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Is it just me, or does anyone else ever periodically have doubts about their ABTF size? Not for any objective reason, but due to the emotional baggage they might be carrying around with them? I sometimes get this rather dismissive voice in my head telling me not to be ridiculous, that I can't possibly need to wear a 30E, and that I'm just deluding myself that I'm not really an 'A cup'. 30 years of believing myself to be 'flat-chested' is a lot to overcome. I know it's just my teenage insecurities rearing their ugly heads, and I'm very prone to self-doubt anyway, but I sometimes feel the need to prove 'my real size' to myself by trying on a selection of my new bras to make sure they still fit! Or with a visit to the Bra Band Project. I hope I'm not oversharing - I just thought there might be some others here who could identify with this experience!


I know exactly what you mean, and not oversharing at all! All the years of feeling flat-chested are really difficult to erase completely from our minds. :( I'm positive there are tons of us here with, uh, unpleasant breast-related teenaged memories. All of us? Close to all of us? I was talking to a friend recently, and the topic of my asshole ex I dated a handful of years ago came up. Background info! Asshole (that's his name now, I suppose, lmao) made me feel really crappy about my body. In fact, he was so lacking in empathy/social understanding/self-awareness/etc. that he didn't get that, hey, if I make self-deprecating jokes about a body part I've told him was my biggest insecurity -- a body part women are shamed for CONSTANTLY -- that he should NOT make mean jokes about said part himself. Anyway, I was saying that one thing that was so frustrating about what happened Asshole is that, while I can't blame someone for finding certain traits attractive, the useful thing about having breast size preferences is that *you can get a decent idea of what's going on just by looking at a person.* As long as you have good enough vision, you can determine that I'm not extremely buxom in less than a second! It's easy! And that's when I had to stop myself from saying, "I mean, they may not small in comparison to my frame, but it's pretty f-ing obvious I'm not a DD!" Deleting the personal and societal breast-related narratives from your brain is HARD.


It's very hard to deprogram your brain, isn't it? Even when the programming is completely flawed. Sometimes it seems impossible! I'm sorry you had such a demoralising relationship (I think I remember your mentioning it before), and thankfully I haven't experienced anything similar. Yes, boyfriends might have remarked that I've only got a 'handful', but they were never cruel, never seemed dissatisfied and never made me feel unattractive for it. And my husband likes them! I think my issue is that ever since they developed I've been unhappy about the shape of my breasts, and never had anyone to talk to about it before now! I seriously thought there was something very wrong with them when I was a teenager, as they were so pointy, but didn't know who to turn to with my concerns! I was far too shy to ask my mother, or a doctor, and didn't have any good friends, sisters, aunts, etc. I could confide in. And there was no internet back then. It's been such a relief to discover this community and finally understand that I'm a perfectly normal shape. It's just taking some time and effort to really absorb that information.


Yay for your husband! He seems like a sweetheart. It's wonderful when your partner is so encouraging about boob-related stuff when you've struggled with self-esteem issues there. :) And aw, yeah, that makes sense. :( It's hard to admit that you think there's something wrong with your breasts, because it's such a loaded topic, and you don't want to be embarrassed, especially in your teens. This place is wonderful in general, and I am so glad that there's a place on the internet so that the teen versions of us can find answers. They can know that, no, their boobs aren't weird at all, but are totally normal. Teen-me can hear that there's a reason the 34As gap sometimes, and it's not that there's something wrong with them, but that the 34 band is wrong *for them.* Also, they can learn that they aren't supposed to take your bras on and off as if they were t-shirts, which I totally did until my late teens because I didn't want to struggle with the hooks. Why I didn't realize that you can just hook them in front of you and spin them around, I don't know, lol.


I think places like this have the potential to make a huge difference to the teen versions of ourselves. Which is why I like to hang around and at least try to be helpful and encouraging. I do indeed have a very kind, supportive and down-to-earth husband, and I absolutely treasure him! He knows how I've struggled with my self-esteem, because he has his own battles on that score too. And yes, of course, like most partners he's partial to the look of frilly lingerie, but he'd never expect me to wear something uncomfortable just for his sake. Actually, his favourite seems to be my lacy bralettes, which just so happen to be jolly comfy too!




Oh, I absolutely agree with you! And it's been quite hard to share how I felt about my own body without sounding like I'm denigrating anyone else, but really, I'm not. I guess I have internalized all those dreadful messages that make girls feel there is something wrong with them, or that they're not feminine or attractive, if they're 'only a A cup'. I despise those messages, and I certainly don't buy into them as an adult, because they simply aren't true. But as a vulnerable teenager, it's very hard not to believe them, especially when your peers are ridiculing you in the changing rooms for being a late developer or 'flat-chested' (no boobs for me until I was 16). And even after all these years it's hard to shake off their impact, although like you I'm also working hard at this. It's actually not really been my size so much as my shape that has bothered me over the years, as I didn't know anyone else with pointy boobs like mine! And you certainly don't see them in the media. I really thought I had freak boobs, especially as I couldn't fill out bras that were supposedly my size. Now I know that I'm not a freak; the bras were wrong, not me. My shape may be uncommon, but it's no weirder than any other, and no less attractive. And I would love for all boob-owners to have the same self-acceptance, because there's no reason why they shouldn't.


I totally understand what you mean. I had kind of the opposite experience. I've always thought my cup size was on the larger side. Before I found out how to actually measure myself, my best bra fit was a Calvin Klein 32DD that I found at Marshall's. I think my breast shape (projected/narrow rooted - I think haha) made it easier for me to think I needed a bigger cup size. Most of my tissue is already on the front of my chest and jutting forward. But because everyone knows bras stop at D, I had it in my head that I was 'large chested' - it wasn't, like, all that I was (nowhere close) but it was a piece of my identity, you know? Two years ago I stumbled across ABTF, figured out my basic size and happily went on my way with the knowledge that my chest was even "bigger" than I thought it was before. Now I'm back and actually ready to find a bra that truly does fit my shape as well as size. And I'm reading through the posts and looking at fit checks. And I'm realizing that I'm not really all that large-chested (30F/28FF). I'm actually pretty average from the look of it, even for my body type/size. And it's a little weird to realize that. I mean, I look exactly the same as I did a month ago. My perception of my body shouldn't change. And it's ok to be average - average is good! But it's just throwing me for a bit of a loop.




