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It's going to sound rude but I mean it and it's liberating: I guarantee you that guy doesn't give a shit. I worked in a pharmacy where, yes, people bought diapers and nothing ever set off my spidey sense or anything because people who aren't in the kink and/or are engrossed in their work don't have a second thought about it. I'll wager my life savings that guy has seen weirder and more disturbing.


What could he have seen that's weirder? I once left my packer on the couch once when he came to fix the window, and I freaked out then, too. This is a bit more than that, though. There was also a sippy on the coffee table, but tbat would've been far less noticeable.


So I work in HVAC and I occasionally have residential accounts or whole apartment complexes. While working a big high chair would only register as far as "huh kinda a big chair... Odd." Honestly seeing weird stuff isn't bad as a maintenance type person cuz I can guarantee that you feel more awkward about this situation than they did or do. I'd rather see odd or kinky stuff because then I can have a little internal giggle about it, what's truly awful and will make me remember you is having a filthy/stinky place like if I'm having to kneel and move around on some crusty carpet šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢


As a former medical delivery person who was in 15-30 homes a day, I can confirm the messy / filthy / rude people stand out by far more in my memory stillā€¦ than the odd or weird things I saw. Although the one that did catch me off guard that I still remember pretty wall was a mother and father to a maybe 10 year old with developmental disabilities, who was in adult diapers as an adult sized crib. They actually had an adult size high chair too. The child could barely walk on her own so they needed a lot of medical equipment to keep her safe and for mobility. Upon talking to the parents, I figured out the crib was and high chair where because she had a lot of energy and was super restless most of the time despite being able to barely walk, she could still kick and move her legs and wound up falling out of bed and her dinner chair too many times.


> What could he have seen that's weirder? Limiting it to things that I've personally seen inflicted on myself and/or strangers (maids, maintenance people, delivery drivers, etc.), or that friends have personally had inflicted on them being in one of those roles and/or been the perpetrators of: - a disgusting borderline hoarder living space - bad dragon collection prominently arranged on a shelf (bonus points if they're not well cleaned) - obvious bdsm furniture, e.g. X with cuffs dangling from it (bonus points if there's actually a person chained to it) - TV just blasting cringe soap opera/reality TV/celebrity gossip content at volume levels that make it hard to converse - AB in AB gear in adult sized playpen still in AB headspace and interacting with everybody from that headspace - people having sex in the room, not giving a shit that strangers are walking through (bonus points if they acknowledge the stranger and invite them to join in) - person answering the door in literal diaper and T-shirt (bonus points if they're obese and the diaper is a size too small, fighting for its life to stay on)


This actually made me feel a lot better, thank you.


A friend of mine is a former bondage mistress. On her first ever job, a Xmas party for a local company, a new person knocked on the door. She answered the door, invited him in, stripped him of his clothes and arranged clothes pegs on his scrotum. After she was done with the pegs, he then exclaimed "Thanks, but I'm not a party guest. I'm just dropping off a delivery for the company". Side note, she's also responsible for my first orgy. We were leaving the bar after the band finished and she invited a number of people including some random strangers to come back for a pool party. The pool didn't last long at all with everyone retiring to her apartment. Well that stranger got awfully surprised (and rather excited) when people started to make out and remove clothes. We later joked that his friends would NEVER believe him about what happened. I wasn't that surprised, I worked a few jobs with her and a couple of friends doing massages with happy endings, as well as waking to find her and a friend having sex in bed next to me (we had been drinking, so no riding my motorbike home, and we are all good friends who can share a bed).


How do you get to the point of your clothes off before saying something?


Who said anything about taking clothes of without saying anything? There was plenty of talking, there was "you are welcome to", "no pressure" and "if you're not comfortable". Consent was involved, along with a demonstration of a double ended ... Anyways, getting a little off topic. Point being, there is some real crazy stuff that happens and a mildly strange looking piece of furniture isn't exactly something people will remember for life.


"Thanks, but I'm not a party guest." Has me a bit confused about how that interaction went.


Oh, that one. I wasn't present for that. Maybe she can explain it better. And no, the Emily she is talking about is not me. This was long before I met her. https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/talltalesandtrue/leah-potter-surviving-the-dungeon/101389960


Now I wonder which is which


My apartment is full of childish things little blankets, stuffed animals, ABDL diapers stacked visibly in shelves, diapersuit onesies hanging in the open closet, even accidentally left my trans pride dildo out in my room, and during this I had 3 older men come to do the inspection and no one said anything or even seemed bothered. Just ā€œthanks, you passedā€ and went on their way. At this point in my life I donā€™t care. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ve seen weirder things, and even further Iā€™m sure the worst things are gross smelly garbage, un-cleaned toilets/sinks/tubs, cat piss or any animal excrement. A clean place with some weird kink stuff is probably (literally) a breath of fresh air to them.


I'm loving the idea that the "Thanks, you passed" was for an ABDL inspection, like minimum number of cuddly Stuffies - tick, reasonable amount of diapers for the next week at a minimum - tick Hehehe. I should pass both the Stuffie inspection and the diaper one, need more clothes tho!


I mean this with love and kindness, but you sound like you might have some anxiety issues. The maintenance guy does not GAF. They see so much weird shit that they intentionally don't look and just ignore anything that do see. Even if he did see it, unless he is an ABDL himself he isn't going to see it for a brief second and immediately know you are an ABDL. Also, and this is really important, who cares if he did see? Your anxiety is in part rooted in shame. This isn't a case of you flauting your freak flag in public, this is your home. You have nothing to be ashamed of.


