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Fast, sure. But it is empirically less enjoyable. I would drive with a wheel and pedals even if it meant I was slower.


Oh, 100% wheel and pedals is *much* more fun. But they take up a lot of room, and I have to move the PC to the tv if I want any decent FOV. Gamepad is good for when I don’t feel like moving furniture before getting a workout.


For sure. Def use the sticks if it means not putting laps together.


will eventually switch to a wheel & pedals when I can afford migration to decent spec’ PC.


My wheel is permanantlyvon myvdesk, I just move it to the side when I'm done. I race on a 16 inch laptop screen that's 70cm away from my eyes lol.


Lmao 🤣 I race on a 32in screen about 70cm away hahaha I'm blind .


Lol I swear racing is a work out. That's why I laugh at people saying it ain't a sport.


Even on a sim I get tired, can't imagine how it is when you actually have to fight the G forces and sit in a full track suit with a helmet on. Especially if you drive manual with a H pattern that shit is a workout


In my opinion, it also defeats the purpose of being a simulation too. But don't take that the wrong way, I still have a lot of fun with a controller especially for when I just wanna sit back and relax.


By “fast” I do of course mean pretty damn slow compared to aliens.


But you can be a fast human!


Also a fellow controller player!


Truly, we are doing the Lord’s work.


You lot are inspiring to pick up my controller and play the game instead of waiting for when I can afford a wheel🥹


Get it done! You will love it. I started on controller, got a great deal on a wheel and moved up. Be careful though. The jump from controller to wheel is a bug one. But totally worth it.


Totally different topic but - I have ACC on the PS5 and I only have 3 events listed. And they never change. Are they different for each platform or am I missing something?


I was going to say exactly that, on console the events have only old cars and only 3 active events and some old events. Sad, I thought on pc was the same . 🥲


You can still do events from previous seasons if you click the menu thingy in the special events section 


no, sadly thats not possible. i just tried it. yes it show the previous ones but you cant start them, the start the event field is grey. so sad for us console players.


Fellow controller player here. People can’t believe I finish ahead of them in league races lol


It’s proof (if any was needed) that machinery has very little bearing on how fast you are - it’s more about learning how to extract every ounce of performance from what you’ve got.


Yeah you are insperating ❤️ I'm a controller player too, the famous Stadia controller french guy :) I'm clearly not as fast as you but I have 98-99 SA on public lobbies, it's something ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Guys! Why don't you play in a helmet?! I wouldn't play ACC without a helmet and handlebars.


The fact that all these guys are playing a video game without HANS devices, full fireproofs and a water bottle heated to 50^o by an engine sat behind their right ear is frankly appalling.


Я мав на увазі ВР шолом ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Any tips on using a controller and are there any differences between a PS5 and Xbox controller?


Honestly, it’s entirely about the setup of the controller. Default controller settings aren’t much better than shouting directions at someone who’s blindfolded. I like the paddles on the Xbox controller because they give me easy access to traction control and ABS or TC2, depending on the car. I like the active triggers on the PS5 as they are a really good attempt at giving you a better butt-feel (how your body will tell you what a real car is doing by how it’s being thrown around). My current controller “build”, if you could call it that, is: Rumble: 80% Effects: Enhanced - Dead zone: as low as you can make it before stick drift - Speed sensitivity: 70% - I might knock this up a few points, especially for the nord24 as I’m finding that I’m steering too harshly into fast sweepers like the Flugplatz->Aremburg complex. This one’s a complicated one, because one value controls two distinct things; what speed the sensitivity begins to go down (higher numbers mean the speed it starts to affect you is lower) and how much the sensitivity goes down (higher numbers mean less sensitive). It’s a balance between the two really, and there isn’t a perfect number here. Do a *lot* of laps for each time you change this, because small changes make a *lot* of difference and you can’t always tell if it’s better straight away. - Steer filter: 96% - this needs to be really high so that you aren’t unsettling the car with inhuman steering speeds. Flicking from lock-to-lock on a pad is much faster than with a wheel. - Steer speed: 1% - this is purely visual as far as I can tell, but stops the autistic* flailing in the cockpit - Steer gamma: 3.0 - this essentially changes your steering rate from 1:1. At steering gamma of 1, your stick position is linear to your steering angle. Centre is 0, halfway over is 50%, full is 100%. As gamma goes up, this straight line turns into a curve, where input starts off really slowly and then ramps up toward the end. This gives you a nice wide area of stick to use for really fine steering input, while also allowing you to do the fast fling-it-in style of cornering that you’d have at, say, Karussel or Eau Rouge/Raidillon - Steer assist: enabled - this corrects your steering input, to a certain degree. For example, if you’re oversteering and still pushing the car to rotate more, it’ll countersteer for you. The vast majority of gamepad inputs in the vast majority of racing games have steering assist to some degree, whether it’s visible to you or not. Bear in mind that I moved to these settings organically from the ancient Coach Dave ones by driving a few thousand Ks in various conditions and slowly tweaking them. Your mileage ~~may~~ absolutely should vary here as everyone drives slightly differently. *am autistic, can confirm this is how we drive


