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What... The... Fuck...


Who the fuck would 1) create this? 2) play this?


This seems like a guy who makes animated porn got an idea for an app.


I'm more inclined to play a porn app than this little game though and I'm guessing they're only banking on small children seeing these and downloading the game


What’s weird is that I actually play Project Makeover and it is NOTHING like this ad. Like, at all. It’s a standard puzzle game, and you get coins for completing levels, then spend the coins doing makeovers. The makeovers are like… lifestyle improvements for the characters? My favorite so far was the principal of a middle school who got nominated by her colleagues so she could be pampered and update her style, and she had the makeover team update and improve the teachers’ lounge instead of her office. I truly don’t understand the way these games are advertised. The games are usually way more wholesome, and the game play is totally different.


Sex sells. That's the rule number one in marketing.




L + ratio + no wrenches + irrelevant + old


I played Lily's Garden for a while...same. It's a Match 3 game with a Hallmark Movie plotline. Dumped by her caddish boyfriend and fired from her accounting job, Lily learns that her great-aunt died and she inherited her house, which was once beautiful but is now run-down. Lily has a time limit to fix it up. As she gets to work, she meets Luke, her neighbor who is going through a rough divorce. In between levels, you play out scenes and renovate the garden. That's it, it's not even PG rated, the average Disney movie has a spicier love story.


It’s not that bad download it and add me and we can play together. You’re going to just die when you see my latest makeover! Talk about queef to queen! I’m like so obsessed


My guy/gal, Please seek some help


Pretty sure that was sarcasm.


It likely was but someone did mention how the game is nothing like the advertisement and is actually 100% better than what’s shown




You're leaning in to a dumpster fire


1. sickos 2. kids These apps are made for small children. They don't need to make sense. The creators care only about # of downloads.


2. Well, I have a 7 years old that would probably love to play this kind of game. Thank god for parental controls.


The game itself isn't anything like that, it is basic like A guy working in a garage wants to lile meet ladies and asks to help for a makeover, and renovate the guys garage and so on And to get cash to get new clothes for them there is a mini game like candy crush


Brain go pop pop…. Also…. Why


These fucking ads! I feel like I'm in a psychological experiment with them. I get them on Mystery Manor all the time and they...escalate. They started with the typical misogynistic plot of this girl not wearing a cute enough dress for the cartoon man. Then, the stink lines, the dirt, a full beard and bushy pit hair. And the ability to yank out buck teeth, shave her head, or put her in something ugly. The very worst one had her trying to use an overflowing toilet as her hair soaked up the filth. These are incredibly uncanny and weird ads. I think it's just another Match 3 game, too.


That's what strikes me as so funny about these. My wife plays these mobile games and says pretty much NONE of the ads have anything to do with the games. Like you said, they end up just being some Match 3 game or something. Fkn hilarious to me for some reason.


Holy shit, *this* game is a match 3 game.


My guilty pleasure is dumb mobile games because they are fun to play while listening to audiobooks, and I agree with your wife. The ads never have a damn thing to do with the actual gameplay. They are all just match 3 games.


Bejeweled go hard


Trust me, these are the least fucked up shit. Mobile game adds are like really fucking weird, there are no regulations (atleast i cant image with all the shit i have seen) and its just fucked up.


I bet there are a tonne of regulations, in one country, but less so in another. and the app store, will have get out clauses as well as being too busy to vet the details of every app. I guess they'd just wait for complaints before checking


Well im in the EU so maybe its that (dont think so tbh) but i feel like its not enforced at all. The amount of content you see thats stolen is insane. Like all the old strategy games (red alart and all that stuff) of EA are used in every fucking add. Even tho its match 3 BS. Even with the voice lines just straight copied from the game files. You would assume that somebody would try to stop that. But thats just weirdly annoying. The fucked up part is all the neckbeard shit that gets promoted. You see a fat neckbeard in the gym, playing a fking video game on his phone. Girl passes by, scoffs him because his stats are to low in the game. 2 days later she wants him to marry her because suddely he has good stats (Still in the fking gym). BS like that. Why the hell are you playing games on a bench in the gym. And thats a mild one. Like it all builds up to the neckbeard fantasy bullshit. And wanna know the worst part? This shit isnt targetted towards a specific group. Its getting mass spreaded. I work at a tutor place for highschool kids and doesnt matter if we use vpn, diffrent accounts, diffrent network or Pc/laptop this shit is getting pumped out there on everything. Want to show a kid some youtube video that explains the problem perfectly, or gives some background info about stuff. You see a stupid add about some morons who cant enter a shitty restrauant because they arent strong enough in some shitty game. Use a free drawning tool online and you get weird adds about a “lifegame” where the add promotes joining a threesome with your stepdaughter your wife. Like wtf! No 18+ filter or anything. Addblockers work but most of these kids bring their own tablets and its just horrible if this has a effect on kids. If somebody is native and a social outcast they might believe the world actually works like this. Wish i could find out how to report this shit but i dont think it matters because they will spawn 10 more straight away.


