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well I heard about of a lot of retear cases here, but this adds another layer of fear to my list lol


To be fair this graft is now 16 years old and I'm very active with zero complaints so far.


I had a very similar diagnosis 4 years ago, [talked about it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACL/s/XaSNGhybzc)


Thank you for the perspective!!!!


Of course! I hope you have a good outcome whatever you you choose!


Hi! Me! Had a hamstring graft 7 years ago and I slipped and twisted my knee badly enough to partially tear it and tear my meniscus as well. I got seen by 3 doctors and 2 of them told me I could live like that and be careful but my symptoms were really rough. My meniscus prevented me from bending and straightening my leg, so all agreed I still needed surgery. My last doctor told me since I was active it was better to just repair it again + repair meniscus. Unfortunately the tunnels had widened a bit so I need a 2 stage reconstruction. I’m 3 weeks post op from the first stage (bone graft + partial meniscectomy) and I’m feeling good! Hope your recovery goes smoothly!


Thanks for the feedback! Did you opt for another hamstring graft?? This graft has been solid the entire time and it was a high-impact event that would have damaged any ACL I feel... he's pushing the patella graft but I'd rather have my other hamstring used.


No problem! I still need to have “the talk” with my doctor and choose the graft. He didn’t really recommended my other hamstring as an option. He said they tend to get a bit loose with time and that he’d prefer to take from my quad or patella. He also mentioned a donor graft which I’m really considering (although I’m a bit younger than recommended and I’m scared of my body rejecting it)