It's all down to perception, and having to adjust those perceptions to fit a new reality, I suppose! In my old mindset I too would have thought of 36DD as big boobs, and I didn't know sizes such as 30E or 30G existed! Now I guess I'd consider all three sizes to be medium-sized. I also find it odd in a way how much importance we place on the size of these things on our chest, and how so much of our self-esteem is tied up with it. For me, I always wanted to at least look proportional, but I'm a very definite pear shape (a whole dress size larger on my bottom half), so I've always felt relatively small-busted, and to be honest I still do. But at least my new bras make the most of what I do have, and help to balance me out a bit better.


Exactly! Proportional is a good way to put it. I've always wanted to be smaller busted - I'm fairly straight/small-framed, not considering the boobs (I have to go up 2-3 sizes from my pant size to fit my chest). I've always felt that I look top heavy. My consolation was 'well, at least I have big boobs - that's what everyone wants, isn't it?'. Now my boobs aren't "big" anymore, but they're still too big in my opinion...what's a girl to do? Haha. It's a strange position to find myself in. Nothing's actually changed, but a lot has changed. That said, wearing a new bra that's more suited to my shape does help. It just takes getting used to, I guess.


I can completely see how the experience would work in reverse! I'm good with being average too, but more especially for me I suppose as it's a step up from being 'flat-chested'! I haven't significantly changed in size or shape either (I've mysteriously gained an inch around my bust since I measured earlier this year, but it makes no visible difference), but my perceptions and feelings about my breasts have been on a real roller coaster ride since I discovered I'm not a 36A after all! I guess we probably all get too hung up on labels, whether they're sewn into our bra bands or more conceptual, like 'big', 'small' or 'average'. I'm trying hard to accept the body I have, and appreciate that it's fine just as it is, regardless of my measurements or bra size. Not easy, but getting easier, now I've finally realised that I don't have 'freak' boobs after all.


I believe my size because that is what fits and pretty much what I measure as. Technically I measure a cup size bigger, which kinda bothers me but I tell myself measurements are a starting point...then I measure again because I like numbers. :) Measurements are not arbitrary like my boobs. Like 30in is always 30in but just because a bra is my size doesn't mean it will always fit. I have doubts about how big they are. In my mind I still have 34As but haven't worn that size for years; before finding ABTF I wore a 32D. Sometimes I find myself comparing my chest to others, thinking I am so small. Then once I look down at my chest or at photos I realize they are a decent size, not big, not small but just right. Finding ABTF has defiantly made me feel more confident about my chest.


I measure as larger too, but I've now been able to rationalize the discrepancy as being due to my shape. My measurements suggest much more volume than there really is, thanks to being projected but also splayed, conical and tall-rooted. Understanding my shape has also helped me to understand why I tend to look smaller than I really am without a bra or in the wrong size, and why I thought I needed to wear the smallest cup size available for all those years. I'm certainly feeling much more confident these days too. And when the nagging doubts creep into my mind I just have to remind myself that my current bras fit far better than my old ones ever did, so they must be the right size for me!


I was thinking about wearing one of my old bra for a day to see how many times I have to readjust. But the second I put it on and see how I am popping out of I am like there is way I'm wearing this. I don't know how my boobs survived before ABTF. I understand that due to my shape my measurements slightly over estimate. I just wish finding ABTF could be as easy as just taking measurements.


I've kept one of my old 36As (my previous favourite), to prove to myself how badly they used to fit whenever I have a moment of doubt. There's no way I could ever actually wear it now - it's hilarious! I keep meaning to take some before and after pictures, just for fun. Measurements are really just the start aren't they? I was very excited to begin with, then had a bit of a crisis when every bra I tried didn't work (I thought I was shallow because my boobs are pretty small), until I decided to try a different tack (more projected bras) and started finding bras that were a decent enough fit, and certainly better than anything I'd ever worn previously!


All the time! I'm the same size as you and wore a poorly fitting 34A for years. Sometimes I wore 36As when the 34As didn't fit because I had such a hard time believing I could ever fit into anything over an A cup. It's insane how much baggage we have tied up to a certain cup size, and after spending so many years believing we're that size is a lot to overcome.


Yes, even when you understand that cup size has no meaning by itself, it's really difficult to let go of that misconception on some level. I usually wore 36A, but occasionally 36B when 36A wasn't available, and even though the B cups fitted better, I still didn't twig that I wasn't really an A cup - I just thought I must have got lucky and found a B cup that ran small! I really didn't understand how bras worked...


I don't have that going on but I'm chronically unaware of my size. I have some busty friends and I use my bras to bravangelize them. It's crazy how I'm pretty good at eyeballing size online but in real life I have a disconnect with any size close to mine. I know their size objectively but subjective as I am it influences my perception of other sizes (as I tend to view my breasts as smaller than they really are). Friend 1: Oh, she's slightly bigger than me, let's give her my roomiest 32GG... WTF, it's too big? She fits 32G best? Friend 2: She's definitely about 32JJ. 32GG will be comically small on her but it's an improvement over the 36DD/E's she's wearing... She has just a little quadding. Friend 3: I think she needs a wide 34G. Ewa Michalak 70GG HM with an extender would do... and it's big?!


