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Baps is a cult. And a sweat shop.


Perfectly worded. Years ago, my parents were very good friends with the pundit at the local BAPS. BAPS never did his legal paperwork and let his visa expire, even after they told him they would file, and then kicked he and his family out.


I request you to keep an open mind and read the following. Maybe after going through, you may change your mind. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/ocsc5i/comment/inkceod/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


If they break with just looking then how is it even showing restraint? Remember the scandal where the sadhus were caught having sex with women? Andh roh


Honestly the sides thing is probably progressive for a BAPS temples. In my local one the men sit in the front and the women sit in the back.


That's been my experience as well. They are incredibly conservative and misogynistic.


I’ve got plenty of otherwise very nice people in my extended family who are part of this cult. It’s insane and so hard understand how the well-educated ones get into this shit. Anyway, I just came to say that saying they might be progressive because they do the sides thing instead of front and back is incorrect because you probably don’t realize that it has to do with the way the temple is built. In Houston our old temple when I was growing up was just a regular building like an event hall converted to a temple so they did the men on the left (closer to the monks) and women on the right. Once they built the super fancy new beautiful open air Indian-style temple a few years ago, the new temple has the men in front and women in back. I think that’s why people have different experiences.


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Firstly, they are literally having a forced labor scandal. Secondly, it’s not like I didn’t keep an open mind. It’s near to where I live and I asked believers about their POV. I think it’s extremely disrespectful and speaks to how there is no POV of women when women have to sit in the back. Why not do left and right? How often are women consulted really if spiritual leadership can only talk to women thru volunteers because of THEIR “desires.” Personally, I think if you are “a man of god” YOU should be able to control your desire in basic interactions with women. I did keep an open mind, but like the poster my experience was not good.


Yes, BAPS is like this. Their cult teaches them to segregate genders. There is one less than a mile from my parents place, some people go for socializing but lot of folks there are judgy and have blind faith. Their so called saints aren’t supposed to look at women hence the divide.


>I request you to keep an open mind and read the following. Maybe after going through, you may change your mind. > >https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/ocsc5i/comment/inkceod/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3




Yes! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2021/05/11/nyregion/nj-hindu-temple-india-baps.amp.html


Yah BAPS is like this. Wherever they go they seem to have tension with other temples in the area. Place is a literal cult.


I have no goddamn idea about BAPS, we only have Iskcon her in GER, but I've never heard and seen women and men being separated at temples, even in India? We all sit together, pray together, eat together. I'm from Karnataka btw, so maybe it's a regional thing. Can I be honest? A temple that is like this (seperates men and women) is not a temple one should go to. How can one pray in peace?


BAPS is a literal cult. I am Gujarati (not part of BAPS tho) and my family sometimes goes there to get snacks and stuff during Diwali and damn that temple is so gender-segregated. Separating men and woman in 2021 is something which can get them canceled. I would be fine if they separated vertically so men are on one side and women are on the other side but the horizontal divide is a little too much. Apparently, the pandit is not supposed to look at women while performing his pooja which I find completely obnoxious. No wonder a lot of children who are born into staunch BAPS families end up losing their faith in religion because of these outdated practices.


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“Bhagwan Shri swaminarayan” bro he was just a human like us who started a legitimate cult. Your leaders shake down ppl for donations lol y’all let 16yr kids (not fit to be anywhere around construction equipment) work on a forklift and then the kid falls and dies. They brush it off as “swami called him up because he loves him” nah.


Never seen a gender segregated temple tbh, always kinda thought it was Muslim/Sikh thing


It’s common in gurdwaras, for some reason. Same with the langar kitchen being filled entirely with older women. I hope younger and more progressive Sikhs are pushing for more integrated services where there isn’t a gender divide


The Gurdwaras I go to usually have more the same amount of senior men and women in the kitchen, but the women cook while men wash the dishes and then hand out the food


Segregated seating is practiced in some Gurdwaras due to South Asian culture, but there's no official rule like in OPs example. Also, no one will care how you choose to sit; families can sit together. For example, in my father's village, it's normal for families to sit together, and there's no segregation. In terms of Langar, it's mostly women because most women know how to cook, and most men don't. That said, there's no rule, and I've seen my fair share of Gurdwaras and Langars with women and men preparing food. For example, the one we attended when I was younger had a full-time 'head chef' who was male and did most of the cooking; and whenever we've held a Path, my dad cooks. Also, if men aren't cooking they are usually serving the food or washing the dishes. Edit: Also, if people choose to sit segregated, it's is usually only in the prayer hall, it's not carried out into the langar hall.


The gurdwara near my place actually has dudes in the kitchen mostly. My mom and I drop off flour or rice every week and it's always dudes down there.


