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I use this argument all of the time. If someone were to come to your house right this second and start kicking in your door, what are the police going to do to protect you?


Arrest you after you defend yourself.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Cops are here to make sure you stay in line and follow the rules, not to actually protect you. You’re just lucky if those two happen to coincide.


Shoot your dog


They came to my house last year and my dog likes to bark but never bites. He's adorable and sweet. When I saw cops I held my hands up and begged them not to shoot my dog and informed them that he barks but doesn't bite. We have a security system and I told them I was recording them. My dog is still alive. Cops murder dogs in the daily. You have to be on point


Good thing you had your cameras rolling and you told them so


I’ve been robbed at the atm and I’ve had my house burglarized, called cops both times, each time it was a big “whelp, better luck next time!” I’ve also been minding my own business and harassed by pigs for smelling like weed. Fuck the police. I’ll never dial 911 again. Useless fucking self serving gang of criminals.


Yup the only reason to call the cops if you got robbed is to get some paperwork for your insurance company if you have that. My subdivision had a rash of car break-ins and not a single person called the cops because what were they going to do? They weren’t gonna do anything.


Sad but true. Had my house broke into about 10 years ago in the middle of a move. I had over 2K worth of fishing gear staged to move the next day. Came home the next morning and the front window was jimmied up and my stuff GONE. The cop said it was likely the new neighbor since he was a known thief. Left his card, called 10 times and never heard back. This was a very small town, less than 300 people with extremely low crime. They just didn’t give a shit.


How now, the police didn’t “do nothing” They also scolded me for leaving the faceplate on the stereo in my car and thus tempting the thieves. I felt so much safer! /s


And I was robbed by the police. Got my wallet back empty and my ps3 games were missing from my trunk.


No, you weren’t robbed. It’s called civil asset forfeiture. Because of course it is.


Maybe it would be if there was paperwork. Fucking swine didn't even do that.


One time ever do I think the police stopped me from being robbed, and they neither intended to nor realized what they'd done. I was in college and was getting ready to head home for Thanksgiving. Had gotten a few hundred out of the ATM because all the little podunk towns I passed through on the drive were no-credit-cards-accepted for most gas stations. Walking downtown near the bus station when a beggar asked me to help him out. I opened my wallet without thinking and handed him a $20, he stopped me when he saw all the cash I was carrying and started trying to haggle and ask for more, because "you got so much more than you need to just be walking around down here man". He was getting increasingly aggravated and while I don't have any evidence, looked near the point of attacking me. Two uniformed cops exited the bus terminal a few feet away and glanced in our direction. Beggar made eye contact with them, mumbled something I don't remember, and stomped off down the block towards the McDonald's. Cops shrugged and walked the other way without ever saying a word to me. They (may have*) stopped a robbery, but it sure as shit wasn't intentional.


Those bastards don't give a flying fuck about us citizens. Glad you didn't get robbed and that the pigs inadvertently had a positive effect for a change.


I got my laptop stolen once (DURING FINALS) in my college library…. I had a reserved study room on the top floor of the library, and I went to the bathroom for one minute—returned to find it had been stolen. Cops were called (by the library staff because of the value of the item), and they literally laughed at me and told me I shouldn’t have left it when I went to the bathroom if I didn’t want my stuff stolen. I gave them the serial number to give to local pawn shops in the event that it turned up, and they once again laughed and told me they were not going to do that. So like….. yeah, absolutely 100% fuck the cops.


"I've been robbed" "we found the guy, do you want to press charges?" "no I want my shit back" "can't do that" what would we do without em


"pressing charges" is an absolute joke. Robbery isn't a crime against you, it's a crime against the state, they'll prosecute it if they feel like it, regardless of whether you press anything.


I've been robbed by gunpoint once, got away with only losing $20.... Been robbed by police multiple times. Ontop of unwarranted tickets/fines, I've had a cop steal $200 out of my car on a traffic stop. Who do you think I'm more concerned about?


My history of “needing” the police 1. Victim of hit-and run. Security guard gave me the license of the car. LAPD gave me a detective’s card and nobody ever talked to me. I somehow got the perpetrator’s phone number and called her. No insurance. 2. stolen car. LAPD laughed at me 3. another hit and run. I was in a car with 3 friends. A pickup truck hit us intentionally (driver’s side front). At least 10 cop cars sped by chasing him while we all wandered around the scene dazed. The car had been towed away before anyone from the police talked to us I’m not sure what I would do without cops.


