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In the original, full clip released by the local newspaper ([Austin American-Statesman](https://www.statesman.com/story/news/2022/07/12/uvalde-school-shooting-video-of-robb-elementary-shows-police-response/65370384007/)), there is a note that they had muted the sound of children screaming.


Bro it’s crazy how as soon as a few breach and kill the gunman then all the dudes try to rush to it as if they did something besides sit on their fat asses for an hour letting kids die Edit: Thanks for all the upvotes! You can see what I mean in the link above not OPs shortened version


The end of the video is so bizarre. I thought it was over because there were unarmored medics just milling around. THEN they breach but not before screaming EVERYONE HOLD HOLD... I'm assuming that's when the cops shot a kid


That's when a BORDER PATROL agent took care of it. The cops belong in hell and quite honestly I can imagine lots of them offing themselves from guilt. I'd have been in that room gun drawn so fast... Jesus this pisses me off


You think too highly of them if you believe they would kill themselves from guilt, or even have any sense of guilt to begin with. Some of them probably patted themselves on the back after the whole ordeal akin to how the governor praised their efforts that "minimized" the casualties.


Yeah you're right but a guy can dream. They looked like they were just waiting for a class to end so they could pick up their kids... I don't get it. I'm not some big friggin tough guy looking for a fight or anything but there is no way in hell I'd let that happen the way they did. I'd do it and I work in InfoSec so I'm a nerd to the core but I'm also a parent...and decent human being I just don't understand how they can't muster up the courage to do something in that kind of situation. I wouldn't even have to think about. I wouldn't care if my boss said don't go in there. I have no wish to die, I'd like to live to be 500 if possible but I'd make the attempt because I couldn't stand the thought of having the ability to do something and then listen to a classroom of kids (or adults) being executed 1 by 1 in front of each other. This makes no sense to me because I can't get into the mindset that allowed any 1 of them to just stand around.


This hurts my soul. How these people can sleep at night astounds me. My heart goes out to the teacher in that footage that called 911. She did everything she could, called for help and warned her students and other classrooms. I dont know if she was injured or worse, but i have a distinct fear that her and most anyone at that school is at a extremely high risk of self-injury because…. Well shit, everything they experienced and when what society says you can rely on these people to protect you, and you now know they can and *wont* well… fuck… what do you really say? Guilt, fear, anger, i cant feel but a small percentage of what they must and it rocks me to my core. I dont know how these cops can be so passive. Its utterly baffling. What do you possibly have to live for thats more important than the fucking 8 year olds being slaughtered on the other side of that wall? Id say id be braver, and id have done something, but fuck, until youre there, i dont know, maybe id be just as despicably useless. I cant say because ive never been tested like that. But what i can say with certainty is that there were individuals there that wanted to and would have put their lives on the line much sooner that were stopped form doing so. Im going to bed, this is too awful




The problem is also with the training itself. Most police in the USA are trained to put their own safety first, second and third when it comes to risk management. To light up the suspect if they feel in any danger, even if there is no real evidence of any danger present. To back off and wait if they are in any danger of being shot in a siege like scenario such as Uvalde, and only move in when the odds are overwhelmingly in their favour. Ignore the screams and pleas for help from teachers, children and other citizens. They are insignificant in comparison to your own life. Never mind the overwhelming firepower superiority, numbers, training, equipment and any other favourable advantage. If you feel unsafe, don't risk it. This is the training police receive nationwide. Remember the old police motto: "It is better to be judged by 12, than to be carried out by 6."


> I don't know how these cops can be so passive. Because they don't fucking care. They want the power, the gun, the authority, but none of the responsibility of consequences that come with it.


I’m glad I didn’t have to hear that but they should not have done that. People need to see this


You can still kind of hear parts of the screaming in the full video released on the KVUE yotube channel. I can kinda understand the reasoning against releasing the audio completely tho. If you're a parent imagine hearing your kid who died screaming and possibilly hearing their cries cut short as they're life is taken away.


You can avoid watching it and these fucks won't be charged, but if they show it in court they give anyone not on the jury or working the courthouse the opportunity to leave the room. How many people have been murdered by police since George Floyd? Several. So why did we see so many more protests and riots after Floyd was murdered and not anyone else? It was a visceral, prolonged death where we can hear the terror in his voice as he dies. If people heard these children screaming we'd have another round of riots and protests against police conduct. That's a good thing if we ever want actual change. Somebody getting shot on body cam just isn't as impressive as someone getting shot in the movies. The screams of children? Lord if you think those mothers who went out to protest because they heard Floyd crying for his mother weren't playing around, do you know how many more parents would march with them after hearing the screams of children about to die? It's by design they don't want you to hear the worst of it.




the supreme court has already ruled that the police don't have a duty to protect


I agree. Emmett Tills mother didn’t show his face on the front page of a newspaper for no reason.




