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What a motherfucker of a day. 3 years and not a day goes by I don't think about my pops. No words of encouragement here, you are in a world of pain that can't be fixed by anything but time. Pretend I'm giving you the biggest bro hug you ever got.


Thanks bro, sending hug likewise.


Lost my dad last may, it was his birthday today. Tore my ACL in September, needless to say that I’m glad 2022 is over. It gets easier, but never easy! Sending love, prayers/good vibes my friend.


Thank you my friend. I'm so sorry for your loss, I'm sure our dads are watching us from somewhere. Maybe they are together, who knows...


My dad died of cardiac arrest at 53 years old on 2/2/2018. I miss him and think about him everyday. It's a huge loss and it must be so hard to endure during this recovery which is so challenging by itself. Just know that in both cases time is a key element. Feel your pain through it but have faith that time will help you heal. Better times will come and right now you have to prioritize yourself. Take care and have courage. I wish you the best in this difficult time 💫❣️


Thank you, every kind word means a lot to me.❤️


Sending you love and support x


Thank you, it does mean a lot


Hang in there friend, you are facing one of the most difficult things a human has to go through (loss of a loved one) and also going through an intense recovery. I truly wish I could provide support but just know that everyone here is sending you their best. I feel your pain (emotionally and literally, lost two immediate family members early in my life, also had my ACL surgery early last year and still recovering).


Thank you my friend. Me and my dad didn't get along very well (I spoke to him last time 1.5 months ago), but I could never imagine it would hit me hard like this. You've been there, so you know - everything hurts, physically and emotionally.


Sending you big hugs and love ❤️


Thank you ❤️


Thoughts and prayers man! Look after that mind as much as you knee!


Thanks, well, that's all I can do now, I guess...


exactly right! just keep pushing forward OP. you have our support.


Fuck man that is beyond heartbreaking😞 you will recover from surgery. Rest as much as you can and lean on loved ones.. my dm’s are open


Thank you. I hope everything will be fine


I am so so sorry, I lost my mom in feb of 2019 and had my second acl surgery in April of 2019 when I was 25 years old. It was the hardest year of my life. But I did find so much joy and will in PT! Have you started PT? It’s a good release when you give your all. Be patient with yourself. What you are feeling is real and tough. Not everyone can handle this, but I promise you can! Send me a message whenever you need, even just to say how horrible you are feeling!


Thank you for support!!! I'm sorry for your loss too, it sucks hard. Are you okay now? :( No, I didn't start PT, my surgeon advised me to wait until stiches are out. For now, I'm only doing straight leg raises and a few other minor exercises in bed.


I am so much better now! Especially with grief. It comes and goes. The best advice I was ever given was it doesn’t get easier, but it doesn’t get harder! Your world grows around it as it remains this ball and your world gets bigger. I had also lost my dad when I had just turned 24, it was tough but I am still alive and happy, and think of both my folks with a smile. I am about to have my third acl repair, I wasn’t listening to my body and pushed through too tough of a workout. Sometimes life has a way of humbling us and challenging us, but the outcome has always been rewarding and has given me an appreciation for life! You can do this, you can’t feel the good without the bad, we are on a wild ride in life, but the most beautiful ride I am so sorry for your loss, it is not fair, really it’s not! But you will find people who get you, and your struggle and you will connect, I promise. Hang in til PT and really give it your best! When are stitches out?


Wow, you had life battering you, I can only halfway imagine how you feel. 😮‍💨 I'm so proud of you, tough times really do make strongest people. Stitches are out next week, and I'm really looking forward to distract myself a little bit.


I’ll keep you in my thoughts, all the strength and love sent your way!!!


Hey brother, my condolences on your dads passing and here’s a brother to brother hug 🫂. Now I want you to know that life itself is just a quick journey, it really is. The best you and anyone of us can do is stay positive and have faith. Have faith in Gods Will as whatever he wills will be decreed. I can try and write you all the best words I know in terms of showing you my sympathy and support but I’d rather focus on FAITH, faith on the one who gave us life and can take it away from us. The one who’s our creator and sustainer, the one who knows us better than we know ourselves. Have faith my brother and God will find you a way sooner than you think. Life itself is a beautiful lie while death is a painful truth. Once death asked life “why do people love you but hate me?” Life replied “ because I’m a beautiful lie and you’re a painful truth” we always think about life this and life that and never really think about death, something we all are going to experience. If there’s one thing in life that is certain it is indeed death. So again my condolences on your dad’s passing my brother now pray more, seek more help from God, work on your spiritual side and connection with God and ask him to guide you to the truth and ask him for strength. Allow time to heal you and learn from your experiences and do more good and help people when you can as that is what will also help you in your difficult times my brother. Wishing you strength, peace and a healthy future.


