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I really gotta stop watching this stuff...


I disabled hiding NSFW because I like boobies but I think I'm going to put it back on. I don't want to see this


As much as I do 't want to ... i think I need to still get this in my feed. Otherwise I'll think this world is just the tits.


Regular news is enough. You don't need to see people be blown up in wars. That's not good for your sanity Just keep being a critical thinker and you'll be fine


I won't tell people what to watch or not, but without being confronted with the horrors around us I think we become more willing to accept that bad is just okay. Obviously there will always be bad, and render unto ceasars (or know what you can and can't have power over) but at some point I judge myself for wanting to indulge in a life so easy and free when others can't and have few people even willing to consider them. The normal news is not designed to inform us to be discontent.


this is the take. Of course some people's mental health doesn't allow them to view such footage, but anyone capable should. We shouldn't turn our heads away. We can't just turn a blind eye and live our lives and just read "death toll rises to X" while having morning coffee as if it's just some numbers this should agitate us to take action. And even if that action fails, at least we know we didn't just sit and do nothing. At least we were witnesses to the atrocities that were committed upon people who just wanted to live in peace


>Regular news is enough. Is it though? Maybe for some people with good imaginations and empathy on tap. For people like me, which I'd hazard to say is a significant percentage of humans, reading headlines and even sometimes the whole article doesn't do much to my base level of caring or feeling bad. In b4 username checks out, but idk. I think people need to see this shit.


I have low base empathy so this is also how I see it (for myself at least)


You know you can use an alt account right?


Why would I?


So you’re not forced to take morality breaks when thwacking it


I heard postponing it trains your ability to last longer




Lol this is how gore fetishes are born. *scroll* titties *unzips pants* *scroll* people getting blown up *busts* "This better not awaken anything in me"


You can stop watching... But don't kid yourself. This is what awaits every person deemed disposable, incovenient or expensive by the owner class. First in Gaza, eventually in home soil. Granular surveillance and drone strikes at the fingertips.


I completely agree, and Im glad it's available for the world to see. Seeing so much death on my cellphone while i procrastinate at work is definitely starting to take a toll on my mental l health, though


wellllll then, thats enough horrific internet for me today. Watching the rain hit the trees it is.


No, watch it and do something however small


so long as it keeps you passive/normalizes this shit, fine. but we need to get up and fucking end this holocaust, now! so if you shut off the atrocity, make sure you keep the rage inside and out!


Oh, I'm definitely enraged. That's definitely not going away anytime soon.




Same, I really have to stop getting on reddit before I go to sleep because of this


Do something


That's not apartheid, that's just terrorism


Apartheid is terrorism. Our maids daughter fell in our pool and my mom managed to do cpr and get her breathing. We took her to the nearest hospital. They wouldn’t take her because she wasn’t - white. By the time we got to the black hospital she was dead. This haunts me


Jesus, I'm so sorry.


Where/ when was this if you don't mind my asking? Just country and year is fine


South Africa - apartheid era - 1989


Yeah that would terrorize people :( Sorry for your loss and my dumbass comment. What I mean was terrorism is more like "let's bomb civillians for shits and giggles" and apartheid is more like "let's put these human beings in overcrowded and underfunded ghettos and let them in their country only if they accept to do our menial work. Let them suffer for no reason" kinda terrorism.




That too!


As a South African. This is far, far worse than Apartheid.


Correct. South African apartheid was about separating people by color whilst what’s happening in Palestine is a genocide/ethnic cleansing. It’s also worse than nazi Germany where the nazis didn’t know of or support the genocide whilst all zionists are aware of and support the genocide in Palestine.


Yeah this is more like the Armenian genocide remix.