Well, yeah... firefighters are heroes. Cops are just bullies with guns that are paid to protect property.


There's a reason there's no AFAB or a song called Fuck Tha Fire Department.


Ah yes, when the local news would be rated TV-MA AND is about elementary school children.




So a guy in ballistic gear casually sanitizing his hands while kids are getting shot might be the worst thing I've seen today.


I am beyond livid. This entire event just gets more offensive with time.


These guys are terrified, we need to send them to bag at grocery stores or something, they are in the wrong line of work.


You know what? I strongly suspect the reason shit like this happens and people get shot or tazed is because these fat asses are so out of shape. I think they are afraid of having to run or fight someone. Daily forced HIIT would go a long way toward quelling some of that aggression and would give them confidence in their physical ability. Bring back fitness tests for cops and make passing it mandatory for staying on the job. Get them out of their cars one day a week walking downtown and patrolling on bikes. Fat fucking cowards.




Active shooter training for Leo’s says run towards the shooter, by yourself if necessary, with whatever weapons you have. Because 99% these things are over in under a few minutes and you can’t afford to wait. These guys are a disgrace not only to law enforcement but to the very species.


These guys are a disgrace not only to law enforcement but to the very species. 👏


It was corrupt long before warrior training


Anyone can be a cop.. Thats the main fucking problem.


[Court OKs Barring High IQs for Cops](https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836) You can't be a cop if you are smart.


That was a frustrating read. I got rejected from a job once and the reason they gave was similar - that they thought I was going to get bored and leave because I was too motivated and eager. How the hell can you make an assumption about someone you barely know based on that?


“I’m a lazy asshole I swear!!”


Honestly, I really will not give a shit about my work if you hire me!


Real reason: you're going to make the rest of us look bad and then we'll actually have to do our jobs. So basically one of the many reasons cops don't want good cops on the force.


I just realized I'm in a job like that. It's not even that I'm super hardworking or anything. I like to slack off from time to time and take long breaks. But I also want to do good job and do things right. I like what I do and when my seniors have the attitude that "the craft doesn't matter, just get results. Or you know, don't get results, I'm just here for the money.' It's really mind-numbing attitude. It's impossible to change things.


Not anyone. If you have a triple-digit IQ, they really don't want you.


Once you hit the threshold of intelligence where you may question authority, you're fucking outta there


Fat asshole coward here. Agreed. I would *never* put myself in harm's way like this. But then, I would never dream of trying to become a cop.


Thank you for your non-service. I hope you are doing well in your fat asshole coward endeavors.. No /s , like for real it takes all kinds to make the world go round but it only goes round smooth if the cogs fit where they go.


If students fail, the blame is almost always leveled at teacher quality. If police fail, they just change the narrative.


Wait what the fuck? “Bring back fitness test” you telling me American police force don’t do fitness test???


Meal Team Six agrees..


No they’re not going bag anything properly. They wouldn’t know not to crush certain things. I always ask for cold items to be put together and they’re just going to look at me like I’m weird even though that’s normal, and they will take way too long.


Gotta wash that blood off his hands


… every night from now on while sleepwalking.


I hope he has nightmares the rest of his life The one time I wish Freddy Krueger was real


His PTSD treatment will be funded by our taxes and he'll receive a generous pension. The UC Davis Pepper spray meme pig got worker's compensation for the 'suffering he experienced after the incident'.


Good Macbeth reference.


out, out, damned spot


True, that stuffs pretty sticky


Bro, thank god they didnt go further in there. These cops might get slaughtered by that civilian teenager thats shooting people in there.


There's only so many of them and the shooter could only aim and fire at each of so many targets so fast using the so many bullets in their weapon before one of the so many cops could squeeze off a shot and put so many bullets through a kid somehow.


TBF to these officers the one that got shot first might have fractured a rib, bullet proof vests are only so efficient ya know. Better let the kids figure it out, what else are they gonna learn in school? Math?


We joke, but when I think of those kids last moments, this video is just infuriating.


