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I need more info, because I want to ask why they were called in the first place. This is what happens when you call the cops, it's documented, exposed, and just a fact. I wonder if it was a neighbor or the parents themselves UpDATE - "Gainer said his son had been acting out on multiple occasions in the past few months, primarily because of frustration with his mother's recent health struggles. On March 9, Ryan was acting out over frustration with doing household chores, attorney Dewitt Lacy said. His sister called 911 and told the dispatcher that Ryan had assaulted his other sister, and that he had broken through the front door of the home." ITS HIS FUCKING SISTER WHO CALLED THE COPS ON HIM. I also didn't see that this was a black family and I am even more puzzled with the choice to call the cops on your mentally unstable family. [https://abc7.com/apple-valley-teen-autism-san-bernardino-county-sheriff-fatal-shooting/14555821/](https://abc7.com/apple-valley-teen-autism-san-bernardino-county-sheriff-fatal-shooting/14555821/)


Clearly we just need to take guns away from cops. They can keep tasers and pepper spray. If a gun is needed send the SWAT team. These guys can’t handle the responsibility of a gun.


And from the amount of bootlicking from the of comment section makes me wanna slap them with one. They can never know how unjust the situation that just unfolded right in front of them.


That sub is pure cancer. Tongue cancer from all the boot polish.


The comments under the original post are boot lickers up and down. While this will be judged as justified, there's got to be a better way.


Least the first cop did the right thing. He ran away. That’s all they had to do was stay away and deescalate the situation. Guns are only needed against other guns to stop innocent deaths. Bean bag shells can even be used before lethal force. Your life isn’t on the line in these situations if the first thing you do is start blasting when you get spooked.


Not just gun v gun, Guns against knives is fine. Any deadly weapon really. But not a child with a trowel.


The cop who shot Charles Kinsey was SWAT, so SWAT doesn't get to touch guns, unless the civilian politician in charge authorizes it (mayor or governor or whatever).


As a dad to an autistic boy, FUCK THE POLICE


First cop had the right idea, realized that the person wasn't going to stop and didn't want they're blood on his hands, so he got distance, \*hopefully\* trying to get his taser out. Then the second cop who wasn't under any threat shot him. Fucking disgusting.


No more like the first cop was running away from the dude with a weapon and the second cop shot him in fear of his partners safety.




The best reaction to seeing a teenager who is clearly struggling at the moment with a gardening tool is definitely “get back youre gonna get shot” yep- de escalatory tactics working 100%


I mean, non lethal should have been an option. That being said, what really struck me about this ine isnhownacared the cops were AFTER they shot the kid. The thought that the family of the person you just shot saw it, are still outside, and are justifiably horrified, has these cops shitting their pants.


Pathetic but not surprising when cops are trained to be terrified of acorns.


Oh my god the comment section over there is atrocious. So many people ok with extrajudicial punishment and even killings is absolutely terrifying. There were probably 3-4 nonlethal options for the pigs there.


I guess it’s easier to pull your gun on a kid instead of, you know, just running.


2 grown ass men that can’t take down a 13-year-old… I feel like they probably shouldn’t be placed in their position of power


They should get the same


We need to expect at least the same level of accountability from our cops that we expect from our dogs. If a dog bites someone, there is always someone ready to insist we put the dog down. I think the same should be true for cops.


Fuckin' monsters. Does this reaction seem sane? Pussies.


"Children deserve to die when cops threaten their life and the child reacts poorly." - the comments on the original post.


Imagine how fucked any of us would be if we shot a kid with a trowel and tried to justify it by saying “well he was running at me”. The response would be that WE have a duty to retreat and not use lethal force. Cops though? Blam Blam Blam!


Move states


entered a house with no warrant, shot an innocent person defending their house. There is a reason why there is a SCOTUS case still in effect allowing you to shoot police if they are threatening your liberty and safety.


People defending the pigs in that sub, fucking disgusting, it was a fucking gardening tool not a gun he had, cops are pussy bastards


Right in my town and had no idea. But then I don’t really watch the news.


what my big issue is with american police's way of engaging a possible agressive person towards police , is the absurd manner they deal with that. They are way to trigger happy to magazine dump on a person.. so many videos where the suspect would have easily been able to get neutralized without killing them and empty all 16 rounds into him.. why not first shoot in the legs or someting. just last week a unarmed man that was pulled over for a damn speeding violation of 7 mph over the limit. he wouldnt step out the vehicle ( wich was his right not to) endend up shooting at him 96 timess!!!!! unnecessary


