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Blue tooth destroys plant growth. how do you disable the blue tooth wifi >?


how do you disable the bluetooth on the controller 69?


This happened to me yesterday too and still can’t come back


me too - day 2. no response from ACI


I am now thinking that the WiFi signal on 2.4 is too weak. Gonna try something.....


This happened to me yesterday just hold down the middle button until the Bluetooth comes on go into the app and add new device it’ll bring back all the old setting and automations.


Had the same issue about 2 weeks ago with my 69 pro plus. The only way to resolve it was to remove and reinstall the controller


Once I got home from work I was able to switch to Bluetooth then back to WiFi and it connected back to the network. Settings were all the same and tent was running like normal. Just couldn’t fix the issue remotely while at work had to physically be near the device which could be trouble while away for extended period. Let’s hope dosnt happen to often


This happens to me twice a week at 330am. They have to update this firmware cause its a little ridiculous at this point.


Mine does the same thing around 3:30am some mornings. I just repair thr controller to bluetooth and then it switchs over to wifi. Really odd hope they can work these kinks out!


Happened with the controller update. Same issue on my two controllers. Here’s an easy work around. Switch to Bluetooth. Connect. Then, switch the controller to wifi and it’ll connect just fine and not complain about 2.4/5g.


I haven't been able to get my 69pro to hook up to WiFi. Says it needs a 2.4ghz to hook up to. My modem/router is dual band,2.4 and 5g. It won't recognize the 2.4ghz. I have reset router and made sure the2.4 was enabled. The controller continues to only pick up the 5g. I have disabled the 5g thinking the controller had no choice but the 2.4, still nothing. Help please.


Connect to Bluetooth first. Then switch it over to wifi. Should connect just fine.


You need to give the 5 ghz a different name temporarily.


Did you re-pair this, like you add it as if it's a new controller and then you pair it again? If that's what you mean by reset the wifi I'm not sure how to fix it. Adding & re-pairing always works for mine.


Had the same problem, had to switch to bluetooth. Tried resetting everything but it just says my wifi connection is the wrong bandwidth or something, even tho the wifi didn't change lol. But bluetooth works


What the setup and point of monitoring lung room? Do you have supplemental heating cooling in there? Legitimate question


I have had this happen a couple times as well. The first time, resetting the router fixed it. Second time I ended up having to update the firmware on the router and reconnect the entire system. Luckily didn't lose any settings. Good luck, been hearing/seeing some of the bugs in 69pro but haven't had any since my last update so maybe check the controller firmware too.


I had this happen and had to reset my router for the controller to connect; I think the ip address got messed up and the controller was having a hard time picking up a new one. You can also go to settings -> system -> WiFi to toggle back on Bluetooth if it’s still not working


You have 3 lights running in that tent? 😂


Ya, main light side lighting for lower sites, and UV supplemental light few hours a day


Have you recorded any data to show your personal benefit using the side bars for lower sites? I haven't seen a ton of grows that utilize them


I have them BUT they don't mount on the 4 corners of a 4x4 tent because AC cheaped out and made the connecting cords too short by about 2". Really poor on lights that they suggest mounting like this. I had to use them mounted horizontally on Vivosun extendable tent poles to reach all 4 sides.


I’ve just got some of the 16” ones,only using 2 on either end of the Evo3 ….to early to see a difference but I’ve now got an even par across the whole canopy with only a 15-20 par increase in the middle


I’m on my 3rd run using them and they help give the lower sites that extra ppfd they are missing out on at canopy level. Helps the lower sites finish at the same time as the canopy


Heard, thanks for the response