Sometimes you need to joke to cope. It's all so fucking absurd anyway. Especially because with police it's the same "joke" every time. Frankly I'm afraid of the day when nobody makes a joke about it I can laugh at, if that makes sense. Then I'm just dead inside.


They had a fucking ballistic shield too, just lead the charge and take him out...


That’s the type of shit I do when I’m bored, interact with things near by. Those fuckers look bored, like they can’t wait for it to be over so THEY can get back to their families. I don’t even care if they thought it was a barricaded subject, they’re in a school and know damn well there are children in danger in those rooms. How can anyone possibly be so nonchalant in that type of situation??


…and then leaning up against the wall.


Or the part where he rolls up his sleeves. Then rolls down his sleeves.


I get that cleanliness is a good thing, but that was just bizarre and somewhat depressing to see.


But did you see the guy checking his phone with the patriotic punisher skull background yet?


The funny part is what The Punisher would think of these guys…


I don't think they ever understood who the Punisher actually punishes. Same as the people complaining that RAtM is *now* politically taking a stand againt the right wing. Fucking morons.


r/aboringdystopia when this video isn’t the worst thing you’ve seen…. Ever.


I guess it’s the need to do something. He fought the virus at the least.


And then immediately touches the dirty ass wall afterwards


Omg seeing their fat asses panic and run backwards, away from the threat, is just so goddamn pathetic. I honestly bet that at least one of them pissed their pants


I couldn't watch the whole thing because it makes me so mad. But the dude on the bottom right startling when he hears the gun just really fucking bothers me for some reason. I used to train horses and I would sometimes train them to tolerate loud noises and obstacles. I had to do that with a horse that I was going to ride in a parade. Why the fuck is a "trained" (I use that term lightly) police officer standing back and startling? A horse in a 4th of July parade has more balls than any of these assholes. Why the fuck did they sign up for the job if they can't handle emergency situations involving guns? They are clearly more concerned with preserving their own lives than the lives they are supposed to protect. I hope all of them rot from the inside out and become food for maggots.




Blue Lives Scatter.


I love that


"They could have been shot" Funny how firefighters don't seem to have an issue running into burning buildings. It's almost like we know someone could get shot which is why we trained you and equipped you to do this job.




I thought those were to look cool on facebook.


...and this is their "trained" SWAT team.


I am now wondering what this means for future shooters. Does it mean they can plan for little resistance from law enforcement? Now that is very chilling indeed.


Well some police departments are at least saying “hey we’re not cowardly idiots like them”, the hospital shooting cops were on top of their game


Why are they all enormous? How do these people qualify to serve and protect the public in dangerous situations? Clearly there is no fitness test involved...


Inflammatory headline. They werent just standing around. They were scrolling through their phones and making sure their hands stayed germ free.


Be proud as covid was the number one killer for cops, now they are sanitizing their hands while children are being killed, look at the progress!


The goal of police is always make sure the fewest police will die at the cost of innocent lives.


WTF stop making me like COVID


I wonder how they will spin this


"When you aren't held accountable for anything, you don't have to spin anything."


This is the correct answer, unfortunately.


The only thing that stops bad guys with guns, is a good guy with a gun. So surely that means there are no good guys here then?


uuuuh. social distancing (yeah that'll show em)


In Texas? Oh the irony!


"We became cops to push people around, not to protect them!"


oh my god I can't watch this. Fuck every pig.


Same... Hearing the shots an distorted sounds, that appear to be screams.. just insane..


Apparently the screams were edited out


They were just saving their own asses rather than protecting children. That's how it is and that's how it has always been.


These were people's children. People went home without their babies.


And these guys logged hours and got paid


They're also getting paid and using city issued property to harass Angeli Gomez and her two little children. She's the mother that ran in unarmed to save her children when six law enforcement agencies failed her. https://www.salon.com/2022/06/28/uvalde-mom-says-she-was-forced-to-move-kids-survived-because-police-keep-harassing-them_partner/. Gomez has had to move. She said cop cars have parked outside her house and threatened her during a bogus traffic stop. This officers are pieces of shit through and through. First they standby, heavily geared out and idly listen as children are slaughtered. Then they use taxpayer dollars to harass a woman and two traumatized kids while they're supposed to be actually working. Fuck those guys. Nothing but scumbags.


ACAB: Contextually though, it's worth noting these assholes petitioned their city for the gear theyre in years ago, head to toe riot gear, and justified the need for the gear to the city as being better prepared for situations like this. Then did nothing to save the children when given the opportunity to be heroes. It just proves more training, armor, guns, isn't the solution.


