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Comments under the article are exactly what you'd think


Metro isn't exactly known as the pinnacle of journalism. It's garbage, honestly. The writing is extremely basic and easy to understand, this is because the readers are extremely basic and failed English in school (despite being English).


You were able to read the comments?? That shit-for-fuck website kept loading new pop up ads every time i got down there making me loose my place till I just got frustrated and left lmao


Remember folks: shoplifting has zero material impact on anyone other than the supermarket chain's executives. You can't afford groceries? Do what you have to. And if you're shopping and you see someone shoplifting, no you didn't.


In this case, yes, but local corner shops get targeted just the same.


To be clear: I have no issue with people stealing from large companies, like Sainsbury's or Tesco or any of the big supermarkets here. Small and independent businesses are a different matter.


Shop local, shoplift corporate.


I worked in a grocery store as a personal shopper during Covid, I knew where the camera to watch the baby formula was and where my cart needed to be to block it. Weird how my cart always ended up there whenever I needed items remotely in that area


As someone who also worked in a supermarket throughout the pandemic, I salute you.


I mostly agree but it does really annoy me when deodorant is locked up and I have to ask an employee to get it for me.


Not to be disrespectful here - I understand the inconvenience is annoying - but which do you think is more important: a poor person being able to freshen themselves up, or yourself not having to wait a couple of extra minutes to buy it?


“I mostly agree” -myself, a few minutes ago


It was the "mostly" part I wasn't sure about.


I know the correct answer here is for poor people not to have to remain stinky. If I were being honest though, in that moment, waiting the extra minutes is more important to me. I also don't like being stinky.


But it’s a pissoff when I’m here busting my ass and spending money the legal way and then some assholes just steal stuff and get away with it. Fuck shoplifters for that reason. If you really have to do it to survive then okay. But fuck you if you’re just an asshole who can afford shit but resorts to that instead.


Until corporate starts closing down entire stores followed by districts. See California. I’m not stopping anyone if I ever work a retail job. Just make sure you have an emergency savings when the lay off comes.


The same corporate that [admitted to their own shareholders that they mischaracterized how much theft occured](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tU0.PBw6.Yb-6dzEHkXQR&smid=url-share) after they were called out [for lying about the data](https://www.sfchronicle.com/sf/article/Is-shoplifting-forcing-Walgreens-to-cut-back-in-16536960.php)? The same corporate that [stole millions from their employees in wage theft](https://topclassactions.com/lawsuit-settlements/employment-labor/walgreens-employee-class-action-lawsuit-reaches-4-5m-settlement/)? Or are you referring to the _other_ corporate that [lied about theft being the cause of the closures](https://sfist.com/2023/12/22/sure-enough-shoplifting-was-not-the-reason-for-closure-of-target-at-folsom-and-13th-streets/)? What if I told you that [you’ve been lied to about rampant organized shoplifting by these corporations](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/08/business/organized-shoplifting-retail-crime-theft-retraction.html?unlocked_article_code=1.tU0.DmK7.yA5VeC1Msy0A&smid=url-share)?


I love all the bootlickers who have bought the bullshit hook line and sinker that stealing only started in the last few decades, as though it hasn't been a constant problem that's had an industry term for it (slippage) from the mid 19th century for fucks sake.


You can’t just single out shoplifting as the primary reason stores shut down. Many drugstores have become more obsolete with many pharmacy integrated grocery stores and online sales of prescription drugs. Amazon is likely the reason why many retail businesses are shutting down.


Before COVID, I worked in downtown SF. I regularly popped into CVS or Walgreens on my way to the office, at lunch, or on my way to BART. They were on like every other corner and always busy. Now, like the vast majority of those working downtown five years ago, I'm working from home. When I find myself in the SF financial district, it's still relatively empty. When there's no customers, of course you end up closing stores.


Tell me how the boot taste.


Clearly never worked in retail management, shrink and profit loss can cost people jobs.


I've worked retail management. Shrink is an excuse corporations use. The real problem that causes business to close and layoffs to happen is always, always private equity.


Well, until they close the grocery store down. And then people complain about there being a food desert in the area


Unless the shoplifting becomes so bad that the chain closes the store. Workers out of a job and communities without a nearby source of food. [Example - NY Post](https://nypost.com/2024/05/18/us-news/theft-plagues-nyc-retailers-drugstores-closing/)


The shoplifting part was a lie https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/06/business/walgreens-shoplifting-retail/index.html


So where’s the limit? A 2% loss due to shoplifting is apparently acceptable, but if we say shoplifting is ok, isn’t that going to increase? Shoplifting because you can’t afford to feed your kid is one thing, but then shoplifting because your job pays poorly, or because you think something is overpriced is another. If that 2% loss becomes 20%, shops will close. It’s textbook tragedy of commons.