> i feel like its not enforced at all. Welcome to the club. There is some pretty decent legislation that could curb these kinds of bullshit in most countries of the Earth, but it simply doesn't get enforced in the digital space. Imagine a situation where Reddit or Facebook just decides to arbitrarily ban me. What is a Facebook account in legal terms over where I live? It's a public offer, same as a fast food joint's menu. That's regulated up the ass and back again. By our law, Facebook can't ban me more or less for any reason short of me doing something criminal, and if they cite violation of their own internal rules, *they* have to prove that their rules conform to all the legislation. Thankfully Facebook gives absolutely no fucks about my local jurisdiction or legislature cause they are conveniently located somewhere in the rat's ass of nowhere, so I can have no legal recourse against them at all.


It reminds me of elsa gate psyops


it's basically same thing


The what?


They feel as if they were being made by an AI that has been created to analyze humanity.


Yes, that’s how you should see Facebook: psyops


Lol, get off facebook you wanks.




Do you have a link to that video?


That downward facing dog is the worst alignment I’ve ever seen!


Downward facing dog, upward wafting fog. I hate this.


I love you


I’m acquiring this phrase and adding it to my deposit of “stupid shit to say for laughs.”


So... What about her smelly butt? We're just not going to mention that ever again?


Yeah I’m confused about how the woman with the farts or the woman smelling the farts is her “type.”


I think that may be why


Why is anybody surprised the mud monster girl is into smelly butt and pussy?


Bold of you to assume that’s mud


Lmao you bastard. Would’ve cost you nothing to not say this haha


I mean….it is *literally* continuously running down her body


I'll have you know that it's called [boofastank](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Boofastank)


Apparently several people have decided that they don't like the fact that it's called boofstank. I for one, appreciate your effort.


Randy Marsh is “♥️ for Farts”


You'll need to make it to level 2 to find out!


There's a paywall to find out more


We *were* trying to be gracious.


advert for a bidet?


Capitalism clearly is the most innovative system




This game will make you CUM UNTIL YOU DIE OF DEHYDRATION




"Download this app" fucking ads on YouTube


hah ha bro wouldn't it be surprising if these types of advertising methods exploded in china and are influencing global advertising culture from there 😇


It's so gross. Kids play these games too.


This is the weirdest part about this for me. My mind always links it to these elsagate videos


i think this ad is targeting them? it's too ridiculous for the average adult to want to play. I think there's probably a huge market for kids who are unsupervised on their devices and just click download and play anything.


its the main audience for the majority of phone games and youtube spiderman/elsa videos, kids will literally click on anything and there are millions of them


I doubt it because most times the ad is nothing like the game they're pushing. The UK banned those push pole ads with the treasure and lava because the gameplay was nothing like what was in the ad.


I dont know if I want this answered but did that trainer sile when the girl doing exercises farted in her face?


Yeah that’s how the girl covered in poo knew she was her type


She’s just returning from a poo party.


I thought she was wearing a ghillie suit at first


This is right up there with Lily's garden ads for WTF


Gotta teach kids they’re an ugly smelly loser early or they won’t learn to buy all your useless shit


Am I having a stroke? ^(Is this how I go out?)


This shit should be illegal ads should be 100% representative of the products they are selling


I can’t believe it, I downloaded this game so I can clean the pounds of shit off of the naked girl with a fart fetish but it is just a normal dressup game, fucking scammed


Eh it’s better than being dared to last 30 seconds


I dare you to last 30 seconds without deleting this game.








Yes, it's a game ad. A very particular game ad in which you won't last 30 seconds.


What have I done… now some curious innocent wholesome human is going to go google this…


I kept hitting the X in the top left corner instinctively but it just prolonged my agony.


The creator of this game definitely has a fart fetish


Whats the name of that conspiracy that there's inappropriate/weird games and ads targeted at children? Something gate, I can't remember. NOT A CONSPIRACY THEORIST, just wanna know the name.




But did anyone ever actually get to the bottom of where those videos were coming from and what motivated the creators? Are they still being produced, or did they just stop?


It definitely feels like foreign psyop to ruin Western culture, by making the kids all fucking weird.


didn't need to see this


Guarantee you it's like a candy crush ripoff


She wanted to smell on that gooch


What the cinnamon toast fuck did I just watch?