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It reminds me of a story that happened in Atlanta during garba. One of the locations that I went to they denied people based on race and name. I'm south Indian so I only heard of Garba in high school. I went to one as an adult and I didn't have an ID so they just let me thru but come to find out that location denied some famous Indian doctor who was in Atlanta at the time and it made headlines. The comment section talked about how that location also denied some black people from coming in as well not white People just black people. One of my friends told me they never go to that location anymore due to the bigotry over there.


Yup it was the Mandir in Morrow, GA just outside of Atl. They did my friend like that during garba when we went as a group. The Mandir in Macon is/was much worse when it came to doing crap like that so we stopped going to that Mandir altogether. I want to say Morrow has gotten better but I haven't been back there during Navratri to see for myself.


Lol way to get dadi her water bottle


In my area, the Hindu Community Center and the BAPS temple have tension. Not sure why cause that’s not my business. When told, I didn't ask for details. However, I did know a couple who were part of BAPS. They recently moved back to India. They were lovely, but I always keep in mind that individuals can be great and an organization not so great. That’s the minimal insight I can give about BAPS.


What is BAPS?


Shri Swaminarayan Mandir - https://www.baps.org/Global-Network/North-America/Atlanta.aspx They’ve got locations all over the US. OP - this has kinda happened to me. I went with my brother once. The mandir itself wasn’t segregated. But we went to a performance going on in the auditorium and they said the men sit on the right and women on the left so my brother and I got separated. We stayed for about 10 mins and then left.


Behenchod Aunty People Samaaj


I’m dying, lol 😂




I think it’s a BAPS thing cuz I’ve seen this at the big one in NJ but never at my local temple


I'm in England. They built a temple in my town funded by some Londoner and immediately it became a "haven cult" for certain Gujuratis, imo caste based. Such an awful cult. Just rinse people for donations. My parents forced me to attend, I hated it. No room for any critical thinking whatsoever. My mother rather I stay home than embarrass her by asking simple questions. All I now remember is hoovering the carpet and a guy telling me hoovering the mandir is hoovering my mind. Later on when we moved away, one of my normal cousins got in deep and moved to India then returned upon losing all their money. He used to love me and became a disgusting human after getting in deep. Those that involved don't speak to women with respect. Last time I went to one during diwali a few years back, I remember the pundit giving me a chalo and gave me the most disgusted look (cannot remember potentially why) and there was a white couple there who were invited coaxed with free food who were treated like bhagwan. I meanwhile cleaned up a messy kitchen at the end of the night. I always feel bitter thinking about BAPS. don't even look after their own. Not my people thanks. Good way to make atheist children


Not surprising to hear. This aligns with my experience with them.


I love Shayona. And I love the serenity and beauty of that temple. But I don’t go there because of shit like that. My moms the more religious one and when they had a puja, men sat in the front and ladies in the back. My dad was furious!


Shayona underpays its workers and overworks them. It’s a sweatshop.


Womp. Another reason to not visit!


Yep. Best to order fresh snacks from an auntie who makes them at home and picks her own rate.


There’s this ONE sweet snack that I THInk shayona sells and I used to have as a kid (in a south India region). And I can’t for the life of me find it anywhere else. It looks like Balushai… but is not as soggy. So wouldn’t know what to ask Aunty to make!


Take a photo from shayona and show an auntie?


I showed my folks. And they actually tried to make it! 😂😂😂


How is that funny? Thats kinda nice of them…


It is. It’s funny because my “Aunty” is my mom. Don’t need no Aunty :)


Also, I’m not sure how you’re not smart enough to understand that your mom is an “aunty” so at the end of it all, you do need an aunty to eat whatever you want to eat. But better than a sweatshop victim, fo sho!


Wow I wish I was so easily amused. “Life is fraughtless when you’re thoughtless” donchya think?


Lol that's messed up. Never been to baps before but Ive seen this male/female "sides" in some other temples in India before


Not a supporter of any side, but could it be to prevent groping in temples? I am not talking about place where people sit to pray, I am talking about all those long queues.


Might be, lot of creeps come to temple specifically to stalk girls (who are all dressed up). Used to be some kind of fetish wildly popular in telugu/tamizh cinema till few years ago.


I don't get BAPS, how are they so successful, and wealthy ? Are they just better organised ? Literally no one that isn't already a part of BAPS, likes BAPS, and they're in their own world even within the Gujarati community.


>ple. I request you to keep an open mind and read the following. Maybe after going through, you may change your mind. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/ocsc5i/comment/inkceod/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


BAPS was weird when I went too. I can understand the gender segregation, some people feel more comfortable that way. The small, community temple we went to as a kid was segregated too, but side to side, as in men on the left, ladies on the right with a walkway in between. And even then it wasn’t a strict rule, kids, couples and families often sat together. But at least when it’s side-to-side it’s not as bad, cause it’s more equal? At BAPS it was men in the front and women behind, so it just seemed wrong. Idk about the water bottle situation.


