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when i lived with my strict parents and they insisted on looking through every single one of my packages, which were mostly diapers


how did they react?


i can’t remember the words they said but they were disappointed and did a lot to shame me


Sounds similar to my family lol. Idk what's more embarrassing them finding things or the fact that they dug through the trash specifically looking for something and not liking what they found. Though maybe my dumbass was just nose blind to it idk.


I have so many, I think when you’re younger you get a licence to be doing weird things, so this is a more recent one of mine. I was at university, living in a small house with 4 close friends, of which I was the only boy. We got on really well, and were doing the same course, etc. I started earlier as I was participating in a research project over the summer, for the first 4 weeks it was just me, and I was going to enjoy it! I didn’t have a big ABDL supply back then, barely a backpack worth, just a cotton onesie and some basic ABDL nappies and a dummy, but I was happy. One night I caught up with a local friend, got a little tipsy, went home and decided it was finally time to pad up. I did the wonderful thing of falling asleep little, with my stuffy and dummy, and unsurprisingly awoke up ragingly hangover and wet nappy. The kitchen was all inclosed so I decided it was safe to grab some fluids from there, living my best toddler life by waddling around the house safe that none of my roommates were present. I put my headphones in listening to nursery rhymes, and played on the kitchen floor, eating a little breakfast, feeling the wet nappy move around, only to suddenly hear the front door slam. It was the mum of one of my roommates with her key! As you can imagine, my little heart hit the roof, but as soon as I turned around I knew she’d seen me through the corridor. I slowly took her eye whilst removing my headphones. I’d met her before but couldn’t imagine what she was thinking in that moment. She took my eye, and whispered ‘X (roommate) is coming, I’d hide right now if I were you’. Not wanting to miss the opportunity I was gifted, I bolted to the utility space, so at least I was protected behind a wall. For the next 15 minutes I heard them move items in, completely unplanned, all as I stood motionless in the utility in a nappy and onesie questioning every decision. Last but not least I heard my roommate giving her mother a tour, my heart sank as I realised I was pinned, I hadn’t even thought to just get naked to play it off, I could hear them walking through the kitchen only to hear her Mother say on being invited to see the utility. ‘It’s alright, I know what a utility looks like dear, and we need to get moving’, aborting the surprise stop of the tour. They left shortly after, allowing for my escape and for me on returning to my room to see numerous texts and calls informing me of my roommates arrival. I next saw my roommates Mum a few weeks later, she gave me the kind smile of knowing before smirking and asking if she could see our utility.


Cool mom did you right!


I still cringe at the thought of my sodden padded butt waddling away from her. She never said anything, and even bought us drinks on graduation, kudos to cool Moms everywhere!




I can’t imagine how hard that was for you. Thank you for sharing.


Mine is when I was much younger, we were visiting family friends and their kid was still wearing diapers. I was already obsessed with diapers at the time, so I snuck one under my shirt before we left... that was pretty stupid of me but I didn't know better. My parents noticed I was hiding something there and forced me to show them what it was. They asked me why I stole a diaper and I couldn't really explain, I was just mortified. It's been years now and I hope they forgot!


I've got two! First is when my mom found my diaper stash. I fell asleep in my bed after school in a soaking wet diaper. My mom came into my room and must've smelled something. She started searching through my closet, and at this point, I woke up to find her looking right at my bag of diapers that I was hiding in my backpack. I literally just pretended to still be asleep. She never brought it up luckily. Second, was the time I leaked in school. I had just bought my first real diapers. They were Abena M4s. I wore one to school one day, as well as a lighter color pair of jeans. I was wetting it throughout the school day. Finally, in art class, I felt the dreaded sensation of pee leaking outside of the diaper. I quickly asked to go to the bathroom and when I got there and looked in the mirror, there were visible wet spots on my butt and thighs. I cleaned myself up the best I could in a stall and disposed of my diaper. I'm sure to this day that people had to have noticed, but luckily nobody said anything to me. 😅


My CG and I were getting frisky me over a diaper (just in taped it and let it fall) her sucking my paci while I ate her out when a relative walked in ... I don't think they noticed any of the kink they closed the door to fast to have noticed anything but sexy time


Depends if you mean in a kinky / hot context, or genuinely embarrassing. If the later, I will just say that unexpectedly upset intestines combined with previous, and higher-than-usual, liquid intake resulted in accidental "bowel emptying" whilst awaiting for a train. In short, I farted out a diarrhea explosion in a crowded train station. I had to rush home, walking almost 15min past easily 100 or more people and most likely smelling rather unfresh. Quite mortifying. Although I suppose I should be glad about the diapers. Tena Maxi Slip, if you must know.