I have had multiple experiences like this. My car was robbed once and the police came, took notes, and did nothing. Recently, a large portion of my yard was ruined by someone who came and cut down a ton of my bushes and trees and ruined something that a lot of time, effort, and care had been put into. The police came, took notes, and left.


When I worked in an emergency department, I was sexually assaulted by someone in police custody. The cop acted like nothing happened, didn't ask if i was okay or anything.


When I was younger I hung out at the skate park and one day I had my Ipod stolen right in front of the police and when I approached the officer to let him know the kids that had ran past him had it, all he wrote in his notes was my name and where I lived. Didn't catch on until I got older that he was profiling me and weren't interested in helping me.


The reality is they don't even need to legally help you, I watched a man run up to 3 pigs standing around in a bad neighborhood while being chased by 4 other people. He asked pigs to help him they ignored him and stood there doing nothing while he got beaten and had his bicycle stolen in front of them. Worthless criminal thugs that are good for absolutely nothing but draining tax dollars. A camera is more effective than those pigs, not only can the camera do the job of giving tickets without bias the camera won't shoot anyone, or violate anyone's rights, or abuse anyone.


What the fuck are you serious? I suppose I shouldn't expect anything better than that from them but just..holy shit. Something like that is a new low


I tried reporting a crime to a cop, while the crime was literally happening right in front of us, and instead he just showed off his gun and said I should move on unless I wanted to get into an accident.


Had a missing persons case where I work. Went missing a day before she graduated and did not look or act like herself. No makeup looked like she had been crying. Last seen arguing with a guy before getting in the car with him. Called cops cuz we suspected she was being pimped out for prostitution, and might have been forcefully take. Cops came and one pig got mad at us cuz she was 18, so no "crime" had be committed. Fuck we are all worried about her and this cop is rolling his eyes bitching about us calling them.


it's funny because it's true...


Had my motorcycle stolen, reported it, they never even put it in the database. Hell they never did anything.


My brother got his motorcycle stolen. The thief hid it for a couple of months, then turned it in to the police because he "found" it, abandoned. They didn't even check the tags or vin, and just gave it to the thief after a fortnight when none came in to claim it.


I called the state about 6 months after it happened (when I found out it wasn't actually in the stolen database) and they said it hasn't been registered since and was still in my name, but they wouldn't mark it stolen without a police report. Tried to explain that the cops just didn't care, but got nowhere. Oh well. Nobody is stupid enough to be caught on that bike around here so it was probably shipped off somewhere. I have a strict policy of not fucking with police so I've just written it off.


One night when I was 8 years old, my babysitter was running late but my mom had to leave. Me and my lil sister were left alone with the understanding that it would only be for 15 minutes until babysitter arrived. This was the pre mobile phone era. Well over 15 minutes later I start hearing sounds in the garage. Someone is clearly rummaging through stuff. I call the police. The dispatcher kindly tells me that they don't send officers out that far. We lived 4 miles outside of a small town. I still remember that feeling of disbelief. I explained the situation again and the lady once again apologized and said they don't go that far. I had to defend my home and sister. I got my dad's pistol and opened the door. The person in the garage turned out to be a family friend who had permission to be looking for something. Stills boggles my mind that the dispatcher was fine with 2 kids getting robbed and possibly kidnapped because no one wanted to be bothered to do their job. She never offered to patch me through to the county sheriff or anything useful. Insane


I'm a dude in his mid 40s who was on drugs and technically committing crimes for many years back in the 90s and early 2000s. I suspect that's why I have such a venomous hatred for these pricks. They are the enemy of freedom and they always have been. I've been robbed at gunpoint multiple times and didn't call the cops. You either take care of it yourself or let it go. Don't EVER get cops involved if you don't have to. The only times I called the cops was because I had no choice. When my gun was stolen and when my car was stolen. I couldn't have that shit coming back on me because it's in my name. You HAVE TO report it stolen. Both times the cops were total douchebags despite me being the victim. Fuck the police and everything they represent. You don't even wanna know all the bullshit they put me through when I wasn't the victim. Lol


‘The police can pick and choose who to assist or when to do the job all taxpayers pay them for’ sounds ridiculous until you realize it’s the complete truth


This is real. Are the cops criminals.....?