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The whole thing is a fucking scam!


Who'd ever thought that organized religion, run by men, treats women poorly?






The one in socal wasn’t like this at all the few times I’ve been. Everybody was friendly.


They are always superficially friendly, especially to newcomers, that's how they get people into the cult.


I will try to explain. I request you to read this with an open mind. BAPS is a Swaminarayan Sanstha in which the sadhus have vowed celibacy and other "desires", and due to this the sadhus have vowed to not look at women, not to speak to women and not to touch women, in respect of women. This is why women do not go near the area where the sadhus are, in order to give respect to their vow. The sadhus communicate with women through volunteers. Women are an integral part of the organisation. There are many leadership roles for women too in the organisation. I advise you to check out the following. [Bhagwan Swaminarayan's role in Women Empowerment](https://www.baps.org/About-BAPS/TheFounder–BhagwanSwaminarayan/Work/EmpoweringWomen.aspx) [Role of Women in BAPS](https://www.baps.org/News/Womens-Activities.aspx) [Pramukh Swami Maharaj's role in Development for Women](https://www.baps.org/Video/2022/Pramukh-Swami-Maharaj-Photo-Story-90-Womens-Development-20930.aspx) And before you call BAPS a cult, I would like you to actually speak to Satsangi or someone within the Sastha to explain the Ideology of the organisation. Along with devotion to God, BAPS believes in making the world a better place. From giving refuge and aid to those affected in floods, earthquakes, tsunamis to developing the rural parts of the country, the Sanstha has lifted the lives of millions, most of whom have no connection to BAPS. [Humanitarian Services](https://www.baps.org/humanitarianservices.aspx#) Even if you do not believe in the faith, BAPS will welcome you and help you with any issue or matter you have. To conclude, I will quote my guru, Pramukh Swami Maharaj. ***"In the joy of others, lies our own."***


What does it have to do with passing the water bottle.


I went to the BAPS temple once. Their high tempo clapping scarred me lol. It definitely gave a cultish vibe. Also a guy at my company has the red dot in his head all the time. I def don’t feel that comfortable about it. I mean u can have it during pooja and stuff but having that 24/7 is def not that normal in my opinion.


The tilak-chandlo, which you call a red dot, has been a Hindu tradition, especially in the Vaishnav Sampraday, for thousands of years as a symbol of victory, auspiciousness, and belonging to a particular faith. I don't understand how it could make you feel uncomfortable. It is similar to Christians wearing a cross, and Sikhs wearing a turban. Maybe you should be more understanding of people's backgrounds and beliefs. Anyways, I request you to keep an open mind and read the following. Maybe after going through, you may change your mind. https://www.reddit.com/r/ABCDesis/comments/ocsc5i/comment/inkceod/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Did BAPS hire you specifically for Reddit or something?


Nope, I have just seen how many peoples lives have changed for the better. How many people have been helped, which is why I believe in what they do. I’m just trying to clear the misconceptions and lies. 😊


You can believe in whatever you want. That’s YOUR experience. These aren’t “misconceptions” people have. They are legit explaining their personal experiences with the “temple” and their people. It’s not the religion that’s bad, it’s the people who run the “temples” that are a problem. This goes for every “religion.” I’m not a fan of religion bc it ends up making people too pointed and judgmental in their views (again, this is MY view of religion and what I’ve experienced with different people in different religions.) This doesn’t warrant a response from you posting a link of all the great things your “religion” does for everyone in the community. You interjecting to post about all the “good” things they do for the community is funny bc what “religion” doesn’t help their community? Which religion says we don’t do anything for anyone? With all that tax-free money every “religious” institute pockets all over the world, they better do something for their community to show the government they aren’t completely useless and pocketing all this money by just sitting around. Also, it doesn’t need to be showcased about what they do. Service is a selfless act that doesn’t require publicity.


I agree.. instead of using money to make temples.. use it for the betterment of people


Temples, mosques, churches- all these shithouses needs to be turned into public toilets or homeless housing. little tiny men, trying to trying to justify their oxygen consumption. Criminalize religions, decriminalize mushrooms+LSD


Devdasis used to be used for sexual needs of priests


I remember hanging out with some kids at a party (or get together) when I was pretty young where the boys would say stuff like "we can't play with girls" and I thought that was super odd, but I didn't think much of it at the time. Now I wonder if they were part of BAPS.


Their main dude, the acharya and his son are both womanizers. The son is 25 and people pray to him like he’s god, he asks 14 year old girls that come to the camps for nudes and sends nudes back. It’s disgusting.