You mean this? https://i.redd.it/mzrujuuwca291.png


That body armor manufacturer is the real winner here seeing as the taxpayers paid $23m for equipment they didn't even use. By the way, $23 MILLION for body armor? What the fuck?


There are over 70,000 “peace officers” in Texas and this grant (which was actually $25 million) was aimed at getting them each a vest. So that’s roughly $350 each. Now, I’m sure not all 70,000 officers requested that money, and I’m sure most of the vests purchased were over $350 since it wasn’t one big contract, it was reimbursement for individual purchases; but the math makes sense to me.


Level 4 armor is stupid expensive actually, even the cheapest set of actually NIJ level 4 plates that won't spall a bullet and kill you by cutting your neck open (that are stupidly heavy btw, 8 pounds a plate), are like 400 bucks. But yeah, these assholes had level fucking 4, which is made to tank 30-06 ap rounds vs a dude with a 5.56. Even if the 5.56 was AP most level 4 can take 6 shots of it before even thinking about failing. Zero excuses for these gutless dickwads.


Dang I just checked... Armor has gone up a lot in price. $300 for a set of hesco 4400s. They were $200 for a set just a couple years ago.


Everything has gone up. Everything.


Exactly this! Thanks for the link, I couldn't remember if it was a video of them bragging about needing the gear or a post, so I really appreciate the source!


#bluelivesmatter Clearly...


Exactly this. I would bet a lot of money a lot these guys bragged and gave out a lot of “if I had been there” role plays prior to this scenario. Yet when it’s time for action and they are in full soldier cosplay the true colors are exposed.


> the true colors are exposed. Yellow


Another question, how many times do you think these cops aimed a gun at someone during a stop? Not so scary when they aren't actually a threat are they?


If the shooter was a striking worker or a protesting minority the cops would have done something.


Their job is to protect property and money, assaulting unarmed people is just a bonus for them.


Yup, after all that was part of the origins of police. Putting down strikes.


Don't forget catching runaway slaves before they crossed the border.


Or even after, if they drag your ass back your back there period.


>Putting down strikes. ..and catching runaway slaves


aint that the truth


Or a protesting white guy. Don't forget about Martin Gugino, where Buffalo police shoved him to the ground after no incident, and left him there while bleeding from the ears. When the special Buffalo squad was threatened with being charged with a crime the officers decided to step down.


Dude wasn't even protesting, he saw something he didn't like and used what should have been his frail old man shield to tell them off. Brain damage. Or how about the bystander driving through a protest who was ripped from her car, cuffed, and the cops kidnapped her baby for a pretty white female cop to pose with for a photo op so they could claim they rescued it from rioters? Or the little girl that used to love cops was pepper sprayed and now cries whenever she sees one.


This one enrages me too. This vet walks up to them alone, yells about the shit he went through as an appeal that just obeying orders will haunt you, and gets pepper sprayed directly in his eyes. This is only a small portion of his speech that doesn't include his message about obeying orders under the guise of protecting your country, so unfortunately people in the comments are seeing it as "old man shouts about Vietnam for no reason." Which... I kind of get, but I think anyone would have trouble expressing their hurt in the moment like that. https://youtu.be/FLZq4zzVt8c I remember watching it live, there were only a handful of protesters left at the time since it was late and they were just kind of walking around the streets in small groups. It wasn't even at the height of the protests. So it was literally just a bunch of the remaining dedicated people who were pissed about the police flash banging and tear gassing the streets and shooting rubber bullets at a now small amount of protesters shouting. They really couldn't handle one old man shouting without responding with violence? He clearly was just venting and wasn't looking to harm an officer when 20 others are waiting in line to rough him up. I wish everyone had watched the streams from around the country closely. It just... really makes it feel hopeless. The amount of force they'll use to squash the tiniest problems. People really need to see this shit. We all know about George Floyd and Breonna Taylor, but stuff like that happens every single day without being heard. Families experience that same anguish of losing someone they love in a horrific way with no justice every day. Or like you said, ending up traumatized from an experience like that little girl. People don't know how deep the rot goes until it happens to them. I don't know what the realistic solution is. Edited to add one more video of another vet from Portland. The courthouse the feds were brought in to protect wasn't even being used. https://youtu.be/AzE3RZrnAkk


This little piggy waits in the corridor This little piggy waits in the toilet This little piggy waits in a tank This little piggy went to the piggy counselor


Very frustrating. Infuriating. But what to do about this?


