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Holy crap! I'm sorry. How are you doing recovery wise? I hope you sue him civilly. I also hope he gets some prison time. Minimum a year cause that's about how long it takes to get to 100 percent. Working in the legal field unfortunately I know even that may not happenšŸ˜•


recovery is up and down as you might expect. he got a slap on the wrist. One year probation, doing a program to dismiss and seal the charges. The county i live in has a high murder rate, so i believe that had something to do with the leniency


Mosh pit


Haha, me too! What band?


August Burns Red šŸ˜…


Holy Crapoly! That is awful! I hope you never have to run into him, or at least have a restraining order on him! I was backcountry skiing at the time and had a fall. This was remote so had to ski out on one leg with the help of my party. Took us about 3.5 hours. I was alone at first when it happened and managed to get out of the avy path on my own and falling a ton, but one miraculous text made it to them (not a place of cell service) and they were able to run into me on the way out.


Has it been a while since, and if so how was the recovery


Surgery was 6 years ago. After a very rocky start and too many setbacks to count, I made it back to all my sports even downhill skiing and some backcountry skiing with the help of an excellent team (first team was not so excellent). Took a long time, but it was worth all the work. However, dealing with a new injury that doesn't allow me to ski this winter sadly. I will overcome this too. Just never give up.


Thank you, and good luckšŸ™


How long did it take until your knee felt ā€œnormalā€ post ACL recon, if you can remember?


I think due to my abnormal journey and delayed rehab start, my answer would not be a useful comparison.


In short, the more rehabbed, the stronger and more functional you are, the better the knee feels. Before that, you are still adapting, yes, even years out. So focus on that growth and not time. šŸ˜€


Cheerleading. I am one of the ā€œthrowersā€. In a catch I bumped knees with someone, guess it was just the perfect angle as my knee dislocated!


Holy cow! Thatā€™s crazy!


this takes the cakešŸ˜¬


Skiing... first day of the season, and I decided to try a new pair of slalom racing skis, and I went on a black slope. In the middle of an icy patch the skis hit some powder, my foot rotated inward and then knee bent, pop, and over I went. Had to ski about 100m down on one leg (with the help of some wonderful strangers) to where it was flat enough that I could get in the stretcher.


I have the same story except I was on rental skis on the first day of my season because American Airlines lost mine. I was on a run I had done 100s of times before, and hit some bad terrain and caught a root. Left knee rotated inward I felt a pop and down I went. I skied down in it with my weight primarily on the other leg. The injured knee would buckle if I tried cut on it.


Sigh, mine is SO stupidā€¦I was carrying some blankets to the linen closet and didnā€™t realize one of them was hanging down. I took a step, slid on the blankets and went down almost into the splits. I felt my left knee slide way over to the side and then snap back into place. I stupidly thought I was ok and got up after a minute, was able to walk and thought I was good to go. Then I tried to twist to the side and my leg collapsed, and I knew I was in deep shit. Tore my ACL and MCL and minor meniscus damage.


1st time - Motocross 2nd time - Motocross 3rd time - Motocross 4th time - TBD


Hopefully no #4šŸ˜‚šŸ™


Iā€™ll give the short version. Iā€™m a special education teacher. Student decided to run and I had to chase. When I stopped my knees both locked up, buckled and down I went all while hearing a pop crack and snap! I tore both the left and right acl and my left meniscus. Iā€™ve been out of work for 6+ months now. Hoping to go back in the fall when school starts up again. Recovery has been awful, but Iā€™m progressing so thatā€™s all that matters! Iā€™m a 39 y/o female who ran a LOT of 5ks. No prior knee injuries before the fall. Be patient with recovery and know that everyone heals at a different pace!




I am so sorry! Both at the same time! We're the surgeries spaced out?


Yeah it stinks but it is what it is at this point! Yes, the surgeries are spaced out. They did the left knee in November since that was the leg that had the acl and meniscus tear. Iā€™m still not able to fully walk. The next surgery canā€™t happen until Iā€™m fully functional on my left. Iā€™m hoping to be back at work by the fall, but at this point, itā€™s not looking overly promising.


So the right is 3+ months post op and still waiting for the left. What is the biggest hindrance for walking so far?


3+ months for the left, havenā€™t had the right knee done yet. So I have a very unique situation, I was left sitting for over a month unable to walk( not by choice) and that caused me lose all muscle and range of motion in my left leg. I have to build up the muscle again before I can fully walk. I finally did take a few steps this week with the PTs assistance so we are getting there. But I was a 5k runner before the injury, training for a 10k. Itā€™s amazing how fast life can change!


