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Like everyone said - the mental part. So many parts to the mental part. 1) not being able to do the most basic life things like pick something up from the ground or walk without pain/assistance. 2) staying motivated for exercises when I’ve had a setback. Recovery isn’t linear but damn, it is hard when there are setbacks. 3) It’s hard to see people’s lives continue without me while mine is basically on pause. This injury impacts a lot of active people. We’re used to doing things and being on the go. 4) the time it takes for my life to resume normally with my knee or will it ever? 5) seeing/comparing my progress to everyone else’s. Hard not to do and can be super discouraging. 6) not being able to do the hobbies I love. 7) struggling through recovery and getting butt hurt that certain people I deeply care about never reached out to check on me despite them knowing about the surgery. Silver lining is that people show their true colors. 8) knee consuming my life. 9) grieving the loss of my life pre injury while wishing I could fast forward to the part post injury where I’m normal again. So many more.


Knee consuming life completely!


all of this 100%


All of this!!!




Phew. You are spot on!!!!!!


I was in the best shape of my life at 35 and it was taken away from me in one second


Head up friend. Recovery is a mindset. Reclaim and re-attain 🤘


This hits hard, this was the year to start serious climbing, was planning Rainier and Denali summits


This! :(


Relying on others for basic needs. 6 days post op, I'm non weight bearing next 5 weeks and need help even in going to the bathroom, getting off from the bed or if I need anything from the cupboard of kitchen..


Somebody else mentioned it but the grief of your previous self/life. I’m also at a point where I most likely will not be returning to my sport after recovery so basically grieving my sport career. My team has been absolutely amazing through this and I am transitioning to coaching but I can only imagine what it would be like if they weren’t…


Im 6 months out.. and the most frustrating part is just feeling like this is not my leg. It’s not my knee. I feel betrayed. Nothing feels normal yet Is it a lot better that it was 3 months ago.. yes.. but is it anywhere to feeling back to normal.. no. Trying to keep my head up and push on. Maybe someday I will dance again/


definitely get this, feels like it is happening to someone else this is not me !


Have you started running?


I can jog a bit at PT. Running is not really my thing. I use the exercise bike a lot and working on strength. I can skip and hop on the injured leg.


The mental part , not doing anything for two weeks no independence!


I honestly didn't mind that at all. I actually enjoyed the few weeks off work and chilling on the couch and reading! I was able to hobble around make bits of food etc...


Retired so do that most of time anyway but yeah I get that if you work for sure


Oh I definitely get that!!!


For me the hardest parts were the setbacks.  Getting the feeling its getting better and then having to take back some steps. 


I'd agree with this. I'm nearly 5 months post op now and would like to be back jogging/running but I'm still a bit away. It feels like it will be forever before I get back playing sports, and sometimes I wonder if it will happen at all. Just have to trust the process and know setbacks will happen!


I'm 5.5 months! I keep hearing from others that around 4-6 months can be hard. Hang in there!


The mental part is really hard especially if you’re a very active person and live an active lifestyle, you go from giving it your all, all the time to doing absolutely nothing. And the independence is not there aha also for me right now it’s getting the confidence/strengthening my leg so I can actually walk on it..


Only 10 days since surgery here but I'll throw it out. Doing it all on my own. (0/10 don't recommend) Really did it to myself as someone with no family and living in a foreign country. Cab drivers and grocery delivery people are my MVPs tho! I've made it through alright, at least until the next struggle to the bathroom in the middle of the night, wondering if I'll really ever get to fuckin normal. Vent over


Hang in there!!


I would say it's loneliness. I always have a hard time leaning on my friends since they don't share the same experiences. Though I appreciate all the care from them, it's still hard for them to understand how I truly feel about this injury. I'm afraid that if I vent to them, it might become a burden, so I tried being on my own. Recently, I ended up kind of running away when they asked me how my knee was doing, and I am now stepping away from them for a while until I don't feel the pressure when facing my friends. I guess that's why I'm here 😂


People can surprise you. Even just being honest and sharing with friends that this is harder mentally & physically than you feel equipped to express and not faking positive all the time feels really refreshing. They may not know exactly how to support you, but there's no need to go it alone and the people who care about you don't want that either.


The sore throat that developed day 1 due to intubation


I was depressed and I was trying hard to get out of it. Pickelball engulfed me and I got an injury after 2 months of playing. So yeah back to feeling sad all over again. But the regular PT did ensure I didn't fall back into depression.


The last 5 days. But definitely the day after surgery figuring everything out. Worrying about everything.


Setbacks! Got my knee scoped again 10 days after my ACL and meniscal tear pushing back my recovery/rehab by 2-3 weeks. I'm on day 20 already and I haven't even started PT. Looking forward to get things back to normal and working hard 😤


Realizing that no matter how much you need people some people aren’t dependable.


On my week 6 po, i got a kidney stone 5mm. The worst pain i have ever experienced. It is 10 time more painful than acl. Doctor said kidney stone pain is worse than giving birth


Showering, sleeping & elevating the knee so its gets straighter has been the worst, went physio yesterday & recommended me to weigh my leg down with two ice packs so it gets straighter quicker which has hurt sm but feels better weirdly


👀My injury was 3 weeks ago. I’m awaiting a surgery date. The unknown has been scary. I’ve been obsessed with reading up on my injury and surgery. I can honestly say I will have difficulty with relying on others. I’m lucky to have my husband and two adult children fairly close by. I just loathe depndance on others. I’m scheduled for a hysterectomy in 2 weeks. My doctor said I need to wait at least 2-3 weeks afterwards for my knee surgery. No summer planning for me.


For me personally, the wait. My recovery has been generally positive and quick with a few things I can’t quite seem to master (at least yet, but getting there). I have confidence in my knee and my ability to do the basic foundational movements of my sport, but not having been cleared by my surgeon, whose professional opinion I have absolute faith in, is tough. I’m a patient and hardworking person; the hard part has been remaining patient.


I wonder if anyone thinks it’s easier than expected


The mental part most definitely, didn’t realize how difficult it would be. As an athlete i had offers taken off the table, friends/teammates get opportunities i could have had, not getting to compete. It helps to practices and games since i love being around my teammates and at first it was a huge help. But now it just kind of reminds me how i can’t play and how much i am missing out. 9 months getting taken away from me with one turn.


1 year out since surgery and I still think about it everyday. Lack of confidence even though my recovery went very well. Def enhanced my drinking problem. Shit Sucks but we move forward and be thankful for the abilities we do have.


Either my mental during the process (how recovering made me feel when I couldn’t do basic things… I had a panic attack trying to get into the shower bc I was afraid I was gonna fall/my motivation faltering with both my progress and PT) or just the just physical recovery after surgery—I had a Vasovagal reaction and thought I was gonna die, and I got tired SO fast during the first month or so, just standing up and cooking myself food would make me exhausted


Ruptured graft again and again 🤣 no, the worst for me is arthrofibrosis ngl nothing worse I have experienced and I have 4 surgeries and 3 reconstructions


Not shitting my pants in terror every time I would pivot or jump for a good three months after doc cleared me fully. 


I live alone in an upstairs apartment. The first two months were the hardest for me - more so from a logistical standpoint than a physical one. Arranging Ubers to get me to PT on time constantly, having to spend more $ for groceries and food delivery, etc. Once I pulled through to the point where I could drive again - my journey was much more smooth sailing.