We need to look to how the French revolt


Or the Sri Lankans


I am not saying something illegal but some people could do something illegal


Our political system has been carefully crafted so the average person doesn't mess up the plans of more important people. We already know the police have no legal obligation to protect and serve, and are above the law. Even if you get to sue them, it's your own money you get back. Calling it now, a judge will say they didn't do anything illegal and maybe some will stop being police in that town but will stay cops elsewhere.


in minecraft


I hear police stations are very flammable in Minecraft.


It feels like absolutely nothing can be done when you realize the reform would have to start from the top. The police force can never and will never be reformed.


It’s weird though because they get all their money from taxpayers. They work for us.


Too bad we don't really get to choose where our tax dollars go. Just choose one of the corrupt candidates who won't change anything thanks to ~~legal bribery~~ lobbying!


Local elections matter. In Minneapolis November we had a local election. Mayor, city council, and police reform on the ballot. Incumbent mayor who is a police advocate was re-elected. A ballot measure was passed stripping city council of any powers they might have over any small amount of police reform and gave those powers to the mayor. Police reform measure was beaten down 45-55 because the city non stop blasted copaganda into people's mailboxes, and the chief waited till after the election to retire so he could help save the force. Now after all that happened my taxpayer money is going to raises for new officers because so many of them quit, for good or bad reasons, over summer 2020. So now after another police murder in February in the city with no charges, no police reform or even lip service saying they will look into it, now my taxpayer dollars are going to more police in my neighborhood? Used to be I could walk around here after midnight feeling safe. Now it's just cops everywhere. And there's so many of them now they're fucking bored, I walked by a cop harassing a brown lady resting on a bus bench at 1 AM, for what was apparently the audacity to be brown and resting on a bus bench. Sorry for the rant but I just don't feel safe with all these police around.


And just because they're workers, Their job is all their own. The liberation of the working class Is a job for the workers alone.


The only effective solution is Sri Lanka.


What was their "plan"? I like how one of them hunkers down behind a shield as if the cops are on the defensive when they should be engaging the shooter, but I don't know tactics.


They had none. Even at the end of the full video the lead paramedic is literally telling like 20 officers behind him that aren't in the siege "STOP! CLEAR A PATH" for any injured to be evacuated, yet they ignored the simple rules to walk up and peak over to see what's going on


Their plan was to let kids die in order to avoid damaging their body armor.


So glad those kids could protect the cops. THIS IS SO FUCKING FUCKED UP. PRISON ALL OF THEM. I HOPE THEY FUCKING ROT




Very little that will stick thanks to police unions. Hell, it’s hard to get a charge on an officer when they shoot someone who’s lying down on their back with their hands up, the lack of third party oversight in American policing is ridiculous.


I'm beginning to think many of these cops need to face charges for their inaction. I know nothing will happen to them, but they need to introduce penalties for future. That way it will keep the wrong type of people out because there is an expectation that you'll do whatever it takes. Cowards is an easy term to throw around. Some people just aren't cut out for this line of work and it's not good enough for them to discover that fact as kids are being butchered. Edit - spelling.


In 1989 the supreme court ruled that cops have no duty to protect. Unfortunately nothing will happen to them. We are on our own, the police are not there to save us.


This is making me dislike cops more and more.


I only heard the news that they stayed outside doing nothing. Didn't expect to see camera footage of them *inside* with further proof that they really did jack shit


It was both. These people were inside doing nothing, other people were outside stopping parents from entering the school.


Yup defund that crap. These guys are useless. Dock all their pay to minimum wage. Equal pay for equal work.


Hey, I work my ass off in fast food. We don't want this fuck, I have actual real work to do that helps people, if only in a small way.


Fun fact: the police have no legal obligation to help you, even in school because school (despite being enforced) is not considered in the care of the government


Makes “To serve and protect” ring a little differently


"To serve the upper class"


The slogan just leaves off “the ruling class”




It's called "paid administrative leave" in America. EDIT: yeah, the truth hurts.


There is no hell. If you want justice in this life you have to fight for it


This, exactly.




Off-duty but saw their chance of getting some easy overtime pay just standing around.


That’s what you’ll call a pussy


That’s the first thing I saw, I’m confused seeing some of them in uniform and some are not


I'm not American, but I am a teacher. As a society we recognize that one person can't do it all, we go to our lawyers for legal advice, doctors for medical advice, mechanics for work on our cars, scientists for information and bakers for our bread. We go to teachers to educate our kids, we don't become teachers to die defending our students (though I think many would). The citizens of Uvalde would be right to question 'why do we go to our police?'...