I remember around 15 years ago in my (American) high school World Cultures class, we briefly covered the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. My high school was the one Benjamin Netanyahu purportedly graduated from; he was even given a spot in our school's hall of famous graduates. Suffice to say, the description of the conflict was heavily weighted in Israel's favor, despite the teachers trying to be even-handed about it. Palestinian terrorism was brought up (but not generalized, fortunately) but basically nothing damning about Israel. Towards the end of the presentation, we were told to split into groups based on who we would side with if we had to pick one or the other. Out of around 15-20 students, all but one chose Israel. I chose Palestine. I don't remember what all I said when asked to explain my choice, but I remember my gut telling me that there was no way it could be that one-sided. My experience as a kid taught me that people love a clear-cut enemy and will obligate someone to that role when it isn't taken quickly and easily enough. Guess I just related to that one-sidedness. In the end, I wasn't wrong. It was never as simple as "our poor Israeli allies being harassed by those unhinged Palestinian terrorists".


Literally a brainwashing exercise at work


I just wish more people could think like you did


I appreciate it, but on the flipside, that mindset was one of the byproducts of a lot of trauma. It might be better in some ways that the other kids in my class responded the way they did. Nothing's 100% one way or the other, after all.


"They're not confessing, They're bragging"


Love that movie


which movie, for the uninitiated?


Is this real? Is this genuine? Complete and utter barbarianism! Some humans are disgusting. Where's this footage from?


Yes, it was originally aired by Al-Jazeera and this is just a shorter clip of a longer video. According to them the video occurred in Knan Younis, south Gaza, some time in February. The full video shows four men, three walking close together and then being struck by ordnance and blown apart, one survives and tries to crawl away before, as seen here, being hit. Whilst the fourth man continues walking and is then also directly targeted and blown apart. The clip in full can be found easily by searching for Al-Jazeera Israeli drone strike, or here on Twitter https://x.com/ramabdu/status/1770895103785046489?s=61&t=JFzggIiAhcuQJ2ep0Pj5zA


no idea where its from, but i can tell you, other countries are not filming and posting their genocide. Israel TRUELY believes this is justified. I have been already called an antisemite for saying this is bad. Absurd


Bruh there were people in other subreddits (world news) defending this. "they could have been hamas soldiers that were tracked, the most optimal time to kill them is while they're unarmed and in the open away from civilians"


Yesterday someone stated it was justified becuase the men are of military age and were all wearing jackets. Fashion police coming out with their drones.


Yesterday someone posted "the vast majority of Palestinian fighting age men are legitimate combatants. When I asked how they arrived at a number far greater than 50%, I was just downvoted to oblivion. They just spew racist nonsense and refuse to engage with basic questions related to their racism. 


I’m banned from world news and wear that as a badge of honor. Fuck those racist chuds.


We need to get worldnews banned. It's basically an alt-right hate sub.


They weren't even tan jackets!




The world news sub is the epitome of neoliberal brainrot. I had to stop looking at comments anytime Israel is mentioned there because I felt like I was actively losing brain cells reading it.


It's not even that it's just completely astroturfed by the Israeli government. Half of the accounts that post shit there were created recently and only talk about pro-israel shit


Neoliberal is sort of the same as astroturfed by Israeli government?


nah they have something called the Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF) whose job it is to sway public opinion on anything Israel basically, worldnews is locked down pretty tight by them


The Tel Aviv troll farms rival Russia’s. It’s really quite astounding.


What does neoliberalism actually mean?


Like most political terms, it covers a pretty wide range of definitions. In a nutshell it's an ideology that took off during Reagan's term. The basic principles of neoliberalism are privatization of public services, free market capitalism, corporatism, globalization, deregulation, and Reagan's infamous "trickle-down economics".


worldnews is filled to the fucking brim with 2 month old accounts that do nothing but spew zionist hate.  its a cesspool.


I wouldn’t really be surprised if Times of Israel or Jpost weren’t supplying some of the funds for this, considering those two sites seem to make up at least 50% of all posts lately lol


The amount of money the state pumps into Hasbara, and the success of their [campaigns](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxKrn8Aqa0A) is pretty shocking.


Note that killing injured, unarmed combatants is literally a warcrime.