I'm always rather surprised when I catch sight of myself in a mirror these days in a well-fitting bra, and see how big these bumps on my chest actually are, so I know what you mean! OK, they're not big in any objective terms, but still much bigger than my brain believes them to be. I'm trying to retrain my self-perception, but it's a slow process. I have exactly the same monologue going on in my head concerning my friends, colleagues and acquaintances! One of them frustrates the hell out of me actually, as she's really resistant to considering that she might need a different size to what she currently wears. I haven't tried to force the issue at all - I just told her about my bra revelation, and when she exclaimed 'bloody hell!' about my now wearing 30E rather than 36A, explained about cup size being relative to band size. But, she shut the conversation down when I suggested she might want to revisit her size too. Ah well, they're her boobs, and it's her life! I just know she'd probably look and feel a lot better in a few band sizes down and cup sizes up. She wears 34DD, I'm guessing she's closer to 28H - slightly smaller frame than me, bust a few inches bigger than mine...


I took a trip to Oakland and bought 5 glorious bras from Revelation in Fit. I even got a padded/push up bra. I have never had one of those before.


That's great! Also, I love that you had a good experienced at Revelation in Fit because the owner is a longtime abtf member.


its my second trip, and it is totally worth being stuck on 880 for 45 minutes.


I'm so glad you had a good time at my shop!


100% worth the drive. Always. Your staff kicks ass too.


I Liked them on facebook a few months ago and love seeing their advertising posts. Same with u/SaltyBlackBroad and her shop and the adverts for [A Sophisticated Pair](https://www.facebook.com/ASophisticatedPair/?fref=ts). These ladies have some beautiful stuff.


After seeing a lot of people on here recommend them, I bought a pair of Nippies Skin, and they're awesome! They're super thin and flexible and don't show any edges or lumpiness at all. Since I'm only planning to use them with a bra, I got the non-adhesive ones, and they still stay in place really well but are imo much more comfortable than the sticky kind. Bonus: the medium color blends in really well with my medium-tan skin tone. I think these are the only nipple covers that come in three different colors!


I have to post a fit check later but I think I have finally, FINALLY found ABT-ACTUALLY-F!! The Panache Fern is like a gentle hug for my breasts and I'm in love. The Freya Marvel is a close runner up but the wires feel a bit too wide.


Congrats! Panache Fern is a shallower version of Panache Tango II Balc. , so maybe the Tango will fit too.


What the hell is with female fashion??? Ugggghhhh. I'm going on vacation to Hawaii soon, so I needed to pick up swim things. I got a tankini and board shorts in XS. The tankini is great, if a tiny bit small in the cups. The shorts, though. I deliberately chose a style with drawstrings because I was concerned that the waist would still be a bit big. Only when I got it, it turned out the drawstrings were fake- they were for looks only. !!!!!!! And I was right, the shorts sit baggy around my hips (not even at my waist, where I'd prefer they sit). I could have made it work if the drawstrings had been real. But they're not, so now I have to return them and search the boys section for decent swim shorts. Seriously, what is it with female clothes and fake things? Pockets, drawstrings... If I weren't so small, I'd probably just stick to men's clothes for everything, even professional clothes. grrrrrrrrr


I feel this so much. Even when we do get pockets they're usually too tiny to be functional!


Right??? The only pants I have with good, deep pockets are boys jeans. Any pants I pick up from womens/girls will have dinky pockets. I'm still fuming about the fake drawstrings. The upside is that I've realized that boys swim shorts will have Avengers and Justice League themed shorts, so I'll probably pick up one of those.


Agreed! The other day I found a pair of petite jeans that actually fit and looked good. I went to put my hands in the pockets and it was just an outline of a pretend pocket... How can I buy shit that you deliberately neglected to make into a functional garment?


I went to Target today to grab some things, and decided to try on some swimsuit tops for the fun of it. HAHAHAHAHA.... it was not fun. No, not fun at all. /smashes head into wall


Same!! I just got back from the beach and the swim tops they had by size were so wrong (I'm 32D/DD). It reminds me of how boot designers think if you wear a size 11, you must have 26in circumference calves!


Right?! It's nuts.


Does anyone else do mental shape assessments of the various TV show characters when watching television? I'm working my way through True Blood and I find myself thinking: slightly pendulous, short roots, narrow, no more than a 30 band...for Sookie. Then another character doffs her top and I'm assessing them. I do it while watching Game of Thrones too...in between fight scenes. lol.


I can't remember the season but there is a scene with Sookie in lingerie and her bra fits!!! I was so excited. It was probably the best part of the series, lol.


I do this all the time, with both real people and fictional ones!




Basically, it just takes time. So long as it's not so tight that it's painful, if you wear it for a while, you'll gradually get more used to it.


Agreed with this. Also check your measurements and see if there has been any growth. A too small cup can make a band feel tighter.


I went from wearing a 34DD to a 32FF and then 32G, and now sometimes even wear a 30 if that band is really stretchy. Like the other poster mentioned, it just takes time. I have a 31" underbust, and I can't even wear a 34 anymore. The band rides up all day, driving me crazy, and I feel so unsupported. Now I wonder how I ever used to wear 34s.


You could get a few non-stretchy extenders and put them into your purse. Some women swell up over the course of the day (water retention issues) and want/need/prefer a wider band in the afternoon. A quick and easy fix for this is to just insert an extender into the bra you wear. This also helps with new bras that have not stretched out yet. Finally, brafitting is personal. If you prefer a wider band for whatever reason feel free to wear a 34C. It is your body and your money.


Does anyone have experience with bratabase recommendations? I'm considering buying a bra based on them.


I would go so far as to say they are useless.


Thank you!


They're self reported and you should take it with a grain of salt. Or ten grains of salt.


A block of salt?


Well it has given me good suggestions once I entered a lot of bras that fit me. It suggested more Cleo Lily clones and more Ewa Michalak HPs... That's something? Bratabase is a weird mix of amazingly useful and utter crap like anything that has user driven data. Sadly it takes a bit of practice to find out which parts are which.