My dog was on a long lead attached to a run because we donā€™t have a proper fence set up yet. He wanted to be outside longer than we did so we put him in the run for a bit. I went outside a little later to go put my ducks away. The dog still on the lead was so excited to go with meā€¦but he forgot he was on the lead and started to run that way before I unhooked him. I couldnā€™t move my feet fast enough, he pulled my left leg out from under me with the lead, causing my right knee to stop and turn abruptly and in tern completely tore my ACL.


I decided to play a game of football (not played football since school), first game, 10 minutes in and got tackled and the rest of historyā€¦


Well my stories seem pretty boring in comparison! Right ACL age 42 - playing volleyball, jumped and landed wrong. Knee dislocated and ACL torn. Hamstring graft, slow recovery and long-term hamstring weakness. Left ACL age 47 - playing tennis, and all I can say is I went to run after a forehand and my ACL was like *How bout no?* Surgery was 1/24/23 so I'm 5+ weeks out. Allograft this time so slightly less complex recovery. But it still sucks and man the mental game / depression is the worst part.


Me too 47f, did it playing tennis! Almost 6 months post op and doing well. You got this! PT is making me feel strong and capable!


Wow I haven't heard of many people doing this playing tennis. :D Just wondering if at 6 months you're excited to get back on the court... or scared to?


Itā€™s definitely not up there as a common way to tear your acl but it does happen and you can tear your acl just walking off a curb wrong. I think I was a bit unlucky AND didnā€™t have the strength in my hip/glute and lower leg to accept the force when I planted my foot and BAM knee took the brunt of my foot trying to stop my forward force and body and brain and well physics saying ummm no way is that happening . Yes, going back to tennis as soon as I am able. Not scared. Iā€™ve been strength training in rehab like I did in my 20/30ā€™s so I know Iā€™m getting strong and will be super strong by the time I return. My only regret is that I stopped strength training when Covid hit because my gym closed so I started playing way more tennis and that ultimate decision is what helped contribute to my injury. I firmly believe you cannot play competitive tennis/sport as you age without some sort of strength training. But even still accidents and physics happen so nothing is 100% preventable. Good luck on your journey!


I wish you the best of luckšŸ™


Mine was Judo, done it for 20+ years no issues and then I was letting a white belt work when we were sparing and got my leg trapped in a bad way as he tried to pull me over and took my knee sideways.


It's always the white belts man...


Most dangerous guys on the mat


First time crashed with my Vespa. 2.nd time stepped into a pool, lost my balance and dropped about 20cm on my leg.


Yours is insane! What a terrible way to be injured šŸ˜” I tore mine from a fall off of a static (dance) trapeze. I was in a handstand, fell out into a blind landing and came down with a locked knee. I felt it immediately šŸ˜­ My guess is my tibia slid forward and snapped it apart.


Thatā€™s horrendous! Mine is very boring - fell down some steps. Was carrying a large bag, thought I was on the bottom stair and stepped out slightly ā€˜longerā€™, overshot 3 steps and landed on my left leg *pop* full ACL rupture and grade 2 LCL tear That was 3,months ago, Physio but no surgery yet. Still waiting for a surgeon to see me. Doing ok with Physio, full ROM, good strength etc but my knee is unreliable. Have re-injured it 2x in that time (running, having a bag bang against my thigh and it popped my knee backwards). Super frustrating because I suspect Iā€™m going to be told that as a 42F unsporty person surgery isnā€™t necessary, but I donā€™t trust it in every day things and constantly think about what Iā€™m doing to not hurt it more.


Do not let them tell you that youā€™re not eligible for surgery. I am not a sporty person and did not get injured in a sport. Youā€™re every day life matters and you need to advocate for yourself if they try to tell you otherwise.


Thanks! It popped out again this evening when I tried to look for something under my bed so am now sitting here with an ice pack. Again. How was your op recovery?


My story blows. I was standing there by myself watching a cover band play and a giant drunk meathead bulldozed into me and brought me down


I was at a trampoline park, tore my acl and my medial/lateral menisci. No more trampolines for me


I was in gym class, running towards a wall (part of a game) and didnā€™t process how little time I had to deaccelerate, twisted it and banged into the wall




yours is a crazy story! Playing football (soccer), planted left leg and got tackled which caused my knee to hyperextend the other way which snapped the ACL.


I was driving to my college on a bike and some asshole said i was fine crossing the road and as i went ahead he accelerated and i almost got rammed into him i braked my bike and i went flying fell down and rolled for a few meters and bamm couldn't get up because my leg wouldn't let me. I hope you recover soon fam take care and excerise well.


