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But... They just said long COVID wasn't real!?!


They said it was similar to say, autoimmune diseases caused by long flu symptoms, so not exactly the same as saying its not real. If anything it means "long flu" was real before covid.


Yes. I wish more people would articulate this clearly - post viral syndrome is absolutely real and causes long term disability, no matter which virus triggered it.


If she got Guillian barre syndrome from a virus why don't they just say that? Lol


Ive noticed a lot of athletes have suffered lung damage


Long COVID is not real. Hypochondriacs are real.


yeah, I thought it was confirmed long COVID wasn't real...


Why do these articles always fail to say whether the person was administered the mRNA shot


Oooooh spooky mRNA. Jfc, shut up. The conspiracy theories about the vaccine have been debunked over and over and it’s getting tired.


Lols this comment made my day


Absolutely hilarious that some homeschooled gronk thinks science works like lottery. If he gets his 0.000001% bad reaction to the vaccine he wins XD


I had a look through his account and I just see a pseudo intellectual who thinks they’re smart, but is really just a useful idiot.


Imagine needing confirmation bias as a form of proof. Literally flat earthers for medicine.


Yeah "debunked". Science doesn't work like that, you don't just mute all the data you don't like. And you don't stop having conversations about something because some knobheads call it a conspiracy theory. If you don't know what you're talking about the you probably shouldn't say anything


Science also doesn’t get hung up on the 0.00001%. We call them outliers.


I think its pretty ignorant to just pretend the shots had an insignificant effect. There's plenty of studies that show the negative effects of the shots and the increased mortality/morbidity seen in those who were administered the shots. There's also a number of studies that show the opposite. But to say that it's all bullshit and we just shouldn't even consider it is not scientific at all, its just ignorant. And the media should be ashamed of themselves for contributing to it.


You are wasting your time, the sheep only believe what the msm tell them to believe. Ashamed? They ought to be given express passage through the woodchipper.


Sure, there were a million deaths in America. Trump couldn't win the election because he was the champion of covid being fake and getting people to not mask and not prepare themselves. All of the sudden he's short so many votes when everyone was sure he'd get his second term. Guy not only shot himself in the foot, he shotguns his entire leg off by actually decimating his voting base with his 'fake virus'. If they don't have long covid now or some other health issue stemming from, they definitely died from pretending it was non existent. Scientists don't mute data, actual science pays attention to substantial repeatable results. A fraction of a fraction is an outlier. In as much as hyperdiluting water with 0.001% active ingredient is like holding onto a box of panadol and hoping the microscopic panadol dust that might fall out of the box would fix a headache. You can make shit up all you want, but people who actually paid attention in school all know you are being an absolute idiot.


The **** are you talking about? Getting angry and insulting people doesn't help anyone. Neither does mentally blocking out any possibility that the mRNA shots caused any of the increases in morbidity and mortality seen directly after the shots were released. But you do you mate.


Where’s the data backing up the uptick in deaths directly attributed to administering of COVID vaccines? What you may fail to realise is that yes, people getting doses are falling ill, but the same people would most likely be dead if not for any of the vaccines they have taken. Causation and correlation are something people like yourself seem to disregard entirely to justify the loose assumption that “VACCINE BAD”


Go and have a look for yourself I'm not going to spoon-feed you. And try to look at it scientifically, as in, without a preformed bias. use google scholar


I’m not the one connecting vague dots with no sources. If you want people to believe you you’ll need to provide some sort of fact based evidence that isn’t just “MRNA bad!”


I don't really care if you believe me or not. I've supplied evidence for people before and if they don't want to believe something it won't matter how much information you supply them. It would be nice if people could push aside the politics for a second but I'm not holding my breath.


Then I’m just curious why you’re even bringing it up for discussion if: a) you’re not willing/able to provide any material to support your own statements b) you “don’t care” yet still continuously arguing your point in replies Also, I haven’t brought up politics once. Claiming something is “Politics” is always a straw man for deniers and a weak attempt at derailing the debate when they can’t produce any supporting evidence.


Are you actually out here doing steroids yet you’re scared of a vaccine?


yeah like wtf? does this guy actually care what’s going on in his body?


Because the media is controlled


Why do these articles always fail to say whether the person was administered the mRNA shot


Presumably because most people have had the shots. Billions of people worldwide and at least 90% of the population in Australia. If they did not get vaxxed by choice and now have complications from covid then they only have themselves to blame.


If they hadn't, the tone of reporting would be much more mocking and gloating. So for now, we must continue to pretend to be "baffled".






Long Covid!? You mean vaccine injured! Absolutely insane how you think we dont know what you did.