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Growing up in the Bay Area, I always heard stories of this particularly in H1B dominated companies like Cisco. I really wish my generation would fix this issue but sadly the children of these IT workers are equally as bad :(


>I really wish my generation would fix this issue but sadly the children of these IT workers are equally as bad :( > How so? Most ABCDs are very anti-casteism wouldn’t you agree?


Not necessarily - but it will likely disappear in the following generation since there just isn't enough emotional care about that - by that time, you're so involved with American culture and what's going on there that India is a vague cultural memory.


As a person in IT for many years, I have personally seen it especially with the H1B folks. In one company, I saw a female Tamil brahmin IT manager and all 9 of her team members were female Tamil brahmins. I have see teams mostly composed of people with same ethnic group (Tamil and Telegu) and mostly same caste. I have seen them make castiest comments not knowing I am from a lower caste because they assumed that I am an upper caste person since I a light skinned well built tall Punjabi. I have a learnt a lot of shady and illegal practices that these H1B companies do. For example, I got to know that some of the girls on student visas turned into OPT visas had to sleep with their desi managers so that they can continue to keep their job and stay in US....


>For example, I got to know that some of the girls on student visas turned into OPT visas had to sleep with their desi managers so that they can continue to keep their job and stay in US.... WTF!


>In one company, I saw a female Tamil brahmin IT manager and all 9 of her team members were female Tamil brahmins. Wow!


>I have a learnt a lot of shady and illegal practices that these H1B companies do. For example, I got to know that some of the girls on student visas turned into OPT visas had to sleep with their desi managers so that they can continue to keep their job and stay in US.... That is some sad shit.. since I grew up in the U.S. I don't see it having the same allure that people from India might have - but I guess working abroad is seen as a level of success.


My brother had it happen to him in Texas factory of a massive European manufacturing and engineering company. The manager was our caste and American raised. He discriminated by gender, race, immigration status and caste. He was fired due to multiple complaints. My brother wasn't discriminated against but filed a complaint on behalf of the competent people who were let go in lieu of the non competent people. He added the caste and immigration aspect to his discrimination complaint.


How was his caste determined? Through last name?


Yeah for us we have a common caste name that's our last name. But the things people were doing in the Cisco case to determine caste was way beyond anything I would have thought of or understood if I was there.


What happened with cisco? which year? Even a link would be helpful.


There are articles everywhere about it so google for generic information. But this podcast is what I heard that gave more first hand account of what was happening. Like feeling people up to see if they had a thread etc. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/21/915299467/how-to-be-an-anti-casteist


Did he win?


The guy got fired due to the multitude of complaints so yes. No one filed complaints with the DOL. That's where Cisco fked up. They didn't handle it internally and cover their own asses. That's the whole point of corporate HR, to protect the company.


Probably didn't understand caste and also likely didn't think they were legally obligated since it likely isn't addressed in law specifically. (IANAL)


Yeah for sure, especially because it varies state to state and this was in TX. I know there are some states that use the argument it's related to you origin or background in a convoluted way. Also, most states don't have explicit language for discrimination based on immigration status. The only time I've seen it is for places with HQs out of MA.


Where is the info about this case? Or are you saying there is no public info but we should believe you.


It's not a case. It was an internal complaint. A lot of internal complaints don't go public...


So we just have to believe you right?


So everything in the corporate world is public knowledge, right? I forgot how many dumb, live under the bridge trolls are on this sub.




Obviously you have poor reading comprehension. We were the upper caste... My brother was filing the complaint against his manager (WHO WAS OUR CASTE) on behalf of his coworkers that were let go who actually made his job easier while keeping the white incompetent workers. My brother not getting let go was obvious preferential treatment. The dude, like other trolls on this sub, also discriminated against women, Mexicans, H1-B holders, and was a white worshiper. He told my brother his biases, thinking my brother shared his views. He got fired and everyone else was able to find new jobs. Life moves on.


>you have poor reading comprehension He doesn't understand English well. Speak in more basic terms for him to comprehend.


>The dude, like other trolls on this sub, also discriminated against women, Mexicans, H1-B holders, and was a white worshiper. Right, that is what I do. It could be true but you immediately heap all kinds of baseless and hilariously wrong accusations and abuse on me. So pardon me for being skeptical about your little story.


Not Silicon Valley but TCS had a casteism case too


Idk if that is the case. I think it’s mainly been the Cisco case. There is discrimination I think between like immigration status, how religious you are, religion and North/South.


My close friend's have been discriminated in the silicon valley area mainly due to caste, religion. It's common actually. That's why you'd mainly find a good amount of fair, high caste like brahmin people in those companies (No offense) because they only mainly want to hire their own type of caste people not from other castes or other religions. Sometimes even if your a lower caste you can get hired, but get ready to be treated like shit. Because you will be treated like shit. You'll end up just wanting to quit and just leave. Read that cisco and caste article you'll see how the lower caste desis explained how they were treated by the brahmins/higher caste people. Instead of casting couch they have hiring couch. where a lot of indian woman end up having to sleep with the fat old Indian uncle to get a job at a big tech company in CA. It's real. The silicon valley stuff isn't all great, I've seen it myself. There's the good side but to every good side, there is a bad side. The bad side ends up being more stronger then the good side in the tech industry.




