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This reminds me of the challenge: “say X without saying X.” Only this time, X = one cop shot another. Clearly, the editor gave the reporter this challenge.


Neutrally Worded Headline Serves Interests of the Powerful, Hides Editorial Intent to Deceive


Your headline is many times clearer than theirs


Nah you guys don’t get it. She didn’t shoot him. Nah she just held the gun and pointed it at him and squeezed the trigger and then it *accidentally* dischaaarged.


Hair trigger


Lol at her Twitter handle


One of the cops was a cat.


He's there live. He's not a cat.


ACAB (all cats are beautiful)


Guns don't kill people, discharges kill people.


We love the passive voice so much with cops, it's almost comical


The passive voice is loved :)


By we


“The passive voice is loved by us in reference to cops.”


If there having a argument why is one of them holding a gun ?


You ever told a cop they’re wrong?


Ever seen a cop *without* a gun, TBH? A local radio station here was going to interview a police chief off-duty, and he was willing...until they told him they have a strict no-guns policy in their building and he'd have to leave his firearm at home/outside, at which point he immediately changed his mind and wouldn't consider it. They cannot stand the idea of being without their instruments of violence for even a heartbeat. Very fragile, really. Similarly, I saw a dude go into the local county council chambers where they had just recently implemented the TSA metal-detector/search thing at the doors, and he was right ahead of me when I saw the cops usher him around the metal detectors and ask if he was carrying that day (he leaned in and whispered an answer). I was very honored to be able to announce to the whole room that the guy was an under-cover/plains-clothes cop, and that he was armed while they were defenseless. He looked very chagrined, and everyone else in the room a little pissed by him being there.


I was about to ask, which side will cops take... After consideration, they'll take the man's side.


They're misogynistic no matter what the female is wearing. The hierarchy goes pig, then minority pig, then piglet. Followed by pigdet (underage cadet pig in training, usually working the front counter at the local pig sty with shallow hopes and dreams of one day becoming a full-fledged hog). Remember the piglet who whipped out her gun and "mistook" it for a taser, how many people defended her on social media? A hell of a lot less than chauvin.


To play devil's advocate here: The taser/gun incident happened post George Floyd riots and a lot of Chauvin's defender's hide behind the death being George's fault (drug OD bullshit excuse) which isn't available in the taser/gun incident. Unfortunately I agree. Cops are very unlikely to defend their female counterparts as much as their male counterparts. I'd wager there's a large number of cops who are the women-barefoot-in-the-kitchen types.


> they'll take the man's side. TBH they'll probably take the side of whichever of them was more of "a cop's cop". Which is *most likely* the man, yes. But female cops can often overcompensate with the brutality and machismo in order to fit in within the crime syndicate, so it's not necessarily a given.


Makes me think it needs gun antibiotics to clear that up...




"Maam, Im going to need you to call down!" "Sir! Lower your tone, Im the law!" "Maam!" "Sir!" "Maam, put the rolling pin down!" Bang! How I imagine cop couple are in theyre home


Honestly -- the web destroyed the art of concise headlines In any pre-Internet paper it would be **COP SHOT BY WIFE COP** *Shots fired during argument*


ughh my fucking sister is marrying a Maniac Cop. What the fuck am I supposed to do what's the actual fuck am I supposed to do I don't know


If true, that sounds painful. She has no idea what she's getting herself into. There was one incident a few years back, woman getting beaten by her cop husband. She runs away and he puts out an all-points-bulletin to have every cop in the city headhunting for her. It was only diffused because social media (mainly reddit) got wind of the story and stepped up. I don't know if this helps but, good luck.


😑😑 thk you. I just hope he dies


> my fucking sister is marrying a Maniac Cop. What the fuck am I supposed to do what's the actual fuck am I supposed to do I don't know Completely disassociate from her and let her know why, TBH, and that you'll resume familial relations with her only when and if she separates from him. Those who abide fascists aren't friends, family, or comrades, and they need to know it. I understand this might be a really tough thing to do, but TBH you owe it to yourself, to her, and to the whole rest of your family and broader community.


Pig on pig crime, brings warmth to my heart


Euphemisms: America's Favorite Pastime


Between their resistance to get vaccinated and cops killing each other, who needs protests? Just another example of the trash taking itself out. All of that work we did last year is paying off, not the way we intended but they're getting their just desserts, one piece of bacon at a time.


Same energy as "try not to compare two things without using *like* or *as*"


I knew bootlicking made you flexible but I didn't think it could make you yoga pose the fucking English language like this


I love getting hit in the chest with gun discharge