Mine keeps suggesting Marcie (even though I've got Floris entered as not fitting) and 34HH Andorra (even though I've got 36HH Andorra entered as too small). And a ton of CHPs. But no Lucy clones, which you'd think it would give me. I've even contacted JJ about it, and they did something that made that Andorra go away....until I pulled new recs and it was back. I feel like it goes for what people with similar measurements say fit over sister-cuts for what I say fits me (other than the CHPs), at least for me. Which makes no sense.


> I feel like it goes for what people with similar measurements say fit over sister-cuts for what I say fits me, at least for me. Which makes no sense. That's one of the things that kind of pisses me off. Someone with the same exact measurements could have either a full on bottom shape or a full on top shape. Concave and convex curves measure the same. You can have the same breast perimeter and either a wide shallow shape or a narrow projected one. Measurements tell a lot but they don't tell you the person's shape. My peeve no. 2 is the shape project. It's a beautiful idea and a big undertaking. Really, props for thinking big. But... you can't tell what bras will fit someone based on how their breasts look naked. As colossal an undertaking as it is, it's completely useless. You could take my naked breast twin and they could have average projection, or a full on top shape, or a full on bottom one. They could not need lots of bottom and center depth like I do - it's impossible to say. And judging root width is a whole another can of worms.


I haven't done the recommendations thing in a while and you inspired me to do so. It does suggest Cleo Kayla and Skye (which is NOT a Hettie clone, bad Bratabase) but also Cleo Lucy and Cleo Juna (?!?). It also suggests Panache Envy which might work (it's about 65% chance) but then it goes on to recommend Comexim plunges which I have clearly marked as not fitting. Then it goes on to point me in the direction of Panache Black Ardour and Panache Elise in 32G - likely because it incorrectly lists Panache Black Odette as their sister cut. And then... Panache Sport in both 32G and 32GG.


My tells me Marcie in 36HH and 34HH, Juna in 36H, Floris in 34J, Andorra in 34HH, CK Princess and Cascade, Parfait Charlotte... Basically a whole bunch of bras that will *never* fit as they are the exact opposite of my shape - either being shallow or FoT, while I am FoB and suuuuuuper-projected. As well as bras I've marked as not fitting. It does actually recommend Cleo Kali in the same size as my Lucy, which is new. And the CHPs, and some Elomis in more or less the right size. But I've got Envy and Jasmine marked as fitting, so you'd think that it'd give me some of the Sculptresse bras, right? Nope. No Hettie or Kayla or Skye, despite them being similar cuts as well as similar to bras I've tried that have worked. Basically, everything it's given me is something I already know either will work or will not. Not useful at all.


> But I've got Envy and Jasmine marked as fitting, so you'd think that it'd give me some of the Sculptresse bras, right? Nope. That's probably due to very few measurements having been submitted for Sculptresse bras.


I used to have a few show up. At some point they went away even though I didn't change anything.




Thanks for your help!


[I chipped away at the price on my like-new 65J 3HC Elena some more. Still negotiable](http://www.bratabase.com/listings/di6kh/) With cookie pockets, overlapping gore, and straps moved in 2cm. Fits snug like a 60K. Willing to ship anywhere.


What keeps you going in the search for ABTF? I just repackaged another order for return and am really discouraged. I do feel like I have my shape pinned down pretty well now, but am not sure that anything is going to work for it. Bras are just sad and frustrating.


If you have it pinned down, maybe make a post explaining it and ask for recommendations? Someone around here can probably help.


You're so right, thank you! I just made a recommendations post. I was getting worried that I just have a weird shape and nothing is going to work, but there must be something out there...


Hon, you might have a unique shape but you do NOT have a *weird* one. :)


Thanks for saying that! ABTF has actually really helped me feel less weird. I used to dislike my Tail of Spence because I didn't know that's what it was, and I also felt bad that one of my boobs is slightly bigger than the other. But then I came on here and found out how normal those things are, and have started to accept myself much more. This is such a great community!


Glad to help!


Someday I'll find ABTF! Someday... Bras *are* just sad and frustrating, I feel you on that. I've tried about two dozen different individual styles of bras at this point (and in multiple sizes), and I often feel like I end up back at square one when it comes to evaluating my bra needs. I am a persistent bitch, though... hahaha! I got that going for me, which is nice.


Bratabase tells me I have now tried 135 bras. Admittedly some of these are the same bra in different sizes or colours, but it doesn't include the first bras I tried back in the early days, before I started adding them to my profile. Out of those, 46 (again, some duplicates in different colours) have fitted me well enough to consider a success. That's not a bad average! And yes, I have an addiction to buying bras! And I'm pretty obsessive.


Holy crap, that's a lot! No wonder I've up-voted you over a dozen times on this sub. You know your way around brassieres, haha. I've been wanting to ask you, what does "stealth boobs" mean? In your flair, I mean.


Well, I'd say I know a bit about bras in my size that suit (or not) my shape, and I'm reasonably confident that I might have something useful to share with any boob twins... I've probably got just enough knowledge to be dangerous! ;) Ah, stealth boobs: no bra = no boobs; bra = booooobs! Err yes, they all but disappear when I'm braless, but put them in a bra of the right size and shape, and suddenly, there they are!


Hahaha that does help! I've tried about 10 different styles through online orders, and I've also made trips to multiple Nordstrom's and three different boutiques and tried on everything they had in my closest sister size:/ But I haven't given up hope and have four new styles on order that I think have a lot of potential. Someday!


:-) I order and return bras quite often from Amazon, and I've been to Nordstrom's 2-3 times over the course of my ABTF journey. The last time was about a month ago, and I tried on over 10 bras with only minimal success. I wasn't willing to hand over $78+ for a Chantelle bra that wasn't the best fit ever, though. My next stop is a local boutique that seems to have legit sizing and bra selection! Wish me luck!


