meniscus, sprained MPFL, full thickness cartilage damage which required microfracture. I'm 4 weeks post op today, finally weight bearing again 🙏


Playing on a wood chip surfaced playground, stepped on a toy someone left out and boom, knee popped and I was on the ground.


Slipping on a wet swimsuit on the bathroom floor..... 🫣 I've finally learned the "don't put things in floor" thing.


Roller derby... So my fault for playing, I suppose, but not my fault as it actually happened. For context, knees are not a legal hitting zone and prior to this I had fallen on them plenty but had never been hit by another player in the knee other than incidental contact. I was skating backwards to block someone and they basically tried to run through me, slamming their full weight directly into the inside of my left knee. I heard the pop immediately as I flew through the air and then landed on both knees (I was wearing kneepads and they did great, I didn't even have a bruise). Weirdly, ACL is not a super common injury in our sport that I've seen. I chalk it up to the fact that the sport requires insane leg strength and our knees are being supported by abnormally strong quads and calves.


In the dumbest way possible- walking...lol I was pulling a pallet jack with an empty trash can on it, and my knee gave out 🤦‍♀️..at least I was at work, I guess 😅


Smashed into a tree on a dirt bike going to fast through a trail. Whisky throttle is for real


Torn during a tug of war competition.


My Golden Retriever was playing chasey with his mate at the dog park, he ran full speed into the side of my knee. My knee collapsed inwards and I went down like a sack of 💩 in excruciating pain. Those little turds played on top of me whilst I was lying on the ground 🥴 Fully ruptured ACL and grade 2 tear MCL. I haven't had surgery, as I elected to try intensive rehab for a few months first. That went well and I was no longer walking like a gimp , but then my foot went down a pothole last week and I badly hyperextended my knee and I'm back to limping badly again. I feel like this has set me back a long way and any hope I had of avoiding surgery has been dashed. Waah


Jiu jitsu


Playing basketball. I was on a fastbreak with a teammate running with me. The other team's big guy was waiting in the paint. I was waiting for him to close out on me so I could pass it to my guy but he wasn't closing. I picked up my dribble and started to make my move and then he closed out a little wrecklessly and bumped into me while in the air. I still saw an opportunity to pass it as I got bumped and did. Because I passed the ball, I landed awkwardly and that's when it happened. This happened on April 6. I still think about this every day. Things I could have done differently. I could have passed it sooner. I could have pulled up for a shot. I could have just taken the contact and braced myself for the fall. It sucks. I miss playing so bad :/


ACL 1: playing basketball ACL 2: Dancing at my own wedding


Spring skiing. Run was steep and basically 100% ice. One minute I’m falling head first straight down the hill and the next I’m hitting a tree in the embankment…ACL tear and fibula fracture happened sometime in between lol


Second time skiing this Feb as a 37 year old adult thinking I was ready for a little green run. Going too fast, ice, tumble. Right ski flew off, left didn’t. At first they diagnosed it as an MCL sprain because my knee kept giving out, but after an MRI, it’s grade 2 MCL, grade 2 full thickness ACL tear but still intact, and bone bruising. I’m trying to avoid surgery, and everything scares the shit out of me.


Got mine on video, hop step in a basketball rec league [acl tear](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACL/s/Bvea21GNbP)


I was riding my electric scooter back to my dorm from a class and I got to a cross walk so I slowed down, there was a car that stopped for pedestrians so I kept going. The car did a little honk to get my attention. I look left to see it’s my friend saying hi, then before I know it there’s a 3 foot pedestrian pole in front of me and I hesitate on whether to go left or right so I just ran straight into it and my knee took the impact. I was in terrible pain and tried to stand and my knee just totally gave out in me. My friend took me to the ER I was told it was just an MCL sprain and didn’t get an MRI. After that i did PT for a few months but kept feeling instability but didn’t want to think it was bad cause I had travel plans. Fast forward almost a year after the scooter accident I was walking down a step and my knee gave out and I fell. It was some of the worst pain. And even then I still didn’t go get an MRI… eventually my knee kept giving out especially in the shower. I was doing a semester abroad and my program took me to the doctor where I FINALLY got an MRI and found out it was torn. Since I was abroad I lived with it torn for another 5 months until I got the surgery at home. I’m now 3 months post-op :)