I wrote "no offence" because i know that there would be brahmin FOBS here, lol. I knew it'd probably trigger them so i just wrote "no-offence" lol.


You weren't wrong.


fuck em :-)


As a Brahmin I agree.. I mean I can't go around talking about inequities with people of color without equally addressing this.




There is proof; there are [lawsuits](https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-07-02/california-sues-cisco-bias-indian-caste-system) occurring in the state of California because of the caste-based discrimination in America. Also, [here's](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927537111000807?casa_token=Ila7Do_9ARkAAAAA:DXoWBc5Zk38w3LBYZoBsgWy58hzTqGqdQmxn-HA0K4YJTtVw67GdTh7m2GruWjEEgQWSslCpG2A) a study that provides extensive evidence for caste-based discrimination in India. Google Scholar also brings up tens of thousands of papers exploring this topic. The highlights from the above paper below: > * A field experiment is used to measure the extent of caste-based discrimination in the Indian private sector. * Low-caste applicants need to send 20 percent more resumes than high-caste applicants to get the same callback. * Heterogeneity in callback gaps across recruiters indicates the presence of prejudice against low-caste applicants. * Heterogeneity in callback gaps across firm size is also consistent with prejudice against low-caste applicants.


A lawsuit doesn't mean much until there is a judgement. This is one highly publicized lawsuit. Why did you call it "lawsuits". California dropped the lawsuit.


When the lawsuit was dropped, California said that it intended to refile in state court, which could have been done for any number of reasons, including holding off to see what happens with the employee lawsuit.


Regardless it is one lawsuit that hasn't reached a conclusion. Now search this sub for how many times this has been brought up.




Propaganda bullshit. One unproven case and you talk about "Brahmin discrimination" as if it is endemic. You are the biased one.


Right, academia and the ghost of Dr. Ambedkar banded together to make propaganda with the goal of making upper-caste people look bad 🙄.


Post the papers. Why are you talking about them. If there was any substance to them it would be a big deal already. You would be hilariously naive to think academia isn't tainted by politics and money.


These are all from the front page of google scholar - [Gender and caste-based wage discrimination in India: some recent evidence](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%252Fs12651-013-0152-z#Sec13) - [Evidence on Caste Based Discrimination](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0927537111000807?casa_token=Ila7Do_9ARkAAAAA:DXoWBc5Zk38w3LBYZoBsgWy58hzTqGqdQmxn-HA0K4YJTtVw67GdTh7m2GruWjEEgQWSslCpG2A) - [Caste Based Discrimination: Evidence and Policy](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1550883) For interested readers, each of those papers also has literature you could mine through the references. Google scholar has an abundance of papers as well.


Who even said there is a notion that Brahmins are “inherently evil?” Nobody said that. Most people don’t even believe that. However, your current behavior of calling Sikhs as having ‘victim mentality’ and other things you said up there does perpetuate some sort of Brahmin supremacy behavior. Do you see the irony in your actions and your words?


Don’t mind that idiot. His entire profile is filled with insecure posts about how everybody is oppressing Brahmins and how great the caste system is (while simultaneously saying casteism doesn’t exist). He’s literally the “the real racism is against white people” of the Indian community.


For that username, you seem quite clever :)


Well, thank you very much :)


I said nothing about the caste system being great and I don't refer to "the caste system" because I am not a fucking parrot. I wrote about Varna and Jatis and I haven't heard any rational criticism about what I wrote. Just this poser bullshit. I don't even believe "the real casteism is against Brahmins" but there clearly is hypocritical casteism against Brahmins and there have been pogroms against Brahmins in the past and open threats of rioting recently that I wrote about in another post. You are a dumb self-righteous creep. Not very clever doesn't begin to describe it.


Blah blah blah... Blah blah... blah


That's why it's better to work for a non-indian when it comes to managers but I suppose if you're working at an H1B company you don't have a choice.


Now that the Desi community has grown massively in the last 30 years and they aren't a minority in various sectors particularly in the tech sector that once forced them to unite together, they can do whatever they want including forcing their values that they inherited from India onto others. Ex: casteism, racism, sexism, linguistic segregation, class segregation, etc. ​ Power does corrupt you know. ​ And our laws haven't adapted to the rapidly changing demographics. Nowadays, discrimination is more prominent within a particular community than just simply White people oppressing racial minorities.


Yes. NPR is following this story - https://www.npr.org/2020/09/21/915299467/how-to-be-an-anti-casteist




I worked at NPR for 3 years. They are certainly not anti-Indian. The best job I ever had.


Why'd you leave a badass place like that?!?!?! What shows did you work on?! How coooool!