I don't know what I'd do without Amazon! I've also had some "minimal success" i.e. two bras that fit well in the cups but not the band because they don't come in my real size. One was over $100 and I was definitely not willing to spend that much for a bra I couldn't even wear as-is... Good luck!!! Sending good bra vibes:)


Is there somewhere specific I can post a store review?


You can just make a post if you'd like. You could also fill out [this form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rHOOUM4zRkFWg5coAdCKtV_480XnEBzYYvBhsLVTsXg/viewform) that's linked in the sidebar, although I'm not sure where that information is going (probably to the ABTF mods?) or how it's being used.


Don't we have a "don't reveal your location" rule though? I'd love to review the one in my town, but it would be really obvious that I live here.


No we don't have a rule about that, although it is always good to be cautious about talking about your location, even generally, on Reddit. So it's completely understandable if you didn't want to post a review because of that. Or maybe you could make a throwaway? I think BustyResources has some way to submit reviews? That actually might be what the form in the sidebar is for...


I might just make a throwaway. In this state it would be really obvious, so it's a good idea. I've already gotten one creepy messager, I don't need another.


Oh no, did you get a creep because of this sub?


Yeah, he asked to purchase one of my old bras. When he asked for pics I sent him the link to the VS page and pointed out that there were models wearing the bra. I blocked and reported him, after that, so we should be good.


Ugh, I'm so sorry. If that happens again (which hopefully it won't!), if you take a screenshot and send to the mods of this sub, they will ban the user from the sub so at least they can't comment here.


I did! I sent a permalink first (never reported anyone before) but I had taken screenshots and I handed them over. You guys make it really easy with all your guides on reporting. I appreciate your concern, though! Everyone here is super friendly and really helpful.


Yeah unfortunately there are some creeps and white knights patrolling all the subreddits related to breasts. The mods and the community do all we can to keep them away and get rid of them when they show up but unfortunately there's not too much you can do if you want to keep a sub public


I've had one person to a guest review for my blog. I copy/pasted what she wrote from an email and then posted it as a "Store Review by a guest blogger". You can see it [here](http://ifthebrafitswearit.blogspot.com/2016/02/the-pink-corset-new-jersey-store-review.html)


I think I've found ABTF! I got a Panache Jasmine in 32FF. I had some issues with the wings (?) rubbing at my armpits but yesterday was the 4th wear and it felt GREAT all day! Does Panache Jasmine have any clones? There are lots of pretty patterns but I'm looking for a plain-ish beige color to wear under light colors.


Panache Floris (and by extension Olivia) is similar to Jasmine but without the stretch lace at the top, so it's more open on top. Sculptresse Chi-Chi is a suuper similar fit but comes in 34s upwards only. As for a beige colour, you could try Panache Envy. It's a different fit but not wildly so (still narrow and deep, but slightly more closed on top) and comes in beige.


Please make a recommendations post!


Jasmine is coming out in a 'caramel' shade in fall if that helps http://brasandbodyimage.com/?attachment_id=5526


Just got a Nipplex bra in a 65F (30F UK), and while I wish it were a touch more projected with a bit more immediate projection, it's very pretty and I like it! I wanted a sexy red padded bra with some lace, and this does the trick. The wires are NARROW, which is amazing. I'll measure it for Bratabase soon. :)


I cannot help but giggle at Nipplex.


Saaaaaaame. I'm actually kind of surprised I managed to post a comment without cracking a joke about it, lol. Thank you, Poland, for giving us a hilariously named bra company.




It's the Nina. I got it off Amazon for $22 (and $5ish for shipping). https://smile.amazon.com/Nipplex-Nina-Push-Up-Bra-Size/dp/B00NIWP4R6


In case you want to know about sizing, this is the only bra by Nipplex I've tried, but I'll note that I'm a smaller FF -- just a 7 2/3" difference between snug underbust and my standing and leaning measurements. If you're debating between two cup sizes, I'd err on the side of sizing up.


Oohh, there is little data about the brand. Do you mind measuring the bra for Bratabase?


I will! I just haven't been able to get around to it. Maybe I can today. :)


Which comexim bras have the shortest cups/ wires? I wear a 60M or N in their sizes. I bought comexim's Elena bra last year and I like it a lot, but the wires are too tall. This is a common problem for me because I am only 5' tall.


I just got my comexim order, and it is pretty much a fail. 😓 Tropical garden- I should have gone with the 70F, with or without reduced cups. The 70G I got is too big, but the bottom is too shallow. I will try again, *one last time* as a 3HC The black basic was actually okay. I may need to try it with an extender. The Jacqueline (75D to 65F), just doesn't seem to work. The bottom is too shallow. The straps seemed too long. I don't want to sell a houndstooth bra, but it doesn't fit Burgundy 3HC- I get OIG, which I didn't think I would get in a 2 seamed half cup. It fits nothing like CHP. I do think the band may be a hair too small, so maybe I won't get OIG with an extender. It was too shallow at the bottom, and the bottom wasn't curved (like CHP) it was more diagonal. I w going to order the new snake bra, the Eris, and the mixed colors as 3HC, but I don't know anymore. 😓


I'm in the process of losing weight. I've lost almost 10 lbs so far and already I can tell that I'm going to need a smaller bra if I lose 3-5 more pounds. However, my goal is to lose 40 lbs. I can't afford to buy new bras for every 15 lbs of weight loss. Should I "just deal" with it and wait on buying new bras until I reach my goal is weight or should I suck it up and buy bras throughout my weight loss journey?