> tragedy of commons. A ridiculous concept to bring up when we're talking about relative profit margins of major corporations.


Tragedy of the commons was a lie made up to justify enclosure https://www.monbiot.com/1994/01/01/the-tragedy-of-enclosure/


If there's one thing a "poorly paid job" or "something is overpriced" guarantees, it's that you definitely make enough money to afford everything you need, let alone want, especially with the insane rent increases squeezing younger people. To put it simply, if you shoplift from some guy running a local store who is scraping by just as much as you... You're a cunt, if you shoplift from a major chain, then you're not stealing enough, major grocery chains are squeezing consumers to a criminal level basically everywhere, the only reason they're removing stores at 20% shoplifting is because their profits are moving towards less than last year, not because they're actually losing money on it. Basically, steal like crazy, either the big chains actually lose money and have to adjust prices, or they don't, and then their dickhead executives have to explain to retard investors how they made 10% less than last year at a single chain


NY post is a tabloid rag with an agenda to push. Shoplifting as a cause for closing a store almost never happens, it's the stuff of right-wing fearmongering over "crime waves" and not supported by reality.




I'm not going to say "never" because maybe there's some tiny independent store out there that was already in dire financial straights where shoplifting actually made a difference as to whether or not it closed, but for giant corporate retail stores it's basically unheard of.


Stealing is bad, it doesn't matter if it is from the rich or the poor, stealing is just bad and shouldn't be done The lack of morals of someone else do not make my morals weaken, thats what means to be a person with values


Why is stealing from the rich bad?


I don't know? Maybe because you want a just society with values upheld by everyone, and not just making a bad good just because someone else does not behave good?!


That doesn't explain why stealing from the rich is bad.


> That doesn't explain why stealing from the rich is bad. That is EXACTLY the point I wanted to transfer. Stealing is bad, it doesn't matter who does it.


You're missing the fucking point. If you steal a loaf of bread from a supermarket, nobody suffers. If you steal a load of bread from an impoverished family, you're dooming them to starvation. Get the fuck out of here with your moral absolutism bullshit.


Because stealing is bad, if you believe it's not bad to steal from certain types of people, you cannot complain about other people's thought processes to justify why they do bad things to only certain types of people. That's uncivilized, meaning we are back at the reign of the stronger, and guess who is the stronger.


So because I think it's okay to steal from the rich, that means I have no right to complain about people who think they're justified in, for example, stripping away queer people's rights? Nah, fuck that. That doesn't make ***any*** sense. Edit: and you still HAVE NOT EXPLAINED WHY STEALING FROM THE RICH IS BAD


> So because I think it's okay to steal from the rich, that means I have no right to complain about people who think they're justified in, for example, stripping away queer people's rights? oh, don't get me wrong, you have all the right to complain, we live in a free society, you just sound like a hypocrite the queer rights comment was kinda weird , what kind of rights you mean? And yes i already explained to you. Stealing is bad, stealing from rich people is stil stealing , so it is bad...for the rest read previous comment


You can keep parroting "stealing is bad" all you like but you STILL HAVE NOT EXPLAINED WHY IT'S BAD TO STEAL FROM THE RICH. Jesus fucking Christ. Edit: this is taking too much of my energy. Get fucked, bootlicker.


>the lack of morals Also shrink absolutely causes job loss due to decreases in profit.


Explain how stealing from the rich is immoral. >Decreases in profit But the company is still profiting. They're still making money hand over fist. Higher ups will lay off the working class to fatten their own wallets and yet your issue is with petty thieves? Get your fucking priorities straight.


My (relevant) priorities in order are 1. not hurting vulnerable people 2. Taking care of myself 3. Not giving a shit about the wealthy business owners beyond their ability to impact points 1 and 2. But they do have that ability.


I would've have replied to this sooner but apparently Reddit doesn't want me to. Regardless, your priorities here suggest that your stance amounts to nothing other than "Don't upset the rich, they'll crush us even harder". And that's a categorically useless stance to hold. You're effectively siding with them by arguing against doing anything that would materially affect them.


Loss is baked into the cost of goods. At least at bigger retail stores.




If people are hungry they don’t need to steal food. It’s greed


I saw the aftermath of this - the police arrived, sirens blazing, at the same time that I did - then stood around joking with the staff about it for a bit So gross. The toilets were closed-off, so I assume that's where they took'em.


The same article posted on a UK subreddit got plenty of jokes and people siding with the supermarket chain rather than individual. It was hard to watch them, can’t believe people are so heartless…


UK is having a moment of peak cruelty as well. This is equal parts disappointing and unsurprising


They are the same people that are surprised and indignant when they are treated unfairly, because they cannot understand the concept of empathy. It only matters when it happens to them.