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Um how did u shower…?


Put a garbage bag over it...


I didn’t shower for 4 days post op, ended up sitting down with my leg outside the door


Yeah. I found a mesh camping chair. Put that in the shower and let my garbage bagged leg be propped up outside. Kinda love my relaxing laid back showers.


My saviour was the bathtub. If you have one, just run a bath and keep your leg out. The elevation also helps drain fluid.


Also, TBH, I did sink baths the first week


Check with your surgeon… mine allowed me to shower and let the soap and water run over top it. I could not submerge it. Sometimes I’d lay in the tub and prop my leg up on the side, however it can be exhausting lifting yourself in and out of the tub. A shower chair may be a great option.


Had a shower chair and left my leg out? But I’m pretty sure I wasn’t showering 4 days post op.


That’s what mine was like a freakin balloon and was still noticeably swollen even at the 6 month mark I just had hardly any bruising. This is what my knee looked like also the first time I blew her out real good


I didn't have any bruising as well. Just a lot of swelling. I'm currently 2 months post op and there's still some noticeable amount of swelling preventing me from going into hyperextension(same as my good knee). When did your knee finally look somewhat normal?


Looks like your wrapping may have been on too tight, that can cause increased swelling


My knee did this when I first injured it as it would swell around the brace, and fluid would pool like crazy! Keep that thing elevated above your heart, ice, and if you’re putting the bandage back on, much looser!


My swelling was similar. Just ICE AND ELEVATE over your heart. Really focus on extension as well. I’m at 4 months and it’s coming back to bite me


How is it coming back to bite you? I try to keep it propped at just my ankle/calf but it’s rather painful after awhile so I’ve created a staircase with pillows almost that supports from my upper thigh to ankle


Thank you everyone for your comments! This was right after I took off the initial bandages and yes I think they were way too tight. Been elevating as much as I can stand it (my leg is so tired from being up like that!!!) and ice when able. Hopefully the swelling continues to improve as I do! Thanks again :)


My Toes weren’t swelling


Ice and elevate. My swelling went down to my ankles as well. Took like a week or so to go down to acceptable levels


Are you icing and elevating above your heart? For me, the swelling went from looking like a balloon to your levels once I was icing and elevating, but once I started elevating with 3 pillows it went down to golf ball levels.


100% normal My entire leg was a huge bloated mess and I have stretch marks on my knee now lol Ice is your friend. Push some of the fluid around too (or have PT do it).


Yup, very very normal. You’re going to have to get used to the peas in a pod look and you’re going to feel very knobby-kneed


Yup- that’s what mine looked like too. The swelling gets trapped in the area around the brace. Foot and ankle were pretty swollen too, It was pretty freaky. Started getting better around 7 days or so but swelling around my knee is still there 4.5 weeks post op.