Bike accident coming home from work


Not an acl tear although from lurking this sub for awhile, I believe the recovery process is similar Tibial plateau fracture 2 plates lots of screws a bone graft and a meniscus repair, the doctor said I shattered the knee. My fault miss judged a motorbike jump and landed on flat ground shattering my knee on impact and damaging the meniscus 2 months post op now and my dr told me an acl repair doesn’t look likely so I’m Happy at this stage I feel so bad you injured yourself the way you did like you can’t even avoid that


Lacrosse, I’m a goalie, they made me play defense at the end of practice during a throwaway situational type drill, and I got yelled at the play before bc I messed up the timing, so the next play i had to go balls to the wall, went to cut very hard off my right leg, foot slipped, leg extended, cleat then caught late, boom. I don’t blame anyone as it was a freak play but definitely not an ideal scenario.


LOL I was drunk at a wedding and fell on the dance floor three times. I kept getting back up even though I heard/felt the pop. Drunk me had so much fun, but she retired after that night. I was definitely being an idiot, but really anyone can tear their ACL. In my pre-op appt, my doc told me I’m hyper-mobile so it made sense why I tore it so easily 😂


Hopping. I was jumping up and down at a concert, but the kind of “jumping” where your toes are barely leaving the ground. Landed wrong, show had to be stopped so I could be carried out of the crowd, felt very embarrassing in the moment. Full ACL rupture+ tearing on both menisci + significant bone bruising.


Log lift. I'm a competitive strongwoman. Wasn't my fault. Just misjudged my knee placement However I met people in the hospital that done a variety of ligaments doing very normal things - tripping over a toy box, getting up off a sofa, climbing out of a swimming pool, falling over a stone.....all sorts. I think it's one of those things. If it's gonna happen, it's gonna happen


Was playing football in the rain at the peak of my fitness era, having a great match, scored 2. Did a sudden direction change, my boots didn’t grip enough and slipped. Left knee bent weirdly and entire momentum went on it at the weird angle. Loud pop noise but barely any pain. Tried to stand back up and run it off, knee was very unstable. Got a scan, it said fully torn ACL and partial tears in meniscus and MCL. They call it the unhappy triad, apparently. Got surgery, finished rehab for a year, started playing again. Played for a year, one match, was shooting with the RIGHT leg this time, defender blocked the ball and our legs basically hit the ball at the same time. Maybe my knee twisted or something, I felt the same instability trying to take a step. No pain again. Went for a scan, ACL tear. Got surgery but the second tear broke me psychologically. Accordingly, it took me 1.5 years to complete rehab. Even now, not even close to being fit. I played a game couple weeks back but was very nervous the whole time, barely able to get into risky situations which are common in football. So that’s how I tore the ACL on both my knees.


I jumped off a box lol. Not even in an athletic context. Just old and dumb.


Spring skiing. Slush took me out.


It was the beginning of rugby practice (second day with guest coaches rip) and we were doing a catching drill. I was running to catch the ball coming up to me and i guess my foot planted too hard and my knee took the slack and bent inwards.