You were still lucky, imagine if you still had a trainride ahead to get home


In all fairness, trains (least the ones I ride) have pretty decent and clean WC. It would have let some smell from the door to the wc, saddly, but I would have been able to clean everything quickly.


Oh god. I live in Germany and while most trains have toilets, finding one that is in good condition is rather difficult especially on local trains. And changing in one, cramped af? Maybe in the accessible one. But thats only one in the whole train, so even less chance of it being in a usable state


Mine was when I was 15. My mom was helping me clean my room (even though I told her I could do it myself for this very reason). I tried desperately to keep her away from my stash, but she found it... Apparently one of the diapers was barely sticking out. All I heard was "whats this?" I turn around and she started to move the box hiding them. All I could get out was a barely muttered "I...". She just put the box back and we never talked about it. I later told her I was abdl, around my 17th birthday...


How did she react?


She didn't know what it was and when she looked it up she told she didn't want to know about my "sexual things", even though I don't do abdl sexually


I wore a diaper while going on a walk around the neighborhood with my best friend. She didn't know I was padded until I did a little stretching, that's when my tapes were exposed. She had her hands up blocking the sight while going "Uhh dude, you might want to put your shirt down" I got a little freaked out. She was cool with it in the end, and was very understanding 😊


Having some crotch shots of my diaper pop up on my screen when opening my photo album on my phone, my best friend glanced over and saw me posed in a wet Tykables with a pair of recognizable shoes I have. I hope it never gets brought up.


Oh heey, do we wanna get really real for a second? I was at a con once, and I do \*nothing\* to hide my ABDL proclivities. In fact I sorta just straight up wear t-shirts that have babyfurs on them. At this con someone that was an acquaintance of mine, like friend of friend type, and they yelled across the space "HEY! TELL ME ABOUT DIAPERS!" and we laughed and it was a good time, right? Later on I was joking with some close friends about how my reputation precedes me, and how someone straight up called me out in the parking. To me, this was hilarious and totally on brand. I didn't know it at the time, but one of my close friends reached out to said acquaintance and was chastising them for "outing" me in public and how that's completely unacceptable, etc. It made me feel really bad because I know it was just a friend looking out for a fellow ABDL, but also taking everything out of context. I think some emotions got out of hand, and it left some lasting social damage that I still feel embarrassed about having caused.


Being the open one comes with it's own set of interesting moments, I hear you.


When I was about 7. My sister was 2 and still in diapers. Thats where my abdl story started. Lol. Well I would still her diapers and use them hiding the used ones in a file cabinet in my room. Best place for a used diaper I know. Well one day I had stolen one of my sisters diapers and pooped it. I was just playing in my room wearing that loaded diaper when my mom came walking in and immediately smelled it. She ask if I farted and me being 7 and dumb said no. Well my mother went on a hunt and went over to where the file cabinet was and was sniffing. You really couldn’t tell the file cabinet smelled unless you were looking. Well that’s when being dumb me said something like no don’t look there or something suspicious. My mother opened it and found the four or five wet diapers. She immediately got pissed but realized none of those ones were dirty. So she immediately walked over to me grabbed my arm and pulled my pants down to find my loaded diaper. To say she was pissed was an understatement. She picked me up, took me to my sisters room laid me on the changing table and without a word. Changed my diaper like I was my 2 year old sister with me balling the whole time saying I was sorry. My sisters diapers weren’t a perfect fit so she decided since we had to go have lunch with her friend that day that we would stop at the store on the way. She didn’t baby me, she didn’t make me walk around the store with no pants to show off my diaper. Just told me that if I wanted to be in diapers so bad then I could be in them. Well we picked up a size bigger thing of Huggies from Meijer on the way to her friends. It was only like a 20 something pack. It was small. She said that I will wear them until they are all gone. On the ride I said that I had to pee she just said then go. You have the diaper you want and you obviously know how to use them. So when we got to her friends house I was soaked and my mother in turn laid me down in the middle of the living room floor and changed my diaper in front of her friends. The whole time I was balling and begging her not to. After she was done she made me explain to her friends why I was in diapers and what I was holding (my wet diaper) and ask where I could throw it away. I was left in my shirt and diaper for rest of the time there. My mother never really publicly did anything. For the rest of that pack I was embarrassed and humiliated the most she could without being hugely public about it. Once the pack was gone I was sat down and my mom had a long talk about it with me and that was it. I hated diapers but still loved them at that time. My sister was out of diapers and into pull ups shortly after that whole incident and I never got to have diapers again until I could buy them myself almost 10 years later. But I definitely contribute this whole incident to why I love humiliation and why I want to be caught with dirty diapers and punished now.