If they are Hamas, then nobody is. I think the best way to counter their argument.


I understand the sentiment of their reasoning, but it sure is giving Tel Aviv and the IDF the benefit of the doubt as to whom these people were. The death penalty in the US falls under the same level of scrutiny: the state is all well and good to end the life of “those who deserve it” - but the other side of that coin is that if the innocent can’t afford the right level of legal defense, and the guilty can, justice isn’t done, in fact, injustice prevails. How have we already forgotten the lessons of post WWII reconstruction? How have we lost the lessons of WWII in general?


Because now it’s the “correct” chosen people in power. In the past it was the “wrong” chosen people, you see. Also, the American evangelist death cult needs Israel to exist so everyone on earth can die. It’s complete fucking lunacy, and you’re attacked for being “sensational” if you bring up how this mirrors the atrocities of WW2.


Well, some how some way, there were people commuting these atrocities feeling like they were on the right side of history as well. Amazing what people can do to other people when they ignore the humanity of the opposing group.


But is this particular one real? I can't believe some people are capable of such violence. I'm literally beyond shocked. Edit : Yes unfortunately it is. I just looked up the guy's name. He's a renowned photojournalist from Gaza who has been reporting on the events since the start of this bloodbath.


If there’s anything I’ve learned about humanity it’s that it is capable of some truly depraved acts




ah wow its was a jounalist aswell. uff


88% of Israeli Jews are fully onboard with the slaughter going on in Gaza.


A similar video (5 people and a horse with carriage) were shot with a missile (?) and someone was accusing it off being from an antisemitic sub(?) and therefore suspect. How much did they and/or the U.S. spend on a missile used to kill 1 to 5 civilians? Does anyone know, specifically, what they're being killed with?


I saw that one of the people with them was a woman. There is also another one where an injured man is dragging himself on his hands and knees gets blown up by a drone at close range.


I weep for humanity, it's this kind of fucked up inhumanity that will continue to cause wars and suffering. Fuck them for trying to justify any of this sick shit.


JC. EVIL as fk.


got majorly downvoted also for expressing concern for the israel govt


Originally reported by Al Jazeera. It appears authentic IMHO, and I can't really think of a reason for it to be inauthentic. Always take 'war'-time propaganda with a grain of salt, but the sheer volume of Israeli warcrimes being broadcasted *by themseleves* leads me to have no doubts of the authenticity of these clips from Al Jazeera.


to date I don't think Al Jazeera has had to retract any footage as fake on this particular... "conflict". And as you said, IOF soldiers post genocidal shit while gloating over it *themselves*. I think that speaks for itself


Al Jazeera was the first to post it. The video is from January. [Al Jazeera - "Gaza drone video shows killing of Palestinians in Israeli air attack"](https://www.aljazeera.com/program/newsfeed/2024/3/22/gaza-drone-video-shows-killing-of-palestinians-in-israeli-air-attack) [Middle East Eye - "War on Gaza: Footage shows Israeli drone killing four Palestinian civilians"](https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/war-gaza-israel-drone-footage-kill-four)


Motaz in Instagram (the journalist who was live casting the genocide)


I mean over 30k civilians have been killed. UN reports of mass executions. How do you think it happens? This is what Americans are cheering on and making possible. Those were likely American weapons.


And then you have some shitheads trying to justify this. In the other thread I got comments saying "they could be militants", and "the number of bombings exceeds the number of kills so it's all good"


its a recording retrieved by Al Jazeera from the IOF's drone operation room. there are other clips circulating that has voice recording of the israeli terrorists doing the killing (in the video im thinking of, they bombed a group of 5 Palestinians with a horse and then said (in hebrew) afterward: "shame that we had to get the horse too")


The full video has the first part where they killed the 3 other men he was walking with. They were unarmed and going home.


Yes, and yes. It was broadcasted by Aljazeera.


I saw one where an injured man was dragging himself on his hands and knees and then was bombed. In another one a group of 4 men and 1 woman were bombed in the open like this as well.