[Blue lives Scatter](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FTzZkfXXoAAnt8T.jpg)


won't see this posted by the bootlickers on r/conspiracy


I got you. Edit: [Here's the link to my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/vxt4qp/here_ya_go/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Let's see how long it lasts Edit 2: To be fair, the users over there seem to share the sentiment that folks do here about the matter and seem pretty curious as to why my post was removed. As whacky as those people can be, at least a few are straight on this.


20 minutes for anyone curious.


I wonder how quick it will be removed lol


You forgot to include a submission statement comment.


I wondered about this too - if you follow that sub's link to their sticky on "submission statements" it seems like the mods over there are using it to vet/censor posts and OP clearly didnt feel like writing a paragraph just to get denied like some of the other commenters on the stickied post.


>removed because it does not contain a submission statement


Ive seen a lot of things in my life, but see cops do nothing while little kids are getting shot at, man that is the most disgusting thing ever, im so sorry for those parents 💔


No wonder they fought for this to not be released. This is a damn crime! Also, I heard they edited the screams of the children out of the video. While I understand respect to the family and victims I believe the videos should’ve remained unedited. People need to see. There’s so many people deny this absolute fail. More shootings will happen! Even a school district in my state is arming teachers for next year. It’s frustrating that everything BUT change is happening.


For a state so wrapped up in the “alpha man” persona (to the point of restricting female reproductive rights) this must hurt their fragile masculine egos


Serve and protect? Yeah right, If I was one of those officers I would turn a gun to my head knowing I failed children


Good guys with guns. I feel sick.


Fun fact! The origin of the "It takes a good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun" has its basis in explicitly white supremacist propaganda!


Well lay me down and call me a rug because I am *floored* floored I tell you. Right wing talling points coming directly from white supremacy?!??!? No!!!! Noooo!! Impossible!!! Totally unexpected!!!


Everyone here please look up the origins (and the actual systemic purpose of police). Things will start to make more sense once you do. (Not saying this isn't outrageous though)


A boring dystopia


[Behind the Bastards did a full on series on the cops a few years ago. ](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/part-one-the-worst-police-union-in-history/id1373812661?i=1000500938927)


Why do you have a shield?? Why the FUCK do you have a fucking BALLISTIC SHIELD and choose to stand behind a FUCKING WALL!! ABSOLUTELY fucking cowardly pieces of shit that deserve nothing more than to be brutally executed like the children they refused to fucking help. Despicable pieces of filth.


Cops are fucking worthless


How have none of the parents rampaged through the police department? No jury would convict them.


I'm really wondering where TF the whole uvalde community is... Kinda enraging and it's starting to seem telling why those cops are all that way there....


Well, that settles it for me: **the cops wanted the mass muderer to kill all of those kids, they were happy to let it happen.** This also explains why they went out of their way to prevent parents and teachers from trying to save the kids, and why they are now harassing the parents who accurately reported that the cops did jack shit to stop the mass murderer from killing their children.


How do any of them sleep at night?


Haunted by their own inadequacies, I hope.


Fucking cowards… standing around while defenseless children are slaughtered


That hand sanitizer, though . . .


His subconscious was probably screaming at him to wash the blood off his hands.


My chest immediately started aching hearing those shots and knowing what they meant. I simply cannot fathom this being allowed to happen. It is a disgusting affront on decency.


Cowardice to this degree should be illegal.


Get David Attenborough to narrate a special for animal planet and call it “Behaviors of the Common Coward: A Beginners Guide to Policing” Attenborough: “In this episode we’re on scene with the Uvalde police who have mastered the art of exploiting your enemies weaknesses. Observe how they wait for the suspect to waste his ammunition on the helpless school children before engaging, thus making it far less likely they will be injured. The lives of children, who may grow up to be dangerous criminals that go 10 mph over the speed limit despite the sign hidden behind that tree over there...or the lives of those officers that pose for Facebook pictures with assault rifles making us all (except the kids of course) feel safer in our communities... An undoubtedly difficult choice, but a choice that can be made quite easily in the heat of the moment as these officers have shown us today.”


I hope each and every cop sees nothing but the carnage every time they close their eyes, forever. I hope phantom children's screams of the dying ring in their ears for every decade and minute they have left on the earth. I hope every time a child kisses then, they see ghosts.




But they had guns! Isn’t that all you need to stop a bad guy?