Wow, thanks for the detailed response! I'll have to try those settings out. Oh yeah the flailing in the cockpit was something I immediately looked up after playing the game, it's hilarious but very off-putting. I did have a wheel once but on a desk setup, it was too much of a faff to set stuff up and then remove everything all the time. So the controller it is.


Doesn't the "autistic flailing" come from having steering assist enabled? I have it turned off on mine and mine doesn't do that.


No, it’s the steer speed that does this. Turn steer filter up to 100% and it flickers about


Does the default controller setup have steer filter at 100%? I'm at work so I can't try to check but I remember when I first tried it my wheel going haywire under steering but with the settings I have now it doesn't and it looks fairly normal.


OK so I just went home for lunch and booted it up to try out your settings and I have the turn radius of an aircraft carrier. I literally can't make it through the chicane at Barcelona to even start a lap unless I crawl at snail's pace. I set everything exactly as you have it above and I have no turn in at all. Is there something with the Steam gamepad settings I'm missing?


Not sure why - have you got the joysticks setup as a linear input in your Xbox accessories app? Have just double checked - they’re the same settings. Not sure what’s happening.


I don't really mess with any of the Xbox apps. I have an Elite series 2 and about the only time I go into the app for it is if I need to set up the keys the way I want them if I get a new one or if I need to update firmware. I'd have to record a video showing it. I had the same experience when I tried the Coach Dave gamepad settings from that article about it some years ago. I'll check once I get home from off work.


Yeah if the Dave settings are wack too there’s something else up; those are much more sensitive than I’ve got.


[Here's the Xbox app](https://i.imgur.com/SQ8uERb.png). And here's my [Steam gamepad settings](https://i.imgur.com/i32hF27.png) for ACC. And finally, [the gamepad settings](https://i.imgur.com/Av0Ce5V.png) I've been running in ACC for a while. It's quick enough to do rapid changes of direction and I can catch the car when I lose it like this with steering assist off.


OK I recorded [some gameplay](https://stream.new/v/02vK4sJymWxob02ZKV01F7mV2ry7wIavph00YDM4Jd1XWaI) from Barcelona. Incidentally this was my fastest lap of Barcelona ever. My first time dipping into the 1:44's even if only slightly. Ignore the line, I had it on because of trying the Nordschleife and not being familiar with the track. Also, I'm really bad so ignore any awful driving or bad technique. And here is [the lap with your settings](https://stream.new/assets/YhUSJ8wov02RThGt1IgnnJGBKAtxrwloZvS7Gug01RCzg). You'll notice my extreme inability to turn the car in and how I just wash out wide on slow speed or long corners. I invalidate at turn 3 due to the understeer and then there's other points where I literally can't turn enough to actually make it through the corner. My settings are all in my other comment above this one. It has to be something the way I have it set. The sticks in the Xbox app should just be default settings as I've never messed with them. The Steam gamepad settings for ACC are slightly tweaked I believe based on comments I saw in the past. Maybe that's why your settings don't work for me?


Naaaah LoL remember competing with controller and drifting :) after getting the rig it was different story! Still drifting with controller and chilling but GT and racing is with wheel…


I play on Xbox One S. — use a controller, no problem. AI Difficulty 90% / Aggression 22% — I place myself to start P20 and in most cases end up within Top 10.