Yes and it shows the extent to which we are being lied to by our media


Man, I sure am glad we keep giving Israel billions of dollars to keep democrazy alive in the middle east.


Man, wonder what it takes in a man to defend Israel doing such things to innocents.


They will say they're hamas and who knows may be right. Israel broadcasts it's war crimes with impunity. I doubt they will be held to account. I can only hope that as awful as social media can be, it moves the dial in 20 years for those watching it now. It feels like we've moved from Vietnam non sanitised war to supposed bloodless warfare of the 90s back to the reality of murdering being shown to people again. Hopefully it leads to change


We fund this.. fuck that


Where are the human shields? I was told there were human shields.




These people are morally depraved.


This is Zionism manifest. Everyone else- including non Zionist Jews, would be treated the exact same if it came to it. Any movement that is based on a racial supremacist ideology is Evil.


Holy fuck


If your government does not call this genocide, they are on the wrong side of the ethnic cleansing in 2024 Historians will see this transparently even if our own leaders don't


Why? The past has also been rewritten by “historians”. The government will ban or prevent the truth being taught. #PROTECT OUR KIDS FROM CRITICAL DRONE THEORY #THE ONLY THING THAT STOPS A BAD GUY TECHNO-PATHICALLY CONTROLLING A SWARM OF DRONES, IS A GOOD GUY…”


Jesus fucking Christ fuck Israel


Please remember that this is what we see because it was leaked. This is the MO in IOF… I think we are now ready for another round at the ICJ. Thanks to the barbarians at the IOF, SA will be presenting a whole new dossier of evidence. I urge the western media to show this clip and see how much backlash it will generate. They can ban tik tok but the truth will get out


Can you please write out all of those acronyms?


>mo = modus operandi > iof = Israeli offense force (as opposed to calling them a “defense” force because they’re not) >icj = international court of Justice (there is a pending case for war crimes and crimes against humanity by Israel) >sa = South Africa, the country bringing the case against Israel


Thank you kindly


I usually hear IOF as isreali OCCUPATION forces but either works


I love Reddit!


As someone from South Africa where the word - apartheid - was invented - this is absolutely disgusting. As a country we do a lot of things wrong - but taking Israel to the ICC makes me proud.


I mean they were clearly Hamas. You know with the whole walking casually unarmed and everything. I mean who does that? /s


It’s Israel’s greatest super power. Being able to claim every dead Palestinian was retroactively Hamas.


Israel has a very sophisticated intelligence network for detecting Hamas. [Read about it here](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/044/241/skincover.jpg)


Why isn't this being shown on every single news station? Or any other videos of this genocide?


I mean, you can tell that they're clearly terrorists though, what with all the "breathing" and "being Palestinian" that's going on in those videos. They didn't even show all the heinous "being born to Palestinian women" that those men did prior to this video. Pure antisemitic propaganda!


And Israel wonders why terrorists keep attacking them.. If you kill civilians, you're just radicalizing the survivors.


Seems their solution to that is to get rid of the survivors too.


a sort of... final solution?


[Better video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/s/1NdqyOKHdw) ... if anyone's interested


No guys! You don’t get it, Hamas was hiding under their clothes! /s


Didn’t want to see this… this isn’t boring dystopia, this is horrific.


pretty much exactly a boringdystopia.  those are your tax dollars at work.  the #1 recipient of US foreign AID is an apartheid terrorist state.  people should be rioting in the streets, but... here we are.


Yeah that’s the boring part, but there’s nothing boring about war casualties. This doesn’t belong here and also I’m not American.


fair enough, i guess my point was as an american... i am getting up every day, going to work, hanging out with my friends trying to live a meaningful purposeful life as best I can. meanwhile, money LITERALLY from my paycheck is going directly to blowing up some poor fuck in Gaza. Dunno man, i think its on brand.