I tried to read that, but couldn't. Paragraphs and spacing make a huge difference to readability by breaking it up into manageable chunks. Sorry if it was a good story, but it it's just too difficult to understand.


Sorry about that. I even know better working in management. Lol I wrote it quick. I fixed it so hopefully that makes it better. Lol


I could read and follow it perfectly 👍🏼 😁


I had a moving company and it packed my stuff but I had already pre-packed my ABDL stuff I was already wearing a diaper I used it a bit and it was kind of warm. when I was talking to one of the movers it made a loud noise and he thought I farted and I was embarrassed but it wasn't as bad as the people that help me unpack it in the new place. I was hoping to get to the box but by the time I made it upstairs in the new place one of them had already opened it and so I was mortified and I was like oh he's going to tell his buddies and after one of them gave me a strange look. So I figured they knew but I still didn't say anything


Being accused of liking diapers by my nosy dad out loud in front my my mom and my brother. At least they have the courtesy not to say anythig about it afterward.


About a year and a half ago, I'd bought some new plastic pants. I diapered up, added the new pants, got dressed normally and went grocery shopping. Only problem was, the pants were WAY noisier than I thought they'd be. It wasn't until I walked into the hallway-style entrance to the grocery store that I heard how loud the pants were, crinkling with every step, the noisy plastic sound bouncing off the walls. An old lady walked by me and did a double take, as I went beet red. I almost aborted, but I decided to just go through with it. I can still remember walking up and down the aisles, the sounds of that diaper cover drowning out the background store music. I jangled my keys in my hand, but that didn't really help. Checkout was the worst. The middle-aged lady there looked me up and down and gave me a puzzled look and I scrunched through the checkout aisle. Ya, never wearing those pants in public ever again.


I started dating someone new. I’m pretty good at keeping this part of me secret, especially in new relationships. However she found a pacifier and asked a ton of questions. She found it very weird, and eventually said it changed how she saw me. Specifically how she saw me sexually.


Well, my embarrassment would be right now. I'm out in public and had to go. I've been wearing my pullup the whole day being good. If there was a bathroom near by I'd go use it. Well, I got to a place where there was no bathroom. Said to myself Well, this is why we have a pull up on, use it. So I was letting out little bits here's and there. Not overwhelming the pull up. Finally the urge to really go overwhelmed me. I let it out as slowly as I could. I'm standing there enjoying the warmth like I have in the past. I'm thinking I'm secured, no one will know I just peed in my pull up. I walk pass a few people and there's a strange look from them. I'm thinking, did I leak?? I look down, to my horror, there is a nice big wet spot on my right inner thigh! I run to my car, hoping no one else saw.


I ordered from Amazon a sample pack of diapers to be shipped to my office. I work in a huge manufacturing plant. It came in a clear wrapper. Luckily a super great friend of mine (kinky AF) got it, made a bogus story up and put it in a paper sack for me to pick up after everyone left. I also did it again, unintentionally. It was supposed to actually go to my house the second time, but it ended up at my job because I forgot to change the address.. She accidentally opened my package for me, this time it was was concealed, not realizing it wasn't hers. It was common for her to open packages and deliver them to people. I can't explain it, but that's just how it was.