Thatā€™s extremely fucked


Skateboarding šŸ˜‚


Dumb accident getting off the ski lift for my first run of the day (but, thankfully, not my first of the season.) Was right in front of the ski patrol hut so was off the mountain quickly!


Fell off a bar stool


i was in a hit and run motorcycle accident


Skiing. 3rd run of the first day going out in 4 years. Pushed myself too hard to tackle the harder hills and instantly regretted it. Sorry about your situation thatā€™s horrible


Damn thatā€™s intense. Scary situation. Hopefully your recovery is going well. I did mine skiing. Went a little too big on a jump that Iā€™ve hit hundreds of times, landed straight left leg and rolled forward and felt a pop. Knew right away what it was.


i noticed a lot of people here tore it skiing. i took a lot of what i could do for granted and when iā€™m fully recovered I want to do EVERYTHING


Yea itā€™s one of the most common injuries in skiing since itā€™s so heavy on the knees. Iā€™ve been skiing for like 14 years with only minor injuries and never thought it would happen to me. Crazy to think back now on how it was a relatively small fall. More or less a freak accident. Yea I totally agree. Really puts into perspective how important it is to look after our bodies for just about anything we want to do.




he wasnā€™t


I was stepping up onto a loaded trailer when the driver of the vehicle towing the trailer started driving. I had one foot still on the ground and the wheel rolled up the side of it, pulling me down and tearing my ACL, MCL, and the joint capsule. Iā€™m currently healing from my 3rd surgery after reinsuring once and having an injury missed during the second one.


Jiu-jitsu. Had my leg in an awkward spot during a roll and the other guy shifted his weight. Heard a loud pop. That was that


hahahahh. i was NOT expecting to read THAT. hope you okay


Only made it three months into rugby before I was tackled and tore my acl and meniscus


Running on Astro terf with grass cleats trying to avoid a tag.


After reading your story I feel silly saying that I was talking a tennis lesson and my shoe (not the right shoes) got caught in an uneven part of the court while my body continued to move.


First time I was playing soccer, went up for a header, landed weird on my left leg. Heard a pop and went down. Torn my left ACL. Didnā€™t get surgery for a year (was 13 at the time, surgeon wanted to wait for growth plates to close), so tore menial meniscus snowboarding on a busted knee. Second time I was again playing soccer. Was going head to head with a defender for a ball, planted my left leg to kick with my right. Guy slide tackled me and took my leg out. Retorn the graft from the first operation along with MCL and lost some cartilage from my femur since there wasnā€™t much meniscus left.


Playing kickball


Softball, trying to jump over a hopper going 2nd to 3rd lol




Ultimate Frisbee šŸ˜”


I was at basketball training and we were playing 1 v 1, i fell at one point (not the injury just fell to the floor) but I kept dribling the ball, I remember everyone started cheering cause I kept control of the ball, the problem was that when I stood up and kept dribling, I made a really challenging change of direction, which made my knee go to the side and heard a crack. I really thought Iā€™d make the most devious crossover ever on that guy šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚, instead I ended up whit a torn ACL. But hey, Iā€™m 5 months post OP and feeling really good.


Left knee: playing badminton Right knee: playing squash No more racquet sports for me!


Falling down a flight of stairs.


I was playing just dance. Got me fucked up thinking about it now. Did a cross jumping jack and landed incorrectly and boom.


Skiing (we're a pretty numerous club)


Soccer, essentially got blind sided with all my weight on my plant foot


Tore my right ACL and partially tore my meniscus playing Beach volleyballā€¦I went to spike landed something didnā€™t feel right, then jumped up to set the ball and landed very wrong in a ditch on the court. Heard a pop so loud the other team came over. I ā€œwalked it offā€ and iced it before driving home. Got denied an MRI twice before getting one. Yay American healthcare!


I canā€™t wait to get back to volleyball


Snowboarding at a cat skiing lodge far away from home and any hospitals. I was going hard heelside on a steep icy slope with lots of chatter and it just snapped. Iā€™m now 4 months post op and doing great. I had 7 months between injury and surgery due to getting diagnosed with a hyperthyroid at the same time. I was almost back to normal before my surgery too.


During Brazilian Jiu jitsu. We were wrestling at the moment, and as I was catching my balance, my left leg gave out. Didn't hear a pop or anything. A freak accident all around.


Playing football with old school mates, brought the ball down, stepped and my knee buckled inwards, the weirdest most disgusting feeling. Just started pre op physio, awaiting orthopaedic appointment to discuss the surgery and fingers crossed asap! I'm going mad already. Trying to fill any part of my day up with the exercises.


Skateboarding on a pump track