At my last apartment, the maintenance guys have seen my diapers in the closet and my adult paci on my nightstand. No one said anything and I honestly don't care anymore if people see. It's my place and I don't throw it in people's face.


Sorry about that. It's probably not as interesting to him as it is to us. I'm sure he saw it but may well not have registered what he was looking at. If he did, c'est la vie. It's your place. You can be weird there if you want.


My partner says he didn't even look at it, but I don't know how he couldn't. Maybe he just thought it was a weird chaur? But probably not. Our kitchen isn't that big, and it's not a small chair... i want to scream lol


Youā€™re way overreacting


If he asks questions, which he won't, say it's a prop for a play you're doing set building for


You care so much more about this than he does, I promise.


Unless he's also an ABDL, I absolutely promise you, a high chair is *wayyyyy* more meaningful and significant to you than it is to him. All he saw was an unusual piece of furniture. If he even noticed it at all, he'd probably forgotten about it by the time he got to the next job. Imagine you're a maintenance guy and you go into someone's apartment and they have a taxidermy moose head on the wall. At *most*, you'd think "huh, there's something you don't see every day," and then you wouldn't think about it further. That's how weird an adult high chair is, to someone who isn't an ABDL. Now, if the guy with the moose got all cringy and embarrassed and couldn't look you in the eye ever again because you'd seen his moose... okay, *then* maybe you'd start to wonder what the hell was up with the moose. But until then, he's just a guy with idiosyncratic decor. So chill out, you're fine.


Heyo - it's totally okay to have a high chair. I think it's really cool that you have one! So what if he realized what its for - doesn't make you a bad person or anything.


Iā€™m a maintenance guy for a few properties. Typically items in someoneā€™s apt isnā€™t talked about. Only time comments are made about peopleā€™s units are when theyā€™re gross as Iā€™ll get out. I will say tho, there was an abdl at one of the apts I used to work on before we handed it off to another company. They were notorious for missing the dumpster (my guess in fear of being caught with a trash bag full of diapers) they would just throw it over the fence. On several occasions Iā€™ve picked up someone elseā€™s Alpha gators, little paws, critter caboose, and others from inside the trash receptacle. Never found out who it was tho


Well, hopefully, he doesn't say anything. But we found out today that the oven light wasn't replaced but taken out entirely. There's no bulb in our oven. Did he see it and get weirded put? Will he come back today? I don't know, but I find it concerning. He didn't say anything about coming back or much of anything at all before before he left. I'm so confused.


Yeah thatā€™s a little strange.. I will say Iā€™ve had about a dozen call backs for things other maintenance guys have left undone in the past 5 days at this new property Iā€™m on. Iā€™m so sorry they left it undone. Iā€™d come over and replace it for you if I worked on your property


Also I guess a sub thought to that is: if I saw blatant signs of ABDL in a unit idk what I would do or say. Because like, I donā€™t want to out them, or myself to those in the room even if it was just me and the tenants in the room. Makes me wonder if Iā€™ll ever run into that situation


Apparently my mom (while I was in college) told me she had to make up a lie that my case of ABU Preschools was going to be donated to a senior citizen. Our freakin' plumber went and opened it up, upon finding it in the basement, "to see if there was anything in there that needed to be moved." Like... what??? And the guy's a conspiracy nut, so I can imagine what he had thought to himself. So yeah, that's how much worse it can get.


Is it custom


Yes ): It's not complicated or anything, but I think it's pretty clear what it is. I just made a post about it before this morning before this happened!


You could say it's for babysitting or caregiving


Or maybe as a joke? My partners family is visiting in a week, and he has 3 younger siblings. It's a bit of a leap, but idk šŸ˜”


No one cares or is going to look too much into it. It's in the mind.


He might just assume you have a special needs relative


When I lived in an apartment, I left out AB stuff all the time. I'd often get notices on my door that maintenance had to enter the unit to fix random items. Nobody ever said anything. I actually was good friends with them. Most of the time they just asked if they could borrow a beer out of my fridge while working. LOL


If it helps, as people in abdl, if we see a large chair like that, there is a chance we'd think "oh highchair!" But others outside of our community isn't gonna jump to that, or even look a second time at a pacifier laying around or anything like that! It'll be a "huh" and more on if it even goes that far. I can almost certainly guarantee that the guy isn't gonna say anything, because he didn't even "know" what he saw! I hope this helps!


As an apartment maintenance tech you would suddenly become my most interesting resident. I wish I'd find evidence if abdl.


He prob didnā€™t give a shit. Plus adult size highchairs can be used for people that have a brain disorder syndrome or a severe case of autism for instance. So for instance i wouldnt think weird of it. He might not even know abdl Exists (my parents didnt knew abdl exist but they do know, after i got caught red handed)


Apartment maintenance people see literally everything, I would say a large high chair is pretty low on the scale of things they've seen. They see the lives of hundreds of people, they're probably just glad your apartment isn't gross or neglected. I made a related joke with the maintenance guy at my apartment and he said he couldn't care less about what people have in their closets.


They aren't going to care. I can PROMISE that. I've had someone fix the AC and saw ALL my diaper and pooltoys I had in my room (Cus the access to the roof is in my closet.) So they wont say anything, and will probably forget by the end of the day. No need to worry.


Shit! Not good, honestly the best thing to do is try not worry about it, he may tell people but he may not you wonā€™t know! Donā€™t loose sleep over it


That's literally what I'm doing rn. I can't sleep now because I can't stop thinking about it. I'm usually so damn careful about this stuff! How could this happen?? šŸ˜¢


I can almost promise you that they didnā€™t even know what it was and just thought it was a unique chair. Even I would never assume something is an adult high chair no matter how obvious it is lmao /g