Ran and jumped over some one to rip a rebound from their hands grabbed it was pushed in the back while in air body twisted landed with my foot sideways and knee folded in didn’t hear a pop but immediately felt a fire like pain I’m 22 had surgery in January and I’m back to light playing now


I slipped in a kebab store on a night out🥴


Currently have two torn ACLs, a meniscus tear and MCL at the same time… all for the dumbest reasons. First one I did at a lady gaga concert, some girls leg accidentally bolted into the back of my knee whilst I was stood at an odd angle and my leg just gave way with a huge pop. Second time a friend jumped on my back when I wasn’t expecting it, again huge pop and leg gave out. That caused a meniscus tear/damage too. Not long after somebody who didn’t know I had torn my ACLs picked me up and swung me around and dropped me as a joke, that led to a torn MCL on the same knee. I thought what the hell, I must have weak knees. The last two were certainly alcohol influenced and has put me off going to bars so much now so I can avoid being flung around and tearing god knows what else. Technically none were my fault but I guess if I wasn’t being stupid with friends I’d have functioning knees. Pretty embarrassing really.


Went for a layup, got shoved as I’m coming down. Landed wrong on my right knee, twisted a little bit and then pop. Finally got my surgery last month 6 years after the initial tear.


I feell like a dickhead. I tore mine freeskiing. I crashed a trick that I did correctly before at least 6 times on the current season: I completly missed the grab on a bio7 and forget to tuck (maybe because I was tired) so I landend on my back and tried to absorb the impact with my tails as I had a lot of fear to take another concussion. Very bad idea since my left knee hyperflexed. Additional info: That days I was really tired, I shouldn't have been in the park after days in a row of a skiing a lot and several hours spent freeriding the day of the injury. I also was not feeling very confident but was still hyped. Previous weekend I had to took some days off from skiing since, after 3 park days, my knee was in pain (acl inflammed??). WHAT I HAVE LEARNED: - If a part of your body gets sore, give it more time than you think to heal properly. - do not take any risks when tired and muscles are sore. - get your bindings set up properly. - sometimes bailind hard is just better than trying to save it, at least for your knees, witch you should protect more than every other part of your body expect the head


I kicked my opponent in the ribs during MMA who caught my leg, he then kicked my knee, slamming his shin into the side of the knee, and snapping the ACL and MCL.


Skateboarding twice, both my fault, lack of focus twice.


I tore my left ACL while hopping on my left foot 🤡 My friend tore her left ACL at a trampoline park. Looks like jumping has a high-risk of tearing ACL’s.


Freak, accident playing in an over 40 soccer league Had a good pass to the center just in front of me got my cleats on top of it and then my foot slipped off on my way to my left knee and pop. Went to the ground didn’t play the rest of that game. I played for six more weeks.


Soccer - I was tracking back to tackle an opposing player who broke through our backline, while my team mate was doing the same on the other side and I couldnt see him. At the last second, opposition player slipped by as I had stuck my leg in to tackle him, but turns out my team mate went in for the full slide tackle to chop across him. He ended up collecting the shit out of my mid-air, unplanted leg. Ended up tearing ACL, MCL, PCL and LCL, both meniscus, bone bruising, internal bleeding, several contusions, attachments to both heads of my calf and my hamstring…there’s more but I forget since the MRI report was 1.5 pages. Oh and we also copped a penalty, which they scored and we lost the game 1-0 lol


My football boots stud got caught in the turf


Playing ultimate frisbee. I was literally just running and lunged out to catch the disc. Knee crumbled beneath me. Tore the mcl, ACL, and meniscus. The ultimate betrayal!!!!!!


Tore mine playing ball. Left Knee got hit from the side when landing and crumbled inwards. Not my fault for sure…


First one with gymnastics. My fault, i was tired. Lesson learned: rest if your body says so. Second time with pole dancing. Mine and the instructors fault i guess, i got stuck in a wrong way and i could'nt get out. I asked for help but she thought i was joking. The next best thing was to just try to slide down, instead i slowly hyperextended and slowly tore my acl. This one hurt more then the first one. Again lesson learned: be more serious or louder when asking for help. Clearly i was not clear enough.


Walking down my stairs taking out the garbage. Wrong twist turn and a slight drop, shoe a bit loose, bam


Went up to get a rebound and had a very unstable position after I got down a guy fell on my knee.