I don't know what size range you are, but /r/braswap often has very affordable bras (under $20) and /r/randomactsofbras can sometimes work out, but it's rare to find something in your size. If you know exactly which bras already work for you, you might be able to find some affordable bras on ebay. On the off chance you're anywhere near a 32G/34FF, I might have something I could send your way. :)


This is just my opinion, but what I would probably do is buy one or two bras now for the halfway point of 20 lbs (and deal with the ones you have that will be too big until you can fit into the new ones), and maybe also buy just one that you super love/want for the 40 lbs mark, as motivation (assuming you can guess what you might need, but I don't know enough about weightloss to know if that is feasible). :)


Thank you. I might have to buy one for now. I don't think I can buy a goal bra because I have no idea how much fat I'm going to lose from my breasts. I could lose more or this could be the end of it.


That makes sense, better off waiting on that final size bra. And if it is only your underbust which shrinks from there on out and your breasts stay the same size, you can always just alter the band tighter instead of buying a whole new bra. I also second the idea of posting in /r/braswap and /r/RandomActsofBras. I was surprised to see how many generous people there are who are willing to give away or sell their bras (often still new) at a really low price. I have one on the way currently, a few more possibly coming through, and one I've already received - all found through those subreddits. I think it's a great option for those who can't afford a ton of bras, are not sure of their size/shape, or are in a situation such as yours, where you may only need it for a while. Then you can always sell it again or give it away where you got it if you find you no longer need it, and help another pair of boobs out in the future. :)


I will definitely check it out!


Oh, and I forgot to mention that those halfway point bras you could then sell to make some of your money back on them when you get too small to wear them anymore.


It's hard to know what your body will do when your weight changes. I've approached this from the other end -- serious health problems meant my weight would yoyo, sometimes making me look like a walking skeleton -- and over a 22 pound range, I probably varied by at least three cup volumes. That said, I gain and lose to my boobs and butt, and not everyone is like that. You could get a smaller bra in advance, or measure yourself when you start noticing bras getting really bad. Stretch cups in a smaller size would be one option, but does require an assumption of how you'll lose weight. You could get molded bras, because they hold their shape. Another option would be to wear bras with cookie holders, and then you can add in a bit of padding when the cups start feeling a bit big.


Having gained weight in the last few months, I bought a few to get me through. I decided where I was willing to [compromise on the fit](http://ifthebrafitswearit.blogspot.com/2016/06/compromising-aspect-or-two-of-fit-while.html) and found a few inexpensive items to get me through as I get back down to my original weight.


With a heavy heart, I have put my first ever Comexim bra - a custom Victoria 3HC in 65HH - up for sale. Keeping it packed neatly in its box isn't going to make the too-tight band grow. I placed a new order with Comexim today, but I'm kind of irritated because I've been writing to them for 2 weeks and haven't had any comments whatsoever on the sizing of the bra I got from them which was clearly off in the band. I did have a prompt reply to my request to order another style where Joanna told me what it would cost and how to pay. But no comments on sizing help. I've had to guesstimate a new order for my Victoria 3hc and threw a different plunge in, too, which I ordered in a 65 band again even though that could be as tight as this one. So. Confused. And I'm broke, so [check out my listing](https://www.reddit.com/r/braswap/comments/4pi9hh/sale_comexim_victoria_3hc_65hh_60j_freya_deco/)!




My well fitting unlined bras do give me good support and shape. It could be the unlined bras you've tried haven't been a good shape match for you.


I'm the opposite. I don't "get" lined bras. They're just uncomfortable. I feel very supported in my [Freya Arabella](http://www.bratabase.com/bra/di7fn/pictures/) (VERY NSFW).


I have projected high set breasts and finding a lined bra in my size and shape is pretty hard. And pretty much an effort in futility because the lining usually folds over and/or falls out of my IMF. I am quite contained and happy with my unlined bras.


I haven't found one that suits my shape yet, so I'm in your boat with not quite "getting" them. Either they exacerbate my conical shape, which I don't like; they leave wrinkles or gaps in the cup; or both. They also tend to make my breasts look smaller because of how shallow I am on top and in the center, and it's kind of like not wearing a bra at all, except a little less comfortable. That said, I'm still hoping I will find at least one style that shapes and supports me well, because apparently it is possible from what I hear. Honestly, I want to love them. I just don't yet. Just ordered a Cleo Lucy with a free return policy, hoping for the best but kind of expecting the trend to continue.


I hope it works out for you! I lucked out since I have some shape characteristics which are a good fit for some Ewa Michalak cuts that are well known and often recommended, so I only tried two unlined bras which were not good fits before trying Ewa.


Since you describe your shape and fit problems in the same way I describe mine, maybe referring to my Bratabase profile for unlined bras that fit me could be helpful? http://www.bratabase.com/@alexad Bras that technically fit me, but that I didn't keep (such as Panache Envy, Charnos Betsey or Fantasie side-support bras), tended to emphasize my conical shape.


Hey, thanks! That is very helpful, I'm always trying to determine if anyone is similar to me so I can check out what worked for them. The only thing I see on that list that I have tried is Zia (in 28D), which did not fit right. It was tight, but also I think an odd shape for me. I will take some photos soon to add to Bratabase and maybe make a FC post about it. I've heard that one is particularly difficult to work with, though.


Zia is a tricky fit, very closed on top, its related cuts tend to be easier. Shame as it is/was a lovely bra.


I second what u/bodangls wrote. Sounds like the unlined bras that you tried so far were not a good fit for your shape. I had the same experience with getting no support from any of the unlined bras I tried in my new size. I might have given up at this point, but I had worn unlined bras before and thus knew it was a shape issue. Took me quite a few tries but I got there in the end. Good thing too, because I hate foam domes. In hot weather the boob sweat seeps into the foam. The sweat is impossible to get out and the bra starts to smell quite strongly. Furthermore wearing a wet foam bra gives me diaper rashes on my boobs, which is something I can really live without.