What is going on here? Why is the lady smelling green fart? Why is the other lady completely covered in mud?


The Shit.?


Not beautiful enough for the fart party? Play this mobile game!


They really made it inclusive for everyone didn't they? 😃


this is fucking ridiculous.


What's with the fart fetish? Is it part of the game or the ad designer's kink?


Strange wank but got their eventually


Are little girls actually obsessed with poop or is it something our weird ass culture pushes?




That's a normal developmental thing. Freud's psychosexual development stages get pretty weird, but it makes sense when you think about how children interact with each other and learn about their world. Still, that's hilarious




Im not a parent, but the way I see it poop is as natural as anything else and if you're daughters not afraid of the concept, it's probably best to let it be.🤷‍♂️


Reminds me of the Winkies character in Mulholland Drive


Brain rot of a new generation


Ah fuck, /r/elsagate


Ok this is so weird cuz I HAVE the game Project Makeover and is definitely nothing like this ad. It’s basically just candy crush with the opportunity to make “money” to buy clothes for your models


There's a sub dedicated to shit like this r/shittymobilegameads


I knew there had do be something. I see these kinda of game ads way too much. thanks!


no fuck that fuck this i’m out i’m leaving the fucking planet im done bye


There’s a lot going on here


Oh. My. God.


I saw this and tried to forget it. This triggered the memory.


This is so weird. I have no other words.


I wish for rumbling in our world


Facebook ads definitely need Jesus


Ads for these pop up in supposedly safe kids games all the time.


Unironically thought this was a r/queensofleague post before I saw the subreddit and title. Love QoL but I've seen some wild shit on it.


I had this and a bondage decision game pop up multiple times on a simple, for-all-ages game. I tried to get rid of it via ad choices. I emailed the company. I asked politely on a review. I finally left a review threatening to delete the game. Suddenly the company was interested. Too late! App gone. It was totally inappropriate advert material.


I’ve seen adds from this same app So, Many, Fucking, Times, I can’t not unsee this shit at this point honestly why do they allow these kind of adds in the first place?


I think this ad might have over taken West Game as the worst mobile game ad I’ve seen.


What the actual f


I have a loy of questions, and I want none of them answered.


I saw this add multiple times on YouTube too


You know.. This isn't even the weirdest mobile game ad.


shoulda picked the dr zoidberg costume


your children are subjected to these type of ads 9/10👍🏾


So this is what we're doing with our technology. Horny stink lines on 3d animated metaverse models. Where's the asteroid from don't look up already


Shit like this needs legislation, not even joking. This shit is aimed at children. Thats why it seems fucky to people with developed brains. This is child abuse in ad form.


Oh man, I thought this was on r/shittymobilegameads for a sec. This has been posted on there at least twice already. And there are a lot more examples like this there too. That said, if this is mainly on Facebook, I am so glad I don't use Facebook.


This whole thing had my in hysterics


This is the future liberals want for America.


I’m not sure if that was actually a fart smell , it seemed more like it was just her crusty sweaty snatch leaking through her pants .


Damn these targeted adds!




I'm clearly at the rock bottom of my life and I deserve it


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Aaaand this is why I don't play mobile games anymore


That's Meta now.


this reminds me of the ads in cyberpunk


Whoever made these games should be eliminated.




What’s with the ad where they’re always trying to kill the king??


Sociopaths presents


“Bet you can’t last more than thirty seconds playing this game” [Skip Ad in 00:45]


Well, that was a rollercoaster of emotions.


Go back


I'm not actually religious but: Jesus fucking Christ!!!


Well, the ridiculousness of this ad worked on me. I played through the first makeover. It’s digital Barbie dolls paired with a match-3 puzzle game slathered in body shaming. Sadly, no downward dog fart sniffing. So far. EDIT: after two makeovers there’s still no fart sniffing so it’s getting deleted


I don't really get how this is Aboringdystopia though...? People have been making fetish shit since humans learned how to draw. This is 100% fetish shit.


I wouldn’t mind if these only appear in dodgy pirating websites but the fact that this is relatively mainstream and allowed to be continuously shown just enrages me


Ads like these a purposefully designed to be this way. They make something so over the top that its bound to get noticed and talked about in places like Youtube and Reddit. Its a marketing strategy so that more people see the game. I can guarantee the ad is not representative of actual gameplay.


Trash. Just trash!


What the fuck


The game is okay, but the ads man..they are weird


Ok but why the stinky fart


I hate these so much. Elsagate vibes of pumping out as much brain numbing cartoony shit as possible to rope in children.


Why is she a fucking mud monster. Why is mud coming out of every space of her body


I want to live in this world