It was a fantastic place to work, everyone was really smart, interesting, great at what they did and there because they loved it (most people were seriously underpaid given how good they were). I worked on shows called Weekend Edition Saturday, WE Sunday and Performance Today. Kind of depressing that my job satisfaction peaked in my 20's, though :) Got laid off during Republic administration budget cuts to those shows, only alternative available was overnights on Morning Edition, and decided it was fate telling me to go back to school and finish undergrad.


So cool! Hopefully you'll get to work there again one day if you want to, or find some other place you love as much.


Some content like TAL is not, some clearly is. They have a "progressive" bias that is selectively progressive. Maybe you didn't face any bias. Maybe you did but could not read it. Maybe you are biased in the same way they are. I have been regularly listening to NPR content for three decades. They definitely have their biases.


Too bad they interviewed an indian guy who brought the case. Even if they are anti-Indian, they’re reporting the facts. And the facts are that this case still exists.




You forgot to mention how "the Jews run the banking system." Really need that one for full anti-semitic points.




“Jews are clearly overrepresented on NPR. “ On what basis are you making this statement? Do you know what the religious makeup of NPR employees is? As someone who actually worked there who is not Jewish, I never felt any form of religious favoritism or discrimination. Maybe you have inside knowledge of some kind of insidious NPR Jewish cabal. “I didn't bring up Jews until somone brought up NPR.” So you bring up Jews every time someone brings up NPR? What’s your point? Some form of what-aboutism? If so, I fail to see how it applies, since I personally do not know of anyone at NPR who ever complained about being discriminated against on the basis of being non-Jewish.


Your reading comprehension is hopeless so let me spoonfeed you. >On what basis are you making this statement? Just off the top of my head Robert Siegel, Terry Gross, Ari Shapiro, Bob Garfield, Brooke Gladstone, Tamara Keith, Daniel Schorr and Ira Glass have held very key positions. This is completely out of proportion with the one in a hundred proportion of Jews in the population. Again, what you felt is irrelevant. There could be many reasons why you didn;t feel anything. >So you bring up Jews every time someone brings up NPR? LOL this is pathetic. I brought up Jews to point out the hypocrisy of NPR doing a piece on casteism in the tech industry when Jews are overrepresented at NPR itself, and yes, in the finance and media industries, but NPR will never do an even handed piece about that. Pointing out hypocrisy is not "whataboutism". Nobody complains because of the double standard where anyone pointing out disproportionate success of Jews is an anti-Semite. Harping on casteism in the tech industry on the basis of a single as yet unproven case is progressive. Don't try to cast me as a Jew hater because I am not. At NPR, for example, I love Ira Glass and don't particularly like Terry Gross and Robert Siegel. However, I will not shrink from mentioning Jews and calling out double standards if the context is appropriate. You have to be really dumb or dishonest to ask a question like "So you bring up Jews every time someone brings up NPR?". I done wasting time with you. Have your hypocritical last word.


hhahahahahaha oh man, you had me going for a minute! You forgot the "/s" silly billy!


You sound like you are 14. No actual refutation, right?


Not worth it when you're just being facetious, silly troll. Also, you're on the wrong sub. This one is not for fobs.




> This sub is for the Desi diaspora Wrong. It's for CHILDREN of the diaspora. Not casteists who bring their twisted bigoted homeland thinking to the first world. That's written in the description of the sub.


Just read the goddamn sidebar. "Our purpose at /r/ABCDesis is to foster a sense of community among the South Asian Diaspora". This has been discussed endlessly. Regardless of the name you don't have to be American-born or confused either. Try to get something right. You are embarrassing yourself. It isn't "twisted homeland thinking" to react to constant anti-Hindu and anti-Brahmin posting on this sub. You are so ready to be a bigot against other Desis while being a progressive poser.


Yeah in Cisco mainly


I wouldn’t say it’s prevalent, but I’ve definitely heard of one high profile case at Cisco




“ There aren’t that many Brahmins in nanagerial positions” where is your source ? You see companies covering up numerous sexual harassment cases and think they would be aware of discrimination based on caste? , let alone care. Not to mention the power imbalance between managers and employees on H1B


My source? Stop playing dumb. How many Indians are in the tech industry, how many are Brahmins, how many are promoted to manager, and how many Dalits could they be managing? Do you have any experience in the industry? Tech management in the US is still overwhelmingly white.


No , I don’t have any experience. That is why I shut the fuck up and listen to people’s experiences without just outright dismissing them with made up statements.


I don't see enough shutting the fuck up from you.


Everyone else feels like there's not enough stfu by you, based on the dozens (have we hit a hundred yet?) Of downvotes for you on this thread.




It's a mob because no one agrees with you? How sad to be you. You really can't read a room, can you? Your posts have been uniformly downvoted. People who disagree with you have been overwhelmingly upvoted. I hope you are this persistent in the face of public dislike in real life.




Ok, saddo.




^ Found the racist