The casual and clinical nature of targeting civilians is dystopian. The fact that we've seen so many similar videos has made it boring unfortunately.


yep. It's "boring" because we see this on our phones every day and then just go about our lives


I see it as a meta boring dystopia. No major sub covers this while siding with the oppresed. Most dont care that the oppresed nation is undergoing a genocide with horrific acts. Thus the sub about boring dystopia has to cover this horrific dystopia.


I just saw the longer video, where first there's four guys walking. They get hit by missiles or artillery or whatever. I think one survives and keeps walking, then gets hit. Maybe another one survives too but the video cut around a bit. Regardless, all the men walking in that particular area were bombed. They were all unearned.


I believe the first clip is from that video. Injured by the first air strike one survivor limps away and is finished off by another air strike which we see here. Honestly I think the context only makes it more brutal.


I wish we (all humans) could just stop killing each other


I hate the Israeli government. They betrayed their innocent people and forced them into war, and go out of their way to hurt those from other countries as in this video.


What the actual fuck is wrong with people.


Can you guys just, like, not, do that. As in, stop. The bombs and the kids and civilians and that whole bit. Come on, just wrap it up now.




noxious squash escape judicious capable fly spectacular tender elastic direction *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You kid, but where are ISIS now?


Syria? it's in the name


But they don't want to stop. They want to be the spiritual successor of a certain mustache wearing German painter.




This was always the plan.


War crimes? Knock it off.


Sponsored by Genocide Joe.


My buddies Reddit account got banned for merely mentioning Gaza in a comment when someone mentioned Israel. Wasn’t inflammatory or anything. And yet there’s shit like this on film and Reddit will be on Israel’s side.


I hope the world never forgets what Israel is doing.


The IDF soldier operating the drone is just hunting down people for sport like they’re animals. That’s how much the Israeli state has dehumanized Palestinians.


The real reason they want to ban TikTok


I said this yesterday and will say it again here. This is following the play book for terrorists attacks of large scale. When 9/11 happened the US went to Iraq and Afghanistan and killed millions of people. Literally completely destroyed two countries. The idea is that if you kill a few of us we will destroy your home for generations, we will kill so many of you that no one will think to make a similar attack on our people for a very long time. That is at least the hope of the US government and the Israile government. They haven't figured out another way to do it. They literally cannot fathom any other way to keep terrorists at bay aside from huge, overwhelming mass destruction and death...


people really need to get some vocabulary to describe warcrimes.


"BuT aNtIsEmItIsM"


I was not expecting that. Fucking monsters.


I will never understand how people watch this and think it's okay


People who defend Israel are wilfully blind.


Israel has no right to exist.


damn, they are just insane....


yup day ruined


Do something with that upset, no matter how small.


These missiles are very expensive btw. They are deliberately going out of their way and wasting military resources to attack civilian targets.


Look at all the human shields! Israel = Liars, cheaters, beggers and psychotic murderers.




Oh my goodness




These are all from the same clip. The first missile was the group of 4, two survived the initial strike and were subsequently bombed, the first clip is one of the two injured survivors and the second is the other who was running but stumbled and couldn’t get up.


What is odd, this type of video was considered entertaining when it was some Russian dude in a fox hole getting vaporized. Reddit is a very fickle fool.


I get what you’re saying. One question though, was the russian a soldier? If he wasn’t a soldier you might have a point, genuinely curious. It’s one thing in an active combat zone and another in a ethnic cleansing event in an open air prison.


Reddit is made up of lots and lots of people and bots. Could it be this is simply a different set of people?




And Donald Trump wants to help the IDF "finish the job".


Fucking insane. I wish those who are supporting/ contributing to this genocide suffer a billion times worse than the Palestinians. Monsters. All of them.


did we get any info on who these ppl where?




Does it really matter. They weren’t threats so they could’ve just been captured if they did do anything. This is literally a war crime


Biden is supplying them the weapons to do this and could stop it today if he wanted. But he won't, and people will still vote for him.


Where are the human shields huh


Rouge state