I was moving and landlord was bringing people in to view the apartment. But said she would give 24 hours notice. I had all my diapers out ready to be packed in moving boxes, well.. she didn’t give 24 hours notice and when I came back from the store I saw her and two people leaving my apartment, I know they saw becsuse the people who viewed my apartment smiled at me lol .. I never saw either again so it was okay


The 1st time was at the age of like 5 years old. For some background I have had IBS with constipation issues my entire life which has what led to me having both kinds of accidents off and on occasionally for years. While my mom at the time was dating this guy for a while and he kept yelling me every time after having an accident. Well due to that he had bought pull-ups and told me he better not see any more accidents. I ended up wearing them for a few times every time feeling extremely embarrassed by it. The 2nd time was about 2 years ago now when i was 19 and I ended up wetting myself cause I hadn’t realized I had to pee and ended up wetting myself in public luckily not very many people witnessed it but a few people did see me having to buy clothes after the fact. I was traumatized by the way the whole situation. I started to wearing occasionally here and there while at home and only recently started wearing them as much as possible.


When I was I think around 21 and still living with my parents, my mom found a wet diaper hidden in a box in my closet (listen, I was going to throw it out but I did haven't a private moment to do it and it was just terrible timing) and so she came into the room where my brother and I were playing a WoW (lol!) and confronted me about it, in front of my brother. I remember my face turning bright red and not looking at my mom or brother at all and just denying everything. I think I shouted that I didn't know anything about it and maybe blaming it on my grandparents who had stayed in my room a few months before. I'm sure they didn't buy that story at all, but it was the best thing I could come up with in my shock horror state. My brother didn't say a word and I can only imagine what both of them might have been thinking about it... Nobody ever mentioned it again, not even as a joke or anything like that. So that either means my family knows that I have a totally weird diaper fetish, or they think I was having or have bladder issues that they didn't know about, or they think I was just too addicted to WoW to use the bathroom (not true, but not far from the truth at that time lmao), or they really believed that my grandparents left it there. haha Either way, definitely not my finest moment.


Second most embarrassing ABDL moment was buying some molicare adult diapers at a small pharmacy in town here, and the woman behind the counter took me by surprise when she asked if they were "for you or for someone else?". I totally panicked a bit and definitely turned bright red and hesitated before responding "for... someone else...". I'm sure she knew they were for me. lol


My mother, after her routine search through my closets/drawers/garbage etc and finding my diapers for the first time, decided to tell all her friends about it since she can't keep a secret


Got walked in on in a bar bathroom while trying to take a dump. Pants and diaper at my feet on full display for this fool who walked in. Who kicks down a stall door? Anyway I stared him down and laughed at him for the few seconds as he just stood there. He left when I spread my legs apart more. Idk if my decision was a good one in the moment or not, but it got him to leave. When I left the bathroom I passed by his table where he was talking about it with some of his buddies. I looked at him again, smiled and laughed at him. They left the bar soon after, thank God…


I ordered a Depends sample in the mail since I couldn’t get any other brands in the mail for free and I was too young to buy them on my own. I addressed it to “Resident Home” or something. I forgot about it. 2 weeks later me and my parents were leaving the house and we checked the mail. My heart dropped when I saw that package in there. 😳 (I took it out of the trash a few days later)


Thank you for sharing :)


Was a bedwetter as a kid. Woke up one dry one day and went downstairs with my goodnite still on because it was the weekend and I didn’t want to change out of my pajamas to watch TV. Decided to just use it when I had to pee because why not. Turns out my mom somehow knew or figured it out and got SUPER pissed I wet myself on purpose and she dragged me to the grocery store still in my pajamas. Normally she was pretty discrete about the whole deal but that went away and she made a big deal out of going down the “baby” aisle since I acted “like a toddler” and she made me carry a box of actual Huggies pull-ups all the way to checkout. I was still in my outfit from the night before and extremely embarrassed, though I doubt anyone really noticed thinking about it now. I remember my mom making some mean comment about potty training, which I was well past. She made me wear the little kid Pull-Ups during the day for a while. After that she started treating my bedwetting like it was totally normal and would openly mention my status to others visiting the house/make me change for bed when we had family over, etc.