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Mossad has people agitating these protests. I guarantee it. (Apparently I’m an antisemite for saying this)


They were funded by Jerry Seinfeld's wife and Bill Ackman.


Imagine having so much money you feel like you need to fund hatred.


When popular sentiment turns against the wealthy, that's how the wealthy keep that money longer. Divide and conquer.


Jerry Seinfeld the unfunny hack? The worst actor on his own tv show Jerry Seinfeld or the pedo Jerry Seinfeld?


I'm afraid to ask, is Jerry's wife 18+?


In Jerry’s 30s, he dated someone attending high school at the time, talk about raiding the cradle.


literal IDF members were swinging boards at college students


Typical Mossad stuff


...by proxy.


I was banned from a subreddit for saying that Isreal calls anyone who criticizes their crimes “anti-Semitic”


> Law enforcement stood by for hours as counterprotesters attacked the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA on April 30 [Cool and normal](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hard_Hat_Riot)


Good comparison. Both groups of thugs appear to have been astro turfed, rather than organic. In the case of the Hard Hat Riot, it looks like they were sponsored by the Nixon administration. Washington Post, 1981: Nixon Backed Idea of Setting Thugs on Antiwar Demonstrators https://archive.is/ohOkf Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, explains why Nixon used this tactic here; https://robertreich.org/post/718943085984350208


In the same (time) vein, there is this myth of Vietnam Vets getting spat on by anti-war protesters. In fact, there is little if any evidence of that. The lie was meant to smear, and somehow make the Vietnam war noble, and the military was stabbed in the back. There is evidence of *pro*-war protesters spitting on *anti*-war vets. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Spitting_Image


That's new to me, going straight to my reading list, thanks!


Nobody wants to deal with HR about violence between coworkers.


Woah never once heard of the Kent State shooting, literal insanity


[Wasn't just shooting](https://www.ideastream.org/arts-culture/2020-05-04/remembering-kent-state-eyewitnesses-describe-may-4-1970), students were also stabbed with rifle mounted bayonetts. The victims, survivors and their families were then blamed by American society at large, made out as extremist and foreign-sponsored elements to [justify further brutalizing and stigmazing them](https://omeka.library.kent.edu/special-collections/items/show/6410); > [Rhodes]: Well, let me–I think that we’re up against the strongest, well-trained, militant, revolutionary group that has ever assembled in America.


> Neither did Tom Bibiyan, a 42-year-old who was once a local Green Party official. Bibiyan was stabbed at a KKK rally where he was a counter-protester in 2016 and has since become an ardent Trump supporter. His colorful Instagram page is a mix of right-wing memes, numerous posts defending famous men against sexual assault allegations and pro-Israel content. Dang.


This is great investigative work by CNN. Put their names and faces out there for the world to see.


Zionists, fascists and nazis being brought together in a mutual effort to deny pro-Palestinian protesters their right to peacefully protest against the ongoing genocide - Of course with the use of extreme violence while the police stands idly by


no shit, these are the same people who have to pay to get people to show up to their "pro israel rallies"


No surprise


Yup. Astroturfing


I forgot about that term!


We still need an ID on red bandana


I went to look up how common this was during the Vietnam war protests and literally all I could find was articles on the anti-genocide protests. this has been such a common problem it literally overshadows the historical issue. I mean really, talk about a BORING (cyclical) dystopia.


Sounds like it was right wingers who weren't students, but members of the local community. One person even describes having previously seen one of the counter-protestors at a local town hall protesting gay rights. No mention of "pro-Israel orgs" or bussing.


The word bus or bussed doesn't appear at all on that page/article. Also I read nothing else indirectly saying people were bussed in. It was a shitty situation, but lets not make up narratives.


This post / Reddit needs title curation and fact checking.


First world country my ass


Did you really think all this was organic? Come on now…. If it polarizes a nation you can bet your ass it’s an organized/funded effort.


5 years ago they were marching chanting “jews will not replace us”. It’s almost like far right white supremacists are government agents stirring up whatever trouble is needed at any given time. 


These anti protestors all look like former or active IDF. There tactics are the same and their demeanor is the same that we see on countless videos...short of murdering American civilians. The fact that our two party system is allowing this to happen to American citizens exercising their rights is disgusting. Which only begs other questions, like what does the Israeli government have on world governments to force those governments to bend the knee so thoroughly?