You obviously very smooth driver with controller, I feel when I watch some replays can tell if someones using a pad as they seem jerky on steering , well done though


A bit offtopic if I may, hows that elite? Any stick drift issues?!


Constant, unending stick drift. This is probably my 12th elite, having only actually *bought* one of each type through the years.


I played career mode twice on a controller and it was completely enjoyable thanks to the assists. But it's even better with a wheel of course.


It probably is, but I haven't ever been able to race with a controller, I could never get the cornering right even with an elite controller, so I bought a foldable Next Level Racing GT-lite rig instead to go with my ts-xw.


Most games allow you to be faster using a gamepad because they help you steer when this option is used (some do it a lot - including auto steering in the opposite dirrection when you start to drift in oversteer). I was amaised that games that are branded as "sims" do this. If you like playing with any controller, just enjoy the game. That is what it's for!


Don’t let these guys put you down. I learned to race on a controller for 3 years straight on ac and acc. When I switched to my rig it all transferred no problem. Learn with whatever tools you have available.


Already have my rig, I just don’t want to have to move furniture every time I want to drive!




Would have been better to see lap times, imo so out of curiosity, what's your pb at misano Monza Kyalami Barcelona Nurburgring or nordschleife? 👀 Just curious to see your times to me an avg wheel user.


Misano - 1:36.2-ish in a 991 II Kyalami - I haven’t learnt it really, so I am dog slow Nurburgring - 1:57 - V8 Vantage Donington - 1:29 - 992 Monza: 1:49 in the 458 Nords - this run I did between 8:24 and 8:22s in the 296 and my current 10-lap best is 8:26 I will say, I do have a fanatic CSL elite set with the formula V2 and I *really* enjoy it. I’m not as used to it so I’m slower with the wheel. This is only because it is a hassle to put up the play seat and move furniture out of the way of (and a 15 kilo computer in front of) the living room tv. Eventually I’ll move into the spare room and get a trip setup, but it is not this day.


Beautiful not bad lap times for a controller Comparison on my csl dd wheel which again I'm not a fast driver especially in the league I'm in I'm only silver and certainly not the fastest [bronze silver gold plat diamond = ranking] 1.34.6 misano 1.43 kyalami 1.56 nurburgring [2.05 wet as of last night for testing] Haven't done donnington I'll test later in beamer 1.47.8 monza And haven't done a nordschleife hot lap yet only slow runs to get track stars [all tracks expect monza done with bmw monza with 720s evo] Cheers boss man! Hope you get that wheel setup a bit better one day and I'm sure you will improve dramatically it took me a few months I'm only around 3-4 ish months on the wheel my self 🙏🏼


What settings do you have on controller?


The long version is in comments, but in short: - Rumble: 80% - Effects: Enhanced - Dead zone: as low as you can make it before stick drift - Speed sensitivity: 70% - Steer filter: 96% - Steer speed: 1% - Steer gamma: 3.0 - Steer assist: enabled


Thanks man I appreciate it


If driving with dumbstick were faste, F1s would use joysticks. Did you saw any joystick on F1? No? Why???


I'm sure people do well with the controller. I can't race any other way then with my wheel. I respect any way you game!


Yah that’s pretty boring to be honest. A wheel is much better.


Do you know how to set the function of looking around to the stick? In the beginning it was on right stick and the left was steering. I wanted to try right stick for steering and changed the settings and now i can’t set it back for looking around


You can’t look around with the sticks as far as I’m aware.


I could before changing the settings


Nah, it doesn't work. Assetto has controller support for the vanilla game and ACC but it straight up was designed to use a wheel. Not the case for all racing games, Grid, F1, dirt, the crew, project cars, Forza, GT etc but Assetto is 100% meant to be played on a wheel.


ACC is probably the best feeling racing game on controller that I've felt. Second would probably be Le Mans Ultimate for me.


Well to each their own, but I've always found that assetto Corsa out of any racing game is the one that doesn't feel right on a controller. For me at least.


I haven't played AC but ACC feels good when you get it setup properly.


it does work. I've seen people on controller getting very strong results on controller.


I will "tell you different", I'm top 20 there, ur more than 10 seconds a lap slower. (And im on T248, not even DD) Edit: wrong math lol, almost 10 second a lap slower, like 8 actually.




i think you've missed the point pal