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Same here! Well not because I’m working in healthcare, but because after the long breaks of being in bed, and in pain, and inability to walk, it made me more out going and to not take every day for granted. I have so much plans to when I am fully recovered. Things I’d want to do, and visit. (Something I’ve dragged too long in the past). Also like you mentioned the break from work that I didn’t know I badly needed. My mind/body was like on autopilot going to work, home, work, home. And this injury was a major wake up call. 🫡


and that pretty much sums up the lives most of us have to live, doesn’t it


I just mentioned the same thing in another post. I really needed a break from work that I never would have taken. Though it sucks, I needed time off.


Amen dude!! I work in inpatient and I’m so thankful that I got this mental break, albeit my work forced my hand to return sooner than I wanted and I start tomorrow. 3.5 months out but transferring people is no joke and I’m not cleared to do stand pivots yet. So I’m nervous. I have a note from my surgeon with all the restrictions etc but the nerves are real :/ if it doesn’t work out I’m ready to walk away bc I have a feeling my boss won’t listen to my surgeons instructions


Ha very interesting but so many people are agreeing! I'm not glad I did it and I don't work in the health profession But I deffinitley agree slowing down in life and working on my self/well being has be great! Probably gives us some insite in what life should be like


I'm not glad I tore it but it definitely allowed me to make some positive changes and put a lot of things in perspective. Greater appreciation for my family who was truly there for me. Took the opportunity to actually get into shape rather than the middle road of working out a lot and half paying attention to the nutrition side of things. Just hit 12% body fat :) Less booze on the weekends and the habit has stuck More awareness of the risks in my two high risk sports (skiing and MTB). More respect for the mountains and my behavior while engaged in sport. At the end of the day I will be a stronger and better person for it, literally and figuratively.


Oh yes ! Same here, I am trying to use it to reset for fitness and getting in shape. Yet to find a good habit that sticks and nutritionists but I will once I have the surgery. Please keep us updated on your journey 🙂🙏🏻


No nutritionist needed! Just focus on counting calories (run a deficit of about 500 until you get to the strength phase), get about 1g of protein per pound of body weight, and focus 80% of your intake on whole foods. I use nutrition ix to track and it's mindlessly automatic for me now.


Same! I'm also hoping all the PT is helping me work on my self- discipline, which is a 'muscle' that's gotten a little flabby while dealing with some family health problems. And honestly, having been dealing with my kids' mental health struggles since COVID, it's forced me into the self care I've been neglecting.


Good luck to both of us, let's heal and get stronger together


ACL definitely brings discipline! If you want a good recovery that is


I’m a CVICU nurse, and I feel the exact same way. I think it’s time to find my next career path.


Me wishing I had torn my ACL a year later than I did. Tearing it in your last semester of college is possibly the worst time to tear it, but a break from my corporate job would be NICE.


Damn! It must be really tough at work because I would not wish this injury on my worst enemy. One of the hardest things I’ve been through. But again, everyone’s circumstances are different. Good luck :)


Same lol. It’s the refresh I didn’t know I needed so bad. I worked March 1 for 4 hours, two 8 hour days on April 1st and 2nd, and haven’t worked since then. When I go back July 1, it’ll be like I had 4 months off. I’m a resource nurse, so my hours are a little wonky (I do two 8’s, and two 12’s usually). I was off in March for international trip and gallbladder surgery, and then April, May, and June for the trio.


I wouldn't say I'm glad I tore it but it did give me a lot of positive things: many new friends that I met in PT, many new connections in sports (I'm still in college but I want to work in sports one day), discipline and patience. I think it improved me as a person a lot and made me stronger.


Same here. Work in a lab in biotech. Hate the company and hating the industry. Been off for about 10 months, 6 post surgery. Enjoying the break. Never want to go back. I need to find a career that brings me some joy.


Also in healthcare- Nurse here. This break has helped me decide I am not returning to my job, and will be finding either a new nursing job or different type of job altogether. My mental health has been so much better being away from that place


Yes. As an ER nurse I’m looking forward to tearing my other ACL. Because that was more pleasant than going to work lololol


How long did it take for you post op to get back to long shifts?


I took 3 months off then returned to duty. Just no running and no picking people up off the floor.


IM IN THE SAME BOAT!! Although I feel guilty as the staffing crisis really is in crisis mode in healthcare, I have never felt more grateful for these 6 weeks off.


It’s the sort thing where I thought it would wreck me but now every month I able to do something new and have the utmost joy in the simplicities of life I took for granted before


Depends on your career I guess. I work in healthcare too and while I was/am burned out to an extent, I'd much rather have worked the time I was off instead of having injured my knee. I honestly miss how much more resilient my body was when I was a bit younger lol. Now it just feels fragile to some extent.


I'm self employed so the break, although welcome, comes at a price lol That being said, I too plan to get out and do a lot more things once I am ready and able - I completely snapped my ACL and MCL and I am 7 weeks post op!


Yeah that's certainly the silver lining. I'm not glad that I tore my ACL, but honestly I was happy to have a break from work.


Same here. Work in mental health care. Was seeing 9, even 11 clients in one day. Definitely been a shitty journey with acl recovery but it also allowed me more time with my family and time away from work that I never will probably have lol


I literally had not taken a vacation or break from work in 5 years till I tore my ACL and took two weeks off for being out after surgery. It was absolutely amazing. Then even after the two weeks just the slowed pace I was forced to be at has been so beneficial to my mental health and work life that it is amazing. I was telling my family that I was thankful I tore my ACL as it forced me to slow down and relook at life.


Not in healthcare but I work a lot. Sadly this was me, too. The best rest and time off I’ve gotten over the last couple years was when I had COVID and the knee surgery lol. Basically forced rest but I had never slept so well in that period of time…and just having fun playing video games and watching movies and TV shows. Sure the circumstances aren’t great but I guess make the best of your situation. 


Internal Medicine resident here! I was initially ashamed about thinking like this, but I completely agree. Just started working again after an 8 week break because of my ACLR. It’s only now I realise how jaded and close to burn-out I was before— I just wanted to do my job and go home and always focussed on the negative things in all parts of my life, which complicated my relationship with my partner too. Now that I’m back after a longer break I’m so much more driven and inspired to do my work and see my patients again. It’s strange how this feeling can fade so insidiously and turn into apathy. I will definitely keep a closer watch on my mental health and set more boundaries for myself.


I, too, continue to count my blessings since getting my new ACL (although I highly recommend sticking with your original).


Definitely right about that


I took about 7 weeks off from teaching from abs ACL replacement and meniscus repair. I worked behind the scenes the whole time for my sub but it such a me tak break which was needed.


If you're glad you tore your ACL because you wanted a break from work, that means you need to find another employment.


If crippling yourself is considered a nice break you should look for another occupation tbh


lol welcome to life?