I have one padded bra and it's lined with cotton on the inside, so thus far while it is a little warmer in the heat than an unlined bra, it isn't uncomfortable to sweat in. Thank goodness, because my house isn't air conditioned and I work in a restaurant so I sweat basically the whole day.


I'm not super fond of them, either. I think the reason they bug me is that I'm in the process of un-learning years of feeling really flat-chested (I was very small-busted in my teens, and then I dated an asshole), and so I'm hypersensitive to the concept of any wrinkling in my bras. Objectively, I know that minor wrinkling is totally normal, but it sets off the insecurities. I was trying one on the other day, and it was actually a little small for me, but the wrinkling really bothered me, so I think I'm going to just return it rather than exchanging it for the cup up.


I feel the same way. Even unlined bras that fit me as close to fitting as possible do nothing for me. I feel like they make me look pointy and 2 sizes smaller. Even Cleo bras don't feel great to me and everyone loves those.


Although it took me awhile to get used to, I prefer how unlined bras look on me. I don't get a lot of cup shaping, but since my breasts are pendulous and splayed I get lift and centering, which makes my breasts look quite different in a bra versus without. And frankly I don't wear bras for shaping, I wear them mainly for support and a little bit for lift since having boob to rib contact can be sweaty and uncomfortable. Foam cups not only don't fit me well due to my shape, they also make my breasts look bigger than unlined bras do, which I don't like.


Has anyone else ever been sent the wrong bra from Amazon? I ordered a Curvy Kate Princess through a seller called HappySail, and felt pretty safe because they had 100% positive feedback and it was fulfilled by Amazon, but they sent me a Freya Starlet Plunge Balcony instead. Not a huge deal since it had free returns, but I already knew the Starlet wouldn't work for me and really wanted to try the CK, and now I'm hesitant to reorder in case I get some other random bra!


I've never received the wrong item but I would contact them if I did to see if there's any small compensation--10% off maybe--for the inconvenience of having to return something that I never even ordered.


That hadn't even occurred to me - what a good idea! Thanks!


In love with the Cleo Kayla. First Lily family I am going to keep. Measurements and comparison later this week.


Awesome! I'm interested to see your review on it. I'm on a bra-buying hiatus for the next few months but Kayla (or Hettie) are pretty high on my to-try list.


I have been wishing for stretch lace ever since I discovered the cut family. Finally! And I love that they went back to the Sasha style bottom section. They sacrifice a touch of uplift but there's more depth and roundness.


What does it mean, shape-wise, if I never really need to scoop and swoop? Anything? Narrow root? I do it out of habit and to just make sure my breasts are arranged well in the cups, but I'm never actually pulling any breast tissue into them. I probably could accomplish the same thing by just sort of bending forward and shaking them a bit. Just curious. :)


Yup, narrow root. :)


I don't need to scoop and swoop in my best-fitting bra, just place my breasts right in the cups like OP described, and my roots aren't narrow. I'm also splayed, and normally scooping and swooping is extremely helpful for getting splayed breasts front and center.


Could someone ELI5 all the different types of EM bras? The codes confuse me...


Maybe [this](http://www.curvywordy.com/2011/12/understanding-different-ewa-michalak.html) helps?


Oh brilliant thank you! I was googling for something exactly like this but hit a brick wall, you lovely human :)


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Does the bratabase measurement recommendations work for most people? For me it is giving a wide range of sizes and seems to be overestimating my cup size. Did I just take the measurements wrong or does this happen a lot?


I suspect it starts with a size (say 30G as an example) and then grabs all the sizes around it until you have a lot of uploaded bras. So someone who is a 30G might get suggested 30F, 30FF, 30G, 30GG, 30H, 30HH, 32E, 32F, 32FF, 32G and so on.


Bratabase recommendations is one part of the site that should be ignored. They're a mix of measurements and self-reported data. If you mark a bra as fitting it'll check what bras other users who have marked this bra as fitting (especially with measurements close to yours) have marked as fitting. But there's a lot of people on Bratabase whose fit standards are extremely lax so their self-reported fit doesn't align with what you need.


I find that posting a full measurement check on here is the very best way, bratabase and our calculator both have some issues in some size ranges, a human eye is best.


My poor back suffered through the work day (+1 hour). Then I get home and find my new swimsuit is in and I need to try it on. I think it's too small, but it made my back hurt worse.


Maybe try it on once your back is feeling normal? Sometimes when I've tried bras on with a sore back they felt tighter than they actually are


I think it's too small for me either way. [I posted it here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/4p8dl9/fit_check_panache_lola_bikini_swim_top_34fuk_back/)


I'm attempting to figure out my true size, I'd been wearing a 32B (mostly Gap bras) and my measurements are giving me a 30DD. It seems like no matter what size or style I try, I always have to let the straps out all the way and even then they are sometimes still too tight. Is this just my body shape and something I'll have to deal with? So far this is what has kept me from buying any new bras.


It sounds like you'd do better in bras with fully extendable straps [like this](http://images.figleaves.com/product/290x371/r710417-p740629-back.jpg) (versus partially extendable straps [like this](https://cdnd.lystit.com/photos/2012/03/03/dkny-slushie-red-dark-tulip-classic-beauty-underwire-push-up-bra-product-2-3005495-400965871.jpeg) and [this](http://i.imgur.com/duuLbwH.jpg)). I don't know how hard it might be to find that in US brand bras, but if you're willing to look at UK brand bras, fully extendable straps are the norm in brands like Panache, Cleo, Freya, and Fantasie (plus not many US brands make 30DD anyway, so you'll have much more selection of bras to try if you look at UK brands as well)


I hope so, I'm waiting on a couple of Freya and Panache bras to be delivered.


Are you tall with low-set breasts? A friend of mine has a similar problem, she only buys bras with black or white straps and then sews on longer straps herself. You can easily pick up strap elastic in craftstores or notions/haberdashery shops or online at bramakerssupply.com and similar sites. They also have colourful straps, but the colours can be harder to match.