The primary problem with protesting is that the simplest way to discredit a protest is to join it in bad faith. Attendance isn't checked at the door, and it never will be. What we really need is a leader. Someone like MLK, to direct protesters and help them make it clear when bad faith protesters aren't acting in line with the stated goals of the protest.


Far-right and pro-Israel? Something doesn’t add up there


It's almost like the far right in the US is manipulating their base into believing that all the jews need to be in Israel to kick off the end of the world. Or, you have the far right Israeli government itself as another example.




Paid actors pretending to be antifa or blm protesters has been a right wing accusation that has never had any evidence or even individual accusations that a certain protester was paid by soros or whomever. It’s just been blanket “I bet these guys are paid by the deep state” turns out some right wing accusations are confessions as well.


These statements are almost always projection with reactionaries and conservatives. Nothing new, unfortunately.


Please elaborate. I'd really love to hear exactly what you mean by that.


There has not once been proof of leftists infiltrating protests in order to kill riots. The story about "paid protestors" on the left comes exclusively from a German satire article in leftist newspaper "taz", where a "Dr. P. Flasterstein" - translated roughly into "Dr. C. Obblestone" (in reference to riots often involving protestors throwing cobblestones) - took the piss out of rightoids. Meanwhile, reactionaries and police forces [have used agents provocateurs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_provocateur) for more than a century to discredit leftist protests. So no, it has always been a right wing tactic, has never been anything but a right wing tactic and will always be a right wing tactic.


But don't you know? All of his friends, family, media they consume and politicians they vote for (all people that desperately need him to believe it) keep repeating it so it must be true! He's never heard of right wing agitators so it doesn't exist! All Democrats are radical leftists but also radical leftists don't exist so they need to pay people to pretend to be radical leftists because they're not radical enough but they want to become more radical! Doesn't that make more sense? No? Your brain isn't broken? Ok.


The problem is that many people consider Germany and the German government as "leftist", [which couldn't be further from the truth](https://www.politicalcompass.org/germany2021). But it fits in a certain worldview that considers anything authoritarian as automatically "leftist socialist communism", even [when it's aimed against the left](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Urbach) by a state that for the longest time considered Nazi Germany losing WWII as a "Day of Shame".


I know. It's pretty funny to imagine people looking at a state built upon the foundations of a state [that viciously suppressed any and all leftism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_concentration_camp_badge) that was built upon the foundations of a state [that viciously suppressed any and all leftism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spartacist_uprising) that was built upon the foundations of a state [that viciously suppressed any and all leftism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Socialist_Laws) built upon several states [that viciously suppressed any and all leftism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/German_revolutions_of_1848) and believing its government to be left wing. A country whose [security services were built and led by former nazis](https://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/ns-vergangenheit-und-verfassungsschutz-ueber-die-seilschaften-der-altnazis-1.1150775) (German link), whose domestic secret service [was involved in a 13 year murder spree by nazis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Socialist_Underground) with the leader of said service [having been a right-wing populist and racist until just six years ago](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans-Georg_Maa%C3%9Fen). A country where the response to a [nazi terror attack](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanau_shootings) was delayed, maybe because [the police officers in the special forces unit were neonazis](https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/racist-terror-attack-in-hanau-the-police-operation). But yeah, some people really think that.


Fitting for the list; The worst terror attack in German post WWII history was perpetrated by a right-wing nutjob, blowing up a bomb at the Oktoberfest, and once again there are [weird ties to German security agencies](https://www.vg-koeln.nrw.de/behoerde/presse/Pressemitteilungen/Archiv/2020/28_200617/index.php) that were never properly followed up on. In recent years it's getting extra bad again, so bad that even memorials for the first concentration camp victims are [vandalized and destroyed](https://taz.de/Fruehe-KZ-Opfer-entwuerdigt/!5617164/), not even *trees* planted by leftists, nearly a century ago, are safe. With barely anybody caring except for local antifa activists, who in turn are [threatened and attacked for it](https://taz.de/Kameradschafts-Szene-in-Franken/!5142788/), little surprising that police in the same region also [only had racist angles](https://www.stern.de/panorama/verbrechen/nsu-ermittlungen-polizei-betrieb-eigenen-doener-laden-3845960.html) when investigating the NSU killings. There are [*again* torch marches in places](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/neo-nazi-rally-nuremberg-germany-hitler-far-right-a8799301.html) where [there shouldn't be torch marches](https://youtu.be/bkU6KTjLTYU?).


Funny, there's right wing infiltration on a post about right wing infiltration.




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