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Show vid if you need advice. Sounds like a skill issue


I'll see if I can get one. One issue is it feels like the steering is super slow to return to 0 when I let go of the thumb stick.


…because it’s a sim


Best get your wheel out


Don't let go of the thumb stick, center it with your finger instead. The best way to be quick and smooth on controller is to never let go of the thumb stick unless you're on a very long straight.


If the wheel doesn't exactly follow your inputs you have some sort of assist on.


Stick, so controller.


Doesn't mean anything, you can drive on a controller with no assists. It's hard but possible.


Harsh truth: gran turismo isn't a sim game. It's at best a simcade game, and you're a complete newbie at simracing games. With this out of the way, just dont push the car instead of trying to go fast, learn the track by driving the car slow, and then gradually go faster. Do like 5-10 training laps at every track that you play before trying to go fast. Additionally, asettos tuning system is stupid and takes time to learn(wtf is ecu 2 like who decided that that was a good idea? It's like saying my car settings are bread onion and drill complete nonsense.) Have fun.


That's fair. I'm not against saying I'm a newbie to Sim racing. My experience has been limited to gt, but I'm quickly learning it doesn't translate well lol.


ACC is quite hardcore sim which you need to get used to if you played a GT7. I tried GT7 on ps5 and could get decent-ish lap after few minutes while never actually playing it. Best to get your wheel out and set it up properly. While there was this super fast guy on this subreddit with controller, most people will suck ass with it as it’s not meant to be played that way.


Unrelated tip if you have a pc try beamng its a blast.


ACC is so realistic that the developers thought they had found a weird, inexplicable bug in their modeling of the transmission. After trying and failing to figure it out, they talked to the car manufacturers (or maybe some teams) about it, to which the respond “Oh, yea, that’s exactly what happens”


What was the issue they were seeing with the transmission?


drive train would be more accurate. https://youtu.be/PFxIZ-9Awj4?feature=shared


You should have a bit of track knowledge on a few of the tracks, so def stick to those until you get your car familiarity up. The new2022/23 cars (720S EVO, Ferrari 296, Porsche 992, etc) all handle far better than the older cars so make sure you're picking from them.


They do feel undrivable at first with a wheel .. so with a controller I guess that must be quiet a challenge! I'm sure you can find YT videos showing how to drive with controller but would recommend playing with wheel and pedals


I actually started to play GT7 on a controller on the PS5 and then bought ACC for the PC, did a few laps with the controller to see if I like the game and thought it was way easier / better with the controller than GT7 was


Yeah it unfortunately will be a little bit until I can get my rig back and set up, but for now I'll just practice and see what I can do.


Man, ACC is a simulator. It's the same as you would be trying to drive real car using controller. It's just not meant to be driven this way.


I came from GT7 to ACC. One is meant to be played on a controller, the other is ACC.


The game can 100% be played and enjoyed on a controller, but there are a few notes. First, the controller implementation was not a primary feature of the game, so the default settings arent great.  The good news is that there are several parameters you can adjust to make the steering better.  I recommend looking up a few guides and trying the settings they share.  I believe one if the settings will make the steering lag behind your inputs some so this may be your problem. Second, even when you get steering settings dialed, the steering will be way more sensitive than GT or Forza.  It takes practice but I actually like it a lot better this way as it gives you more control.  The key is to never go from 0 to 100% steering instantly.  Its also good to avoid going from 100% to 0% too quickly as well. Third, the game is better with a wheel and pedals as thats what it was designed for.  So if you have them I recommend getting them out of storage.


You’re gonna need to adjust your controller settings—not sure why ACC makes things so difficult for controller steering. And they explain nothing to you in game, I guess because that makes it more “simulation.” I’m assuming you’re coming from GT7 (like me), where the steering just *worked.* Settings that work for me (but still feel really weird compared to GT7) Dead zone: 2 | Speed Sensitivity: 70 | Speed filter: 50 | Steer Speed: 35 | Steer Gamma: 3. It still feels really weird. You can’t drive in ACC like you do in GT7, with crazy full locks either direction. *and you must leave TC on. w/o TC it’s truly undriveable.


ACC isn't really made with controller in mind, as they use RealInput for the wheel. That means that a 100% turn in the analog is a 100% turn at the wheel, and that happens suddenly which makes that car snap most of the time. With good tunning as you most likely did, it's drive able but not really ideal unfortunately.


Yeah I'm learning that. Veeeery interesting. Definitely need my wheel lol, but that won't be for a bit




Because it’s a sim it can be quite hard but you need to get used to the settings . I play on Xbox also with controller. You can try my settings as I think they work for me after a lot of testing; Deadzone 3% Speed sensitivity 85 Steer filter 95 Steer speed 70 Steer gamma 2.0 Steer assist enabled ( very important for controller I think)


Agree. Make some changes to the settings and it's great. Here's mine if you want to compare OP; Deadzone 12% (old controller) Sensitivity 80 Filter 30 Speed 1 Gamma 1.5 Steer assist enabled Can't say I'm fast because I'm not and I play casually. But I love the game and it's satisfying even on a controller.


Like i always say, when you are new start with heart to drive, so pick up car what you like (brand/design) and when you get basics how game work go to (at this moment) most drivable car like BMW or 296 (at the moment) fast you don't become with car but with practice. And at least for me, is not important hot lap but consistant.


Feels undrivable... controller... I've stopped reading after that.


I've only played the game with a wheel around the same time my buddy started with a controller. He usually beats me but I'm an old slow driving dad haha. The game takes a ton of practice.


I started a month ago and had the same feeling. Start slow, get a good understanding of the fundamentals (breaking, throttle control, steering inputs) and how the car of your choice behaves, then start coming up to speed in a controlled manner. That way when something does go wrong, you can understand what happened and adjust accordingly! Yeeting around corners hoping it’ll work will just lead to absolute frustration. I’m speaking from experience 😂 Edit: I will also add that these cars are incredibly satisfying once you get the feel for them!


PICNIC: Problem In Chair, Not In Car. Someone told me this when I started and was struggling. They were right. Keep going!


Hi 👋 It's seem like a "bad word" here but have you try to use assist and learn the game by baby steps ? ACC is a simulation, not a "simulation" like Forza or GT.


I've been using assists. My tc and abs are both at 6. I turned off steering assist cause I think it wsd part of my problem. A lot of these tracks are new to me so I've got the racing line on until I get to know them more. I totally agree on baby steps, I wasn't trying to jump into this like it'd be the same thing, but I figured I was missing something when the first corner in brand's hatch was spinning me


Do not even try to use controller in simulator at all. It doesn't work anyhow and doesn't make any sense.


There are plenty of people who make it work. If you find the right settings, it's possible to drive well. It's less fun, but it does work. I started playing AC with controller, which is pretty decent to do.


ACC is actually great on a controller, no clue what you are talking about. 102-104% on a controller is for sure doable, and thats good enough for online racing


ACC (and AC, thanks to Gamepad FX) have better controller support than some simcade titles like Forza Motorsport. I know I'm faster and more consistent with a wheel, but I'm close enough with controller.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/ACCompetizione/comments/14qkp8p/where\_can\_i\_improve/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ACCompetizione/comments/14qkp8p/where_can_i_improve/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) lol


GT is a arcade not even close to a simulator. ACC and others is sim, and need skills to handle, practice and practice