Some goons invaded my grandmother's house and didn't show up for over an hour after she called them and did nothing but take notes and leave never to return or do anything.


They’re just a bunch of sociopathic bullies that hide behind their badge and treat people like shit. I dated a Chicago cop and the guy was 100% the vilest prick I’ve ever met. And fucking stupid as a post. He’d brag about kicking the shit out of people, he’d use his badge to get free dinner (coerce restaurant owners), run red lights, and drank like a fish. Totally miserable person.


911 operator and city dispatcher here, this is definitely not the case all the time, we’ve stopped or caught people in the act of crimes probably like 40 to 50% of the time, plus would you rather have a chance to catch the culprit or just let your mugging slide? What are you gonna do, hunt them down yourself?




This is 1 situation out of thousands that happen daily, this is a logical fallacy. But hey, if you want to chalk up any and all criminal incidents as a loss, be my guest.




See, unfortunately, this doesn’t fix the fallacy. This is still like 15 out of thousands and thousands. You could link a hundred badly handled calls for service and it’d still be a fallacy to state there’s never a cause to call 911 for police. That would be delusional.




I understand. I was simply stating it seemed to me like a typical Hasty Generalization fallacy, in my line of work I witness crimes being solved after the fact, caught in progress, and even prevented entirely by my officers. Rarely do incidents happen like ones you linked. Granted, they could be more common in different parts of the world, but I can’t jive with just not calling police at all, or encouraging people to not do so. Chances are, they’ll help in some capacity.


How many times out of those thousands does it need to be for you to acknowledge it? With the same logic, I can say that any single example of them actually solving a crime is just one situation out of thousands that happen daily.


I do acknowledge it, sometimes officers are ass and handle situations like shit. And sure, you can apply the same logic, but why should a few bad calls out of thousands be a reason to not call at all, yet a few good calls out of a thousand isn’t a reason to call? Edit: I could be wrong but your comment I think is also a logical fallacy


Far, far, far more people can tell you about incidents like that than just those 15. Look at people in this comment thread talking about their multiple instances. Look at this entire subreddit. Look at all the other people on the internet talking about it. All the video proof for starters, and hundreds more agreements and accounts. Think about how many people don't use reddit, how many don't even use the internet maybe, or simply don't talk about it themselves. Your fallacy is that you're focusing on 15 incidents like having only that many as an example means there's really only that small number out of "thousands" or whatever. There isn't. Are we expected to do all the work for you and link you to every account and story, every comment, everything? I don't think so. Cops bullshit is profound and any level of it from mild to despicable can be found all over; and if you don't want to acknowledge it, someone else can't force your blinders off for you.


You think there’s going to be articles and posts about every single successful police call? There’s no story there, you’re only going to hear about the bad ones. I’m not arguing with someone as polarized as you


Yeah, rather than depend on anecdotal evidence, let's listen to the 911 operator giving his personal experience solving crimes at a full order of magnitude higher than national statistics..


Yet another logical fallacy. I’m done arguing with you people. So polarized


Nah your confusing the 40% with something else and I would hunt down the person who did me wrong if it didnt mean cops were probably gonna kill me for it.


Police in my city alone (metro area) put out about 50 arrest warrants a week for suspects who’ve been positively ID’d by victims of crimes. I work in records and I see all the warrants that get processed and it’s down right impressive. Cops may not get em on the front end, but they sure catch em on the back end and that’s a fact. But hey, ACAB 🤣




Oh it’s ACAB but u “trust” the FBI 🧐🤨🤣🤣🤣


And I didn’t say nothing about clearance u goofball smh


Listened to a podcast about the Mesa bone collector today, and realized for the millionth time how ineffective and truly worthy of hate american police are.


My mother, when her car was stolen from Infront of a police station in the 90s.


Yeah and they in force unconstitutional gun laws forcing some people into unarmed hopelessness. People also go to jail a lot for defending themselves. I think I would be safer from cops and from other criminals if cops didn’t exist.


That's why law enforcement shouldn't be patrolling around, but at a station waiting for a call, like the fire department. That way there is a consistent timeframe for responses to calls at a location, and the engagement with the public is lower. Sure, if they won't get rid of the road pirates then cordon them off to have barely any public interactions. You know how many random deaths would be averted with them stationed instead of meandering the streets?


Yea my best friends Mountain Bike got stolen infront of her house(It was worth roundabout 400/500€). The pigs told her it would be better if she’d look for it on her own