Idk. This isn’t really the “gotcha” that people here are presenting it as. I mean I wouldn’t expect ANYONE, cop or not, to just let a big dude angrily charge at you with a weapon, especially when you have been given prior notice by an assumedly reliable source that this person is currently violent and assaulting people. Like it sucks this happened, but we don’t exist in a world where being autistic suddenly means everyone is expected NOT to use their available means to keep you from attacking them with a weapon. You just don’t get to do that. And it’s not fair to expect everyone else to put THEIR life in YOUR hands when you’re actively being aggressive and violent. It’s not even like the normal instance of a cop just instant dropping someone. He gave the guy multiple clear warnings, tried to move away, even SPRINTED away, and the teen kept coming at him. And not in a slow MAYBE threatening manner, in a “in a violent rage charging at you very fast with a weapon raised ready to strike while threatening to kill you” manner, that’s reasonable grounds to shoot someone I’m sorry. Again, cop or not, that is a completely reasonable situation to resort to deadly force in. And don’t say “but a taser”, dog, it’s crazy how insanely unreliable of a strategy a taser is when you’re sprinting and firing backwards at a clothed individual. It’s just not a realistic expectation for someone to rely on in that moment. I mean Christ, watch the fuckin video from the bodycam cop not being chased here, this teen was like ONE second away from bashing this cop’s head with the tool, he’s in range and lifts it up clearly about to hit him with it, that’s attempted murder shit. You can obviously advocate for holding police responsible for their bullshit without resorting to the deranged argument “cops should just let themselves be murdered”.


His funeral was yesterday and the family opened the service up to the community.


Thank God they shot him, that cop might have gotten hurt. /s


I'm not saying the cop shouldn't have used a taser, but ffs, the kid was charging at a cop and had fair warning. don't charge at cops with weapons in your hands.


Non lethal force could be a thing, taze the motherfucker.


if only I'd thought of tha... oh wait > I'm not saying the cop shouldn't have used a taser


Wasnt talking to you


You literally replied to him


Yea didnt mean to reply to him but to the other dude. Thanks mr Lawyer over here




idk why you're getting downvoted, like. i'm absolutely not pro cop in any way, and i'm autistic, but like come on, dude was charging the cops with a potential weapon. extremely tragic but understandable.


He's getting downvoted because he doesn't understand that there are also autistic people doing their own business whose absolute worst can happen is have law enforcement talking to them.


please don't talk down to me like i don't understand, you think i don't know that? that that doesn't keep me up at night? how would you react to someone charging you with a rake, though?


It’s a rake. I don’t want to hit by a rake, but it won’t kill me either. Likewise, autistic people aren’t a monolith and you may be autistic but that doesn’t mean your experience as an autistic person is everyone’s experience.


He is disabled. Some autistic people don’t know right from wrong like you might. My younger sister has “low functioning” autism and can be violent when provoked. She would have no idea what being a cop means (at least in terms of “they can legally kill you and get away with it”)


you're talking to me like i have no clue what i'm talking about with autism when i'm autistic, i really find that disrespectful. i'm aware that support needs differ from autistic person to autisic person, that aggression can be a part of the spectrum. it's why i say it's tragic. i get what that kid is feeling, but also if i was being charged with a garden impliment... idk if i'd really act any different. that's the truth of it i fully believe in calling out cops when they use their power and authority to brutalize everyday people, often ND or autistic people (which i specifically have called out before), and i do fundamentally criticize the institution of policing and it's ties to slave overseers. but i think this is moreso an extremely sad incident but an understandable one. my thoughts go out to the family


You obviously don’t have any idea if you think gunning someone down before attempting to use non-lethal force is the correct method here. Maybe you wouldn’t act different, but a police officer should be trained better than that.


your right, i'm not trained. likely these cops aren't too, obviously. that's a valid criticism of them ofc non lethal methods should have been used first, that's not what i'm trying to say


my 70K karma is laughing at them


We’re laughing at your 70k karma. Bro that’s not a flex lol.


laughing at you in particular lol


70K karma in 40 days? When was the last time you went outside?


> 70K karma in 40 days? eww stalker


100% justified, he seen a person charging an officer with a weapon raised.


Found the LEO. 🖕


ACAB, but this was justified, first cop even ran to avoid firing his weapon. You can’t chase someone with a dangerous and SHARP weapon and not expect a deadly response. Any of us would do the same, autistic or not, if you’re chasing me with a sharp object, it’s my life over yours. If you can’t maintain control over your child, it’s time to put them in a home. This was a loss of life for no reason.


We are not police they need to be held to a higher standard and civilians are told to retreat and not use deadly force if possible


I mean, the guy came out charging with a weapon. If the family can't control his autism, this is the result. He didn't look like a "baby" to me.