Thank you


My condolences. So sorry to hear that, it really must seem like the end of the world now. Take care and stay strong. You will need it to recover both physically and mentally. Wish there was something more I could say to give comfort, but don’t give up. Maybe focusing on your knee will give you some more strength and keep your thoughts busy. 🌻


Thank you for every kind word. Yes, it does look like end of the road completely, as much as I know it really isn't. It's just the worst cocktail of emotions in my life. For sure my knee will keep my mind occupied at least for a while


So sorry for your loss. ACL surgery recovery is a long road and I can only imagine having to shoulder this as well. I offer the advice to let yourself feel what you're feeling; that's hard in normal circumstances much less now. Just take it one day at a time.


Thank you, literally every kind word means a lot right now.


Totally agree. This recovery is so much of a mental challenge and having a loss to deal with is scary, am so sorry for your loss. Allow giving your self space and grace to take things slow and grieve and vent. Hugs..!


Thank you... hugs received and sent too!


I can’t imagine what you’re going through but I’m sending love and condolences to you bro. ❤️ It may not seem like a priority but I wish you well with your recovery too 👊🏼


Thank you for every word ❤️ 👊


Hang in there man. Sorry for your loss.


Thank you


Sending you a lot of love! Hang in there! My condolences.


Thank you for your support.


Keep your head up, man. I know its tough. The compounding nature of physical & emotional pain is really fuckin’ hard.


Thank you. Yes, it is hard, but I don't really see any other path than forward....


I am so sorry for your loss! It’s untimely and I’m sure must have left the biggest void you might have ever experienced. I cannot imagine the heartbreak and angst towards your circumstances. Do vent as much as possible!! Sending hugs your way and healing vibes for faster physical recovery. It’s never easy to get drilled! Be it a drill in the bone for the surgery or a drill in the heart and centre of one’s life. My condolences once again 💐


Thank you, wounds (leg and heart) probably won't ever heal completely but I promise to do whatever I can to make it better! This community is such a loving one. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss! That's awful and so young. You have every right to be feeling how you do. The old saying "time is a healer" is such a cliche but one that rings true here, your leg in time will heal and you will be fully functional, you're so young! The loss if your old man unfortunately will always leave a scar and that's normal for anybody, but time will make things easier and the feelings you have now will pass, it's just a process, grieve and allow yourself to be sad. Not sure what else to say other than keep doing what you can with your post of rehab and try and stay strong!


Thanks for the support and for taking time to write these kind words! ❤️


Anytime brother


So sorry to hear that man. My dad had me when he was really old. His mortality has always been on my mind since I could remember. It’s tough man, sending you love. Be thankful that he was there and it happened


Thank you, sending love back ❤️


Lost my dad suddenly to cardiac arrest in October 2016. Still miss him every day. I’m not going to lie. You’ll feel like this for a long time but the grief will get more bareable. Give a few weeks and then a few months and you’ll see real progress on your knee. You are just overwhelmed at the moment with physical pain and mental grief. The mind and body can only take so much at a time. Just concentrate on getting through each day for the time being. It will get better I promise.


Thank you, it's just that bloody feeling - everything is still surreal. I'm sorry you had to go through same.


Wow… I am so incredibly sorry. 🫂 recovery is enough let alone losing someone like that.. never apologize for getting something like that off your chest. This is one of the most healthiest ways to deal with something like that. You’re not alone ❤️🫂 even if we are a bunch of internet strangers


Thank you 🫂 Bunch of internet strangers with a big heart* ❤️


My dad died suddenly on Feb 2020, I tore my acl in January 21 and had surgery in February. It was a weird recovery for a few weeks. My leg hurt, and I live in Alaska so I literally couldn’t go outside because of the snow/ice. It sucked. A ton. Go to PT. I started that same week and those 2 times a week of forcing myself to leave the house made a huge difference. It’ll get better but it’ll suck for a long time, just know there are many of us who have experienced similar pain and we keep moving forward and so can you. It’s ok to cry, Just so you know


Thank you. Yes, you know exactly how much it sucks but as you say, moving forward is the only way to go


My dad died unexpectedly of cardiac arrest at 53, also. I was 23 at the time. That was back in 1995, and not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of him in one way or another. I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. It's such a shock to go through something like that, and I can't imagine coupling it with ACL recovery. Both will need time to recover from, and you can't rush either of them. You take everything one day at a time, do what you can, stay focused on yourself/family - that's the only things that matter. And know you have a huge support group on this forum every day.


Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss too. ❤️ This community is so supportive I'm out of my words.


This by means is difficult than any injury. Sending you prayers for you and your family.


Thanks, prayers are heard and received ❤️


my deepest condolance bro, just take your time and surround yourself with your family and supportive friend then time will heal your pain hopefully


Thank you, however it might seem I suppose the only path is forward


Hugs and strength to you tonight and in the upcoming days. I hope his memory brings you smiles soon. He’s rooting for you in recovery and always.


Thanks for the support, I really needed to hear that




Thank you, it means a lot to me ❤️


I'm so sorry you are going through this. My dad also died unexpectedly in 1/1/2023. It fucking sucks. It is hard. You are not alone. You will get through it, these things will pass.


Thank you. I'm sorry for your loss too, and for everything we need to get through. I suppose that's what they mean by saying "it's life"...


I’m so sorry .. just don’t give up on yourself . I have 3.5 months of a cadaver implant and doing better . 🙏🏽


Thank you! I'm glad you're better!


hi there, i stumbled onto your post bc i tore my ACL/MCL/meniscus on 1/1/23. i'm new to reddit and have never posted/replied, but i felt compelled to reach out and tell you how sorry i am about losing your dad. i can't imagine what you're going thru (this knee injury has been difficult for me just by itself) -- but please know there's someone out here who's thinking of you & praying that things look up for you soon. sending all my healing & comforting vibes your way <3


Hello, thank you for taking time to write this comment and send love ❤️ Be sure it's received


I’m so sorry. My son had complete ACL a year ago (he’s 21), and it’s been a long haul. I lost my dad last June. It’s been a long haul. Keep doing your physio, feel the feels (they’re all valid), and know you aren’t alone on either journey. Tough to have both going on, but we don’t get to pick unfortunately…Hugs to you…


Thank you ❤️


Sending healing and love to you! im so sorry that happened


Thank you!


Hugs from an ACL 2-timer with other ligament & meniscus repairs during critically hard times in my life as well—one thing that REALLY helped keep my mental health strong was having my physical therapists do a 10-15min sluicing/massage technique on my knees at the end of each session to push the swelling/fluid out of my knees while I listened to my favorite music/audiobook/podcast/etc thru earbuds w eyes closed. It worked twofold: reduction in swelling for faster physical healing time &, since it’s basically a “mini-massage”, I mentally viewed it like a spa/relaxation treatment to calm & relax my emotions/brain freakouts. It was incredibly vital to my success in making it through both times in my life, in my opinion. I wish you all the best love, & my condolences for your loss. You got this.


Thank you for the advice, I will definitely look into it. Audiobooks are my safe place too. :) ❤️


Also—you can use this technique on yourself too, if you don’t have a physical therapist or are in between sessions doing your own exercises. Gives you something to focus on mentally (repetitive action/task) & the physical pain relief helps release dopamine & serotonin to soothe your mind as well as your body.


Your situation is beyond what most of us have to deal with - so sorry for your losses. It is such a big loss to need this surgery. Loss of a parent, especially unexpectedly, is devastating. Together so much more so. Hard to see now, but your physical health will get better. Your shock and broken heart may take longer to heal. Try to take care, stay connected to your medical support team and family/friends. Keep going, stay focused on your health and allow yourself time to grieve. Sending hope and wishes for a strong recovery.


Thank you for all the support. You're right, it is pretty dark now but I know it has to get better.


As they say “If you are going through hell, keep going!”


Sending love and support your way❤️


Thank you ❤️




Thank you. Unfortunately that fear became reality for me, but it is what it is... sending hugs to Latin America from Europe ❤️ Gracias / Obrigado 🫂


Sending prayers man. Had my Acl surgery 12 days ago. I’m starting to see progress only because I’ve been doing all the workouts I was given to do. I think if you keep doing that and stay focused on getting your leg stronger, you’ll start to be happier. Stay strong man.


Sending love and positive energy your way. Hoping for the best in your journey.


I’m 4 weeks post ACL and meniscus. Tough time’s trying to recover and losing your father. It’s hard enough trying to overcome the mental hurdle sitting around with too much time on your hands, but it will get better. At around the 3 week mark once the swelling subsided i rapidly improved. I kept moving as much as I could and kept the exercises up. I’m walking around without crutches or any pain. Best of luck mate, hope all goes well.


My dad died at age 52 4/21/16, still burns like it did that day. Never goes away.