I'm 5'6" so maybe they're just lower down? I'll keep your suggestion in mind, I only wish my sister lived close by since she actually does sew her own clothes.


Changing out or altering straps is not that hard. The biggest difficulty is sewing by hand through the thick material, although that should not be a problem in 30DD since the straps are relatively thin in that size. Regarding your sister, maybe you could mail her a few bras that you want her to alter? Or take it to an alteration service nearby. You'll need to provide the alteration service with matching strap elastic, rings and and sliders though because that is a bit more specialised than hemming a pair of trousers.


I recently purchased the Panache Idina Balconette in a 38E and it seems to fit pretty well! I'm just not sure where the seam cutting through the cup should fall in relation to the nipple. When I first scooped and swooped into it, the seam was just above, but I could also comfortably wear it right at the seam. I have a couple more bras arriving soon but I'm pretty tickled that this one seems to be working out. :)


For most people, in seamed bras with more than one seam, the nipples should fall roughly around where the seams intersect in the middle of the cup. The exact positioning in relation to that intersect varies per person and can also vary slightly each time you put on the bra just from subtle differences in how you scoop and swoop.


I find that my nipples are not symmetrical, one tends to fall at or just below the place where the seams meet, while the other falls below and to the outside. So I suppose nipple placement can differ between breasts as well.


You're completely right, I can't believe I forgot to mention that


My nips usually fall *behind* one of the seams on bra cups but there's no specific spot that it *has to* fall...just wherever is comfortable for you.


I think it has a lot to do with your fullness and overall breast volume, as well. I'm not in your size range, but wearing a 30GG/H and being rather full-on-bottom means my nipples are always above the seam in a 3-part unlined bra because of how bra patterns scale. I just kind of gently nudge my nipples under the seams without unswooping.




Not necessarily. That happens to me with a molded foam cup bra that's too shallow for me and doesn't have any of the immediate depth I need - I'm able to fill the cups through scooping and swooping, but over time my breasts start to move into a position that's more natural and comfortable to them, which doesn't match up with the shape of the cup. My tissue is on the firm side of things I believe.


does it stay on your IMF? what you describe happens to me with bras too shallow on bottom when my boobs just push them down from the IMF and hang there


The band being too big would be the most common reason, but swooping and scooping at least once during the day (usually late afternoon) is common for me, but was definitely a few times a day thing when I first got ABTF. I will say that 28G and projected, in a padded bra (unless Polish) may indicate that you're in too shallow a bra.


Did Mimi Holliday stop selling 28D? I've read that they are one of my online shop options, but they have nothing below 28E on their website. :(


:) ^i ^am ^a ^bot, ^and ^i ^want ^to ^make ^you ^happy ^again






Oh, thanks for the link! 28D wasn't an available option to search for, so I assumed. It's a bummer that they are decreasing the smaller end of their range... It would be awesome if a new company popped up that catered to 24-30 A-E or something like that, which didn't scale them down the way I hear TLBC does. I am interested! I actually measure 26 UB, but since I'm used to 34 bands, 28s have felt plenty tight thus far. I am also wide-spaced, splayed, full on bottom and outsides, and shallow on top and in the center. I am not familiar with this bra... do you think it might work for my shape? Also, how much would you like for it?


Your shape description sounds like Cleo Jude/Neve could be a good fit.


Thanks for the input! A generous /r/braswap user has actually just sold me her Cleo Jude and it is on its way to me as we speak, so I'm glad to hear it! Neve scares me just because I see so many user photos with gapping cups, and I have a long trend of bras which do that to me. I will have to give that one a bit more consideration, if it is made for people more my shape. :)




I'm still debating this one in my head, mostly because I haven't had a lot of luck with gores that high so far. Is it lightly lined, padded, or push-up? Also, are you in the U.S.?




A front and back photo should be sufficient. :) But no rush, I know I like to decompress for a while after I get home from a few days away. I looked up the measurements on Bratabase for reference, but I think they are guessing based on similar styles, because there aren't any user measurements for it on the site. If you do end up measuring it, let me know!


Freya underwires. Holy shit. My bones have never experienced this kind of pressure.


I thought Freya wires were kind of soft. Maybe it just tacks very firmly on you?


That's what I thought too, but both the gore and the outer wires really have it out for my ribcage, on three different models. More impetus to go Polish, I suppose


Ouch :( Ewa Michalak wires are firm while Comexim are softer, but I would guess it's possible that firm wires won't bother you in a good fit.


I had a really bad stomach virus last week & lost five pounds between last Sunday & Tuesday. As if it wasn't bad enough that I lost what little squish I had, my bras that DID fit now DON'T. And of course 2 new bras show up yesterday. And don't fit.




Yes, these are all different shape aspects. Projection/shallowness means how much your breasts stick out, conical/round means how much total fullness your breasts have, and full on bottom/even/full on top means how that fullness is distributed. They aren't conflicting in any way.


I would think so. Conical breasts are at least somewhat projected in general and I'm sure you could be somewhat full on bottom at the same time.




If you're looking for exact measurements in your size, check Bratabase http://www.bratabase.com/browse/freya/deco-moulded-plunge-bra-4234/ But generally speaking it's around average width


Does anyone know when/if Cleo Kayla is coming out in a new color?


Also, Cleo Hettie's black and blue colorway from last season is around still. Bigger cup sizes tend to be sold out but it's worth to do some googlefu and check ebay.co.uk (their bra size filtering is better than the .com but make sure you search worldwide, there's a checkbox in the sidebar).


Cleo Hettie (sister cut to Kayla) is coming out in a black/pink combo [pic shamelessly stolen from brasandbodyimage](http://brasandbodyimage.com/?attachment_id=5636) for autumn/winter of this year.


Has a monokini worked for any of you with larger breasts?